
Revealing the secret to granny.


I woke up with an aching neck due to the way I slept,I sat up and tried to stretch my neck when I was done,I looked at the sofa opposite me and not a stillhout sleeping there,I was afraid at first but that was when I remembered that it was Daisy that brought me home from the hospital and she didn't go back. As I was about to stand up to go to the kitchen to prepare what we would eat because I didn't want to wake Daisy up,I noticed Daisy staring at me and after that she greeted me but I noticed that while she was staring at me,it felt as if she wants to tell me something so I shrugged it off. She asked me of what I wanted to do then I told her that I just wanted to prepare something to eat, when she heard what I said,she told me not to worry about preparing the food that she would help me since my body was still weak,I agreed and decided to sit down. Few minutes later she was done in the kitchen then we started eating after eating she went to the kitchen to clear the plate, while she was in the kitchen,I heard a Knock on the door and decided to go and check who was there, when I opened the door I saw a group of people at the door post, among the people were someone I know so I allowed them in after they told me they wanted to tell me something important,I offered them something to drink but they told me they were not interested.

A woman who had the aura of a queen stood up to talk,I gestured her to sit down but she told me she was okay with standing up,so I decided not to force her,she then started talking.

"My name is Lily,I am the leader of the shifters and this are my people, although we are much ,I can't just bring everyone of them to this place at once so the people you are seeing here are the representatives" after saying what she said they all started introducing themselves one after the other,I was shocked at first because I knew the woman that was talking,she was actually the one that came on my son birthday and now she is saying she is the leader of a group or what did she even call it but I decided to keep quiet.

"I Know you are doubting us because I Know you've met some of us but there is no need to beat around the bush. The reason why we are here is because of your grandson Richard"

hearing Richard's name,I started having goosebumps,I wanted to ask them what they knew but I had to keep quiet because I might destroy things,the woman paused for a while,I guess she was watching my reaction,after a while she continued talking.

"As have said before we are here to talk about Richard,there have been some changes that Richard has been undergoing which he can't tell you because of his enemies,for some months now Richard has been undergoing some changes for example,his eyes has been changing colours and if you notice he is becoming more mascular like his muscles are expanding and getting strong, showing signs of a man when he is just a boy,you could also notice that he has been going to the gym,the only reason he is going there is because he does not want you to suspect him, let's now forget about all this changes,the most important thing now is that your grandson has awaken an unspeakable power that can destroy all the evil in the world,due to this he has disappeared,I can assure you that he is safe where he is,so the only thing you could do is to pray for him to come home very soon".

All what she said was shocking,it was just like lies to my ears but there was something I could not get off my mind,what did they mean by "awakening power",so I had to ask her so that she could explain, when I did she continued by saying"

Did you know the reason behind your daughter and her husband death,the reason is because your son enemy we're angry with them for giving birth to your grandson so they sent someone to kill your grandson but unfortunately the person they sent,sent another person to do the work which lead to the people killing your daughter and the husband instead of your grandson,they would have killed your son also because your grandson also but he was smart enough to run away,so this power wee what they wanted to stop, did you even Know that few weeks before your son birthday he was kidnapped by the enemies but GOD saved him,so because of your safety we told him not to tell you anything,now that we've told you,you would not be able to stay at your home,you would have to follow us in other to be saved".

After listening to what she said I had to excuse myself so as to allow all what they said sink in. As I was about to leave to my room They told me they had to go that they would come the next day for my reply. I entered my room looking devastated,I sat on my bed and started crying after for a while,I slept off.

LILY POV(leader of the shifters)

On our way back home,I was reminiscing everything I said and was a little bit unhappy because I didn't know how Richard's granny would take it and what she would use to answer, even while I was talking,she hardly showed any reaction making me feel a little bit nervous,I sat in the car and decided to rest.


I ate the fruit till I was satisfied,after eating I had to rest like a pregnant woman,I know if blue eyes could talk she would have started laughing because I just lay there like a dead fish, exposing my stomach to make matter worst blue eyes came to me and started licking me,apart from it being embarrassing,it was also ticklish,I could not take it any more to the extent that I started swaying my hand and feet at her in order for her to stop when she finally stopped what she was doing,I tried turning over to go and drink some water,while drinking the water I was thinking about home,how my granny would be feeling and the shifters and I was also wondering how I would actually get out of this thick Forest, while I was thinking I did not know when blue eyes carried me to the cave,it was when I was there that I came back to my senses,blue eyes wrapped her warm and soft body around me, making me feel warm and dry and I did not know when I fell asleep.

hi everyone hope you are enjoying the novel, kindly review and comment so as to know if have done any mistake or if you are enjoying the novel and remember stay at home and stay safe may God keep us free from Corona virus in Jesus name.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts