
When I Start

Dea is a woman who once failed to marry because her future husband died in an accident. The accident that happened to Airon, Dea's future husband, traumatized him and even had to undergo psychological therapy. Dea had to undergo this therapy for two years however, it was not fully healed. Her parents, who wanted Dea to find happiness and forget about Airon, tried to set her up with several people. And finally, Dea made her choice on Aiden. However, it turns out that Aiden already has a lover. Aiden offers a pact on their marriage. Dee agreed. One of the agreements is their marital status from Aiden's lover. Unfortunately, as time goes by, Aiden's lover finds out. In addition, during the wedding, it turns out that without Dea knowing she is an ordinary woman. There's a lot of strange things about this woman. Complicated things are getting more and more, plus there are some problems that befell this contract husband and wife. Can they last until their marriage contract expires?

Dentik · Teen
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Broken Heart

During these five days, Dea always wondered where her fiancé was. When she asked for an answer regarding her fiancé, everyone always changed the subject or pretended not to hear. This made him even more suspicious, what happened to her fiancé?

The car had stopped in front of Dea's house, her father helped her get out of the car. All the family welcomed Dea on the terrace of the house with a sweet smile.

Dea's arrival from the hospital was a blessing in itself for this family.

"Yeyy Brother is home," shouted his younger sister, Dera happily. Dera immediately ran and hugged Dea's body. Followed by her younger brother, Nio.

"You guys please help Mama carry the bag there," said the father to his two younger siblings.

The two-child rushed to help Mama carry the bag containing Dea's belongings into the house.

Everyone on the terrace opened the door and helped unload things in the car.

"Eat first," said Aunt to everyone who had just arrived home.

"Okay. Come on Honey," answered my father excitedly.

Father guided Dea slowly because his leg suffered a minor injury. Her younger brother had positioned a chair so Dea could sit comfortably, then Nio sat beside Dea.

This younger brother does have a stubborn nature but when he is with his sister spoiled nature will come out, and is very caring even though they often fight.

"Dera get chocolate milk from the refrigerator, give it to your sister," the father ordered her younger sister, he quickly got Dea's favorite milk.

This younger sister is very chatty, it's very difficult to tell her, just like brother and sister, Dea and her sister also often fight, even though they are very far apart in age but they are like Tom and Jarry cartoons that usually appear on television.

Her sister's treatment today is very different, she wants to be ordered while before she never wanted to.

Dera put a box of milk next to the plate. Aunt with extra care took food for Dea, of course, before placing it on the plate, she sorted out which ones would be easy for Dea to digest.

Her cousins ​​also eat, although they rarely get together and communicate, every time there is a gathering, her cousins ​​will join, even if it's just to say hello to Dea for a while.

After he finished, Dea asked his father to take her to his room to rest. Father left Dea alone in the room, the appearance of the room was very clean.

Even though some time ago before the accident he still clearly remembers that in the room there are a lot of things related to his wedding. Bouquets, shoes, offerings, and others are neatly arranged on her dressing table.

Dea chose not to pay attention to what was in her mind to keep her parents from being damaged.

On the nightstand beside the bed, he found a cell phone. He took it, but it wasn't his cellphone, it was a new cellphone. already broken.

When Dea opens her cellphone, all the data on her cellphone is now transferred to her new smartphone.

Dea opened the WhatsApp application and lots of chats from friends and people she knew. degrees!

Dea's eyes widened when she read one by one the chats on WhatsApp.

His hands were pounding violently, his breath was panting, and it was very difficult to breathe. Dea opened another chat, and all of them remained the same.

'My condolences for the death of your fiancé Airon and I wish Dea a speedy recovery.'

"AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Dea shouted while holding her head.

The phone in his hand had now fallen to the floor and the screen was cracked. Her body was limp trying to get out of the room, instead, she fell onto the dressing table because her leg was still injured, so her make-up was scattered everywhere.

Everyone at the dining table was startled by the screams and the sound of shattering.

"Dea!" The father screamed at the dinner table when he realized the sound of his daughter screaming.

He hurriedly ran to Dea's room. Everyone in the dining room followed. when he opened the bedroom door, Dad found Dea who had fallen and rummaged through the dressing table.

"Aaaa!!!!!!!!!!" shouted Dea many times. Without realizing it, Dea rummaged through all the things in her room.

