
When it Falls!

This is gonna be a sequel to my Doctor Who fan fiction with elements of RWBY, Madoka Magica, Symphogear, and SAO in there. It will have me, the Doctor, obviously, the companion, whoever it might be. It will also have characters from RWBY, Madoka Magica, Symphogear, and SAO in there, all of us interacting with each other. God knows what will happen in there, the hijinks, running, and traveling continues. I don't even know, but if I know one thing...it's gonna be awesome.

pokecraft98 · TV
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31 Chs

The Sound of Drums

Yana's laboratory…

The Doctor is trying to keep out the Futurekind whilst using the sonic screwdriver on Jack's vortex manipulator bracelet, "Hold still! Don't move! Hold it still!"

"I'm telling you, it's broken. It hasn't worked for years." Jack said.

"That's because you didn't have me. Martha, grab hold, now!" The Doctor said, as he, Martha, and Jack are holding on to the manipulator, they vanish.

"Let's go, girls." Jared said, walking over to the two magical girls, and he disappeared with them, leaving behind a rainbow light aiming upwards. "Time to bolt."


A vortex appears, blowing the rubbish around, followed by the Doctor, Jack and Martha. And then a massive rainbow light appears aiming downwards, followed by Jared, Sayaka, and Kyoko.

"Oh, my head." Martha said, touching her forehead.

"Time travel without a capsule. That's a killer." The Doctor said.


"Still, at least we made it. Earth, twenty first century by the looks of it. Talk about lucky." Jack said.

"That wasn't luck, that was me." The Doctor said.

"The moral is, if you're going to get stuck at the end of the universe, get stuck with an ex-Time Agent and his vortex manipulator." Jack said.

"So, he has Madoka and Homura." Kyoko said, a Pocky in her mouth. "What are we gonna do now?"

"He took a part of the Law of Cycles." Sayaka said, looking back at Jared. "Which Nagisa and I are a part of."

"At least Nagisa is safe with Mami." Jared said, eating some jelly babies. "That's all that matters to me."

"We take one to lose one. Am I right?"

"If that's how the saying goes."

"It means he's changed his face, voice, body, everything. New man." Jack said, while a beggar is tapping the rhythm of the start of the old Who theme on his tin mug.

"I know that rhythm so well." Jared said, hearing the tapping of di di di dum di di di dum. "And I hate it to this day. Even if it was catchy back then."

"Then how are we going to find him?" Martha asked.

"I'll know him, the moment I see him. Time Lords always do." The Doctor said.

"But hold on. If he could be anyone, we missed the election. But it can't be." Martha said, as a series of public television screens on lamp posts are broadcasting the news.

"No way." Kyoko said, looking at the TV screen. "That's the British Prime Minister."

"Mister Saxon has returned from the Palace and is greeting the crowd inside Saxon Headquarters." A newsreader said, on screen.

"He's that." Sayaka said, as the new Prime Minister is walking down steps with his wife. "The Master is him."

"Kyoko and I said we knew that voice. When he spoke inside the Tardis. I've heard that voice hundreds of times. I've seen him. We all have. That was the voice of Harold Saxon." Martha said, her eyes widening.

"That's him. He's Prime Minister." Jared said, sadly.

"Mister Saxon, this way, sir. Come on, kiss for the lady, sir." A photographer said, on screen.

"The Master is Prime Minister of Great Britain. The Master and his wife?" The Doctor asked.

Outside Saxon HQ...

"This country has been sick. This country needs healing. This country needs medicine." The Master said.


"In fact, I'd go so far as to say that what this country really needs right now, is a Doctor." The Master said, on screen.


"Harold Saxon won the election." Mami said, walking around the base. "Nagisa, we're going."

"But we had the wild goose chase around the Himalayas." Nagisa said, looking at the woman she looks up to. "Where are we going?"

"Yeah." Gwen said, looking between the two magical girls. "Where are you going?"

"To London." Mami said.

"You're going to London without us." Owen said.

"How are you going to get there?" Tosh asked.

"We're gonna teleport there." Mami said, putting on a vortex manipulator.

Nagisa grabbed Mami's hand, after the latter placed in the coordinates for London, 2008. The two then teleported away, leaving Torchwood and the Hub behind.

221B Baker Street…

Mami and Nagisa appeared in front of one of the most well known London landmarks.

"Wow, we're outside of the home of Sherlock Holmes!" Nagisa said, in awe of where they ended up.

Mami went over to one of the nearby coffee shops to see that murders have been happening all around the city. In various locations, which would have to be looked into it.

The veteran magical girl decided to let it be, knowing that Jared would want to tackle that case head on with Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.

"A Study in Pink." Mami said, looking at Nagisa. "That's the one of the future cases, that will happen."

"So, we're just leaving it." Nagisa said, walking away with Mami. "We're not saving people."

"Not today. There's a time and a place, Nagisa."

The two walked away, towards the main city of London. Trying to meet up with the others, who they know are around here.

"Where are they?" Nagisa asked. "Are they nearby?"

"They should be." Mami said, looking around.

"But where?"

"London is a city so big."

(Jared's POV)

Westminster Bridge…

"How much do you want to bet that Mami and Nagisa are here?" Sayaka asked, looking at me.

"I'm not making a bet like that." I said, crossing my arms. "It's stupid."

"It's not stupid. If we know that we're gonna win." Kyoko said, a Pocky in her mouth.

"How are you going to win?"

"This is a two versus one. It's obvious that they are here."

"And what if they're not?"

"Then you have to beat me at Dance Dance Revolution. Which I know is impossible. I have better stamina than you."

"Oh yeah. I'm better at video games."

"Guys." Sayaka said, noticing that Kyoko and I are gonna start a fight again. "Not now."

"Why not?"

"Because we're trying to make sure Madoka and Homura are alright." Kyoko said, looking away. "She is right."

Outside Martha's house…

"We're here." Martha said, spotting Mami and Nagisa there. "And why are they here?"

"Is that a kid?" Jack asked, spotting Nagisa.

"Nagisa became a magical girl at the age of eight." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "It's a long story."

"Wow. She's been defeating witches at such a young age."

