
When a life fades away

Hisuian tales book one. A young man with dreams and hopes ready to take on the world disappears in thin air only to find himself in the past with a mission not so clear. How Ash Ketchum can find his way back to his world? And how his friends in the present time will react to his sudden disappearance? Why Ash Ketchum of all the men? Amourshipping

Simic1997 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

End of the World

As night draped its melancholic veil over the world, Ash moved through Akari's house, gathering his belongings for the final leg of their journey to Mt. Coronet. The once lively abode now stood silent and empty, echoing the void left behind by Akari's absence.

Each item he packed carried memories, a testament to the bond they had forged. His fingers trembled as he folded his clothes, his mind drifting back to the laughter, the shared meals, and the late-night conversations they had in this very room. The boy casted a glance at the charm Akari had gifted him for Christmas, remembering her pale skin adorned by a bright blush and her glimmering eyes when she gave it to him.

Pikachu, sensing the weight of the moment, perched silently on Ash's shoulder. His usually vibrant eyes held a touch of sadness, mirroring Ash's own emotions. Together, they cast a last glance at the house, the walls whispering tales of their time together.

The echoes of their footsteps reverberated through the empty rooms, amplifying the emptiness that seemed to consume the space. Ash couldn't help but feel a pang of longing, a desire to turn back time and relive those precious moments once more.

The journey ahead beckoned, calling him to continue his quest, but the heaviness in his heart lingered. It was a bittersweet farewell to a place that had become a sanctuary, a home away from home. The bond he shared with Akari had grown stronger within these walls, and now he had to face the daunting reality of leaving it behind.

With a deep sigh, Ash straightened his posture, his resolve returning. He whispered to Pikachu, his voice tinged with a mix of determination and sadness, "It's time to go, Pikachu".

Pikachu nodded in understanding, his cheeks tinged with a subdued spark. He also knew this was probably their last moment in that place, with those people and Pokémon he had met during this exhausting yet marvelous adventure. They turned away from the house, their footsteps marking the passage of time and the distance that lay between them and their destination, with the mouse gently caressing his trainer's head in an attempt to comfort him.

As they made their way back to the Galaxy HQ, the night enveloped them in its melancholic embrace. The stars above seemed to shine with a dimmer light, as if reflecting the emotions that weighed heavily on Ash's shoulders. But amidst the somberness, a flicker of hope remained, a beacon that guided him forward in the face of uncertainty.

The final journey awaited them, and with every step, Ash carried the memories of Akari and the friendship they shared. Though the path ahead was filled with challenges and unknowns, he knew deep down that the bond they had forged would endure, no matter the distance that separated them.

And so, with the night as their witness, Ash and Pikachu pressed on, their souls intertwined, seeking solace in the stars that whispered tales of love, loss, and the unyielding spirit of a trainer on a journey that would change them forever.


As Akari sat alone in the quietness of the Medical Corps, her Pokémon slumbering peacefully by her side, her gaze turned towards the window, where the moon's gentle glow painted the world in a serene light. Her thoughts wandered back to the time she had spent with Ash, reminiscing about the profound impact he had on her life.

She couldn't help but smile as she recalled the countless adventures they had shared, the obstacles they had overcome together, and the joy that had blossomed within her heart. Ash's unwavering spirit and boundless enthusiasm had ignited a spark within her, casting away the shadows of doubt and fear that had once clouded her mind. She could still remember the day he appeared in her life, shielding her from a rampaging Infernape, a Pokémon she was scared of. And now, all these months later, that same Infernape was a common guest at her place.

Ash had taught her to embrace life's challenges with unwavering determination, to face each day with a newfound optimism and an unyielding belief in herself. Through their shared moments, she had discovered the strength within her to forge her own path and befriend the Pokémon that she had once feared.

Akari reflected on the way Ash's infectious enthusiasm had seeped into her own being, transforming her into a more self-assured and open-hearted person. With him by her side, she had learned to cherish every moment, to celebrate the beauty of each new day, and to find joy in the simplest of encounters.

Her Pokémon stirred softly, sensing the depth of her emotions, their presence a reminder of the bonds they had formed together. As she looked at each of them, she felt a profound gratitude for the way they had journeyed alongside her, supporting her and mirroring the growth she had experienced.

Akari knew that their time together was drawing to a close, that their paths would soon diverge once more. And yet, she held onto the memories they had created, cherishing them as precious treasures in her heart. She vowed to carry the lessons she had learned from Ash, the friendships she had forged, and the newfound confidence she had discovered, with her always.