Walking here and there, the pain in her legs was no longer felt compared to the pain of reading chats from people. Dea's emotions welled up violently inside her, feeling stupid in no time.

"Oh my god!!" dad shouted when he saw dea rummaging through the things on her dressing table.

Mama and aunt looked surprised to see Dea, whose emotions were out of control. Her father hastily stopped Dea's rampage.

"realize Dea," said the father. Holding both of Dea's arms, shaking her body so that Dea wakes up.

"Where is my fiancé? Is he dead? Hah?" Dea asked with emotion, her eyes were red, and her tears were flowing. The vicious expression he showed made everyone fear and worry.

"Father, where is Airon," he said with his chest rising and falling. Father never answered Dea's question. This made her even more emotional.

Dea shouted, "where is Airon!!!!" she was running out of patience because for the past five days everyone was reluctant to answer when she asked where her fiancé was. Dea's father sighed to calm his heart.

His father sadly replied, "It's gone."

Deg!!! Dea's eyes bulged when she heard dad's answer, the world around her seemed to stop spinning.

Her father immediately embraced Dea's body. Mama and aunt couldn't help but cry. The brother and young sister looked scared to see the situation in Dea's room, they cried behind their mother and aunt.

All of his cousin's eyes filled with tears. This is what everyone fears when Dea learns the painful truth.

Dea shouted, "Liar!! You're lying, aren't you!"

"No Dea, I'm not lying," replied her father who was still hugging Dea.

"Arrghhhhh..!!!" shouted Dea angrily. "Aaaa!!!!"

Dea tried to escape from his father's arms, hitting her father's chest.

Who could hear their loved ones had died, even Dea thought that after she recovered they would continue their marriage. However, the reality did not match his expectations.

Father hugged his body tighter, so Dea didn't lose control when she was emotional like this. Several times screaming, her mother and aunt tried to calm Dea but could not.

"Istighfar Dea. Come on, honey," said Bude.

"Dea.. istighfar first," said the mother who had been crying for a long time.

"Let's drink some water first, son," said Aunt with a glass of water.

Pyaar..!! Dea

"Oh my god!" Mother screamed.

"Dea!" dad snapped unconsciously to Dea. Dea is afraid to get yelled at by her father. "I'm sorry," Dad regretted to Dea.

Dea backed away slowly, her heartache getting worse when her father snapped at her.

Suddenly, his chest ached badly. It felt like he couldn't breathe.

"AAAA!" Her hand gripped her chest which was aching.

"Hah.. hah.. hah…." She tried to take a breath.

"Dad! Dea!" shouted mama who saw Dea struggling to take a breath.

Father deftly laid Dea on the floor. Aunt took off the bra hook so Dea could breathe freely.

"Hurry up and get some medicine! Not medicine but oxygen!!" dad shouted to mom.

They had already prepared medicine and oxygen when something like this happened, Mama hastily rummaged through the bag.

"Prepare the car, sir!" Dad shouted to Dea's male cousin who had been at the door of Dea's room.

Mama and Aunt hurriedly rummaged through the bags brought from the hospital. When found the oxygen cylinder, Mama immediately gave it to her father.

Dad started spraying oxygen into Dea's mouth and nose. Everyone in the house panicked seeing Dea who was unconscious. Plus suddenly Dea's chest hurts.

Uncle suddenly came and immediately asked them to take Dea to the hospital.

"Let's just take him to the hospital," said Uncle Dea who had just entered the room.

"Yes," answered my father.

Dea's father who was panicking immediately agreed to the suggestion. Uncle Dea immediately helped him.

Her father and uncle immediately carried Dea to the car. The car was speeding towards the hospital.

The journey to the hospital was stressful. Dea's parents already knew this would happen, but they were not ready to see Dea's condition like this. However, in reality, this had already happened, and Airon had indeed died.

Arriving at the hospital, Dea was immediately taken to the patient room. The doctor who treated Dea was already waiting in the room.

There the doctor examined Dea. After he finished he talked to Dea's parents.

The doctor advised her to go to a psychiatrist for psychological treatment because Dea's psychological condition was not okay. Dea's parents also agreed to the doctor's advice, and Dea underwent psychological treatment.

Mama Dea could only cry seeing her daughter lying weakly on the bed.

"Don't cry, we have to help Dea to recover and forget about Airon," said the father.

"I feel like this is too heavy," Mama complained.

"Shhh... we have to be strong so Dea gets well soon," said dad.