
When fire meets Ice

Logan jack feels that playing hard means it all, but he never knew that ice could actually quench the burning fire in him..

Marylyn_Declan · Urban
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29 Chs

Chapter seventeen

Maya yawned as she headed to the bed. She was very tired and determined to have a good night sleep. All the drama in her life in such a short time was making her so extra tired. She sat before she lay down, there was a knock on the door.

" Seriously? right now? " she managed to carry up her tired self to answer the door.

" Logan? you...now.. "

" Just hold on to your chit-chats... pack your bags! we are leaving. " Logan told her.

" W-w-w- what but...but why? " she managed to ask him but he was already heading down to his room. He was already dressing in a suit as usual, whereas she was in her pyjamas.

Hmm... why now? Why now all of a sudden. I was really looking forward to a goodnight sleep but now we'll have to make our way back to civilization. " she siloloquized.. On the bright side, she was happy that she was going to see her family and friends again.


" Bye Gloria, I'll miss you and please dont forget to visit someday. " she told her in tears as they stood outside the cottage in front of the car.

" I will make sure to try my child... goodbye. " Gloria said as they hugged.

The wind that blew by was chilling and cold. The thunder rumbled in the clouds and she could perceive the smell of rain. As she wiped her face she turned to Logan standing by the car.

" Logan I think it's going to rain. Maybe we shouldn't go.. "

" Just keep your unnecessary opinions to yourself and get into the car! " he snapped at her rudely before he got into the car.

" If only I could murder this man! " she murmured to herself frustratingly before she turned and waved to Gloria once more and got into the car. Soon after he sped off.

" You better slow down or we might actually have an accident." She warned Logan.

" What did I tell you about your opinions, huh? Keep them to yourself! " he snapped at her again.

" Fine! Fine!! do things your way but remember, if I go home with even a single scratch on my face... I will sue you Mr Logan! " she warned him before she turned her head away to ignore him.

Soon after, the rain started to fall In droplets, before it slowly became heavy.

" I said it. " she declared in her mind. She turned to take a look at Logan to see if there was any change in his expression or reaction but no... nothing. He just looked more focused like there was something on his mind. He was definitely rushing back for an important reason.

" Well... I guess i'm just destined to have such a terrible honeymoon... forget honeymoon, my so called marriage is a nightmare that I hope I could wake up from someday.

" Stop staring at me! " Logan snapped without even taking a look at her.

" What? Me? I wasn't staring at you! You're not that handsome, you know. " she managed to defend herself before looking away from him.

Logan took one look at her after she turned away then he turned back to the road.

"I have to get back to the city as soon as I can. We both staying together in a place doesn't do us any good at all." he siloloquized He hadn't really planned on leaving tonight until he received that phone call. He was going through some papers when his phone rang.

" Hello Mr James "

" I'm really sorry sir to interrupt your honeymoon... "

" Just speak " he permitted him.

" Well... sir the Chinese investors that we have struggled so hard to attain are threatening to back out of the deal... " Mr James told him.

" What do you mean they are threatening to back out? How come no one have informed me about their presence? " Logan asked Mr James.

" I'm really sorry sir but i even got to find out about their presence recently... " Mr James replied him.

" Who is in charge of foreign affairs? " He asked him firmly.

" Mr John Thomas. "

" Alright, I'll be there at the office tomorrow. " he told him. Then he cut the call, he was frustrated that one man's mistake just piled up his work.

" When I get there, I will have to work my way up to convince them. "

He stepped on the brakes which brought the car to an immediate halt.

" Oh my goodness! " Maya exclaimed as she almost hit her head on the front glass.

" Are you blind or something? Do you really want to get us killed? " she ranted angrily.

" It's not my fault if you do not know that you're supposed to put on your seat belt. " he snapped at her.

" Oh now is my fault that we almost got killed? " she asked him with a frustrated look. He stared ahead so she decided to turn in order to see what he was starring at.

" Is that a tree on the road? " she asked as she stared at the huge tree apparently blocking their path as if it had been cut down on purpose.

" I'm sure Logan was thinking about what next step to take. Whether he likes it or not we will have to go back. "she thought in her mind. He turned the gear to reverse before he drove back and turned, instead of just going straight like how they came, he drove into another crooked looking lane which had gallops. "Logan where are we going? It's raining and this road doesn't look good... "Maya asked him furiously..

" The other side was the short route this is the longer route. " Logan replied her

Did Logan jack just answer me? Wow, he must be getting used to me. " She remained silent and just stared ahead as he drove. Slowly she was beginning to feel sleepy but before she could finally shut her eyes, the car suddenly came to a halt.

" What's the problem now? " she asked irritatedly.He ignored her, took off his coat then turned off the car before he opened the door and got out under the rain. She couldn't believe he just did that. Her eyes followed him as he walked quickly to the front of the car and opened the bonnet. It looked like there was a problem. After almost a second of going through it, he shut the bonnet. He walked to the left side and stared at the tyre. "Is everything okay? Pls dont tell me that the tyre is punctured. It's raining for goodness sake and it's really going to be difficult to find a mechanic shop. " She talked silently.. it seems she was thinking on her own as she saw him roll a spare tyre from the boot. He squatted and started to remove the knots.

" Doesn't he feel cold at all? It's raining for goodness sake in the middle of the night. I'm pretty sure it's freezing out there... no.. It's his fault anyway so he should deal with it... but he might catch cold or worst, he could come down with pneumonia." She turned to the back seat and searched around for an umbrella and luckily she found one under the seat. She opened the door before quickly opening the umbrella then she stepped out and shut the door that was when she realised that the rain was really heavy and windy.

" Of all days and of all nights, the engine had to fail and the tyre punctured from who knows when. To top it all up, the rain was making changing this tyre more difficult"Logan talked angrily to himself. Suddenly the rain was no longer dropping on his already soaked clothes and body anymore.

" Has it stopped raining? " He wondered as he looked up only to see Maya standing with an umbrella.

" What do you think you're doing? Go back in! I don't need your help! " he ordered her as he stood to his feet obviously he doesn't need help from her or from anyone.

" I won't. " she said as she shook her head firmly which was not what Logan expected.

" We're in this together. " she said firmly as well which sort off left him speechless. He really wasn't expecting any of those.

Let's see what happens afterwards,if Logan will eventually get used to her and they become best of friends

Marylyn_Declancreators' thoughts