
When a life fades away

Hisuian tales book one. A young man with dreams and hopes ready to take on the world disappears in thin air only to find himself in the past with a mission not so clear. How Ash Ketchum can find his way back to his world? And how his friends in the present time will react to his sudden disappearance? Why Ash Ketchum of all the men? Amourshipping

Simic1997 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Before I was

Only the gusts of a freezing wind were heard on top of the Temple of Sinnoh. Smoke was still coming out of the barrel that had fired the bullet. Volo stood there, looking maniac, smiling at his handiwork. Cyrus was spilling in a pool of blood, the color draining from his already pale skin.

Ash was horrified by the sight, then Giratina dynamaxed before his own eyes. He saw Eternatus, without understanding the meaning of all of it. A determined look appeared on his features. This was Volo's second murder.

"WHY DID YOU DO IT!" shouted the Pallettonian trainer, his voice betraying the anger he was feeling.

Volo only smirked: "Do you think I would have shared the new world with a lowlife like him?! I'm the heir of the ancient Sinnohians who built this land with their blood and sweat. This temple, this culture, these legends, all of it belongs to them and, by extension, to me, the only son of this land. Those scums laying over there reclaimed the land when our people died. I'm the true warden of the secrets of this chosen land. So, I can use its creatures to reshape the world and let me take its guidance!"

"That's fascism!" groaned Kamado, getting up while keeping a hand on his head to relieve the pain he was feeling.

Ash placed a hand in front of him, letting him know that he didn't want any more interruptions. He also saw Greninja on the verge of fainting, so he called for one last move: "Greninja, spin and Water Shuriken at the ground!"

The frog Pokémon compelled, and he threw the shurikens all around, washing the mucilage off the field.

Ash recalled his trusty partner and thanked him for the effort he had put.

It was now another one versus one. "Pikaaa!" Pikachu exclaimed, a powerful wave of electricity sparking from his cheeks as he patted them. His gaze was resolute, the challenge giving him a sense of thrill and anticipation. Ash felt in a similar way. For the first time, he was genially excited for the battle he had to face. They felt like they were being watched like this was the final match of the so-wanted Masters Eight.

Little did they know, they were being watched.

They were ready. Ash readied his Dynamax band. It was glowing. He also saw the pink ribbon Serena had given him and smiled, determined: "Watch me! We are coming back!"


Akari was too desperate to go on watching. She and Cogita had witnessed the blinding fury of Roaring Moon being defeated, Ash being the only one to stand after the collision. They thought it was all over.

But it wasn't. Giratina had appeared. Cogita felt guilty for trusting Volo with all the ancient Sinnohians' legends. Somehow Giratina had been freed and had turned its anger towards Arceus once more. Now, only the eighteen plates could save and summon the God of all the world.

Somehow, Ash and Greninja had managed to defeat even Giratina, even after a dramatic fight where the legendary Pokémon seemed to have the upper hand. They were relieved again, until Giratina started to glow, transforming into its true form, powered up; and then, its body started to grow. To add salt to the injury, Volo had woken up and killed Cyrus.

Cogita put her hands on her face: "That's all my fault…" she sobbed.

Akari felt worthless, she couldn't help anyone. Her Pokémon were trying to cheer her up but she was only thinking how this was the end for Ash, for the boy who showed her the world and taught her love.

Then, she saw it, she saw him smiling, a determined look on his face, she saw the armband he was wearing glowing. She also saw the pink ribbon beneath it but thought nothing of it.

It looked like he was now having fun and was ready for another battle in what looked like an eternal struggle. She smiled. It was her Ash, the one who never gave up.


Brock slammed open the door of Dawn's room only to find everyone with a somber look on their faces. Dawn had wakened and had revealed who she saw under the cloaked presence. Brock's sense of urgency was gone.

"So, it was Cyrus…" Brock commented, without letting the others know what he was truly thinking. He patted his legs and stood from the chair, unclipping two Poké Balls.

"Come on everyone, we must move" he solemnly proclaimed. Everyone watched him as if he had beaten his head on a rock. Brock then proceeded to explain everything about his meeting with Celebi, how Hoopa helped in the chance of a new tomorrow, and how Ash was fighting right now and they could see and maybe even help. Serena jumped and stood, urging everyone to leave now. She would do anything to help Ash and have him back. Stopping the threat was the most important thing in the world and Ash needed all the help he could gain.