As Akari's thoughts swirled with the memories of her time with Ash, a tinge of sadness crept into her heart. Deep down, she knew that the boy she had grown to love would not return from this mission as she wished. The bittersweet reality hung heavy in her thoughts, overshadowing the warmth and happiness that their moments together had brought.

Though she had embraced the newfound strength and optimism that Ash had awakened within her, a part of her couldn't shake the lingering sense of impending separation. The knowledge that he would eventually return to his own time, leaving behind the bonds they had formed and the future they might have shared, cast a shadow of melancholy over her soul.

She couldn't help but wonder about the uncertainty of their futures and the countless unanswered questions that lingered in the depths of her mind. Would she ever see him again? Would their paths cross once more, or would their connection be forever etched in the fading embers of their shared memories?

Akari's heart ached with the realization that their time together had an expiration date, and that soon she would have to bid farewell to the person who had brought so much light and transformation into her life. The thought of parting ways with Ash, with his infectious laughter and unwavering spirit, was a heavy burden to bear.

Yet, despite the undercurrent of sadness that threatened to dampen her spirit, Akari found solace in the knowledge that their time together had been a gift—a profound chapter in her life that she would always treasure. She resolved to hold onto the lessons learned, the growth experienced, and the love that had blossomed within her, even if it meant facing the pain of separation.

As she looked out into the starlit night, a single tear escaped her eye, silently tracing its path down her cheek. But amidst the sadness, a glimmer of hope remained, reminding her to cherish the present and to embrace the journey, knowing that the memories they had shared would forever remain a part of her, shaping the person she had become.

With a deep breath, Akari wiped away the tears as she heard the sound of footsteps she was usually so eager to hear.


This was it. They weren't ready. They saw this moment coming. They knew it. Yet they couldn't say it.

As Ash stood in front of Akari, the weight of their impending separation bore down upon them like a crushing force. His anxiety was palpable, his words caught in his throat, knowing that what he was about to say would shatter their fragile bubble of happiness. Pikachu too, the always cheerful mouse was feeling the pressure.

Akari, sensing the gravity of the situation, searched his eyes for answers, her own heart already heavy with a premonition of what was to come. "Ash, why are you here so late… Why did you pack everything?" she pleaded, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and resignation.

Taking a deep breath, Ash mustered his strength, his gaze locked with Akari's, and he began to speak, his words carrying the weight of their impending separation. "Akari, this mission I'm embarking on... it's dangerous, and there's a chance I won't make it back," he confessed, his voice laced with a tinge of sorrow.

Pikachu knew very well what Ash was trying to say. They saw the power of Dialga and Palkia. If their idea was real and the whole ordeal had happened because of one of those two, even the strongest Pokémon in the world could be in danger.

A gasp escaped Akari's lips, her hands trembling uncontrollably. The reality of the situation crashed down upon her, threatening to engulf her in a sea of despair. "No... Ash, you can't leave me," she whispered, her voice laced with a mix of anguish and disbelief. "I can't bear the thought of a world without you."

Ash's heart shattered into a thousand pieces at the sight of Akari's pain. He reached out, his touch gentle yet laden with a sense of finality. "I wish there was another way, Akari," he murmured, his voice heavy with regret. "But if I succeed, if I complete this mission, I'll have to return to my own time."

Silence enveloped them, the weight of their emotions suffocating in the air. Akari's gaze flickered with a mixture of longing and desperation as she finally found the courage to reveal her own truth.

"I've kept this locked inside for so long, Ash," she confessed, her voice cracking with raw vulnerability. "I love you... more than words can express. And now, with the prospect of losing you, I can't bear it." She sounded empty, vulnerable, shattered.

Ash's breath caught in his throat, his heart pounding in his chest. The weight of Akari's words pressed upon him, mingling with the heaviness of his own unspoken feelings. He searched her eyes, seeing the depth of her love and the ache within his own soul mirrored there.

"I never wanted to hurt you, Akari," he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of tenderness and pain.

He was stammering, he didn't know how to process the whole thing, he didn't want to leave things like that, he didn't expect that.

As Ash processed Akari's heartfelt confession, his mind struggled to grasp the weight of her words. He never anticipated this moment, never fathomed the depth of her love for him.