Martha's home…

"Home." Martha said, entering her house.

"What have you got? Computer, laptop, anything. Jack, who are you phoning? You can't tell anyone we're here." The Doctor said.

"Mami, Nagisa." I said, looking between the two magical girls. "I thought I told you to stay with them."

"We thought you needed help." Mami said, as I sat down on the couch. "Like a lot of it."

"Sending in seven people to save Madoka and Homura. That's a lot more than just three saving just Homura."

"True." Sayaka said, smiling. "So, what are you gonna do now?"

"Me. I don't know to be honest. I wish Homura was here though."

"Why?" Kyoko asked, eating a marshmallow skewer. "What's wrong?"

"A lot of things. That's what. I have a bad feeling about this."

"He's a Time Lord." The Doctor said.

"What about the rest of it? I mean, who'd call himself the Master?" Martha asked.

"That's all you need to know. Come on, show me Harold Saxon." The Doctor said, while Martha switches on her answering machine.

"Martha, where are you? I've got this new job. You won't believe it. It's weird. They just phoned me up out of the blue. I'm working for…" Tish said, on the answering machine.

Martha turns it off again, "Oh, like it matters."

"Why was sending us to Cardiff the best idea?" Nagisa asked.

"I thought it was a good idea at first." I said, taking out my Nintendo Switch.

"So you wanted them out of the way." Kyoko said.

"I was trying to keep them safe. Meeting you guys. It changed me as much as meeting Teams RWBY and JNPR."

"We affected you so much." Sayaka said, smiling. "What are we gonna do about the Master?"

"If none of us was here. If it was just the Doctor, Martha and Jack. Then things would be in order."

"But we're here." Mami said, sitting on the couch too. "If there is something you want to talk about. You're welcome to tell us."

"Thanks. I really appreciate it."

"Want to talk privately in ALFheim Online?"


Sayaka, Kyoko, Mami, Nagisa, and I put on our Augma headsets. We closed our eyes and said the two magic words to make us full dive into virtual reality.

"Link Start." The five of us said at the same time.

Kirito and Asuna's house…

"So, what's the job Tish got?" Mami asked, drinking a cup of tea.

"She's working for the Master." I said, letting out a sigh. "As his personal secretary."

"How long has he been here for?" Sayaka asked. "I hope it wasn't that long."

"Eighteen months. At most, eighteen months."

"Wait...eighteen months." Kyoko said, her eyes widening. "You don't think. Mami?"

"It's a possibility at most." Mami said. "But I'm not sure yet."

"Sure about what?" Nagisa asked. "That the Master caused you two to make contracts with the Incubator."


"That's one hell of a plan to put us through." Kyoko said, angrily. "If it's true."

"And I thought my love life was messed up." Sayaka said, frowning.

I then proceeded to log out of ALFheim Online with the five magical girls to see what is going on in the real world.

(Open POV)

Martha's home...

"I'm voting Saxon. He can tick my box any day." Sharon Osbourne said, on the laptop.

"Vote Saxon! Go Harry!" McFly said, on the laptop.

"I think Mister Saxon is exactly what this country needs. He's a very fine man. And he's handsome too." Ann Widdecombe said, on the laptop.

"Former Minister of Defence. First came to prominence when he shot down the Racnoss on Christmas Eve. Nice work, by the way." Jack said, looking between the Doctor and Jared.

"Thanks a lot, Jack." Jared said, playing Magia Record on his Nintendo Switch.

"But he goes back years. He's famous. Everyone knows his story. Look. Cambridge University, Rugby blue. Won the Athletics thing. Wrote a novel, went into business, marriage, everything. He's got a whole life." Martha said, looking down at the laptop.

Drawing room…

"All of it. The school days, his degree, even his mother and father, it's all invented. Look, Harold Saxon never went to Cambridge. There was no Harold Saxon. The thing is, it's obvious. The forgery is screaming out and yet no one can see it. It's as if he's mesmerized the entire world." Vivien said, showing some evidence.

"I think perhaps you should leave now." Lucy said.

"She is definitely showing you some proof." Kyubey said, sitting on the table. "You humans, always trying to deny the truth. But for our plan to succeed you must stop her."

"Mrs Rook, now stop it." Lucy said, angrily.

"Even now they've said that the Cabinet has gone into seclusion. I mean, what does that mean, seclusion?" Vivien asked.

"How should I know?"

"But I've got plenty of research on you. Yes, good family, Roedean, not especially bright but essentially harmless. And that's why I'm asking you, Lucy. I am begging you. If you have seen anything, heard anything, even the slightest thing that would give you cause to doubt him?"

"I think…"

"I don't know why you think lying is a good idea." Kyubey said. "It's never gonna work. Even if she knows the truth."

"There was a time when we first met, I wondered. But he was so good to my father, and he said." Lucy said.

"The Master's here." Kyubey said, looking up at the Master. "Now you can stop yourself from spilling our plans."

"The thing is, I made my choice."

"I'm sorry?" Vivien asked.

"For better or for worse. Isn't that right, Harry?"

"My faithful companion. And thanks for stopping her, Incubator." The Master said, entering the room.

"Mister Saxon. Prime Minister, I was just having a little joke with poor little Lucy. I didn't mean..." Vivien said.

"Oh, but you're absolutely right. Harold Saxon doesn't exist."

"Then tell me. Who are you?"

"I am the Master and these are my friends." The Master said, while four spheres pop into existence and orbit his head.

"I'm sorry?"

"Can't you hear it, Mrs Rook?"

"What do you mean?" Vivien asked.

"The drumbeat. The drums coming closer and closer." The Master said, while spikes or thin blades now stick out from the spheres.

"The lady doesn't like us." A female sphere said.

"Silly lady." A male sphere said.

"No." Vivien said.

"Dead lady."

Outside the Drawing room...

Lucy and the Master run out, with Lucy carrying Kyubey, as the spheres close in on Vivien and she screams. After a few moments, the Master opens the door again but the scream is continuing. He shuts it then opens it once more. Still screaming.

"Oh, but she knew. Harry, Kyubey, she knew everything. You promised. You said Archangel was one hundred percent." Lucy said.

