
When A Genius Gamer Girl Becomes Creation God in Another World

What would you do if you can create anything out of thin air ?? Would you be able to fight terrifying monsters? Read the Journey of Neff to find out. Would a MMORPG genius survive in this real magical world??

FkBlue · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Ahura Mazda

I could not understand their language but I think they were excited to see my stats. They were kids after all. Even i was beyond excited… first of all my shock at realizing that I really reaaaaally am in a isekai world ! whatever my stats I was thrilled to be in a world of magic !! All those Anime and manga knowledge was finally going to put to some use. Yess though I did take a little peak at my stats. as a gamer I can't just not get excited over powers and skills hehe. Hmm I don't have anything to compared to so I don't know if I had good stats or not. This magnergy must be magical energy or magicules or something like that. strength is 360 max and this battlewill thing is 189 and max is even 500 what does it even do? Ohh fire and lightning so cool I also have wind and earth wait aren't there too many ! affinity is like something you specialize in right? I cam master 4 elements ! was this normal? I think stats will increase as I level up. And what weird skill is this Ahura mazda ? I can create anything? It says as long as I understand how it works or have knowledge about it, I can make any physical thing. So basically I can create stuff out of thin air ! interesting now I am even super-duper excited !! Hhm what does this edit thing do? It's like a button it does like a floating screen. Edit let's me change given name and skill details ohh! That is so wicked no one would be able to know what skill you have if you never tell them or fight them I guess. I can't change any basic stats though or affinities. And I am female oh that's a relief. But what's with this name neffrantini? wasn't it Egyptian god or something? Does that mean this world is influenced by Egyptian civilization? Or was there someone like me from earth? I have so many questions but it's fine. For now I know that at least English exist here. that boy was reading it so they must know about it. Then why do they talk in this weird language? Okay whatever more importantly How do I use my skill ? Should I say it's name out loud?

" Ahura Mazda " I said in my baby voice.(at least I thought that I said it right)


" Ahura mazda create potochips " again.

Nothing at all of course….

Maybe I should try something simpler or imagine it in mind. It probably can't be that easy though. Okay imagine tissue paper…hmm tissue paper made of wooden fiber, water and adhesives…hmm ohh ! I felt something soft on my hand. I opened my eyes and there was a tissue paper on my hand.

" What Is this ability it's so broken !!! " I screamed.

If it is that easy then i really can create anything I want…it's almost like cheating !! I created it from my hand but it seems like I can make it from anywhere on my body. Does everyone has a skill like this? Man surviving in this world would be quite challenging for people if it really did.

The stats window was still open and I saw that my magicules went from 768 to 518. Of course there has to be some rules or I would be unstoppable. Newton's Energy conservation rule or something like that. But a single tissue paper uses 250 magicules? Isn't that just too much. Max is 8000 though. how do I increase my magicules? What happens if I run out of magicules? Should I try? I won't die right? That would be the biggest joke of my 2 weeks old life. But it couldn't top a joke of a death from my last life. Seriously though I studied for 20 years ! went through nightmare of a school just so I could live comfortably and I died over a freaking potochips?? And the worst part was that I couldn't even got to eat them. Whatever let's just focus on this fantasy of a life of mine. And so with that thought I decided to take some risks. Okay let's see what else can I make.

After making some random things I got the gist of it :

· Wooden block : 5 magicules = around 1 kg (approx. 2.20 pounds)

· Iron block : 20 magicules

(same weight - I guess it depends on something other than weight.)

· Stainless Steel block : 100 magicules

(I had to remember in detail how many elements and what percentage it used. Good thing science was my major. So More complex structure means more magicules.)

· Gold block : nothing happened.

(same weight - I think magicules cost is too high for gold hmm. Or maybe it has to do with atomic mass or something.)

I should try something with same or higher Atomic weight and number. So I tried Bismuth which has higher atomic number and mass too I think. (Gold – 79 , Bismuth - 83)

· Bi(Bismuth) block : 200 magicules.

So it's not depended on higher atomic mass or number. Then what could it be? Let me lower the amount.

· Gold (0.1 kg) : 140 magicules

Woahh!! It worked…it freaking worked I can make gold with my bare hands. Guess I will never have to worry about money again in life. So lowering the amount succeded which means 1 kg gold would be more than 1400 magicules.

1 kg Bismuth 200 magicules and 1 kg gold 1400? Guess it doesn't depend on it's atoms properties. What could it be ? What's the difference between gold and bismuth? Hmm gold has higher melting point than bismuth but would something like that even matter? Iron has M.P of more than 1500 it can't be that. Gold and bismuth – any difference ? I looks like it kind of summons it from somewhere else. If that is the case then,

" Ohhh of course !! it must be that. The amount of element present in the world ! in other words as rare as the element or mixture of elements as much higher the magicules cost !! " I yelled in the middle of the night with my weirdest baby voice. Though I don't think I can speak it's just in my head. It probably sounds like oooga ga gge gi goo.

The lower the amount of something to be found in the world is as much harder to conjure. Wait isn't it another world though? Shouldn't the rarity of elements be changed….aghhh whatever at least I know what would cost more magicules now. I will have to be careful. I have only left 53 magicules. What should I do? Use it all to know what happens? But what if it has some bad side effect ? Hm let's risk it. Okay lets try rarest element on earth to prove my theory. Whatever the effect I don't think it would kill me.

Just to be on safe side though lets just make smallest amount possible I won't be able to see it but observing the deduction of magicules would be considered as success. So I imagines making 0.00000002 gram Astatine. And after a while I saw extremely small blue glowing light in my dark room. And it used 49 magicules. And my theory proved to be right. But Ohh I feel soo sleepyyyy…..

Next morning….

Woahh that was surprising. It was like being shot 10 times by tranquilizers. Now that I checked, Nothing else has changed which means only side effect is sleepiness or more like physical exhaustion. Ohh my magicules increased by 5. It's now 773. It seems like going past my limits is one way to increase magicules capacity. Okay from now on I must work hard everyday to increase magicules capacity and master using my skill. Something cold touched my hand so I tried looking that way with my baby head. It was iron block from last night. All the things I created last night were still beside me. No wait something is missing. Did someone took my gold ?!!