Suddenly, chaos erupted around them. The sky above them had suddenly changed color, now orange, then red and violet, colors exchanging as they ran through the texture of a fabric. Shouts emerged from the streets, as the people of the village were falling into chaos and despair at this new, strange and apocalyptic scenario.

The once peaceful village was now filled with panic and fear. Ash's eyes widened in disbelief as a bullet whizzed past him, narrowly missing its mark. The villagers, consumed by their misguided anger, stormed the Galaxy HQ, blaming Ash, the foreigner from a different time, for the cataclysmic events that had unfolded.

With a mixture of shock and instinct, Ash pulled Akari behind him, shielding her from the impending danger. His mind raced, trying to make sense of the sudden turn of events. The weight of their emotions now eclipsed by the urgent need for survival.

Pikachu, sensing the imminent danger, crackled with electricity, prepared to defend its trainer at all costs. The usually cheerful and lighthearted Pokémon now radiated an intensity born out of the need to protect those it cared for.

Amidst the chaos, Ash locked eyes with Akari, his voice laced with determination. "Take care, Akari," he said, his tone resolute yet laced with concern. "I can't let them harm you or anyone else."

Ash's mind raced with the weight of his decision. He couldn't bear the thought of losing Akari forever. The realization of the dangers that lay ahead only amplified his desire to protect her, one last time. This time by doing the rightest thing. Disappear from her life.

"Pikachu, Iron Tail to the window!" he ordered with Pikachu executing the order with fierce resolution. The glass shattered, scaring the villagers from their stances. That was it.

As Ash and Pikachu made their daring escape through the broken window, they landed on the bustling street below. The chaos and panic of the villagers were still in full swing, their rage directed at Ash as they believed him to be the cause of their troubles.

With a steely resolve, Ash called upon his trusted Pokémon partners, Greninja, Braviary, and Lucario, to stand by his side. Each Pokémon materialized, ready to defend their trainer against any threat that dared to approach. The Pokémon's presence brought a sense of strength and unity to Ash, reminding him of the bonds they had forged through countless battles and shared experiences.

While his Pokémon formed a protective circle around him, Growlithe, his loyal and courageous companion, darted back into the Galaxy HQ, his senses honed in on the search for Laventon. Growlithe's determination was fueled by a mix of loyalty and the desire to uncover the truth behind the chaos that now enveloped them.

As the battle-ready Pokémon stood tall, their eyes focused on the encroaching villagers, Ash's voice carried with unwavering conviction. "We won't let them harm us," he declared, his words laced with determination and defiance. "We'll fight our way through if we have to, but we won't let them tear us apart."

The air crackled with electricity as Pikachu unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt, sending arcs of lightning toward the oncoming crowd. Greninja moved with unparalleled speed and precision, launching swift Water Shurikens that scattered the attackers, creating a barrier of water that kept them at bay. Braviary, with its mighty wingspan, soared above the chaos, using its sharp talons to ward off any threats from the skies. Lucario, tapping into his inner aura, unleashed a series of devastating punches, each strike imbued with its energy.

Together, they fought as one, their combined strength and unwavering spirit pushing back against the angry mob.

With every strike and every thunderous roar, Ash and his Pokémon battled on, their resolve unwavering. They would fight through the turmoil, protect the ones they held dear, and face the uncertain future with the strength of their unbreakable bonds.

As Ash fought desperately to fend off the furious villagers, a realization struck him with a heavy blow. While he deeply cared for Akari as a friend and valued their bond, he knew that the love she felt for him was unrequited. In the midst of the chaotic battle, this truth weighed heavily upon him, adding an additional layer of guilt to the already overwhelming situation.

As Akari watched the scenes unfold from the broken window, her tear-filled eyes pleading for Ash to take her with him, he couldn't ignore the pain etched across her face. He knew that her love for him had blossomed into something deeper, while his own heart had another name on it.

Her voice, strained with emotion, cried out for him to not leave her, to whisk her away from the chaos and uncertainty. But Ash couldn't hear.

Instead, he fought with unwavering determination, calling upon his Pokémon to protect him from the advancing crowd. Each strike, each command, carried a weight of unspoken truth, silently conveying the divide that existed between them.

As the battle raged on, Ash's resolve hardened. He knew that he had to create an opportunity to escape, not only to safeguard his own life but also to spare Akari from the harsh consequences of his presence. He couldn't bear to see her hurt any further.

With a surge of energy, Ash and his Pokémon forged a temporary breach in the mob, an opening through which he could flee. Without looking back, he sprinted towards the escape, his focus fixed on survival rather than salvaging their one-sided relationship.

As he disappeared into the distance, Akari's tearful gaze followed him, her heart shattered by the painful realization that her love was gone. Her voice, muted by the chaos surrounding her, trembled with unspoken words, lost in the tumultuous atmosphere.

In the aftermath, as the villagers closed in once more, their fury intensified by the belief that Ash was to blame, Akari retreated from the window. The weight of this chaos hung heavy upon her shoulders, tears streaming down her face as she whispered to herself, "Take me with you... Ash"

Their world seemed to darken, the vibrant colors fading into a somber palette, mirroring the heaviness that now consumed them.

Akari watched him fade into the distance, her heart breaking with each diminishing step. They knew this might be their final encounter, a painful realization that etched itself into the depths of their souls.

And in that heavy silence, she would stay true to her love, a flame that would endure across time and space, despite the cruel reality that threatened to extinguish it.

As Ash found a temporary refuge, his heart heavy with the weight of the recent events, Growlithe bounded towards him, carrying a pocket in its mouth. As he retrieved it, patting his friend in the process, he noticed a letter attached, written by Laventon. With a mixture of curiosity and anticipation, Ash carefully unfolded the letter, his eyes scanning the words penned by his friend.

As he read Laventon's heartfelt words, a flicker of hope ignited within Ash's weary soul. Laventon expressed his deep regret for the pain that Ash had been forced to endure, acknowledging the heavy burden that had been placed upon his shoulders. The genuine apology touched Ash, reminding him of the true friendship they shared and the unwavering support Laventon had always provided.

With trembling hands, Ash reached into the pocket and discovered a small, intricately designed ball—a symbol of Laventon's unwavering determination and ingenuity. It was the Origin Ball, the culmination of Laventon's tireless efforts and dedication. Its significance was not lost on Ash, who understood the potential it held, not just for his own situation, but for the future of Hisui.

In the letter, Laventon assured Ash that he would find a way to help him once again. It was a beacon of hope in the midst of despair, a reminder that their bond transcended time and distance. Ash clung to that glimmer of possibility, knowing that he wasn't alone in his struggle and that he had a friend who would go to great lengths to support him.

Tears welled up in Ash's eyes as he folded the letter, holding it close to his heart. In this moment of solitude, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. Laventon's promise resonated deeply within him, igniting a spark of resilience that had momentarily faltered.

With the Origin Ball in his possession, Ash couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards Laventon.

He called out Braviary again, ready to soar and reach Cogita.

He casted a last glance to Jubilife Village, with the place now in chaos. He remembered the first time he arrived there, his challenge with Kamado, the meeting with Akari, all the villagers he had befriended and the one now betraying him.

As he prepared to face the unknown, Ash clutched the Origin Ball tightly in his hand. With a determined look in his eyes, he whispered a heartfelt promise to himself, vowing to persevere and honor the sacrifices made by those who believed in him.

In that fleeting moment of solace, a glimmer of hope shone through the darkness, guiding Ash towards an uncertain but undeniably purposeful future.

Within the swirling depths of the mysterious wormhole, Gary, Jessie, James, and Meowth found themselves floating in an otherworldly expanse. Colors danced and shifted around them, defying the laws of nature. It was a disorienting and surreal experience, but the vortex didn't let them free.

Suddenly, amidst the chaotic currents of energy, a familiar form emerged. Solgaleo, the legendary Pokémon, materialized before them, its radiant presence illuminating the swirling abyss.

"Solgaleo!" Gary exclaimed, a mixture of relief and awe washing over him. "So it was you?"

Solgaleo nodded, its golden eyes filled with a sense of purpose and understanding. It emanated a calming aura, assuring the weary travelers that they were not alone in this strange dimension.

"Thank goodness you're here, Solgaleo," Jessie said, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern, her usual harsh antics left behind in the trauma of this subduction. "Can you explain what's happening and how we ended up in this place?"

Solgaleo's voice resonated within their minds, its tone gentle yet commanding. "You have been brought here to witness the world of how it would have been. Follow me, and I shall show you the devastating world that would have been if Ash were not sent back in time."

With a swift movement and a big flash, Solgaleo beckoned them forward, guiding them deeper into the swirling currents of the wormhole. As they moved through the ever-shifting energy, the surroundings transformed, and they found themselves standing on a desolate landscape.

The devastated world stretched out before them, a grim reminder of what could have been. Buildings lay in ruins, nature was corrupted, and a haunting silence pervaded the air. The absence of life was palpable, and an overwhelming sense of loss weighed heavily on their hearts.

Gary, Jessie, James, and Meowth looked upon the desolation in awe and horror. It was a stark contrast to the vibrant and thriving world they had known. The realization of the dire consequences that could have befallen Earth without Ash's intervention left them speechless.

Solgaleo's voice echoed through the desolate landscape, filled with wisdom and sadness. "This world would have remained in perpetual darkness, devoid of hope and the bonds that transcend time. Ash's journey through time was essential to restore balance and prevent this future from becoming a reality."

Tears welled up in James's eyes as he grasped the magnitude of their mission. "The twerp could avoid this disaster?"

Gary nodded, his gaze peering that world, his voice filled with determination. "We won't let this devastation be the fate of our world. We will fight for the future, for the chance to rebuild and restore life."

Meowth clenched his paws, his voice filled with emotion: "What caused this?"

Gary's gaze shifted from the desolation to his companions, his voice filled with questions: "Together, we will discover it. It's the reason Solgaleo brought us here". With that he released Blastoise from his Poké Ball.

Solgaleo's form radiated with a renewed brilliance, its golden mane glowing with determination. It floated closer to the group, the warm light enveloping them, and a sense of purpose emanated from the legendary Pokémon.

"As long as your hearts remain resolute, I shall accompany you on this journey," Solgaleo affirmed. "Together, we will forge a path through this twisted realm and bring hope to a world in need. The future depends on our actions."

With a shared understanding of the gravity of their mission, Gary, Jessie, James, Meowth, and Solgaleo embarked on their quest.

As Gary, Jessie, James, Meowth, and Solgaleo surveyed the desolate world before them, they witnessed the extent of the devastation that had befallen civilization. The once thriving cities and towns now lay in ruins, their towering structures reduced to rubble. Broken remnants of what were once bustling streets and vibrant communities were scattered across the desolate landscape.

The land itself had suffered grievous wounds, scarred by the force of destruction. Barren wastelands stretched out, devoid of any signs of life. Toxic gases hung in the air, giving an eerie and suffocating atmosphere to the surroundings. The once lush forests and vibrant flora had withered away, leaving behind only a desiccated husk of what was once a vibrant ecosystem.

The impact of the turmoil caused by the new evil force was evident in every aspect of the planet. Cracks ran deep within the Earth's surface, revealing the scars of cataclysmic events. Rivers and lakes had turned murky and poisonous, their once crystal-clear waters now a testament to the contamination that plagued the world.

The remnants of civilization told a haunting tale. Abandoned buildings stood as ghostly reminders of the lives that had been upended and lost. Shattered windows and collapsed structures bore witness to the ferocity of the upheaval. The streets, once filled with the laughter and chatter of people and Pokémon, were now silent, their echoes a haunting testament to the darkness that had consumed the world.

In the midst of the devastation, signs of the new evil force's presence could be seen. Sinister symbols and markings adorned the ruined walls, a macabre display of the malevolence that had spread like a plague. It was a chilling reminder that an entity of unspeakable power and darkness had wreaked havoc upon the land, toppling civilizations and extinguishing the light of hope.

As Gary, Jessie, James, Meowth, and Solgaleo took in the extent of the destruction, their hearts swelled with a mixture of sorrow, anger, and determination. They knew that they were faced with an immense challenge, but the sight of the desecrated planet only fueled their resolve to confront and overcome the evil that had caused such turmoil.

As Volo stood atop Spear Pillar, his grip tight on the stolen Red Chain, a malevolent smile spread across his face. The power he held in his hands was immense, the ability to control the legendary Pokémon Dialga itself. It was a terrifying realization of his twisted ambitions.

With a commanding voice, Volo chanted ancient incantations, tapping into the energy of the Red Chain. As the mystical words left his lips, the air crackled with an otherworldly energy, and the very fabric of reality seemed to tremble. A surge of power coursed through Volo, his body becoming a conduit for the immense forces at play.

Dialga, the Temporal Pokémon, responded to Volo's summoning, materializing in a dazzling display of shimmering light and cosmic energy. The majestic creature towered before Volo, its eyes gleaming with an eerie glow. The air around them seemed to distort as Dialga's presence manipulated the very flow of time.

The gash in the sky suddenly started to glow, emitting energy and corrupting the sky as it pulsed with energy.

