


I woke up feeling refreshed,I stretched my limbs and yawn,well since there was nothing to do in the morning I decided to sleep back,what I meant by nothing was that,there was no need for me to brush my teeth in the morning when I wake up. As I was about to sleep I noticed something was amiss, trying to figure it out,I noticed that blue eyes was not there again,I was relieved when I noticed she was gone but I was a little bit scared because without her who would actually protect me in this big Forest but I didn't have any choice but to sleep since there was nothing to eat.


I woke up feeling refreshed, looking around me I thought I would see her but unfortunately for me it was my neighbor I saw beside me sleeping. Maybe because she could feel my gaze or she noticed that I moved,she immediately opened her eyes and asked if I needed anything,I told her the only thing I needed was Richard. Hearing Richard's name she looked a little bit worried then Immediately changed the topic by telling me I would be discharged in the evening,I nod my head and prepared myself mentally for the journey back home. Evening came and my neighbor came in with my clothes so I could change,so I decided to change, when I was done I came out of the ward to inform my neighbor that I was set to go.

We boarded a taxi that would take me home, through out the whole journey,I was quiet,the ride was only for fifteen minutes but it felt like eternity. When I got home, opening the door my only wish was for me to see Richard but life was not that good to me. my neighbor opened the door and when the door was opened the only thing that greeted me was loneliness,I entered and took a sit on the sofa in the sitting room, looking around the house it felt like it was not mine again, everything in the house reminded me of Richard,I wanted to cry but I decided not to cry and promise to be strong for Richard believing that he would be back.


The moment we boarded a taxi,I knew that going back to the house would be painful for Richard's granny but there was nothing I could do she just had to go back home. The journey to Richard's home was quiet,on getting there,I noticed the change in the mood of Richard granny but there was nothing I could do,there was no amount of consolation that could hear her so the only thing I could do was to open the door, entering the house one could feel the spirit of lost lingering making someone feel lonely. I secretly took a look at Richard granny but all I could see was sorrow in her eyes,it felt like a thousand needle was stabbing my heart,I heard to look away,then decided to go to the kitchen to prepare tea for her since it was a little bit cold. After preparing the tea,I brought the tea to the sitting room so that I could give granny the tea to keep herself warm but to my surprise,I saw granny trying to hold back her tears. Her eyes were moist and her face was red, seeing this I immediately dropped the tea and hugged her noticing that someone hugged her she started crying until she fell asleep, noticing this I gently lay her on the sofa then covered her with a blanket. After covering her with a blanket I decided to call the leader of the shifters to inform her of the latest news after that I decided to wait till the next day to keep her company because tomorrow was an important day,the day all the truth would be revealed.


I felt something sticky on my skin and to my surprise, when I opened my eyes I saw blue eyes licking me at first I was terrified but when I noticed the food it brought beside me I noticed that it was waking me up to eat, seeing the food I had mixed feelings because I could not eat raw food which made me sad and I could also have a feeling of motherly love which made me happy. I moved closer to the food (raw meat) that she brought for me and sniffed it while I was doing all this her eyes were following my every step,after sniffing,I really regret sniffing it because I felt like throwing up but how could I tell an animal that I don't eat raw meat so in order to survive I decided to run towards a fruit tree I saw while I was drinking water with her the last time while hoping that she would help me get a fruit, noticing that she was beside me,I decided to move closer to the tree to attack it so as to tell her that I wanted to eat the fruit in the tree while hoping she would understand.I noticed her moving closer to me and was happy that I was going to eat the fruit but to my surprise,she carried me with her mouth, noticing this I started struggling, seeing me struggle she dropped me and I landed on my back I was trying to get up but it was hard to get up, noticing that it was hard for me to get up she decided to use her nose to push me so that I could stand up after standing,I tried shaking off the dust off my body seeing that I was trying to shake the sand off,blue eyes started licking my body, which made me a little bit embarrassed because after she was done all my skin were showing but I decided to put it at the back of my mind and decided to put more effort into fighting with the tree, noticing my motive, blue eyes joined me in hitting the tree and and I was lucky because two apple fell down, Immediately it fell I started eating it seeing me eating it blue eyes came to me and started staring at me,well I could read her mind she never expected her child to be interested in fruit instead of meat,she was staring at me while I continued eating.

Hi everyone am sorry for not updating early,I had to prepare for my exam,now am back and I promise to write at least four times a week and please keep yourself safe from Corona virus may GOD protect us all.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts