
When a life fades away

Hisuian tales book one. A young man with dreams and hopes ready to take on the world disappears in thin air only to find himself in the past with a mission not so clear. How Ash Ketchum can find his way back to his world? And how his friends in the present time will react to his sudden disappearance? Why Ash Ketchum of all the men? Amourshipping

Simic1997 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

So it was you all along

As Ash and Pikachu made their way back to Hisui, they found themselves in a clearing. A tent made of branches and leaves had been built and the fireplace was still crackling with the embers. It looked like Greninja and the others had set the camp and even left two bowls with some sort of soup for Ash and Pikachu to eat.

The duo looked at each other and they smiled, eating the soup in silence and then crawling into the tent to rest a bit. What a magical night. Pikachu wanted to mock Ash a bit but decided against it. After all, he too well understood the situation and knew that this adventure could risk their lives. Ash wasn't one to live a romance with interest and he would have preferred to just let things happen…Let's say he let it that way.


In the quiet aftermath of the tumultuous night, a gentle knock echoed through Akari's small room. Startled, she wiped away the lingering tears and opened the door to find Cogita, the wise lady of the village, standing there.

"Cogita? What brings you here?" Akari asked, her voice a mixture of surprise and weariness.

The older woman offered a kind smile. "I've been watching over the village for a long time, child. I sense the weight on your heart and thought you might need some guidance."

"Come down with me, young one. I will take you to my place. There you will find the answers your heart aches to know".

"But I can't properly move!" cried Akari. The lady only answered: "You won't need to walk".

From the broken window, Akari saw a pink, slim humanoid creature, similar to a genie. She turned to face Cogita who only said: "Enamorus will be glad to carry your broken heart." 


As the noise of Pokémon fighting became more distant Ash emerged from the dense forest. The towering trees gradually gave way to a more open landscape, and as he stepped into a snowy clearing, the grandeur of Mount Coronet came into view. Its majestic peaks reached towards the sky, light of unnatural colors coming from the top.

A sense of awe washed over Ash as he took in the breathtaking sight. The mountain, a symbol of mystery and power, stood tall and imposing. The air was crisp, and the distant sound of flowing water hinted at unseen streams and rivers meandering through the landscape.

Greninja, the stoic and powerful Water-type, appeared by Ash's side, his concentration aimed at patrolling the area with an eye waiting for some danger or predator. Lucario, the Aura Pokémon, walked with an almost meditative grace, his keen senses attuned to the energy that surrounded Mount Coronet.

Growlithe, the loyal Fire-type, trotted faithfully beside Ash, a warm and comforting presence. Braviary, the majestic bird of prey, soared above, his sharp eyes surveying the landscape with a regal gaze.

"This is it, Pikachu," Ash said, his voice a mixture of determination and reverence. "Mount Coronet. Our final big challenge."

The Pokémon, each a testament to the adventures they'd shared, echoed their trainer's anticipation. Greninja's eyes gleamed with readiness for battle, Lucario's aura flared with heightened awareness, Growlithe barked with infectious enthusiasm, and Braviary let out a majestic cry that echoed through the clearing.

With his team gathered around him, Ash felt a surge of confidence. The path ahead was clear, leading toward a small cave entrance which would lead ultimately to Spear Pillar. Ash could feel the energy of the place, a subtle vibration in the air that hinted at the ancient secrets and untold stories the mountain held. Every step brought him closer to the culmination of his journey in this mysterious land.

As they ventured forth, the forest behind them whispered with the rustle of leaves, a reminder of the wild beauty they had traversed. Yet, Mount Coronet beckoned with the promise of new discoveries, challenges, and, perhaps, the answers Ash sought.

That place was populated by infuriated Electivires and Luxray with their packs. Gligars and Gliscors soared the sky, sometimes coming closer to Braviary.

Finally, Ash was able to see the entrance. From inside, only the lights of some torches could be seen.

Suddenly, a shuriken came from the sky as Greninja leaped forward it cutting it with his Cut.

Ash turned around shouting: "Who's there?!" 

Pikachu jumped from his shoulder, ready to fight and then a screen of smoke intoxicated the group. A middle-aged figure emerged from the blanket, green hair hidden by a pearly white headdress. A ninja mask covered his face but not his elongated, gray eyes, which revealed a few wrinkles around them.

The mysterious attacker had a ninja outfit that matched the headgear and on his waist, in addition to the classic ninja stars, six Pokéballs.

"You are…" exclaimed Ash, in clear disbelief.

"Yes, I am, young foreigner"

"Beni…" Ash whispered, slightly shocked at the revelation. The man was a kind one, he owned the Wallflower, Jubilife's canteen, and Ash had spent so many nights drinking and eating Beni's famous mochis.

"I'm sorry. My trust and loyalty belong to Kamado and Team Galaxy. He asked me to stop you, once and for all. I'll do this last murder and then I'm gonna retire" the man proclaimed, assuming a fighting stance and unclipping a poké Ball from his belt.

When he was about to throw the ball, a Gliscor from the sky launched forward with a X-scissor, forcing him to leap backwards.

"I arrive, right on schedule!" shouted a voice. Ash turned around only to see Sneasler and, inside of his basket, Ingo.

"Ingo!? Is that you???" exclaimed the raven-haired trainer.

"My destination is victory, old ninja. Your old techniques can't defy the leader of the Battle Subway!" he shouted without answering Ash.

"Why are you here, foreigner?!" spat Beni, his calmness lost to the interruption.

Ingo turned his face to half see Ash: "Thank you so much Ash. Now I know. I know who I am, what's my place. Let me help you with this freak. Go and stop the threat on top. I'm going to find you after the ninja is done" he stated with a firm and almost cocky attitude.

Ash was relieved to see that he was doing fine and was eager to help but still asked: "Are you really sure?"

"Don't worry for me. After all, you should know: What can I see after winning, winning, and winning?"

Ash smiled, remembering his quote and only nodded his head before turning to the cave. "Hey, where do you think you are going?" exclaimed Beni, now jumping forward to shoot a ninja star at Ash.

Gliscor hit him with Iron tail, sending the man flying into a pile of snow. Ingo merely said: "It's me your enemy. An now…" he said, preparing his iconic pose "All aboard!" 

With a deep breath, Ash forged ahead, his eyes fixed on the towering peak of Mount Coronet. Pikachu's small paws clung tightly to his shoulder, the unspoken bond between trainer and Pokémon resonating with the anticipation of the adventure that awaited them.


In the secluded haven of Cogita's abode, the wise lady gestured for Akari to sit beside her. The room was filled with an air of ancient wisdom, shelves lined with mystical artifacts and the soft glow of candles casting dancing shadows on the walls.

"Child, I possess a gift that allows me to see events unfold across time and space," Cogita explained, revealing a small crystal ball that shimmered with an ethereal light. "This might offer you a glimpse into what transpired after Ash left."

Akari's eyes widened with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. She nodded, eager to catch any glimpse of Ash and the unfolding events.

Cogita held the crystal ball in her hands, her fingers moving with a grace born of years of practice. The room dimmed, and the crystal began to glow, projecting images that danced within its depths.

In the swirling patterns of light, scenes unfolded like echoes from another realm. Akari watched with bated breath as Ash, accompanied by his steadfast Pokémon, navigated the treacherous path towards Mount Coronet. The looming mountain, a silent witness to their journey, stood as a testament to the challenges that awaited.

The crystal ball captured moments of determination and resilience, Pikachu's unwavering loyalty, Greninja's silent strength, and the camaraderie that bound them together. Yet, within this narrative of fortitude, a thread of sadness lingered, an unspoken acknowledgment that their paths might soon diverge.

As the scenes progressed, Cogita's gaze remained fixed on Akari, who absorbed every detail with a mix of emotions. The crystal ball unveiled not just the physical challenges but also the emotional turmoil within Ash.

Cogita spoke softly, her voice weaving through the delicate tapestry of light. "The journey he undertakes is fraught with peril, and the burden he carries is not just of the physical world. It's the weight of choices, the echo of destinies converging."

