
When I was born again.

What she yearned for was power. A power that can subdue all those who ever disrespected, shunned, bullied or hurt her. What she cultivated was strength. A strength that can never be taken away from her even when she loses every possession of her... What she never wanted was depend on any one as its a sign of weakness. No matter the situation, she'll never bend to ask for help because she learnt it the hard way that at the end of the day we all are on our own.. .................... She was secretly a top-class assassin that many were in search of. The boss behind the biggest high class empire of businesses. And belongs to the famous medicinal clan that everyone respected and looked up to. Pity that no one inside the clan knows her true potential and abandoned her when in face of a mere danger. Expecting her to come beg them, but who is Qiao Xue? She's rather live poorly than bend infront of those who don't care about her. Her heart had long turned into ice, now she only wanted revenge. Pure revenge. ............... But his arrival was an exception. He made her feel which no one had made her feel so.. He was not any ultra rich businessman, neither any heir to a prestigious family-clan. In fact he was just a a C-level actor working as a background for many not so popular films. Then how did he catch the supreme Miss Qiao's eye? How did the two with different lifestyles, ambitions and personality met each other?

DefaDevil · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 4:

They say that changes are good. But transformations are actually even better. One can still revert back when he is changed, but not when he is transformed.

Once you grow, you grow. There's no turning back.

And she did too.

She grew.

she grew up when she was humiliated. She grew up when nightmares plagued her. She grew up when she stopped crying over her wounds. She grew up when weather never was a reason to stop. She grew up when nothing they said or did bothered her. She grew up when she realized no one will cry over her death and for her little life.

And she is growing every day when she dies and every day when she lives.

All happened because of her past life. She isn't just reborn but transformed from her experiences, mistakes, struggles and finally death. Everything taught her and made her capable enough to live through it again. Survive again.

It was the coldest month of the year, people wore flannel jackets, puffy vests, sweaters, leather gloves, wool beanies and many layers of woolen clothes underneath. While everyone tried their best to keep themselves from the winds, there was a figure walking in nothing but a red blouse and black skirt with her hands inside her pockets.

Her clothes weren't really much attractive or expensive but she stood out from the crowd as if a little kitten lost between colorful big bears..

Almost everyone stole glances of the figure that was gradually disappearing in the fog.

Qiao Xue Xue jumped out of the hotel via the window in a hurry so she didn't have time to look for her coat and boots. She just cleared up her messy appearance before leaving.

She definitely looked like a lost kitten in the windy night but appearances can be deceptive. At this moment, Qiao Xue Xue has already decided what to do ahead.

She briskly moved towards a cybercafe that was the nearest to her. After paying for the best place and computer she booked it for an hour only.

After 40 minutes, the red and black figure was seen catching a taxi towards the airport. While sitting in the taxi, she swiftly booked the earliest ticket to Changsheng. In a few minutes, a confirmation mail arrived and she finally took her eyes off the phone screen. Staring at the scenery passing by, only one thought was on her mind. Abandoned.

'Heh. So I am abandoned. Again ' a crooked smile hanging over her face but the redness at the corner of her eyes spelled wilderness.

'I'll make you regret what you ever did to me before! Be ready! Cause I'll be back!'

Hello Everyone this Defa here. Though I loved writing since long time back, it's my first attempt at publishing any of them. Please guide me and help me with the very much needed support. I'll be really grateful of everyone's feedbacks and comments on what they didn't like or could have been better. It will help me give you not just good but better content. If you guys have any requests then its also welcome!

And also do let me know you like it by giving me gifts ^-^

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