"Ninety nine, ninety eight?" The Master asked.

"Why do you expect the Master to get it perfect?" Kyubey asked, looking up at Lucy. "He's the best bet I have to get the Law of Cycles again. Even if the process the first time around was tedious."

"But if she's asking questions, then who else? How much time have we got?" Lucy asked.

The Master hugs Lucy, "Tomorrow morning. I promise. That's when everything ends."

Martha's home...

Jack is making them mugs of tea, "But he's got the Tardis. Maybe the Master went back in time and has been living here for decades."

"No." Jared said, sipping on his cup of Earl Grey tea. "He couldn't have been here for decades, Jack."

"Why not? Worked for me."

"When he was stealing the Tardis, the only thing I could do was fuse the coordinates. I locked them permanently. He can only travel between the year one hundred trillion and the last place the Tardis landed. Which is right here, right now." The Doctor said, recalling what he did.

"Yeah, but a little leeway?" Jack asked.

"Well, eighteen months, tops. The most he could have been here is eighteen months. So how has he managed all this? The Master was always sort of hypnotic like Kyubey, but this is on a massive scale."

"I was going to vote for him." Martha said.


"Well, it was before I even met you and Jared. And I liked him."

"Me too." Jack said.

"Why do you say that? What was his policy? What did he stand for?" The Doctor asked.

"I don't know. He always sounded good." Martha said, as she and Kyoko starts tapping the rhythm. "Like you could trust him. Just nice. He spoke about...I can't really remember, but it was good. Just the sound of his voice."

"What's that?" The Doctor asked.

"What?" Kyoko asked, realizing what she was doing.

"Damn it, he got you too." Jared said, looking at the magical girl. "You're tapping the rhythm."

"Is that bad?" Mami asked, as Jared nodded his head. "Oh."

A fanfare blares out from the laptop and a pop up says Saxon Broadcast All Channels.

The Doctor turns on the TV, "Our lord and master is speaking to his kingdom."

"Britain, Britain, Britain." The Master said, on TV.

Cabinet room...

"What extraordinary times we've had. Just a few years ago, this world was so small. And then they came, out of the unknown, falling from the skies. You've seen it happen." The Master said.

Martha's home...

Over the appropriate film clips.

"Big Ben destroyed. A spaceship over London. All those ghosts and metal men. The moon losing parts of itself. A Symphogear wielder making a broadcast around the world. The Christmas star that came to kill." The Master said, over the appropriate film clips.

Cabinet room...

"Time and time again, and the government told you nothing." The Master said, while Lucy crosses her fingers.

Martha's home...

"Well, not me. Not Harold Saxon. Because my purpose…" The Master said, on TV.

Cabinet room...

Tish and Kyubey are also present.

"Here today is to tell you this. Citizens of Great Britain, I have been contacted." The Master said.

Martha's home…

"A message for humanity, from beyond the stars." The Master said, on TV.

"People of the Earth…" A female sphere said, on TV.

Cabinet room...

"...We come in peace. We bring great gifts." The female sphere said.

Martha's home...

"We bring technology and wisdom and protection. And all we ask in return is your friendship." The female sphere said, on TV.

Cabinet room…

"Ooo, sweet. And this species has identified itself." The Master said.

Martha's home…

"They are called the Toclafane." The Master said, on TV.

"He has to be lying." Sayaka said, looking at Jared. "I can see all of time and space in my head too. He must be lying."

"And tomorrow morning, they will appear. Not in secret, but to all of you. Diplomatic relations with a new species…" The Master said, on TV.

Cabinet room...

"Will begin. Tomorrow, we take our place in the universe. Every man, woman and child. Every teacher and chemist and lorry driver and farmer. Oh, I don't know, every magical girl and medical student?" The Master asked.

Martha's home…

The Doctor turns to look at Martha, Sayaka, Kyoko, Mami, and Nagisa.

"Damn." Kyoko said, turning the big old cathode ray tube TV around to see sticks of explosive strapped to the back. "Everyone out!"

"Explosives behind a TV." Nagisa said, grabbing the laptop and they run out into the street. "I didn't see that one coming."

Outside Martha's home...

The first floor of the converted house explodes with a massive fireball smashing the windows.

"Girls, you okay?" Jared asked, checking up on some of his favorite magical girls.

"We're fine." Sayaka said. "Nagisa and I aren't safe here, huh."

"You two are a risk to Kyubey." Jared said, looking between Sayaka and Nagisa. "Or a helping hand for him. Go to Leadworth."

Martha is dialing on her mobile phone, "He knows about me. He knows about the protection magical girls gives. What about my family?"

"Don't tell them anything." The Doctor said.

"I'll do what I like. Mum? Oh my God…" Martha said.

Francine's home...

"You're there." Martha said, on the phone.

"Of course I'm here, sweetheart." Francine said.

Outside Martha's home...

"You all right?" Francine asked, on the phone.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Mum…" Martha said.

Francine's home...

"Has there been anyone asking about me?" Martha asked, on the phone. "Or about magical girls?"

The woman in black is listening in to the call.

Outside Martha's home...

"Martha, I think perhaps you should come round." Francine said, on the phone.

"I can't. Not now." Martha said.

Francine's home...

"No, but it's your father. We've been talking and…" Francine said.

Outside Martha's home...

"We thought we might give it another go." Francine said, on the phone.

Francine's home…

"Don't be so daft. Since when?" Martha asked, over the phone.

"Just come around." Francine said.

Outside Martha's home...

"Come to the house. We can…" Francine said, over the phone.

Francine's home...

"...celebrate." Francine said.

"You said you'd…" Martha said, over the phone.

Outside Martha's home...

"...never get back with him in a million years." Martha said.

Francine's home...

"Ask him yourself." Francine said, passing the phone to Clive.

"Martha, it's me." Clive said.

Outside Martha's home...

"Dad, what are you doing there?" Martha asked.

"Like your mother said." Clive said, over the phone.

Francine's home...

"Come round. We can explain everything." Clive said.

Outside Martha's home...

"Dad? Just say…" Martha said.

Francine's home...

