
When A Genius Gamer Girl Becomes Creation God in Another World

What would you do if you can create anything out of thin air ?? Would you be able to fight terrifying monsters? Read the Journey of Neff to find out. Would a MMORPG genius survive in this real magical world??

FkBlue · Fantasy
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38 Chs

History Of The West

Someone took my gold. Which either means someone saw me using my skill or one of the servants stole it. Or was it one of the kids? Well whatever but why didn't servants took all this things away. Do they think all these are my toys ?? What kind of normal kid plays with iron blocks ?? The skill also says that I can modify things. let's try it. I put my hand on one of the wooden block it was too heavy to lift anything for my baby hands.

And I started Imagining Block of wood in a shape hmm something simple oh ball of wood. Ohh it's like there is a live equipment editor in my brain… I could feel the shape change under my hand at exactly the same time as i was editing in my brain. Satisfied with my odd shaped ball in my brain I tried looking at the real wood. Okay wood successfully turned into a ball. Well ! at least something similar to a ball. Yes I can do it. let's try something hard. It doesn't use magicules which is good. How about a sword hmm imaginining the structure of sword, shaping it in my brain….. yeah ok it did change into something like sword but it doesn't have edges and it barely resembles real sword. let's imagine a clear picture….nah it's like I am making it with my own hands but in my mind. Shapes gets all over the place I guess just imagination isn't enough. I will also need some artistic skills too, to make something this structure heavy. Ok cancel it. Woahhh !! Wait what ? It disappeared ? My magicules increased by 2. Can I unmake stuff too? Does it even considered modifying anymore? And it gives me back half my magicules too. Does it work on just the stuff I make or anything goes? let's try on one of this pieces of clothes they put on me. I took small baby sized blanket type cloth and imagined absorbing it or more like erasing its existence. It worked !! what the hell ?! this is so broken. 30 magicules which means making one would be 60 magicules hmm interesting. when I tried imaginingblanket the one exactly the same came to my mind and I didn't even have to think of materials and shapes. Does absorbing something copies the structure and all the neccassary data for making it in my memory ?? this could gave me access to unlimited things !! I made it one in an instant. It was so easy to make. 60 magicules as expected. But wait !! doesn't this mean I will never run out of magicules ? though I have to be careful on what I erase I can't make things as exactly which are over my magicules capacity. Auto magicules recovery is pretty good too. I had left just 3 last night and just in one night it had recovered 235. but now i have 205 left. Okay from now on I will constantly make things then erase them and then make them again and when I reach my capacity I will just sleep to recover. I will try to increase my capacity as much as possible.

More than 2 years later...

I am now 2 and half years old. I can speak clearly now but I haven't spoken much to anyone yet. Just simple words and phrases. I can move around house too now. First thing I found when I was able to move around was of course library. Almost no one comes here. I desperately tried to look for any English book I could find but everything was written in weird gibberish that made no sense to me. I was disappointed and sad beyond bellef, I was surrounded by thousands of books yet I could not read even a single one of them. But then I found a place in library that was like a safe or cub-board. Locked with three different locks.

I instantly grew curious so I tried making soft clay type dirt and filled the keyholes with it and then harden it, removed it from keyhole and then with that reference i made iron keys. And just like that I opened the safe. Very detailed work right? I am quite proud of myself. In 2 years I made stuff all day everyday. My magicules capacity reached 1760 and I have a way better control now. I can now make any kind of structure I want. But still not everything always works out perfectly, but less detailed stuff is like second nature to me now. Things like knife, sword, keys, even chairs, and various furniture were easily constructed by me with almost perfection. I once I tried making a fish out of iron and It was a success on third try. I can give any shape to anything as long I have reference or I can craft in my mind. It's better when I have a reference though because I just have to keep looking at it and keep imagining it, or erase it once and create it back. I succeeded in machinery and stuff too I can make a small battery but it took 5 tries and took 4 hours each time just to imagine it completely. It worked perfectly at the end though, it even had electricity charged.

In 2 years I successfully made many machinery like a table fan(took me 2 weeks), a bigger battery(tried for month), various wires, a wheel on exle able to rotate, clock(a whole month project – machinery was many miniscule level), some basic circuits (oh btw one of my degree was computer engineering), and a battery powered small basic freezer. It took me 2 months I had to make polystyrene and polyurethane and various gases for freezer – (second degree was chemical engineering !). I stored them in a secret room I had created in back of the library where on side wall I had erased door shaped wall and made little stairway leading to a room underground which I made erasing dirt and applying stone and cement layers. When I am done using it I just make the library wall whole again. It was like my secret lair. Anyway in short making things was easy but remembering them and shaping them was a challenge.

When I found one English book in that safe I literally cried in joy. No really I have one drop of tear as a proof. There were three other books too but they were in other language. It was called History of magic in west by Royal Paladin Zunmakhir de waccar. He had similar surname as mine, I guess he was ancestor of ours or something. I read it all like a hungry wolf I was just dying for some entertainment. So it goes like this, The book is written around new age year 279. It contained history from B.E(Before Empire) 689 TO A.E.(After Empire) 400. According to it B.E. civilization was divided in many small lands with their lords. Some of the lords dominated others and grew in land size some of those old families still existed. People from that time period believed in various gods one of the most famous belief was Asmosdeus – god of earth. Then came Empire. One of the strong lord known as Silver Lazer – Duhamin katenan je peralide conquered almost all the lands in the west and came to known as The first King. Then after some time various lords under his family started internal conflicts and politics and war hungry predecessors started fighting and empire fell. Then when east became united and started attacking shores of west, all lords fought on their own way but most lost bitterly. At the end one small lord visited all Regions and convinced everyone to organize a parley and the west nations organized the first peace summit (also called Garisu's gathering) which was revolutionary meeting. Many common rules and rights were established that day and temporary alliance to fight against east was formed. And thus started new age.

The small lord Garisu Highsword's efforts were recognized and their family got the right to form an organization called The Highswords in which any noble or commoner with skills could join. They served as relief organization they went where nations were fighting and helped the common people. They never took part in any Region's war. The highswords served as judge and punisher to all regions who broke peace summits laws and abused rights. They held peace summit every 5 years and any nation that backed out was charged with heavy duty and blacklisted for trade with other nations.

I left the magic part for another day. As I was closing the safe I saw that the other three books had the same front page art. I grew curious thinking that maybe they were other volumes of this book but then doing some through research I realized that it was kind of translation. They were trying to translate this English book in to their gibberish language !! I grew extremely excited and almost screamed,

" Yessss now I can finally learn this shit !! "

So I started translating word to word it was tough not gonna lie. It was frustrating, annoying but I was making progress and I was so eager to learn. Because thousands of books around me were in this gibberish. As I translated I realize their gibberish was just a deteriorated version of English. Some letters were used for three to four different meanings, and some English letters were completely missing in this gibberish of theirs. Grammar was almost non- existent. It was very crude and limited version of English. Still it took me more than 6 months to reach at the level where I could almost read their language, some words well I just didn't know but it got the gist of it.

And at last now It was finally time to read all this books that I leered for two years….