Finally, Akari also saw Beni trying to attack Ash as well as Ingo protecting him. She couldn't believe the villagers with Kamado on the lead were still following him.


The torches cast dancing shadows on the rough-hewn walls, creating an ambiance of ancient mystery.

Greninja, Lucario, Growlithe, Braviary, and Pikachu followed Ash into the cave, their forms outlined by the warm glow of the torches. The air within was cool and carried a scent of damp earth, giving the impression that the cave held secrets embedded in its very stones.

The sound of echoing footsteps resonated as Ash pressed on, the cave gradually narrowing before opening into a larger chamber. The torches revealed intricate rock formations, stalactites hanging like ancient chandeliers from the ceiling. The ground beneath echoed with each step, adding a rhythmic quality to the journey.

Pikachu's ears twitched with curiosity as they explored the cave's depths. Lucario's aura illuminated the surroundings, revealing hidden crevices and passages. Growlithe's keen sense of smell was alert to any changes in the air, while Braviary glided effortlessly above, its wings stirring a gentle breeze.

As they advanced, the torches became more numerous, guiding them through the labyrinthine passages. The anticipation in the air was palpable, a shared understanding among trainer and Pokémon that they were drawing closer to a significant point in their quest.

In the heart of the cave, the torchlight dimmed, giving way to a natural opening that revealed the vast expanse beyond. The silhouette of Spear Pillar stood against the backdrop of the open sky, a sight both breathtaking and foreboding.

Ash paused for a moment, absorbing the energy of the cave and the distant pillar. He exchanged determined glances with his Pokémon, a silent agreement passing between them. The journey through the cave was a symbolic passage, a bridge between the known and the unknown, leading them one step closer to the mysteries that awaited at Spear Pillar.

As Ash and his Pokémon approached the mouth of the cave, the torchlight flickered, creating dancing shadows on the rocky walls. The atmosphere was charged with a blend of anticipation and uncertainty.

Suddenly, a commanding voice echoed through the cavern, stopping Ash in his tracks. It was Kamado, the formidable leader of Team Galaxy. Kamado, adorned in a dark armor that mirrored the shadows of the cave, emerged from the darkness. His eyes gleamed with determination as he regarded Ash with a mixture of suspicion and concern.

"You've come far, and you're not dead either" Kamado spoke with a measured tone. "But your presence here raises questions. You are the reason of all this chaos. I can't let the villagers down. I must stop you…"

Ash, standing firm with Pikachu by his side, met Kamado's gaze. "I'm here to set things right, to protect this world and its Pokémon. Now move away, old man. If I don't do anything, your region and the world could be destroyed."

Kamado's expression remained stern, yet contemplative. "The power you wield is unprecedented, and it brings both hope and concern. Team Galaxy is tasked with preserving the balance of this land. If you seek to pass, young traveler, you must prove your worth. A battle will be the testament of your intentions and strength."

Ash, always ready for a challenge, nodded resolutely. "I accept your challenge. My Pokémon and I will show you that our mission is just, and our hearts are in harmony with the Pokémon of Hisui."

The cave chamber transformed into a battlefield as Kamado stepped forward, his Pokémon emerging from the shadows. His team comprised ancient Pokémon native to the Hisui region, their eyes reflecting the essence of a time long past.

Pikachu, Greninja, Lucario, Growlithe, and Braviary stood at the ready, a united front against Kamado's formidable lineup. The air crackled with anticipation as the first Pokémon was sent into battle.

"Pikachu, let's lead the charge!" Ash called out, his voice echoing in the cavern. Pikachu, a seasoned warrior, leaped forward with a surge of electricity, prepared for the clash against the ancient Pokémon under Kamado's command.

His Pokémon emerged from the shadows, each a relic of Hisui's ancient history—Snorlax, Golem, Clefable, Heracross, and Braviary. Their eyes gleamed with the essence of a bygone time.

Facing them was Ash, his gaze unwavering, determination etched across his face. "Pikachu, Let's end this now!" 