"Yes or no." Martha said, over the phone.

Outside Martha's home...

"Is there someone else there?" Martha asked.

Francine's home...

"Yes! Just run!" Clive said, running out of the room.

"Clive!" Francine said, angrily.

"Listen to me! Just run! I don't know who they are!"

Two men in black grab Clive as he runs along the hallway.

"We're trying to help her!"

Outside Martha's home…

"Crap." Kyoko said, annoyed. "What the hell is going on?"

"This whole time, the Master has tapped Martha's phone." Jared said, looking back at Kyoko.

Francine's house...

"We've got to get Martha away from him! He killed the families of Mami Tomoe and Kyoko Sakura!" Francine said.

Outside Martha's home…

"We've got to help them." Mami said, looking at the Doctor. "The Master killed my family. And I'm not letting Martha lose hers."

"That's exactly what they want. It's a trap!" The Doctor said, trying to get through to Mami.

Martha goes to her Vauxhall Corsa, "I don't care."

The Doctor gets in the front seat, and Jack in the back.

Jared put his nanotechnology suit into car mode to transform it into a 2019 Mercedes Benz ML 350. He got into the front seat, Mami got into shotgun, while Sayaka, Kyoko, and Nagisa are in the back of the car.

Outside Francine's home…

The police bundle Clive into a van.

"Get off! It's your fault! All of you! You voted Saxon! You did this!" Clive said.

Jared's car…

Jared speeds down the road behind Martha, as the two are narrowly avoiding oncoming traffic.

"Why are you speeding?" Sayaka asked. "You never go this fast!"

Outside Francine's home…

"Mister Saxon, we have Condition Red on the Jones plan. We're taking them in. All of them." Dexter said, looking at Francine.

"But I was helping you!" Francine said.

Jared's car…

"Nagisa, you and Sayaka should really get to Leadworth." Jared said, looking back at the two magical girls. "Now more than ever."

"We're not leaving you." Nagisa said, sadly.

"Not at a time like this." Sayaka said.

"From this point on. I can't guarantee your safety." Jared said.

"Kyoko and I can look after them." Mami said. "Now keep up with Martha."

Outside Francine's home...

The men are trying to get Francine into the police van when Martha and Jared drives up.

"I was helping you! Get off me! Martha, Jared, get out of here! Get out!" Francine said, angrily.

"Target identified." Dexter said, while armed police take up position.

"Now may be a good time to get out of here." Mami said.

"Take aim." Dexter said.

"I don't know…" Jared said, hands on the wheel. "I don't know what to do."

"Fire!" Dexter said.

Martha and Jared turns their car round as bullets slam into them.

"Drive!" Sayaka said, looking at Jared.

The rear window of Martha's car is shattered as they drive away.

"Take them away." Dexter said.

Jared's car…

"Great, we're stuck on Earth with nowhere else to go." Jared said, hands on the wheel.

"Jared, be careful with your driving!" Kyoko said. "Like geez!"

"I'm sorry." Mami said. "We have to ditch the nanotechnology. That might also be bugged."


"Martha, Jared, come on!" The Doctor said.

It is raining, and Martha is making another telephone call.

"Leo! Oh, thank God. Leo, you got to listen to me. Where are you?" Martha asked.

Sea front...

Leo is with his girlfriend, who is pushing a pram.

"I'm in Brighton. Yeah, we came down with Boxer. Did you see that Saxon thing on telly?" Leo asked.

"Leo, just listen to me. Don't go home." Martha said, over the phone.


"I'm telling you. Don't phone Mum or Dad or Tish." Martha said.

Sea front…

"You've got to hide." Martha said, over the phone.

"Shut up." Leo said.

"On my life."


"You've got to trust me." Martha said.

Cabinet room…

"Go to Boxer's. Stay with him. Don't tell anyone. Just hide." Martha said, over the phone.

"Ooo, a nice little game of…" The Master said.


"Hide and seek. I love that. But I'll find you, Martha Jones. Like how I found Kyoko Sakura and Mami Tomoe. Told the Incubator to make those two magical girls." The Master said, over the phone.

Cabinet room...

"After I used Homura's time stopping powers to kill Mami's family. They didn't survive the car crash, like they should have." The Master said.


"And I also my ways of manipulation to make Kyoko's family turn on her. The look on Kyoko's face after she realized what she did." The Master said, over the phone.

Cabinet room...

"And Martha, it's been a long time since we saw each other. Must be, what, one hundred trillion years?" The Master asked.

(Jared's POV)


"Let them go, Saxon. Do you hear me! Let them go!" Martha said, angrily.

The Doctor takes her phone, "I'm here."

"So, you're right." Mami said, frowning. "Kyoko and I became magical girls for a game."

"Yeah. I'm sorry." I said, leaning against the wall. "I really am."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Kyoko asked. "Huh! We should have known that!"

"He did have eighteen months to plan it all out." Nagisa said, sadly.

"But why was mine, Madoka's, and Homura's not meddled with?" Sayaka asked.

"Because he didn't need to." I said, looking away for a moment. "He doesn't care about love or cheese."

"You're kidding me." Kyoko said. "Eighteen months to ruin my life and Mami's."

"For starters. You did spill your home city in Rebellion once. And he basically knew where Mami would be."

"Son of a…"

"Please tell me you have a plan to fix this." Sayaka said, smiling.

"I don't." I said.

"I don't believe that." Mami said. "We can come up with something."

"What can we come up with?" Kyoko asked. "There's nothing we can to fix this!"

(Open POV)

Cabinet room...

"How can Gallifrey be gone?" The Master asked.


"It burnt." The Doctor said.

Cabinet room...

"And the Time Lords?" The Master asked.


"Dead. And the Daleks, more or less. What happened to you?" The Doctor asked.

Cabinet room...

"The Time Lords only resurrected me because they knew I'd be the perfect warrior for a…" The Master said.


"Time War. I was there when the…" The Master said, over the phone.

Cabinet room...

"Dalek Emperor took control of the Cruciform. I saw it. I ran. I ran so far. Made myself human so they would never find me, because I was so scared." The Master said.


"I know." The Doctor said.

Cabinet room...

