
We meet again

"Okay! Time is up guys! Pass your papers in front."

the examiner says, damping the irritating sound of the wall clock, as he glances at his wristwatch. Good thing we helped each other on studying for the remaining few days, Amber really helped a lot on the subjects I hate most. Yohan, on the other hand, is a fast learner. It did not take long for him to cope up on the things he missed, he listened to my explanations and answered the mock exam I made with no mistakes; the clattering intensifies as the students stand up and passes their exam papers to the examiner who is sitting on the teacher's desk all cozy with his arms linked while rocking the chair back and forth. I stand up and advance to pass mine to the examiner with a snail-paced walk while glancing at my paper, scanning for any questions I forgot to answer or any minuscule mistake.

"Hmmm... Ow!"

I grumble as I bumped into something, I rub my forehead that got the most damage as I look on what could it be the thing that obstructed my way.

"Ah! Sorry Ash, you are done too?"

the long-legged rectangular guitar case suddenly speaks up and turns toward me

"Huh? Oh, it's you Yohan. Yeah, errr... Band practice?"

I gently scratch my forehead upon seeing Yohan with his signature smile while asking a very obvious question as I point the guitar case on his back and start walking to the examiner to pass the exam paper; Yohan follows while re-checking his paper,

"Yeah, after this I'll rush to the studio. Roughly a month to go before the gig, I get really nervous just by thinking about it."

"There's nothing to be nervous about, you guys were great back then."

I put my paper at the desk as soon as I reach the front, Yohan mimics and the examiner takes it and slips it at the folder he is holding the whole time. We both leave the classroom and our footsteps rhythmically join the everyday noise of the school corridors, while talking about the exams we took a while ago and sharing thoughts for any possible answer that we think is a mistake.

"Well, see you on valentines."

Yohan waves as he walks to the opposite direction, I nod as a response and leave the point where we got separated. The sidewalk is filled with students going somewhere to hang out to celebrate and spend the remaining time together; the howling wind resonates as I walk the path alone and surrounded by groups of student. My attention diverts to a familiar figure walking on the other side with a bunch of guys trailing her and talking to her vividly, a petite girl with short black hair. The girl dashes towards my direction as she sees me leaving the guys behind,


the little girl shouts while waving her hand with enthusiasm, I wave back and wait for her to arrive while trying to remember her name.

"H-hi... Err... Who are you again?"

"Eehh?!?! It's me! Elise, Yohan's cousin!"

she remarks as soon as she reached my side,

"Ah... Yeah! Elise, sorry. I'm not good at memorizing names."

"It's all right as long as you remember my face. Are you going somewhere?"

"Huh? Nothing in particular. Why?"

"Then come with me!!"

"Eh? W-wait Eli- ."

Elise grins and grabs my hand pulling me to the opposite direction that I was heading to, so much force from a little girl. I glance back to the guys she was with, all of them are now wearing a long face since Elise ran away from their side.

"Hey, Elise, who are they? Friends of yours?"

"No way! They're a bunch of perverts from school who keeps pestering me from morning to my way back home!"

she stops and glares at me, gritting her teeth as she speaks. There are anger and terror in her look, maybe her temper is already at the limit and she might burst any seconds; so she also has it tough, well with that kind of beauty is bound to be popular with the boys. She releases my hand from her grip as her expression changes into a solemn one,

"Ugh, sorry. I'm really fed up with them and used you as a shield."

"It's no biggie. Where are we going anyway?"

I smile at her, trying to cheer her up. She looks back at me and forced a smile and resumes on walking,

"There's a pastry shop that recently opened, I wanted to try it out."

"But you don't have someone to accompany you since you're bad at directions?"

I respond while following her footsteps and chuckling,

"HEY! How come you remember that and not my name?"

"Ummm... Because it's one of your good points?"

"Pffft... Haha, what does that suppose to mean? Hahaha..."

she suddenly burst out laughing. Our chat lasted until we arrived at the bus stop and hopped into a bus. A half hour of travel to the destination that Elise wanted to go, upon arriving my eyes pops out of surprise for it is the building complex I went with Amber a few days ago, the place where Yohan and his bandmates go to and practice.


"Good thing there are only a few customers today."

Elise says as she put her tray down on the table and sits. I follow with my tray and sit on the vacant seat,


I gave a quick reply as my attention is focused on the delicious slice of strawberry shortcake in front of me, I lift up the fork and gently cut a small piece out of it and put in my mouth.

"Hmmmm~!! So good~!!"

I mumble as I masticate the food with delicacy and enjoy every bit, tender and sweet, a perfect combination.

"I know right! Anyway...."

Elise smiles at me while taking a sip of her lemon tea.

"...did something happen between you and Yohan?"

I got surprised by the sudden question that I got choked by the food that I am eating, I coughed a few times trying to ease the pain in my throat, her eyes intently staring at me while slowly sipping her cup of tea. Nothing really happened between me and him,

"N-nothing, nothing happened between us!"

I fret while remembering what happened the other day when Yohan suddenly leaned closer and closer. With our forehead touching and his hand caressing my hair, he went closer and closer and I felt his warm breath on my leaps. I closed my eyes for I was afraid, my heart beating too fast and my cheeks burning up, waiting for his lips to touch mine.

"Here, there was a leaf stuck on your hair."

That is what he said, I was a fool for expecting a kiss from him. I sigh and smile at Elise, wondering why did she throw such a question all of a sudden. There is no one in hell that Yohan would fall for me, I mean he already rejected me.

"Is that so? He became weird since last week, grinning on his cellphone while messaging you."


I frown out of confusion, I never messaged him nor received any from him, and it will be impossible since I never gave him my e-mail address.