Ash's Dynamax band continued glowing as he told Pikachu: "Are you ready, buddy?" earning a "Chuu!" in response. Pikachu jumped, fist-bumping Ash. His trainer then took him in his hands and joined in the position for the throw. Dynamax energy started to flow through his body as Ash tossed him up in the air screaming: "LET'S GET HUGE!"

"PIIII!" Pikachu cried as his body started to grow. His physique became rounder, his tail stretching and glowing with a bright thunder yellow. It was Gigamax Pikachu.

Volo lost his smirk. Never would he have thought Ash was ready even for something he didn't expect like Giratina turning big. Volo himself couldn't explain what was happening and yet Ash had a counter.

"Pikachu! We can't lose energy! Let's beat it out of its Dynamax with one great G-Max Volt Crash!"

Pikachu tried to jump, failing as his body was bigger and chubbier. He, however, managed to summon electricity, throwing it into the sky where red clouds had appeared.

Giratina summoned strength as he was preparing Max Phantasm. It was about to launch the move when, from the sky, a giant thunder fell, hitting it at full force, zapping the terrain all around it, and paralyzing the Demon.

Giratina, with what little energy it had left in this state summoned Max Quake. A huge blast of energy was sent to and through the ground, hitting the Mouse Pokémon for super-effective damage as he couldn't avoid it.

An explosion occurred as specks of dust once again was scattered all around, blocking the view for both parts.

"This is hell…" commented a devastated Kamado, watching the apocalypse unfolding before his own eyes. He remembered Laventon speaking about giant Pokémon rampaging, memories of his own misfortunes when he was young, and in Johto flooding his brain.

But now, he also knew Pokémon could be friends. He knew it because of the guy facing the apocalypse with his Pokémon.

Once the dust had settled, Giratina and Pikachu were staring at each other, ready to start the final round. Dynamax energy was no more. It was now the true final challenge.

Pikachu smirked, and so did Ash: "Now Pikachu, time to go full power!"

The flight toward Spear Pillar was both swift and serene. Charizard and Staraptor, guided by the experienced hands of Brock, soared through the currents of time, carrying their passengers with a sense of purpose. Beneath them, the landscapes of modern Hisui passed like a fleeting dream, contrasting with the ancient aura that surrounded Spear Pillar.

Dawn, gripping onto Staraptor's sturdy feathers, couldn't help but feel a mixture of anxiety and sadness; for not being there, for not being alongside his best friend during these hard times. Serena, beside her, exchanged a determined look, both of them sharing unspoken worries about Ash's well-being. Clemont, riding on Charizard, recalibrated his analytical mind, ready to witness whatever phenomena lay ahead.

As they approached Spear Pillar, the atmosphere shifted. The mystical energies that enveloped the ancient ruins became more pronounced, as if responding to the imminent convergence of past and present. The air hummed with an otherworldly resonance, and the skies above the ancient site seemed to ripple with the echoes of a battle fought across time.

Brock, a seasoned trainer, surveyed the surroundings. "We're getting close. Keep your eyes peeled, everyone."

The Pokémon, attuned to their trainers' emotions, flew with a steady grace. Charizard's wings beat with a measured rhythm, and Staraptor maintained a vigilant gaze, ever watchful for the spectacle that was about to unfold.

As they neared Spear Pillar, the very fabric of time seemed to dance. Colors swirled, and the boundary between past and present blurred. A collective intake of breath echoed among the group as the scene before them transformed.

In the midst of the ancient ruins, Ash stood resolute, Pikachu at his side. The colossal figure of Giratina loomed, its form shifting between dimensions, a testament to the struggle that transcended the boundaries of time itself. The ground beneath Giratina crackled with residual energy, a battlefield frozen in a moment that defied the linear progression of time.

Brock, his gaze fixed on the unfolding tableau, whispered, "Ash, my friend... I'm so sorry I can't be there with you."

Dawn and Serena, witnessing the intensity of the conflict, exchanged a silent acknowledgment of Ash's unwavering determination. Clemont, with analytical curiosity, observed the clash between Pokémon and trainer, recognizing the profound connection that bound them.

The spectacle before them was both mesmerizing and daunting. A battle that spanned the ages, with Ash and Pikachu at its epicenter, fighting not only for Hisui but for the very fabric of time itself. The group on Charizard and Staraptor hovered in silent reverence, absorbing the gravity of the moment unfolding before their eyes.