Volo's heart raced with excitement and a sense of dominion. He believed himself to be the master of this legendary Pokémon, a puppeteer in control of the threads of time itself. With a wave of his hand, he commanded Dialga to bend time to his will, to unleash its formidable powers upon the world.

As Volo's eyes widened in disbelief and triumph, he couldn't believe his luck. Against all odds, he had managed to capture Dialga, bending the powerful Pokémon to his will. The Red Chain pulsed with an ethereal glow, amplifying Volo's control over the Temporal Pokémon.

Dialga, once majestic and untamed, now stood before Volo, restrained by the invisible bonds of the Red Chain. Its eyes, once filled with defiance, now reflected a mixture of anger and resignation. The air crackled with an oppressive energy as Dialga struggled against its captor's grip.

Volo couldn't contain his elation as he realized the unimaginable power he now possessed. With Dialga under his control, he believed himself to be unstoppable, the master of time itself. His ambition swelled, fueling his desire to reshape the world according to his own twisted vision.

But even in its captivity, Dialga emanated an aura of raw power and determination. Its very presence seemed to challenge Volo's arrogance, a reminder that time was an uncontrollable force, far beyond the grasp of any mortal. The Pokémon's eyes burned with an unyielding spirit, a testament to its indomitable will.

As Volo reveled in his triumph, he commanded Dialga to obey his every whim. The Pokémon, bound by the power of the Red Chain, reluctantly complied, its movements stiff and constrained. But deep within its core, Dialga's true essence simmered, an unbreakable resolve to break free from this imprisonment.

Meanwhile, the world outside of Spear Pillar fell into disarray. The distortion of time caused by Dialga's capture created ripples throughout the fabric of reality. Anomalies and temporal fluctuations spread like cracks in a shattered mirror, warping the very foundations of existence.


As Ash arrived at Cogita's small wooden house, he hoped to seek guidance and answers to the mysteries surrounding the turmoil in the sky. The air was heavy with anticipation as he knocked on the door, uncertain of what he would find inside.

Cogita, the wise and knowledgeable woman, welcomed Ash with a serene smile. She sensed the urgency in his eyes and invited him into her humble abode. The interior was filled with books, scrolls, and artifacts, all hinting at the depth of Cogita's wisdom.

"I sense a great turmoil within you, Ash," Cogita spoke gently, her voice carrying a soothing quality. "Weren't you taking some days before coming here?"

Ash took a deep breath, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and confusion. "Cogita, you've seen the sky. Something is happening and I need the Red Chain to solve this mystery once and for all ."

Cogita's eyes narrowed, her gaze filled with a flicker of recognition. "Ah, the Red Chain... Volo took it yesterday," she mused, her fingers gently tracing the edges of an ancient tome. "But fear not, Ash. The answers you seek may lie within the pages of ancient knowledge."

"What? Why?"

"He told me he wanted to make sure you weren't in danger. He seemed in a rush…" recalled the wise woman.

"That's strange… He didn't tell me anything… I must go. He should be in danger" said Ash with Pikachu eyeing him as if saying "I don't think that's the problem…"

"Wait, lost one… Come with me. If Volo is in real danger, the ancient knowledge could be useful", Cogita proposed, with her eyes letting out a small hint of strain.

She guided Ash to a table cluttered with aged manuscripts and encouraged him to search for any information that might shed light on the situation. Together, they delved into the wisdom contained within the ancient texts, deciphering cryptic passages and unraveling the secrets they held.

Hours passed as Ash and Cogita meticulously combed through the knowledge before them. Suddenly, Ash's eyes widened as he stumbled upon a passage that seemed relevant. The words spoke of the Red Chain's connection to the ancient legends and the potential consequences of its misuse.

"Cogita, this passage... it suggests that the Red Chain, when used incorrectly, could awaken great power but also lead to catastrophic consequences," Ash exclaimed, his voice tinged with concern. "Could Volo be unaware of the dangers he's unleashing?"

Cogita's expression grew solemn as she considered Ash's words. "It is a possibility, young one. The allure of power can blind even the most well-intentioned individuals," she replied, her voice filled with a mix of caution and wisdom. "If Volo possesses the Red Chain and seeks to awaken Dialga without understanding the consequences, it could lead to disastrous outcomes."

Realization dawned on Ash as the gravity of the situation sank in. He knew he had to find Volo and prevent him from making a grave mistake that could endanger both the world and the Pokémon within it.