"All of them? But not you, which must mean…" The Master said.


"I was the only one who could end it. And I tried. I did. I tried everything." The Doctor said. "Like how Homura Akemi tried everything to save Madoka Kaname from the clutches of the Incubator. Even if Madoka Kaname made her wish to become the Law of Cycles."

Cabinet room...

"Let's not talk about information we already know. What did it feel like, though? Two almighty civilisations burning. Oh, tell me, how did that feel?" The Master asked.


"Stop it!" The Doctor said.

"You must have been like God." The Master said, over the phone.

"I've been alone ever since. But not anymore. Don't you see? All we've got is each other."

Cabinet room…

"Are you asking me out on a date?" The Master asked.


"You could stop this right now. We could leave this planet. We can fight across the constellations, if that's what you want, but not on Earth." The Doctor said. "It already has too much cut out for it, especially in the future. Involving Loki, Thanos, the Incurseans, and Ultron."

Cabinet room...

"Too late." The Master said.


"Why do you say that?" The Doctor asked.

Cabinet room…

"The drumming. Can't you hear it? I thought it would stop, but it never does. Never ever stops. Inside my head, the drumming, Doctor. The constant drumming." The Master said, tapping away on the table.


"I could help you. Please, let me help." The Doctor said.

Cabinet room...

"It's everywhere. Listen, listen, listen. Here come the drums. Here come the drums." The Master said.

Shopping centre…

A man lounging nearby starts slapping his thighs in the rhythm.

"What have you done? Tell me how you've done this. What are those creatures? Tell me!" The Doctor said, angrily.

Cabinet room...

"Ooo look. You're on TV." The Master said.

Shopping centre...

"Stop it. Answer me." The Doctor said.

Cabinet room...

"No, really. You're on telly. You and your little band, which…" The Master said.

Shopping centre...

The broadcast is on a TV in a shop window.

"By the way, is ticking every demographic box. So, congratulations on that. Look, there you are." The Master said, on TV.

The ticker says Nationwide Hunt For Terrorist Suspects, and has their pictures.

"Known as the Captain. They are known to be armed and extremely dangerous." Someone on News 24 said, on TV.

Cabinet room...

"You're public enemies number one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight. Oh, and you can tell handsome Jack that I've sent his little gang off on a wild goose chase to the Himalayas." The Master said.

Shopping centre...

"...so they won't be getting any help from them. Handsome Jack and the obsessive fanboy, that is." The Master said, over the phone. "Let the fanboy have one group of people he likes on Earth in the same period, instead of two."

Cabinet room...

The Master switches the laptop to the CCTV feed of the shopping precinct, "Now, go on, off you go. Why not start by turning to the right?"

Shopping centre…

"Crap!" Jared said, taking out his gun and he shot the security camera. "I forgot that he could see us!"

Cabinet room…

"Oh, tell Jared that he's a public menace. Better start running. Go on, run." The Master said.

Shopping centre…

"He's got control of everything." Sayaka said, looking around. "This is bad."

"What do we do?" Martha asked.

"We've got nowhere to go." Jack said.

"Doctor, Jared, what do we do?"

"Run, Doctor, Jared." The Master said, over the phone.

Cabinet room…

"Run for your life!" The Master said.

Shopping centre…

"Well, let's do what we usually do when in danger." Jared said, holding Sayaka's hand. "Danger that we know we can't beat right now. We run away from it."

Cabinet room…

"I said, run!" The Master said, angrily.

Later, he is going through various TV channels on his laptop, whilst sipping a glass of whiskey.

"You're taking your time with this." Kyubey said, sitting on the table. "You're waiting for them to come to you."

"Tomorrow morning, Britain will be welcoming an extraterrestrial species…" Someone on News 24 said, on TV.

"The President is said to be furious that Great Britain has taken unilateral action." Trinity Wells said, on TV.

Chinese television news, then the Telletubbies. A Toclafane appears.

"Have you seen these things? This planet's amazing. Television in their stomach. Now that is evolution." The Master said, happily.

"Is the machine ready?" The female sphere asked.

"Tomorrow morning. It reaches critical at eight oh two precisely."

"We have to escape, because it's coming, sir. The darkness, the never ending darkness. The terrible, terrible cold. We have to run and run and run!"

"Eight o'clock tomorrow morning. Tell your people the world is waiting." The Master said, while the sphere disappears.

The Master looks out of the window at the pouring rain with Kyubey.

"Knowing Mami, Sayaka, Kyoko, and Nagisa." Kyubey said, looking up at the Master. "They're on their way here."

(Jared's POV)


Martha and Kyoko return with bags of takeaway food.

"Did you get the good stuff?" I asked, looking at the bag Kyoko is holding.

"It was kinda difficult." Kyoko said, taking out two boxes of strawberry Pocky. "Here."

"Thanks." I said, opening the box. "So, what have you been up to?"

"I can't believe the Master was the reason I became a magical girl."

"I never liked him."

"Why do you hate him so much?" Nagisa asked.

"He's the reason why I've become more like you guys everyday." I said, letting out a sigh. "I don't know what to do next."

"Actually, they're not bad." The Doctor said, looking down at the fries.

"So, Doctor, who is he? How come the ancient society of Time Lords created a psychopath?" Jack asked.

"And what is he to you? Like a colleague or…" Martha said.

"A friend, at first." The Doctor said.

"I thought you were going to say he was your secret brother or something."

"You've been watching too much TV."

"But all the legends of Gallifrey made it sound so perfect." Jack said.

"Well, perfect to look at, maybe. And it was. It was beautiful. They used to call it the Shining World of the Seven Systems. And on the Continent of Wild Endeavour, in the Mountains of Solace and Solitude, there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords, the oldest and most mighty race in the universe, looking down on the galaxies below. Sworn never to interfere, only to watch. Children of Gallifrey, taken from their families age of eight to enter the Academy. And some say that's when it all began. When he was a child. That's when the Master saw eternity. As a novice, he was taken for initiation. He stood in front of the Untempered Schism. It's a gap in the fabric of reality through which could be seen the whole of the vortex. You stand there, eight years old, staring at the raw power of time and space, just a child. Some would be inspired, some would run away, and some would go mad. Brr. I don't know." The Doctor said.