The battle unfolded with an intensity that shook the very foundations of the cave. Pikachu, a blaze of lightning, darted between opponents, striking with precision and speed. His Thunderbolt illuminated the cavern, revealing the determined faces of both trainers and the intricate rock formations that bore witness to their clash.

Snorlax, the colossal guardian, attempted to withstand Pikachu's onslaught with its immense bulk. Golem, a juggernaut of stone, rolled forward, seeking to crush its nimble adversary. Clefable, an ethereal presence, danced through the air, countering Pikachu's moves with graceful elegance.

Heracross, the powerful beetle Pokémon, clashed horn to horn with Pikachu, each refusing to yield an inch. Braviary, a majestic avian warrior, soared through the cave, challenging Pikachu with powerful gusts of wind.

 Kamado, observing the battle with a discerning eye, saw not just the prowess of Ash and his Pokémon but the spirit that fueled their every move. The cave echoed with the roars, cries, and determined shouts, creating a tableau of a struggle transcending time.

Yet, despite facing the combined might of Kamado's team, Pikachu's determination and strength seemed boundless. With each Thunderbolt, each Quick Attack, and each Iron Tail, Pikachu demonstrated a mastery over the battlefield. His movements became a blur, a symphony of lightning and agility that overwhelmed his opponents.

In a matter of seconds, Pikachu had returned to his favorite spot on Ash's shoulder where his friend treated him with an Oran Berry and patted his head lightly.

Kamado's once-resolute posture now crumbled under the weight of desperation and despair. His weary eyes, filled with the echoes of countless battles and the burden of time itself, reflected the turmoil within his soul. The defeat in the cavern wasn't just a physical one; it mirrored the shattering of his steadfast beliefs.

The staleness of the cave air seemed to intensify as Kamado struggled to find words, his breaths heavy with both fatigue and the realization that the future he had fought so fiercely to protect now rested on the shoulders of a young outsider.

"I thought I could protect Hisui, its people, its destiny," Kamado confessed, his voice a mere whisper, barely audible above the echoes of the cave. "I thought you were the menace."

Ash, standing a few steps away, felt the weight of Kamado's words. The responsibility he was about to inherit was immense, and the gravity of the situation hung in the air like a heavy fog.

The defeated Team Galaxy leader raised his head, locking eyes with Ash. "Young trainer," he began, his voice carrying the weight of centuries, "I entrust you with the future of this land. Protect Hisui, its people, its essence. You are the key to a future I can no longer comprehend."

Ash nodded, understanding the gravity of the task ahead. The torchlight flickered, casting dancing shadows on the cavern walls, as if the very cave bore witness to the passing of a mantle, the weight of leadership shifting from one generation to the next.

"Take this responsibility, not as a burden, but as an opportunity to shape the destiny of Hisui," Kamado continued, summoning a small smile despite the fatigue etched on his face. "And Sorry for all the pain we put you through."

With that, Kamado, the once indomitable leader of Team Galaxy, slid down to a sitting position, fatigue claiming what remained of his strength. The echoes of the cavern seemed to carry the weight of centuries, the past and the future colliding in that somber moment of transition.

Ash only nodded and moved towards the exit.Inizio modulo

As Serena stood there, alone in the dissipating fog, she clutched the memory of Ash's kiss and the warmth of his hand in hers. The pink bow in his possession symbolized a connection that transcended the physical distance that now separated them.

With a heavy heart, Serena made her way back to the Pokémon Center, the events of the magical night replaying in her mind. The uncertainties of the future loomed over her, but amidst the doubts, a newfound strength emerged. The love she shared with Ash became a source of resilience, a beacon to guide them through whatever challenges lay ahead.

Inside the Pokémon Center, Serena couldn't help but replay the moments she shared with Ash and Pikachu. She took solace in the promise he made before disappearing into the fog, assuring her that he would return. The pink bow she gave him served as a tangible reminder of their connection, a symbol of support that she hoped would accompany him on his journey.

Finally, she took a deep breath and dialed Delia Ketchum's number.