Serena, perched on Staraptor, couldn't tear her eyes away from the unfolding spectacle at Spear Pillar. Her heart raced in tandem with the tumultuous clash reverberating across time, and a kaleidoscope of emotions churned within her.

The once-familiar landscape of modern Sinnoh faded into insignificance as the gravity of the situation gripped her. The vibrant colors of the ancient ruins, now bathed in the ethereal glow of the ongoing battle, seemed to reflect the intensity of her emotions.

Her thoughts whirled in a chaotic dance, mirroring the maelstrom of the ongoing struggle. The courage and determination emanating from Ash on the battlefield resonated deep within her. Unbeknownst to Ash, Serena had wished upon a shooting star, a silent plea that transcended the confines of time, echoing her fervent desire for his safety and triumph.

As Pikachu, enveloped in Gigantamax energy, faced off against the colossal Giratina, Serena's heart swelled with pride. Pride for Ash, for Pikachu, and for the unwavering spirit that had endeared her to them both. The pink ribbon, a symbol of their shared journey, fluttered in the wind, a testament to the bonds that had been forged through countless adventures.

Yet, intertwined with pride was a thread of anxiety. The fear of the unknown, the uncertainty of the outcome, and the relentless worry for Ash's well-being etched lines of concern on Serena's usually composed visage. She clutched the fabric of her outfit, the tension in her grip reflecting the turmoil within.

Her eyes, once bright with anticipation, now shimmered with a sheen of unshed tears. The realization that the one she cared for so deeply was in the midst of a battle that transcended time itself was both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

In that suspended moment, as the air crackled with the energies of legendary Pokémon and the determination of a steadfast trainer, Serena's silent prayer echoed once more. A plea for victory, for safety, and for the triumphant return of the boy who had not only captured her heart but had also inspired her to chase her dreams.

As the battle raged on, Serena's gaze remained fixed on the distant battlefield, her emotions an intricate dance of hope, fear, and an unwavering belief in the indomitable spirit of the one who had sparked a flame of passion within her. The pink ribbon fluttered in the wind, a silent promise that, no matter the outcome, their journey would continue, and their bonds would endure.

Then, the blow. G-Max Volt Crash had landed, followed by Giratina's Max Quake. An explosion, and then, the two Pokémon were back to their normal selves. Serena saw Pikachu smirk. Ash did the same before saying: "Now Pikachu, time to go full power!"

Her heart sped up. They came at the right moment. This was it.

Brock broke her trance and shouted: "Look! That's Cyrus. He's been shot! And Giratina! It's being commanded by that blonde guy!" Everyone wanted answers: what happened? Who was that guy? Why did Cyrus get killed? But it wasn't the right time.

"Come on Pikachu! Quick Attack into Thunderbolt!" shouted Ash, lifting his arm. Pikachu jolted forward, unleashing a Quick Attack. But it wasn't any normal Quick attack. It was way too fast, it looked almost like Pikachu was invisible as he approached the terrorizing Giratina. The Demon looked astonished for a second before refocusing.

Ash and Pikachu had finally unleashed their true power, at full might. Their bond was so strong that Ash could feel and see what Pikachu felt and saw, their hearts joining in spirit and in beat. The boy felt his buddy's strength and Pikachu could count on Ash. Pikachu's determination had now reached a level never felt, making him feel invincible.

"Stupid! Giratina is a ghost" shrugged Volo, with a sarcastic look on his face. Ash merely nodded, before curving his lips into a determined grin: "Now!" he simply said, calm in the face but betraying excitement for this fight.

Pikachu jumped and, as it was easily anticipable, passed through the Demon's body. At that exact moment, the mouse Pokémon unleashed a tremendously vehement Thunderbolt, his body sparkling with yellow jolts of electricity. Giratina couldn't do anything and took the hit straight on. The Pokémon cried in agony before faltering. Its body was crossed by powerful shocks, and it emitted a dark smoke.

"YES ASH!" jumped Dawn; "COME ON, ASH AND PIKACHU!" shouted Serena, hoping that her voice could reach the Kantonian duo.

Clemont adjusted only his glasses while Brock stood with folded arms. It was too early to cheer.

Giratina quickly recovered and slammed Dragon Tail onto Pikachu's body. Ash and his partner were however quick enough to react and the Mouse countered it with Iron Tail. The collision was hard, very hard. Shockwaves were sent through the air all around.

Pikachu rotated his body, gaining momentum and spinning until he passed Giratina before lashing out with Iron Tail, aiming for the demon's snout. Giratina was responsive and unleashed Ancient Power, forcing the little mouse to use the move to defend himself from the onslaught of rocks.

Giratina took advantage of the wasted time and plunged into darkness. Now that it was in its original form, the master of the Distortion World could resort to its peculiar move without charging or taking steps.

Pikachu quickly broke free from Ancient Power when dark and red scars appeared in the air and Giratina's shadow emerged from a portal to slam its body onto Pikachu. The Mouse reacted quickly again, using Quick Attack to jump and Iron Tail to counterattack. Giratina jumped into darkness again, so quickly it seemed almost unreal.

"So now, it can jump in and out to its liking…" commented Ash.

Giratina took that moment of hesitation to jump out of the darkness, this time from the ground beneath Pikachu, and hit the mouse really hard.

Ash took the hit too, his legs trembled, and his stomach ached. Everything went fuzzy for a moment. Ash couldn't believe the sheer strength Giratina was able to unleash with a single blow.

The clash between Pikachu and Giratina sent shockwaves through the ancient battlefield, and the observers were caught in a mixture of anticipation and growing concern.

Brock, usually composed, found himself gripping the edge of his jacket, a hint of worry clouding his expression. "This isn't an ordinary battle. Giratina is no ordinary Pokémon. Ash has his work cut out for him."

Serena, her hands now unconsciously wringing together, voiced her concern. "It's Giratina, the ruler of the Distortion World. That's a whole different level of power. But Ash and Pikachu will do it. They've promised."

Dawn, typically optimistic, had a furrowed brow. "Even with their incredible bond, this is Giratina we're talking about. I've never seen anything like this."

Clemont, the electric-type expert, was scrutinizing the battle with a mix of fascination and unease. "Pikachu is giving it his all, but Giratina is a legendary Pokémon with immense power. I just hope they have a strategy to deal with this."

The spectacle before them was both mesmerizing and nerve-wracking. The ancient battlefield echoed with the clash of thunder and the roars of Giratina. As the battle reached its zenith, the onlookers, grounded in the present but connected to the ancient past, couldn't help but feel a surge of worry and helplessness as they witnessed Ash and Pikachu face the king of the Distortion World.


The Demon jumped into darkness once again, Pikachu this time was ready to get it while it was resurfacing. He jumped and used Electroweb to stop the beast before trying again with Iron Tail. Giratina stopped him, using its once wings to tie him, blocking all of Pikachu's limbs. It then fired Shadow Ball, the distance too close to avoid it even if he hadn't been tied. It was a Critical hit. Dark clouds of smoke surrounded the Pokémon. Ash spat blood. "Darn it. He used its wings to pass through Electroweb.

"CHUUU!" Pikachu shouted from the dust as he electrified Giratina which was still gripping its limbs.

The demon had to release the Mouse who fell to the ground, laying and panting heavily, his body beyond its limit as he tried to not close his eyes.

Suddenly he saw white. Was it a dream? Pikachu saw all the Pokémon back at the lab even if he could sense Charizard and Staraptor closer than anyone. He thought about the dream of fighting Leon. He wanted his life back, he saw Ash, and he wanted to see him rejoin his mother, Serena, and his other friends.

They had worked too hard to stop now.

Another giant Thunderbolt was unleashed into the air as he stood again.

"PIKACHU!!!" shouted happily Ash, feeling so relieved and proud of his best buddy.

"How's possible?!" shouted in retort Volo.

"I and Pikachu won't go down until you are defeated!" proclaimed stoically Ash, Pikachu joining his friend's cry.

"Quick Attack!"

"Ancient Power!"

Giratina roared and released a fierce spurt of Ancient Power. Pikachu was ready and dodged easily. When he got close, he jumped on a rock and leaped forward.

Ash called: "Volt Quick Attack!"

Using the momentum gained, Pikachu rotated again to release Thunderbolt, this time surrounding his body with rainbow-colored electricity. As soon as he did so, his body crashed with Giratina, this time hitting it with great power.

The Demon tried again to cheese a win by using Shadow Force, but this time it didn't last long. At the exact time, Giratina slashed through the air to resurface from the darkness enveloping its body, Pikachu made a quick step forward, trapping the creature with Electroweb, but this time using Thunderbolt to make its resistance futile before jumping in the air, twirling to gain speed and slamming Iron Tail right into the foe's snout.