"What about you?" Kyoko asked.

"Oh, the ones that ran away, I never stopped."

Jack's bracelet beeps, "Encrypted channel with files attached. Don't recognise it."

"Patch it through to the laptop." The Doctor said.

"Since we're telling stories, there's something I haven't told you. And Jared already knows, and he's happy with it." Jack said, sadly.

"I pretty much like them." I said, looking at the Torchwood logo appearing on the laptop with the miraculous battery life. "And I'm an occasional member of Torchwood."

"Both of you work for Torchwood." The Doctor said, looking between Jack and I.

"I swear to you, it's different. It's changed. There's only half a dozen of us now." Jack said.

"Everything Torchwood did, and you're part of it? Jared, why are you a part of it too?"

"The old regime was destroyed at Canary Wharf. I rebuilt it, I changed it, and when I did that, I did it for you in your honour." Jack said. "It's only the future version of Jared that's a permanent member of it. The rest of it, you'll have to find out someday. You might hop back along your timeline to hang out with us."

The Doctor hits play.

"If I haven't returned to my desk by twenty two hundred, this file will be emailed to Torchwood. Which means if you're watching this, then I'm. Anyway, the Saxon files are attached. But take a look at the Archangel document. That's when it all started. When Harry Saxon became Minister in charge of launching the Archangel Network." Vivien said, on screen.

"What's the Archangel Network?" The Doctor asked.

"So, what's the plan for Mami and I." Kyoko said. "If we're really doing this."

"You two are gonna save the world with Martha." I said, snacking on some instant ramen. "Not saying how, but you'll figure it out along the way."

"It's in the phones! Oh, I said he was a hypnotist. Wait, wait, wait. Hold on." The Doctor said, tapping Martha's phone against the table, and it starts beeping di di di dum di di di dum. "There it is. That rhythm, it's everywhere, ticking away in the subconscious."

"Is it mind control?" Mami asked.

"No, no, no, no, no. It's subtler than that. Any stronger and people would question it. But contained in that rhythm, in layers of code, Vote Saxon. Believe in me. Whispering to the world. Oh, yes! That's how he hid himself from me, because I should have sensed there was another Time Lord on Earth. I should have known way back. The signal cancelled him out."

"Any way you can stop it?" Jack asked.

"Not from down here. But now we know how he's doing it."

"And we can fight back." Kyoko said, smirking. "Just what I wanted to hear!"

"Oh, yes!" The Doctor said, taking parts of the phone and the laptop, and welds them sonically to their Tardis keys. "Eight Tardis keys. Eight pieces of the Tardis, all with low level perception properties because the Tardis is designed to blend in. Well, sort of. But now, the Archangel Network's got a second low level signal. Weld the key to the network and Martha, look at me. You can see me, yes?"

"Yes." Martha said.

"What about now?" The Doctor asked, putting the string with his key on it around his neck, and Martha finds it difficult to look straight at him. "No, I'm here. Look at me."

"It's like I know you're there, but I don't want to know."

"And back again. See? It just shifts your perception a tiny little bit. Doesn't make us invisible, just unnoticed. Oh, I know what it's like. It's like, it's like when you fancy someone and they don't even know you exist. That's what it's like. Come on." The Doctor said, leaving the room.

"You too, huh?" Jack asked.


"Don't run, don't shout. Just keep your voice down. Draw attention to yourself and the spell is broken. Just keep to the shadows." The Doctor said.

"Like ghosts." I said, holding Sayaka's hand. "This is basically my training against Ultron. I think."

"Yeah, that's what we are. Ghosts." The Doctor said. "And you're right, perfect training against him."

With the keys around our necks, we have to step aside to prevent people from walking into us.

"And as they eyes of the world turn towards Great Britain, sources indicate that Air Force One has landed on British soil tonight." Someone on News 24 said, on TV.


The Master salutes as the President walks up to him. He's a George W Bush look-alike.

"Mister President, sir." The Master said.

"Mister Saxon, the British Army will stand down. From now on, UNIT has control of this operation." Winters said.

"You make it sound like an invasion."

"First Contact policy was decided by the Security Council in 1968, and you've just gone and ignored it."

"Well, you know what it's like. New job, all that paperwork. I think it's down the back of the settee. I did have a quick look. I found a pen, a sweet, a bus ticket and er, have you met the wife?"

"Mister Saxon, I'm not sure what your game is but there are provisions at the United Nations to have you removed from office unless you are very, very careful. Is that understood? Are you taking this seriously? To business. We've accessed your files on these Toclafane." Winters said, while the Doctor, Jack, Martha, Sayaka, Kyoko, Mami, Nagisa, and I are watching a little way away. "First Contact cannot take place on any sovereign soil. To that purpose, the aircraft carrier Valiant is en route. The rendezvous will take place there at eight am. You're trying my patience, sir."

"So America is completely in charge?" The Master asked.

��Since Britain elected an ass, yes. I'll see you onboard the Valiant."

"I'm still laughing at the thought of America and Britain electing two asses 8 years later." I said, laughing a little. "Not looking forward to 2016 in the slightest."

"Since it's too late to pull out, the world will be watching. Me." Winters said, while he is walking to his motorcade.

"The last President of America. We have a private plane ready and waiting. We should reach the Valiant within the hour. My darling." The Master said, as Lucy leaves with her security guard.

"He really pisses me off." Kyoko said, while the Master turns and looks in the rough direction of us.

"Did he just see us?" Sayaka asked, when a police van arrives and the Master runs over to it.

"This is bad." Mami said, as Clive and Francine are bundled out.

"Ha ha ha! Hi, guys!" The Master said, happily.

"You can't just do this." Clive said.

"All will be revealed.���

"Oh my God." Martha said, shocked.

"Don't move." The Doctor said.

"But the…"


"Okay, that bastard deserves a beat down by you guys." I said, when Clive and Francine are pushed into a Range Rover Vogue. "By the Puella Magi Holy Quintet."

"I'm going to kill him." Martha said, angrily.