With a newfound determination burning in his eyes, Ash thanked Cogita for her guidance and prepared to set off on his next mission. The journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but armed with knowledge and a steadfast resolve, he vowed to confront Volo and protect the delicate balance of power.

Leaving Cogita's dwelling, Ash's mind buzzed with a mixture of uncertainty and purpose. He knew that time was of the essence, and every moment counted.

As he ventured forth, Ash knew that the path ahead would test his limits, but he was determined to face whatever obstacles awaited him. The fate of the world hung in the balance, and it was up to him to make the right choices and safeguard the harmony of the Pokémon world.

As Ash and Pikachu embarked on their mission, Pikachu couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling within him. He gazed up at his trainer, the one who had been his partner through countless adventures, and a sense of loyalty and determination filled his heart.

Pikachu knew that the road ahead would be treacherous, filled with uncertainty and danger. But he also knew that this mission was of utmost importance, not just for their own safety, but for the well-being of the entire Pokémon world. The sky changing color, Volo, the Red Chain, and the delicate balance of power hung in the balance.

As thoughts raced through Pikachu's mind, he couldn't help but reflect on the journey he and Ash had taken together. From their humble beginnings in Pallet Town to their triumphs in various Pokémon battles and leagues, they had grown inseparable. They had faced countless challenges, always emerging stronger and more united.

But this mission felt different. The weight of responsibility pressed upon Pikachu's small frame, reminding him of the dangers that lay ahead. He knew that the choices they made, the actions they took, could have far-reaching consequences.

In that moment, Pikachu's determination solidified. He would stand by Ash's side, ready to face whatever obstacles came their way. The bond they shared, forged through countless battles and victories, would guide them through the darkness that lay ahead.

As Ash released Braviary to carry them toward Mt Coronet, a wave of gratitude washed over him as he thought about his loyal companion, Pikachu. The bond they shared went beyond that of a trainer and Pokémon—it was a friendship that had grown and flourished through countless adventures.

Pikachu had always been there for Ash, through thick and thin. Ash couldn't help but smile as he reminisced about the early days, when Pikachu's feisty spirit and unwavering determination had pushed them both to strive for greatness.

Pikachu's friendship had become an anchor in Ash's life. Through victories and defeats, Pikachu had been a constant source of support, offering encouragement and understanding in the face of adversity. Whether it was battling against powerful opponents or simply lending an empathetic ear, Pikachu's presence had always brought comfort to Ash's heart.

But it wasn't just the battles and challenges that made Pikachu a true friend. It was the small moments, the shared laughter, and the unspoken understanding that existed between them. Ash cherished the times they spent exploring new places, meeting new Pokémon, and celebrating their victories together. Pikachu's infectious energy and unwavering loyalty had helped Ash stay positive, even in the toughest of times.

Thinking about Pikachu reminded Ash of the incredible strength and resilience they possessed as a team. Pikachu's determination to never give up had inspired Ash to push his own limits, to strive for greatness and become the very best Pokémon trainer he could be. Pikachu had been there to lift him up when he stumbled and to celebrate their triumphs with unwavering enthusiasm.

As Ash looked into Pikachu's bright eyes, he felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Pikachu had not only been his partner but also his confidant and best friend. Through their adventures, they had formed an unbreakable bond, rooted in trust and mutual respect.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Ash made a silent promise to himself and to Pikachu. He would do everything in his power to protect their friendship, to nurture it and let it grow as they continued their journey. Together, they would face the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that their friendship was an unyielding source of strength.

In that moment, Ash reached out and gently stroked Pikachu's fur, feeling the familiar warmth and connection between them. He knew that as long as they had each other, they could conquer any obstacle, overcome any hardship, and achieve greatness.

With Pikachu by his side, Ash felt invincible. Together, they would continue to chase their dreams, support each other, and make memories that would last a lifetime. Their friendship was a gift—one that Ash cherished with all his heart.

With that Braviary landed as a snowstorm made it impossible for him to move on. They were entering a small forest on the slopes of Mount Coronet.

This was it.

The final stretch of this journey was coming and Ash and Pikachu knew that it was time to go for broke.

How was this chapter? For me it was hard. Difficult to write and a pain to wrap. What do you think of Akari’s confession?

And Volo using the Red Chain? A bad surprise awaits Ash as he starts the climb to the top.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Until then



Simic1997creators' thoughts