
When I see you; love

"But why won't you kiss me back, wait don't tell me I didn't meet the standard of the girls you kiss and make out with" "Brianna your hand is bleeding come let's stop it and cover up that wound" there is no way am having this conversation with her. "I don't want to cover wounds, I want you to answer my question?" "Brianna please drop it you are playing with fire"

Dabby_Judith · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


"Hello, miss?"

"Yeah am fine" I said finally finding my voice.

"Here let me help you up" he said offering me his hand. Immediately I placed my hand on his I felt this connection between us. He helped me up and apologized.

"Thanks" I thanked him for helping me up.

"By the way am Dax, what's your?"

"Her name is Brianna, Eric's little sister" I heard Becky said behind me before I could say a word.

"Oh, nice to finally meet you, your brother talks about you a lot"

"I know, tell me about it" I said and glared at Becky who was smiling at me with one of her fake smiles. I totally understand her after all I ruined her relationship with Eric.

I never taught I will say this but I really hate this Becky girl, she is so annoying and to make it worst she is a two faced bitch.

"Hey Brianna, it been a while since we have seen each other" she said and held Dax's hand. Staring at their hands joined together I knew something was going between the both of them.

"Yeah, am glad you decided to make yourself scarce around me because people were starting to think you were my servant" I said to her before I hit her a little in the back and said...

"See you around, Becky"

"You too, Brianna" she said and did exactly the same thing I did to her before she dragged Dax and they both left.

"There you are, I was looking everywhere for you" Gia said joining me but I was still staring at Becky and that guy from earlier.

"Hello, Brianna focus what are you even looking at? Gia asked

"At them" I replied her and pointed at Becky and Dax as they joined the rest of their group.

"Wait, that's Dax"

"You know him?" I asked Gia immediately she mentioned his name.

"Yeah he is number one in the group everyone knows him, everyone except for you Brianna" Gia said shaking her head slightly like I was hopeless.

"How come I have never see him?"

"That's because you are never interested in the group"

"Do you know the type of relationship he has with Becky?"

"Rumors say they are dating but it's a complete lie"

"Why did you say so?"

"Because everyone knows Dax, he doesn't date he just a playboy"

"What, am confused why would you say that he looked harmless to me"

"All playboys terms to be nice Brianna they don't have horn on their head that indicates that they are devil in disguise"

I just don't get what Gia said, Dax, a playboy. I just can't shake the thought of him out of my mind and seeing the way he was with Becky I think they are close or maybe even dating.

"I just don't get it, he looked like he wouldn't hurt a fly"

"Yeah he wouldn't hurt a fly but I heard he enjoys seeing girls crying because of him, but wait why are you so interested in him?" Gia asked given me suspicious look.

"Nothing am just asking since it was the first time of meeting him. We bumped into each other and we kind of introduced ourselves until Becky decided to be her usual ass self"

"Wait, you spoke with Dax?"


"Did you look him in the eyes?"

"Yeah, did something happen?" I asked Gia getting confused on the expression on her face.

"Rumors said that when you stare at him straight in the eye you will be under his spell" Gia said like someone that was narrating a horror story.

"Gia get hold of yourself we are not watching a fantasy movie around here, this is reality. Now let's go to class we are already late"

"Am serious Brianna am thinking Dax already left his spell deep in your heart"

"Oh Gia sometimes I wonder how we ended up as friends" I dragged Gia by the hand as we both head to our history class. But just as Gia said I kept thinking about Dax.

Maybe he has really casted a spell on me.


"Hey, Eric"

"Hey Dax"

"So have you decided who you want to go to prom with. Is it going to be one of the juniors or you are just going to pick from the damsels around you?"

"I don't know am still confused, I was thinking about going by myself that will give me enough time to look after my sister"

"Oh that reminds me I met your sister earlier today I must confess she is a hand full, the way she talked down on Becky got me surprised"

"That is Brianna for you"

"Actually I like her" I told him but he gave me this look that says I don't want to see you next my sister dude.

"Dude Relax I didn't mean I like her in that way, I just like her confidence and her vibe" I said clarifying what I said.

"Brianna is very stubborn, actually she is stubbornness herself but am her big brother I need to be on her side all the time"

"You do know we are bestfriend right?" I have known Eric for at least seven months but our relationship is almost unbreakable even though we had our difference.

"Yeah I know"

"You can always trust me with your sister's safety"

"Really men?"

"Yeah, I got your back at all time"

"Thanks Dax, but how come you never visit my house for ones"

"Well, I never thought of that" just then Becky walked inside our class with a none smile face. She walked up to me looking very furious.

"Hey, I think I will talk to you later" Eric who noticed the tension between the both of us said before he left.

"Babe what's up with your mood?" I casually asked.

"Who is she?" She asked showing me the picture of the lady I was with all throughout last night.

"She was my babe for one night" I replied her but i received a slap. I wanted to react but decided to keep my cool, the class was beginning to pay attention to us.

When she raised her hand to slap me again I grabbed her hand dragged her out of the class.

"Let go of me you scumbag" I heard her say as I took her to a private space near the school garden.

"What is your problem, why are you acting like a child?"

"Am acting like a child, really Dax? You were out all night with that whore and you are asking me this questions?"

"You should have known am not a one girl type of guy so why are you over reacting?"

"Really Dax? Let me ask you a question what should we call our relationship, are we even dating?" I wanted to laugh, did she just say dating? Dating who?

"I told you I don't date Becky so why are you asking if we are dating?"

"I thought we finally found something special about our relationship?" She said with so much hurt on her face but I didn't care, I don't remember telling her to expect something from me.

"We are only having fun Becky, there is nothing else I can offer you"

"You know what, you are sick you need help" with that being said she left angry. Yeah that never gets old.

Brianna's POV

What just happened? I can't believe I just witnessed Dax dumping Becky. But wait he cheated on her but yet he was acting like he didn't care.

Actually he doesn't care at all, they had no idea I was there all this while. So that means Gia was right Dax might be a jerk after all.

But seeing that it was Becky he dumped I just didn't want to rush into conclusion, maybe Becky did something wrong.

Or Dax is just a heart breaker.