"What say I use this perception filter to walk up behind him and break his neck?" Jack asked. "With a bit of help from Sayaka Miki and Kyoko Sakura?"

"Now that sounds like Torchwood."

"Well, it's a good plan." Kyoko said, putting her signature Pocky in her mouth. "Making me lose my family like that. He's gonna pay."

"He's a Time Lord, which makes him my responsibility. I'm not here to kill him. I'm here to save him." The Doctor said.

"Aircraft carrier Valiant. It's a UNIT ship at fifty eight point two north, ten point oh two east." Jack said, looking down at his vortex manipulator.

"How do we get on board?" Nagisa asked, holding Mami's hand.

"Does that thing work as a teleport?" The Doctor asked.

"Since you revamped it, yeah. Coordinates set." Jack said, while we all put our hands on his vortex manipulator.

(Open POV)

Engine room…

"Oh, that thing is rough." Martha said, annoyed.

"I've has worse nights. Welcome to the Valiant." Jack said.

"It's dawn? Hold on, I thought this was a ship. Where's the sea?" Martha asked, looking out of the window.

"A ship for the twenty first century, protecting the skies of planet Earth."

"Okay, this doesn't match up to the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier." Jared said, knowing that this cloud base has three landing strips and a helipad. "It's cool. But I can't wait until SHIELD becomes active."

"What's SHIELD?" Mami asked.

"Oh, basically the next generation of UNIT."

"What will we be doing now?" Sayaka asked.

"We're gonna rescue Madoka and Homura." Kyoko said, biting off another stick of Pocky. "And high tail it out of here. What else?"

"I don't think that will really work." Nagisa said, sadly.

"What do you mean it won't work?"

"The whole place is on red alert." Jared said, frowning. "Madoka and Homura must be around here somewhere."


The Doctor stops running.

"We've no time for sightseeing." Jack said.

"No, wait. Shush, shush, shush, shush. Can't you hear it?" The Doctor asked.

"Hear what?"

"Doctor, my family's on board. And Madoka and Homura are with them." Martha said.

"Brilliant. This way." The Doctor said, while they run down a gangway to level 4, then open a door at the end. "Oh, at last!"

"Oh, yes!" Martha said, happily.

"What's it doing on the Valiant?" Jack asked.


"What the hell's he done?" Kyoko asked, looking around the TARDIS console room.

"Don't touch it." The Doctor said.

"I wasn't going to."

"What's he done though? Sounds like it's sick." Martha said, sadly.

"It can't be. No, no, no, no, no, no, it can't be." The Doctor said.

"Doctor, what is it?"

"He's cannibalised the Tardis."

"Is this what I think it is?" Jack asked.

"It's a paradox machine." The Doctor said.

Jared spotted two bodies pale white, chained below the TARDIS console, knowing well enough that it was Madoka Kaname and Homura Akemi, "Madoka, Homura."

He then began pacing around the console room to try and look for the two girls' Soul Gems but he had no luck finding them.

"Did you find them?" Mami asked.

"They're not fucking here!" Jared said, kicking his foot against the railing. "Where the hell could they be?"

"Calm down." Sayaka said, walking towards Jared.

"Why on Earth would I calm down? Right now, they���re dead. And it's been eighteen months for them!"

The Doctor taps a gauge on the metal mesh around the time console, "As soon as this hits red, it activates. At this speed, it'll trigger at two minutes past eight."

"First contact is at eight, then two minutes later…" Mami said, tossing Jared some jelly babies to try and call him down.

"So, what's he planning?" Nagisa asked. "What does a paradox machine do?"

"And can you stop it?" Kyoko asked, biting off another stick of Pocky. "Whatever he's up to? Especially involving Madoka and Homura into this."

"Not till I know what it's doing. Touch the wrong bit, or wake up Madoka Kaname or Homura Akemi, we'll blow up the solar system." The Doctor said.

"Then we've got to get to the Master." Martha said.

"Yeah. How are we going to stop him?" Jack asked.

"Oh, I've got a way. Sorry, didn't I mention it?" The Doctor asked.

"So, what's the plan?" Sayaka asked.

"I think I already figured it out." Nagisa said, smiling.

Flight deck...

"My fellow Americans, patriots, people of the world. I stand before you today as ambassador for humanity, a role I will undertake with the utmost solemnity. Perhaps our Toclafane cousins can offer us much, but what is important is not that we gain material benefits, but that we learn to see ourselves anew." Winters said, while the Doctor, Martha, Jack, Sayaka, Nagisa, Mami, Kyoko, and Jared enter quietly. "For as long as man has looked at the stars, he has wondered what mysteries they hold. Now we know we are not alone."

"This plan, you going to tell us?" Jack asked.

"No longer unique in the universe."

"If I can get this around the Master's neck, cancel out his perception, they'll see him for real. It's just hard to go unnoticed with everyone on red alert. If they stop me you've got a key." The Doctor said, taking out his TARDIS key. "Good thing we have eight keys, which means eight chances."

"Yes, sir."

"I'll get him." Martha said.

"And I ask you now, I ask of the human race, to join with me in welcoming our friends. I give you the Toclafane." Winters said, and the four spheres appear. "My name is Arthur Coleman Winters, President Elect of the United States of America, and designated representative of the United Nations. I welcome you to the planet Earth and its associated moon."

"We've got this." Jared said, sipping on some bubble tea. "Let's hope we don't fuck this up."

"You've gotten really feisty today." Mami said. "Watch your language."

"Sorry. It's just that when the Master involved Madoka and Homura into this. I dragged you guys along with me."

"It's okay." Sayaka said, smiling.

"We wanted to be here." Kyoko said, smirking.

"And we're not gonna abandon you." Nagisa said.

"Thanks." Jared said, happily.

"Oh, all right then. It's me. Ta da! Sorry, sorry, I have this effect. People just get obsessed. Is it the smile? Is it the aftershave? Is it the capacity to laugh at myself? I don't know. It's crazy." The Master said.

"Saxon, what are you talking about?" Winters asked.

"I'm taking control, Uncle Sam, starting with you. Kill him." The Master said, while a sphere points its weapon at Winters and blasts him into little pieces.

