
When I Start

Dea is a woman who once failed to marry because her future husband died in an accident. The accident that happened to Airon, Dea's future husband, traumatized him and even had to undergo psychological therapy. Dea had to undergo this therapy for two years however, it was not fully healed. Her parents, who wanted Dea to find happiness and forget about Airon, tried to set her up with several people. And finally, Dea made her choice on Aiden. However, it turns out that Aiden already has a lover. Aiden offers a pact on their marriage. Dee agreed. One of the agreements is their marital status from Aiden's lover. Unfortunately, as time goes by, Aiden's lover finds out. In addition, during the wedding, it turns out that without Dea knowing she is an ordinary woman. There's a lot of strange things about this woman. Complicated things are getting more and more, plus there are some problems that befell this contract husband and wife. Can they last until their marriage contract expires?

Dentik · Teen
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23 Chs

Dea Broke

A violent collision occurred on the road divider, making the iron guardrail dented due to the collision of the car. Fresh blood flowing down the woman's forehead, Dea is the woman's name. The woman who will have her happy day in a week.

Pain spread throughout his body, soft glass shards pierced her smooth white skin, he could see the shattered car cabin in front of him, the glass that had previously protected her from danger when driving had now boomeranged, hurting her body.

With a blurry vision, he saw his lover covered in blood beside her with her head stuck in the steering wheel. Airon is the name of Dea's lover, as well as who will become her husband in the future.

Her heart was pounding so hard, his body had goosebumps and pain when he saw the blood, and her body became stiff and difficult to move. With a blurry vision, Dea saw Airon's lips that smiled faintly.

"Honey," called Dea to her lover, trying to reach out to hold her lover's body, but there was no response from the man beside her. Her dizzy head forced him to close her eyes.

Dea and Airon were unconscious, everyone who was near the incident immediately gathered and tried to save the two of them.

It was dark, cold, and alone that the woman felt, walking erratically looking for a way out, but as it grew, the more spacious this place felt.

People she knew flashed by but when he tried to approach them they all drifted away, Dea approached the people many times but couldn't, getting closer and farther away.

Until she realized that it would be useless because they were just an illusion.

'Where is this?' he thought. 'Hallucinations? illusion? mirage? Or the subconscious?'

Dea remembers what happened before.

She was leaving with her fiancé intending to put on a wedding dress, on the way suddenly the brakes of the car failed, inevitably her fiancee swerved into the road divider instead of hitting people who were waiting for the green light to flash in traffic.

Ginggg...!! buzzing in her eardrums, so painful. Dea shouted, "Arghhhh..! it hurts." Holding both ears Dea walked here, the ringing in her ears disappeared. This time it changed to replace the painful one.

Dea fell, the pain was felt all over, her heartbeat was very painful like an electric arrow was stabbed right in her heart. Dea was very tormented screaming many times. Sometime after the pain he felt disappeared.

Now the temperature around him turned colder and colder, he hugged himself to feel the warmth, but in vain his body felt colder and colder.

"Haahhh..." breathed air from her mouth to her palms hoping to find some warmth, but there was none.

She tried exhaling a few times, rubbing her palms against him, but nothing was pleasantly hot.

Suddenly a hand grabbed Dea's hand, bringing a warmth. Dea lifted her head to see who was holding it.

"Honey," she called with her eyes wide as if he couldn't believe that there was someone else in this wide and dark place that he could touch.

The man smiled sweetly, Airon her fiancé. She immediately hugged him tightly. Crying with sobs of relief. Finally, she was not alone in this dark place.

"Srob... Srobb..," the rest of the woman's sobs were in Airon's arms.

when she felt better, Airon let go of Dea's hug. He still had that beautiful smile on his face. Wiping away the remaining tears that flowed down Dea's cheeks, gently, love is so intoxicating.

The second Airon held her cheek and kissed her forehead gently. Then the man's hand pointed at a door beside them. The wooden door opened, and there was the figure of a man who the woman knew.

"Father," Dea called.

His father was stretching her arms as if to say, 'Come here hug me too'

Dea turned to Airon. Airon smiled, and lifted Dea to stand up immediately, they walked hand in hand towards the door, when they arrived at the door her father had already stretched out one of his hands, and the woman happily welcomed her father's outstretched hand.

Her father forcibly pulled him so that his hand slipped from the man's hand. A blinding white light filled the room.

"Let's go home," her father said to him with a very tight hug.

"Dea...let's get up," came a weak sob in Dea's ear. 'That's Daddy's voice!' she tried to open his eyes but couldn't.

"Sob.. sob.. how long will you sleep?" someone asked, but this woman knew it was her mother.

She tried to open his eyes but couldn't.

"It's been almost three weeks. She hasn't woken up," said Mama, who was very worried about Dea, the woman who was lying in this hospital bed. She has been unconscious for three weeks.

"Patience Ma.. we pray for the best for Dea, so that she wakes up quickly," said the father who was trying to encourage Mama.

"The doctor said his condition is stable but how come he hasn't woken up yet," complained Mama.

Knock knock.. click...

"Assalamualaikum," said someone. A tall, slightly burly man's voice opened the door to Dea's room, followed by a tall, skinny woman. That's her mother-in-law.

"Waalaikumsalam," replied the father. They approached my father and immediately tasted it.

"How's De?" asked Imam, Dea's father-in-law.

"He's stable but hasn't woken up from his coma yet," answered the father. Lilis' mother-in-law approached Dea, gently stroking the ends of Dea's hair.

"Wake up kid.. we were worried to see you like this," said Lilis in a soft voice, her eyes looked very swollen. Without feeling the tears fall from his eyelids. They all approached Dea's basket.

'Ahhh they're all worried about me. But it's very difficult, Dea complained in her heart.

"Come on, beautiful child," said his father-in-law.

"Come on, Honey, you can do it, I know that Dea can hear us all here," said Dad, encouraging Dea, who was trying to open her eyes. Mama Dea only cried when they all encouraged Dea to open her eyes.

Dea tried to open her eyes, it was very difficult. She tried to open it again, keeping himself awake so she could open his eyes, but they slowly opened. The dazzling light from the bedroom lights made her have to adapt. Slowly Dea began to see clearly, everyone looked surprised when she managed to open her eyes.

Dea managed to open her eyes, everyone who was there was happy and immediately gave thanks.

"Thank God."

Dad immediately ran out of the room to call the doctor to check on Dea's condition, Mom, who was crying more and more, hugged Dea's body.

"Thank you, dear, for opening your eyes for mama," said Mama with sobs.

Dea's mother-in-law wept in her husband's arms. The priest hugged his wife tightly and involuntarily tears came out of his eyes. Father came with the doctor who accompanied the nurse to check on Dea's condition. Dea's head was still very dizzy, so she slowly fell back asleep.

Dea had been in the hospital for five days, and today was her last day in the hospital. Mother is packing things in the room.

"Done ma'am?" Father asked excitedly to Mother who close unzipping the suitcase.

"Yes," Mama answered, then lifted the bag in her right hand.

"Okay. Come on Sis," said the father to Dea. Father carried Dea's body, but suddenly a nurse entered in a wheelchair.

"You are encouraged to use this, sir, to prevent you from working," the nurse said to my father.

"Yes. Thank you, Sus," the father said to the nurse.

"You're welcome, sir," replied the nurse. Dea sat on a chair assisted by her father.

"Yes, let's go home first. Thank you for helping us," said Mother. then hugged the nurse.

"You're welcome, my job is to treat and serve patients. I hope it gets better, Dea," said the nurse to Mama and Dea. Dea just smiled at the nurse.

Dad started pushing the wheelchair toward the car parked in front of the hospital. Then get in the car. While in the car, Dea's chest was beating fast, trying to calm her body, and relax her body.

The car started to drive down the road towards Dea's journey pensively while enjoying himself not feeling calm, suddenly the memory of him after the accident came to his mind, she tried to calm down not wanting to make her parents worry, and so on. the way she was just silent.

However, Dea's heart feels very curious about her fiancé.

After the accident happened, is Airon still okay? How is Airon now?

Dea couldn't stop thinking these days.

Unfortunately, there is no answer whatsoever.

Dea wanted to immediately know the condition of her fiancé, her longing was difficult to control.

Enough to meet Airon will be able to make him sane again.

She was impatient, but his current state was still very weak.

Dea wanted to ask Dad again. But he thought it was useless.

Silence is the best option for now. That's what Dea thought.