When Ash's mother answered, Serena conveyed the message Ash had asked her to deliver. "Mrs. Ketchum," Serena began to tell her the whole story, not stopping for the fear to be scolded for the imprudence committed by her and her group, "I wanted to let you know that Ash is fine. He's on a journey, and he asked me to tell you that he's brushing his teeth every day and changing his clothes, even his underwear."

Delia listened attentively, a mix of concern and curiosity in her voice, "Oh, dear. Thank you for letting me know, Serena. I appreciate you looking out for him. Is everything okay?"

"Pikachu also wanted me to tell you that they'll be back home hungry. They're watching out for each other," Serena continued, trying to provide reassurance.

Delia chuckled on the other end, "That sounds like my Ash. Thank you, Serena."

Serena nodded, "And there's one more thing. Ash asked me to tell you that he loves you."

There was a brief silence on the line before Serena heard a sharp intake of breath. "He... he said that?" Delia's voice trembled with surprise.

"Yes, Mrs. Ketchum. Those were his words. He wanted to make sure you know," Serena replied.

Delia was silent for a moment, and then Serena heard her voice crack as she said, "Thank you, Serena. Thank you for telling me."

As Delia expressed her emotions, Serena could feel the depth of the connection between mother and son. The call ended with shared gratitude and well-wishes, leaving Serena with a sense of fulfillment for having played a part in strengthening the ties of love between Ash and his mother. When Serena ended the call, Delia collapsed to the ground, starting to sob and cry uncontrollably. Mr. Mime approached to console her, as he had done every day since that tragic night.

As Ash emerged from the cavern's shadowy embrace, he found himself standing before the awe-inspiring Temple of Sinnoh. The grandeur of the ancient structure stretched toward the heavens, its intricate architecture a testament to the craftsmanship of a bygone era. Pillars adorned with mysterious runes framed the entrance, leading the way to the heart of the temple.

The air around the temple pulsed with a quiet energy, as if the very stones held the secrets of time within their grasp. The sprawling structure, now weathered by centuries, whispered tales of a time long past.

Pikachu, Greninja, Lucario, Growlithe, Braviary, and the rest of Ash's Pokémon followed in reverence, their gazes lifted to take in the majesty of the temple. The temple's exterior, adorned with ornate carvings, hinted at a rich history etched into the very stones.

"So this is how Spear Pillar was before…" exclaimed Ash in awe.

The group entered the temple. Everything was quiet as if nothing happened until they arrived at the central altar. The Red Chain was there, surrounding a blue diamond. 

Ash observed his surroundings, hoping to find Volo but he couldn't sense anything.

"So that Diamond should contain Dialga…"

Suddenly the large diamond started to glow, releasing energy in the form of heat. 

"Holy shit! We will explode with everything!" shouted Ash as gusts of heat were scorching his body.

In the sky a portal emerged, glowing with a pearl color. The diamond expanded and finally exploded generating a powerful blast of energy uncovering the roof of the ancient temple and causing the structure to collapse. A blanket of smoke rose from the ground as an equine shape emerged from the diamond, glowing diamond-colored.

Ash, who thought he was dead, reopened his eyes and saw a familiar presence in front of him. He was Palkia, the creature of space, brother of Dialga and son of Arceus.

"Palkia?" the boy commented in dismay, Pikachu mimicking his friend's shock. The brave Pokémon turned and gave the young man a nod of understanding before collapsing from the attack he received.

Ash and his friends didn't have time to worry about this when they noticed the form the protector of time had taken. He looked like a hybrid between a centaur and a dragon, and his physiognomy resembled that of Arceus himself.

The flow of energy in the sky amplified as the rampaging deity came to a halt.

Ash heard the sound of someone clapping: it was Volo.

"Bravo, very well. I see you've already met my mighty creature…" he said, his grin intensifying into a maniacal face.

"Volo?" asked Ash, still not fully understanding what was happening.

"Now, be a nice kid. Hand over your plates and let's end this quickly."

Ash was beyond shocked. His gaze only hardened while he prepared himself for what was about to come: "So it was you, after all."

"Why that face?" smirked the merchant, without missing a beat. "Oh well, Dialga, show him your might!" he commanded with mad fury.

This was it.

Ash turned to his friends: "LET'S GO!"