General consternation and guns drawn.

The Master laughs and applauds, "Guards."

"Nobody move! Nobody move!" A guard said, angrily.

"Now then, peoples of the Earth. Please attend carefully." The Master said.

"Ah, what the hell!" Jared said, letting go of Sayaka's hand.

The Doctor and Jared takes off their keys and tries to run forward. Four men in black grab them.

"Stop them!" The guard said.

"We meet at last, Doctor, Jared. Oh, ho. I love saying that." The Master said, happily.

"Stop it! Stop it now!" The Doctor said, angrily.

"Please stop it!" Jared said, looking at the Master. "Let Martha's family and my friends go! Please!"

"As if a perception filter's going to work on me. And look, it's the girlie, the two girls who lost their families, the girl who had her heart broken, the girl who loves cheese, and the freak. Although, I'm not sure which one's which." The Master said, when Jack runs forward. The Master zaps him with his screwdriver. "Laser screwdriver. Who'd have sonic? And the good thing is, he's not dead for long. I get to kill him again!"

"Master, just calm down. Just look at what you're doing. Just stop. If you could see yourself…" The Doctor said.

"You're not thinking straight." Jared said, sadly. "You're acting like a maniac! Please stop!"

"Oh, do excuse me. Little bit of personal business. Back in a minute. Let them go." The Master said, as the guards let the Doctor and Jared go.

"It's that sound. The sound in your head. What if I could help?" The Doctor asked.

"Oh, how to shut the Doctor and Jared up? I know. Memory Lane. Professor Lazarus. Remember him and his genetic manipulation device? What, did you think that little Tish got that job merely by coincidence? And you know Mami and Kyoko, me killing their families? Madoka and Homura both becoming magical girls with their fates intertwined?" The Master asked.

"Oh, you son of a bitch!" Jared said, annoyed. "You're gonna pay for this!"

I love it when Jared's cockiness and overconfidence gets the better of him. I've been laying traps for the two of you all this time. And if I can concentrate all that Lazarus technology into one little screwdriver? But, ooo, if I only had the Doctor's biological code. Oh, wait a minute, I do." The Master said, opening a large metal briefcase. "I've got his hand. And if Lazarus made himself younger, what if I reverse it? Another hundred years?"

The Master aims his screwdriver at the Doctor, who goes into rapid convulsions.

"Mami, Kyoko." Jared said, using his Apple Watch as a telepathic chatroom. "Go."

"No." Mami said, frowning.

"We're not leaving you." Kyoko said, while Lucy is looking very unhappy with all this. "Not now."

"You have to." Jared said, as the Master stops zapping the Doctor, who now looks at least a hundred years old. "He and Kyubey can't hear us. I have this frequency tuned to just me and you magical girls."

"Okay." Sayaka said, frowning. "What's the plan?"

"Ah, she's a would be doctor. But tonight, Martha Jones, we've flown them in all the way from prison." The Master said, when Clive, Tish and Francine are brought in, their wrists fastened together with cable ties.

"You guys have to use the countdown." Jared said, sadly. "It's gonna be a long year, Mami and Kyoko."

"We've dealt with worse." Mami said, calmly.

"We can take him." Kyoko said. "Maybe not now. But we can!"

"The Toclafane. What are they? Who are they?" The Doctor asked.

"Doctor, if I told you the truth, your hearts would break." The Master said. "The Law of Cycles and her opposite's hearts broke when they found out the truth."

"Is it time? Is it ready?" A male sphere asked.

"Is the machine singing?" A female sphere asked.

"Two minutes past. So, Earthings. Basically, er, end of the world. Here come the drums!" The Master said.

Rogue Trader's song 'Voodoo Child' starts playing as the paradox machine in the Tardis activates, while Madoka and Homura's Soul Gems are going back and forth between pink and blue and full out black.

"This was the only way we could really research the Law of Cycles." Kyubey said. "The unexpectedness of Nagisa and Sayaka got in the way last time."

"Here come the drums. Here come the drums. Baby, baby, baby. You are my voodoo child, my voodoo child. Don't say maybe, maybe." A singer said, as a tear appears in the sky above the Valiant and thousands of spheres pour out. "It's supernatural. I'm coming undone. Baby, baby, baby. You are my voodoo child, my voodoo child. Don't say maybe, maybe. It's supernatural. I'm coming undone. Baby, baby, baby. You are my voodoo child, my voodoo child."

"How many do you think?" The Master asked.

"I, I don't know." Lucy said.

"Six billion. Down you go, kids!" The Master said, while the spheres head to the population centres and open fire. "Shall we decimate them? That sounds good. A nice word, decimate. Remove one tenth of the population!"

"Now's your chance." Jared said, looking at Mami and Kyoko. "Go with Martha. Spread word of the Doctor. And use the countdown to your advantage."

"We'll be fine." Sayaka said, while Martha, Mami, and Kyoko moves away from the Doctor and Jared respectively.

"Just be careful." Nagisa said, as Martha is holding Jack's vortex manipulator.

Mami and Kyoko are standing next to Martha.

"Valiant, this is Geneva. We're getting slaughtered down here. Valiant, report. Help us. For God's sake, help us! They're everywhere!" Geneva said, over the speaker.

Other reports come in in other languages.

"This is London, Valiant. This is London calling. What do we do? They're killing us! The Toclafane are all around. They're killing us." London said, over the speaker.

Martha, Kyoko, and Mami teleports away. The Doctor, Jared, and Jack look at each other, and the Doctor and Jared nods.

Hampstead Heath...

Still wearing the Tardis keys, Martha, Kyoko, and Mami watches London burning.

"We're coming back." Martha said.

"I bet that this is happening back home." Kyoko said, sadly. "In Kazamino."

"And in Mitakihara." Mami said, agreeing with Kyoko. "Let's go."

The three girls run away from the burning city to start their long quest.

Flight deck...

The Master and Lucy hold up the ancient Doctor so he can watch the slaughter.

"And so it came to pass that the human race fell, and the Earth was no more. And I looked down upon my new dominion as Master of all, and I thought it good." The Master said.