
When I was born again.

What she yearned for was power. A power that can subdue all those who ever disrespected, shunned, bullied or hurt her. What she cultivated was strength. A strength that can never be taken away from her even when she loses every possession of her... What she never wanted was depend on any one as its a sign of weakness. No matter the situation, she'll never bend to ask for help because she learnt it the hard way that at the end of the day we all are on our own.. .................... She was secretly a top-class assassin that many were in search of. The boss behind the biggest high class empire of businesses. And belongs to the famous medicinal clan that everyone respected and looked up to. Pity that no one inside the clan knows her true potential and abandoned her when in face of a mere danger. Expecting her to come beg them, but who is Qiao Xue? She's rather live poorly than bend infront of those who don't care about her. Her heart had long turned into ice, now she only wanted revenge. Pure revenge. ............... But his arrival was an exception. He made her feel which no one had made her feel so.. He was not any ultra rich businessman, neither any heir to a prestigious family-clan. In fact he was just a a C-level actor working as a background for many not so popular films. Then how did he catch the supreme Miss Qiao's eye? How did the two with different lifestyles, ambitions and personality met each other?

DefaDevil · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Numb

'Qiao Xue Xue isn't my daughter anymore.. isn't my daughter anymore. Not anymore...

These words were like venom spreading through my veins killing all my living cells and slowly making me unable to breathe... I never knew that there will come a day when the eldest daughter of Qiao Liwei, the rightful heir to the Uchiha Clan, will one day be humiliated, insulted and even abandoned'

She sat just like that on that same bed for who knows how long.. Only when the chilly wind brushed past her did she wake up from her thoughts. Looking around she didn't find any reporter or her father or her sister.. If not for her messy state and the scattered room, she would have thought it was just a nightmare. A dreadful one.

'So they are gone?'

She got up to only stumble and fall down hard. Her legs were numb, just like her heart. But she again stood up and tried going ahead step by step. It was hurting but she didn't cry. She wasn't able to walk anymore with her shaky legs but she refused to stop. Gritting her teeth she clenched her fists, and kept dragging her lifeless body out of the hotel.

She kept walking until she could no longer do. It was past 8 in the evening when she found herself near a small lake that was outside the town. It wasn't a very well lit place considering the other streets of the town, and so it was less crowded. She squatted near the lake and looked at her reflection... Its astonishing that even when her face was dusty and a bit messy, it still looked splendid. She scooped a handful of water disturbing the peaceful reflection of herself... and splashed it over her face. Cold. Too cold. But she didn't seemed to be affected. People who were passing by were wearing thick coats and scarves to shield themselves from the windy weather while Qiao Xue Xue didn't mind the icy temperature and started cleaning herself up.

After sometime the reflection looked a bit more neat and clean but still lifeless .. as if frozen.

Then she heard a snicker behind her. A group of teenagers were engrossed in their discussion while pointing their fingers towards something in their phones. Then suddenly one of them looked up and saw Qiao Xue Xue. Shocked he looked down and up again as if comparing the face in front of him and in the news tabloids. He said "Hey look isn't it that Qiao XueXue who is in this news?" Everyone looked up at the same time after hearing him ask that. When they saw Qiao Xue Xue sitting there near the lake they were surprised. The boy again said, "Look Look I am not mistaken am I? She is Qiao Xue Xue right? They say she was found doing some shady things inside a room with a man.. She was even on top of the man when they were caught!" "Really? Maybe that's not true... Look how pitifully she is sitting right there." A girl said." Ha what pitiful? They were caught red handed in the same hotel where she celebrated her 18th birthday. Imagine how shameless she must have been to behave like this at this young age. Just like her mother" the boy snickered. "Whatever it is lets not meddle in the rich people's lives and affairs." and soon they walked away.

All of the words were floating above her making the wind near her more and more chilly. The fog was steadily growing thicker as time went by. No one could be seen at this time. And a loud splash was heard.

Qiao Xue Xue jumped in the lake. She swam under the moonlight in the ice cold water until she felt numb all over again. Until no pain was felt. Until no words were remembered. Until no breath was left...

Gasping she opened up her eyes and heard someone say" F*ck this shirt! Why isn't it opening!" That's when she realized she is back again to the past, just before the time reporters barged into the room.

'No I can't let history repeat itself! I have to stop everything before its too late! I don't have much time and I have to get out of this room. But I have no strength left! And this man is now trying to open up my pants! F*cking bastard!'

Closing her eyes she could see everything that happened in her past life as a curse repeating itself again and again... Cold sweat broke out when she realized she will suffer the same fate if she didn't do something now!

She looked around to finally see her purse lying near her. She reached for it and flung it right on the old man's face. He was occupied in pushing her pants down and so was caught unprepared. He felt something crash on his head and was thrown back on the floor with a bang.

The man was confused and surprised to get attacked suddenly. When he stabilized and stood up again he noticed the girl on the bed was awake already with an untamed expression. He felt a chill when he looked straight into her eyes and some of the fog from his mind cleared.

When he came back to his senses a bit he realized he got scared by a thin and young girl who just got of age. As if a blow to his ego he crazily jumped on her but saw that she disappeared in a blink. WHat?? How?? And soon something struck his neck and all he could see was black. He fainted right away.

Qiao Xue Xue looked coldly from above at the big old man on the floor with a smile on her face. She looked just like the fallen angel who was once the god's favorite, dangerously beautiful but devil.