
When I was born again.

What she yearned for was power. A power that can subdue all those who ever disrespected, shunned, bullied or hurt her. What she cultivated was strength. A strength that can never be taken away from her even when she loses every possession of her... What she never wanted was depend on any one as its a sign of weakness. No matter the situation, she'll never bend to ask for help because she learnt it the hard way that at the end of the day we all are on our own.. .................... She was secretly a top-class assassin that many were in search of. The boss behind the biggest high class empire of businesses. And belongs to the famous medicinal clan that everyone respected and looked up to. Pity that no one inside the clan knows her true potential and abandoned her when in face of a mere danger. Expecting her to come beg them, but who is Qiao Xue? She's rather live poorly than bend infront of those who don't care about her. Her heart had long turned into ice, now she only wanted revenge. Pure revenge. ............... But his arrival was an exception. He made her feel which no one had made her feel so.. He was not any ultra rich businessman, neither any heir to a prestigious family-clan. In fact he was just a a C-level actor working as a background for many not so popular films. Then how did he catch the supreme Miss Qiao's eye? How did the two with different lifestyles, ambitions and personality met each other?

DefaDevil · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: "Qiao Xue Xue isn't my daughter anymore."

It took all her might to just open up her eyes and stare at the ceilings. And that's it, no more energy to even look around. She closed her eyes again with apparent exhaustion between her brows. But then something clicked! A ceiling? A house? Wasn't I dead?

She forcefully opened her eyes to confirm what she was seeing isn't just a dream but a reality this time looking around the place more clearly. Its a house.. That means I am not dead yet. I am alive! I am alive! But who saved me? I was clearly shot. How did I even survive?

While she was busy finding answers to her questions and trying hard to get a clue, she didn't notice a figure besides her. It came as a shock when she felt a hand which was lecherously trying to rip apart the shirt she was wearing. Fumbling with the buttons he was sticking his hands inside and speaking incoherently. This scene... It was way too familiar...

Something like this has happened with her before too when she was coming home from a party that was organized for her 18th birthday. It was already past 12 at night when she went to the parking area of the restaurant and got into her car to go to the villa. But before she could start driving, she smelled something different in the car. And soon everything looked jumbled and her mind went hazy. She knew there's something wrong with the air inside the car and if she didn't get out right now she would soon succumb to the darkness. But before she could get out of the car completely, she felt someone from behind grab her back to her seat and knock her out with something heavy..

And when she came to her senses she was in a room of the same hotel she celebrated her birthday in... And beside her was an old man who was trying to rip apart her clothes.. That's when she realized she was drugged and so was the old man. But how did she end up with him? Who is he? All these questions plagued her mind but she wasn't able to do anything else. She felt all her power drained out of the body. Something burned inside her and felt extremely uncomfortable.. And that damned old man was disgusting her so much trying to fondle her body!

And then suddenly the room to the door opened up. And came in a rush of reporters and the voice of cameras clicking and flashing. Mixed were the voices of all of the reporters asking questions like "Miss Qiao isn't it your birthday today what are you doing here with an old man in a room alone?" "Are the rumors true that you need men to satisfy you every day and night?" "Miss Qiao do you force all men you like to do it with you or do you pay them?" "Miss Qiao do you threaten them as the tabloids say with their family and life so that they won't make a police report and tarnish your and your family's reputation?" "Miss Qiao do you do drugs?" "Miss Qiao do the elders in your family know that you do these kind of things?" "Miss Qiao do they support you with your illegal transactions too?"

The commotion was so big that the old man who was originally on her was startled with the sudden flashes and voices. He hurriedly got up and flew out of the door panicking he'd be stuck in with these reporters.

When Qiao Xue Xue was struggling to get up and cover herself from the bright flashing cameras taking up her nudity.. she heard their questions. 'What questions are these?! It was clearly the man who was trying to **** me!! I am the victim here and they instead of catching him and asking him were questioning and twisting everything as if they already know what has occurred'. But she had really no strength left to argue or even refute them. She could hardly get up..

Then a sudden loud crashing sound came from the door. Everyone looked behind the door to see a handsome young man wearing black suit and a red tie with a broken bottle in the other hand. One can only be awed by the presence of the man as his heavenly facial features can only leave everyone staring at only him. Alas right now no one dared to... Because one look and all could see he is trying his best to control his furious expression and keeping from exploding.

When he saw the messy figure on bed with her torn clothes and suggestive marks on her neck and other exposed area, he almost exploded. He roared to that girl on the bed with a ferocious expression "Presumptuous!! What are you thinking doing these shameless things, you slut!!! Stop tarnishing our family's reputation! You are going to be the reason for our downfall you bitch! Let me kill you right away!" With this he slapped her hard knocking her head to the left leaving a glaring imprint on her fair chubby cheeks. A slap didn't satisfy him so he slapped her once more, this time a bit more harder tearing apart her lips at the corner.. Red bright blood glistened at the end of her mouth standing out and making her seem some evil incarnate..

When Qiao Liwei wanted to hit her again a small shadow flew from somewhere and stood in front of the girl on the bed taking the slap herself. Qiao Liwei was shocked with the sudden situation and it was already too late. When he saw it was Min Min his previous angry expression suddenly deflated and a concerned look took over his face as he hurriedly asked her "Minmin, why did you come in between? Did it hurt? Let me take a look." When he lifted Min Min's head and saw a red hand print on her cheeks he was furious again! He shouted at Qiao Xue "You bitch ! Look at it! She took a hit because of you! Isn't your conscious hurting? You'll surely die in my hands today!" With that Qiao Liwei charged forward intending to slap her again when Qiao Min stopped him "Dad! Wait! We need to hear what little Xue has to say first! You can't accuse her of it before knowing the truth. Why will Sis do that? What if she has her reasons for doing what she did?"

"What reasons do you need to be doing such a shameless act here? She doesn't need any reason! She is just like her slutty mother! Didn't even care about our family's reputation!" yelled Father Qiao.

Only then he heard the murmurs and flashes around him properly. There were many who were recording what had transpired today and ready to ask questions. When the reporters saw Qiao Liwei turn around and looking over they thought they will be said to get lost and would not get a chance to interview or even ask questions. When they almost gave up, Qiao Liwei spoke "Everyone sorry for letting you see the commotion just now. I am extremely ashamed of this disgraceful member of our family. She has always been lawless and never obedient. She failed her school exams repeatedly unlike her younger sister Min Min. But she wasn't able to perform any better in her academics. And now-" with s sigh and regretful face father Qiao continued "...she has turned into something totally opposite of an elegant and graceful lady of our clan. Even after multiple tries we weren't able to guide her to the right path. We tried whatever we could. Now I am exhausted." Then father Qiao's expression suddenly hardened and he said," So I, Qiao Liwei , the head of the legendary Uchiha Clan, hereby declare that Qiao Xue Xue isn't my daughter anymore. I server ties with her in front of everyone today. And I have a request to make from all of you. Our Uchiha clan is innocent so don't drag us into the matter with the person on the bed. And I assure you we won't come to find anyone of you for any troubles related to her, as she and I are no more related."

With that Qiao Liwei strode out as quickly as possible as if staying there one second more would make him a part of the disease, leaving everyone surprised and excited. Among them little Xue was the last to recover. When she came out of the daze she saw her sister looking at her with her eyes filled with tears to the brim.. Qiao Min min said "Little Xue don't be angry dad just said that in a fit of anger. I mean who wouldn't be angry when he sees his own daughter doing such shameless things... But don't worry I'll persuade father to not punish you this hardly.. Little Xue, don't worry I'll be back soon." And she too took of hurriedly.