It seemed over as Giratina fell to the ground, its darkness leaving it.


The clash between Pikachu and Giratina sent shockwaves through the ancient battlefield, and the observers were caught in a mixture of anticipation and growing concern.

Brock, usually composed, found himself gripping the edge of his jacket, a hint of worry clouding his expression. "This isn't an ordinary battle. Giratina is no ordinary Pokémon. Ash has his work cut out for him."

Serena, her hands now unconsciously wringing together, voiced her concern. "It's Giratina, the ruler of the Distortion World. That's a whole different level of power. But Ash and Pikachu will do it. They've promised."

Dawn, typically optimistic, had a furrowed brow. "Even with their incredible bond, this is Giratina we're talking about. I've never seen anything like this."

Clemont, the electric-type expert, was scrutinizing the battle with a mix of fascination and unease. "Pikachu is giving it his all, but Giratina is a legendary Pokémon with immense power. I just hope they have a strategy to deal with this."

The spectacle before them was both mesmerizing and nerve-wracking. The ancient battlefield echoed with the clash of thunder and the roars of Giratina. As the battle reached its zenith, the onlookers, grounded in the present but connected to the ancient past, couldn't help but feel a surge of worry and helplessness as they witnessed Ash and Pikachu face the king of the Distortion World.

The tension in the air was palpable as Giratina and Pikachu continued their fierce battle. The observers, rooted to the ground in both awe and anxiety, exchanged glances filled with a mix of disbelief and concern. The ancient battlefield seemed to hold its breath, caught in the throes of a clash that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

Brock's eyes narrowed as he squinted at the ongoing battle. "I can't believe it. Ash and Pikachu are holding their own against Giratina. This is beyond anything we've ever seen."

Serena, though worried, couldn't help but be amazed at the determination radiating from the duo in the midst of adversity. "They're not giving up. It's like they're defying the odds."

Dawn, usually the beacon of optimism, found herself caught between hope and fear. "I always knew Ash and Pikachu had an extraordinary bond, but this... this is something else."

Clemont, the technical mind among them, was analyzing the battle with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "The synergy between Ash and Pikachu is incredible. They're not just battling, they're communicating on a level I never imagined."

As Pikachu dodged Giratina's powerful Ancient Power attacks and retaliated with electrifying moves of his own, the landscape seemed to shift with every clash. The legendary Pokémon's roars reverberated through the ancient ruins, and the observers could feel the raw power that surged with every move.

"This is unprecedented," Brock admitted, a hint of awe in his voice. "They're facing Giratina head-on, and it looks like they have a chance."

Serena nodded, her eyes still fixed on the battle. "Ash always had a knack for turning impossible situations around. But Giratina is not just any opponent."

Dawn added, "If anyone can do it, it's Ash and Pikachu. They've faced legendary Pokémon before, but this is on a whole different level."

Clemont chimed in, "They're not just battling for themselves. They're fighting for the balance of Hisui and, in a way, for all of us."

As they continued to watch, a silent agreement passed between them — a shared understanding that, despite the odds, Ash and Pikachu were giving everything they had in this unprecedented battle against the king of the Distortion World.


"YOU USELESS DORK! HOW CAN YOU BE BEATEN TWICE IN A ROW? I SHOULD HAVE NEVER GET YOU AWAY FROM THAT PLACE!" shouted Volo out of the blue, losing his composure and his smirking face.

Giratina cried, anger and hatred in its body, now glowing again with darkness. He moved and he stuck his tail into the merchant's stomach who coughed up blood. His gaze showed dismay, hatred, and fear. It was the end for him. He couldn't reach his goal even if Giratina was about to wreak havoc. Giratina retracted her tail, bringing it to her mouth to lick the blood that remained on it.

As Volo collapsed to the ground, the Demon's eyes turned purple and the beast screamed so loudly that it shook the houses of Jubilee Village, so far from that place.

The monster rose into the sky, a dark black portal appearing above him. The sky now showed images of the distorted world. Giratina had joined the two worlds and from the vortex, a sucking force had begun to attract everyone present to itself.

Kamado was very clever and all the unconscious battle companions had been tied together, along with their Pokémon. Braviary had returned to collect the bodies, aided by a pair of Staraptors. The force of the vortex intensified. Kamado took a step forward towards Ash after loading the bodies onto the Flying-type Pokémon who could barely stay still.

Giratina was charging a gigantic Shadow Ball. The Demon had gone berserk and wanted to end this fight.

"Pikachu, get ready" called Ash, his face stone cold.

The mouse started to summon energy, all his electricity sparkling as he prepared for the final clash.

Ash took the moment to turn to Kamado: "Go away with the others..." he said, his face turning into a smile, "I'll come back as soon as I can!"

Kamado nodded. He wanted to thank him, to do something. But he couldn't. And so, he left with everyone else. He looked at the mountain again, the portal enlarging, menacing to swallow the whole Hisui: "Thank you… Ash" he murmured.

Giratina finished its preparations and finally threw the gigantic Shadow ball, filled with the darkness coming from the Distortion World above.

"Pikachu!" Ash shouted, his movements in sync with the mouse; "NOW, YOUR BEST THUNDERBOLT!"


A rainbow of electricity was unleashed from Pikachu's body, heading straight towards the Shadow Ball. The two attacks collided, energy scattering all around.

Giratina dashed through the attack to reach his opponent, Ash took the inspiration, flipped his soft hat and shouted one more time, giving Pikachu all the energy he could: "NOOOOW!"

Pikachu jumped straight, shielding himself with the thunderbolt to reach Giratina. The two Pokémon collided, head-to-head, all the power they could muster.


With a final battle cry, Pikachu summoned even more energy, ash was pushing him with his hands towards him from below, all his aura flowing thanks to the bond they shared.

Then, there was the explosion.

As Giratina's wrath unfolded, the onlookers were struck by a combination of shock and fear. Volo's demise at the hands of the enraged Distortion World ruler left them in stunned silence. The once-smirking merchant, now sprawled on the ground, was a grim testament to the consequences of meddling with forces beyond comprehension.

Brock, Serena, Dawn, and Clemont stood frozen, their eyes fixated on the unfolding chaos. The vortex in the sky, the merging of worlds, and Giratina's unbridled fury were creating a maelstrom of energy that threatened to consume everything.

Brock, breaking the silence, muttered, "This is beyond anything I've ever seen. Giratina has become a force of destruction, and we're right in the middle of it."

Serena, her eyes wide with disbelief, whispered, "Volo... He thought he could control Giratina, but he was just a pawn in its game."

Clemont, the gears of his analytical mind turning, spoke, "The vortex is intensifying. If Ash doenn't find a way to stop it, Giratina's rampage could lead to catastrophic consequences."

As the group watched Giratina charge a colossal Shadow Ball, their worry deepened. The bond between Ash and Pikachu had proven formidable in the past, but the scale of this situation was unprecedented. The fate of Hisui hung in the balance, and they were left grappling with the overwhelming sense of helplessness.

"It's like a nightmare," Brock muttered, his usual composed demeanor shaken by the unfolding events.

Serena's fists clenched, a mix of emotions on her face. "Ash... Pikachu... They can't fail. They just can't."

Dawn, her voice tinged with urgency, said, "We need to find a way to disrupt that vortex. If we don't act, it could be the end of everything."

As the impending clash between Pikachu and Giratina reached its climax, the group on the ground felt a profound sense of dread. The battle was not just against Giratina but against the very fabric of reality itself. Each second weighed heavily as they braced themselves for the unknown outcome that could reshape the destiny of the world.

Then, there was the explosion.

Serena saw Ash and Pikachu laying together on the ground. Wounds, dirt and blood covered their bodies as the girl couldn't watch. She rushed towards them and tried to wipe some dust from their faces, she kissed Ash's cheek and then she called for his and Pikachu's name.

The boy and his friend reacted. He touched the spot he was kissed and whispered: "Serena…"

He couldn't see her but he was feeling her. Pikachu awakened too.

"Buddy, thank you…" ash said as Pikachu caressed his trainer's cheek with his paw.

Serena's heart warmed at the scene, her eyes letting some tears escape.

Suddenly they heard a noise. Giratina's body, laying on the floor, unconscious, started to be sucked into the vortex still hovering over Spear Pillar.

The power of it intensified. Pikachu and Ash clenched their fists and then took hold of a Pillar to shield them. They thought they had won, yet it wasn't over yet.

"My son" a voice called from nowhere.

Ash and Pikachu knew that voice: "Arceus?"


Tell me what you think. I really need your opinions. Next time, the final chapter.

Until then,


Simic1997creators' thoughts