
When fire meets Ice

Logan jack feels that playing hard means it all, but he never knew that ice could actually quench the burning fire in him..

Marylyn_Declan · Urban
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29 Chs

Chapter Eighteeen

" We're in this together " she said firmly while looking straight into his eyes. For a minute there, he was tempted to believe her... That they were together but everyone knows it's not true. It can never be true cause he won't let that happen.

" What nonsense! " he exclaimed as he pushed the umbrella away making it fall to the ground. It probably startled her as she stared at the umbrella on the wet soil before turning back to him.

" Listen and listen very carefully, I dont need your help and like I've told you before, I dont want you around me cause we have no relationship together. The only thing tying both of us together is our signature on a mere piece of paper so go back into the car and leave me alone! "Logan blurted out to her

" No! " she spoke out right that minute.

" I said No... look I get the whole idea that you dont like me but that doesn't give you the right to order me about and disrespect me whenever you feel like... Even if it's a mere paper or a worthless tissue... whether you like it or not, I'm your wife and you're stuck with me. That's our relationship and that's why we're in this together so be quiet Mr Logan and just accept my offer to help you! " she spoke back with so much courage that it angered him to the core. They were both getting drenched under the heavy rain and it seems she wasn't ready to give up.

' I have to put her in her place ' Logan thought. " I don't need relationships in my life. I've never needed it and I'll never need it in future so stay away"Logan said to her again

" What are you scared of? Are you actually scared of... of liking me... or actually falling in love with me? "Maya asked him with so much fury in her eyes..

" Look dont entice yourself so much. Try taking a close look at yourself in the mirror then you'll see just how ugly you are. I have seen much prettier women... "Logan answered her outrighly

" Then why didn't you marry them. Whether am ugly or pretty to you I really don't care what you think one bit. If you like, we can stand right here under the rain and argue all night. I'm already drenched as it is, so getting more wet isn't a big deal, but you... you seem to have something important you're rushing back to, it's your call. " she finished boldly as Logan folded his fist which were by his sides. ' Nobody has ever talked to me that way especially a woman. How dare she? ' Logan wondered in his mind.

" Brrr... it's cold but I don't care. Its only been really a short while since we've been married but I already feel fed up with him. Sometimes he acts like a jerk then another time like a male chauvinist then another time like he's scared, what is he scared of? Relationships? that's absurd. The Logan I know can't be really scared of relationships. He can just prefer being alone, nobody loves that. I know deep down, he feels void. " he glared at her with all the hatred and anger in his eyes and heart.

" I know I've angered him but I really had to speak up. " she just lowered her eyes away from his. After about a second, he turned and continued trying to fix the tyre. She turned and picked up the umbrella. She felt heavy in the white woolen sweater and not to top the long flair skirt she was putting on. She stood beside him and squatted with the umbrella over them both.

" Just tell me what you need and I'll hand it over to you." she told him but he behaved as if he didn't hear her. While working on the tyre, he stretched his hand to get the spanner but she quickly grabbed it and stretched her hand to him. He took a look at the spanner in her hand and then back to her. She raised her brows to him, signaling him to take it. He glared at her before he finally unwillingly picked it up from her hand. Well that will do. Soon enough they were done with the tyre, he opened the bonnet again and touched some few places here and there before he went and got into the car. He tried turning the engine on but it just coughed like a really old ill person. He tried it several times but the engine just kept coughing. Out of frustration, he shut the bonnet and walked back to the car. He got in and she also got in too.

" So now what? " she asked him after they got in. He just turned and glared at her before he turned back to face the road ahead of them.

"Is that a plan or something else? " she dared to ask

" it's a glare that says, shut up! "

" What? fine, do things your own way! I really don't care! " she told him before she took off her sweater.

" What are you doing? " he suddenly asked.

" Trying to save myself. I can't afford to fall sick at this time." she told him as she turned and spread the sweater at the back seat. It was a nice thing that she was putting on a singlet inside.

He gave her a strange look before he looked away.

" What? I'm not doing anything wrong. You should take off your shirt before you fall sick. " she suggested to him.

" It will be better you learn how to mind your business! I dont even know why I'm surprised"Logan said to her.. "You dont need to tell me that... from now on I will mind my business... you do your thing and I'll do my thing. That will be better for this marriage. " she told him before she turned her back to him with folded arms.

" He can rot away in cold for all I care, from now on it is ignore him Maya. " she mumbled in her mind.

" It's definitely better this way, she should mind her business and I will definitely mind mine. " Logan said to himself. He took a look at Maya and she had her back faced to him. They were definitely wet alright and in the middle of the road under a heavy rain. He decided to turn on the air-conditioner to dry them a bit. He picked up his phone and tried to call James and there seemed to be a connection problem. He tried calling home but still nothing.

" What am I going to do? I need to reach the city by morning. I need to be at the office yet am still here, stuck under this rain in this car with her. " he kept on thinking as he rested properly on his seat.

" First thing I will do after this rain is going to look for a nearby mechanic shop. " he thought. He took a look at Maya and it seemed to him that she has already fallen asleep. He had to fight off old memories in order to fall asleep. Maya shivered visibly even while she was sleeping, Logan saw that and looked away.

" It's none of my business if she gets cold. "

' But she's in that position because she offered to help you ' his subconscious mind told him. He shook his head at that thought.

" It's none of my business. " he reminded himself before he decided to shut his eyes and get some rest. He covered her properly with his jacket before he turned off the air-conditioner. Yes, he actually paid attention to his subconscious mind. He wasn't able to relax without doing that.

" First thing when I wake up I'll take it from her. " Logan said before he fell asleep.