
When a Game got Real

New World Order, A VR MMORPG with a Gacha aspect. Matthias 'Exu' is a Gacha fanatic. When he heard about the game, he was interested in playing it. So he did play it. After completing a certain quest in the late game stage... He figures out the reason on why the Game was created. After that day, the life of he and his family and friends. Changes. It's, When a Game got Real...

Bobbayee · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 30: I've done everything.

"Hey Alya. Let's go back to our home."

"Eh? You want to go back to our home? Why so sudden? I mean, I'm not rejecting the offer to go back to our home... But it's too sudden. I want to know your reasoning."

"Well... I just miss the country side. I miss my parents, and I might as well greet yours after a while."

"Hmmm~ You want to visit your in-laws already?"

"Yeah. And you need to visit yours too."

To be honest, hearing Jonas taking a vacation really makes me want to take one as well. It's Friday. And it's the perfect time to go back home for two days. It's another nice time to stay away from a game and just focus more on my real world stuff.

I just need to increase the output of my brain. So that when the PVP event come around, I can win it all along with Belian. The reward is pretty good. So I need to do a real life training to prepare for this stuff..

"Honestly, I'm down for it. How about Ran?"

"Ran says that she won't be going. She'll invite her friends to stay over. So that she has some people to keep her company."

"Alright then. Have you got the train ticket?"

"I have. You down to go?"

"Yeah, I'm down to go! Let's go back to the country side!"

And with that... We leave the house with minimal luggage... We don't need to bring clothes or anything. Because in our home, there's still our old clothes.

We make our way to the train station. Eat some breakfast along the way and then went into the train to go to our hometown. It's an hour and a half train ride.

And while we're riding the train.

"How's the progress in the guild? Matt?"

"Eksia has been going very well in term of growth. Both in the guild itself, or the guild building. I've been scouting for new members. But I didn't find anyone that fits our play style. But I finished all my weekly mission.

And Guild Building has been improved. A lot. I think you will like the aesthetic. Knowing that you are very fond of the Demon Realm."

I've done everything I can to grow our Eksia. But, in term of member size... I can't. There's no one that shares the same vision as us. Rather than having fun by having a slow and nice time in the game... Eksia's vision is just to 'Fuck it' and be the top at the list of the world. Because there's nothing better than being on the top.

We have fun by destroying other people naivety.

Anyway... I give Alya the picture of our brand new guild building... The atmosphere is very dark and heavy. The sky is crimson and the cloud is ominously black... But, for us both. It's very comfortable. Because from lore perspective, we are from there. So it's natural for us to feel comfortable in that chaotic, nightmarish place.

"Hmmm~ It's very comforting. For sure. Good job on modeling our guild's office~"

"For sure."

Alya seems to be very tired from this sudden trip. So she sleep on my shoulder... And of course, I let her sleep on my shoulder. I'm protecting her from any possible danger if there is things to come...

But fortunately, through out the entire an hour and a half trip to our hometown... Nothing happened. And my loved one is sleeping very nicely and comfortably.

"Alya. Wake up. We've arrived at our hometown."

I quietly wake her up. And she wakes up and then stretch herself.

"It feels short..."

"Indeed. You sleep, while I watch you sleep... It short indeed."

"Well, let's go out before the gate close."

We walk out of the gate and immediately, the smell of the oxygen in here is very different. It feels better and clearer than in the city.

"Aaah~ Some time I do wish that we lived in here than in the city... My lungs feels like it was loving itself..."

"True. But hey, there's no internet in the countryside..."

The distance between here and the city is pretty far. It's more than two hundred kilometers away. So we are definitely in an area where it was a bit behind than in the city. But not that much behind though.

There are internet in here, but... There are no wi-fi. Using data is different than Wi-fi. Because data is fast in here, but fucking expensive!

Playing NWO here would be a nightmare.

"Usually, Dad or Mom are here picking us up. But since we visit without telling them... No one came to greet us huh..."

"Yeah. But, isn't that fine though, Alya? Dad, Mom, Uncle and Aunty is usually busy with the farms. So, let's just walk home. Not that it's far anyway."

"Sure. Let's walk home~"

The two of us make our way out of the station and then walk toward our home... My house and Alya's house... Is right next to each other... Well, our house is more like a farm... Because that's what people around here is doing.

This city is such a beautiful city. Where people basically know each other... Not to mention, the food here is organic and great... As a local that came from here, the food in the city is lacking in the love department...

We walk along the path. It is a well developed path. So it's not that hurt to walk around. Last year, this road is still a dirt road. But now, it's proper asphalt road...

Alya is walking in the front... The wind is making her hair sway in the air... And that form of her, glimmering in the sunlight... Captivated my heart...

It's been a long time since I've seen her being enveloped by nature. Completely upgrading her beauty to another level...

She is such a beautiful woman. And now that I think about it, I'm such a lucky guy to have her as a big sister when I'm little, and a wife when I graduated...

I do really want to spend the rest of my life with her...

"Matt~ Shall we go greet my parents first? Or yours?"

We have reached her farm. It was properly walled up so that no animals can get in. Or thieves as well...

And right beside her farm is my parents farm... Now... Should we greet her parents first? Or should we greet mine? I think the best is...

"Let's greet your parents first. They will call my parents to come over anyway."

"Alright. Come in!"

She immediately become the host of the house and then unlocked the gate using her key... And we just enter the farm... There's dogs, cats, and other farm animals roaming around here. It is such a nice sight to see...

Eventually, we reach the house... It's a nice and pretty big house. She knocks on the door and then stated.

"Dad~ Mom~ I'm back with Matthias~"

And with that, we heard a tons of footsteps in a face pace coming straight to the front door...

Judging from the sound... It seems like my parents is also there... Alright then, it seems like it would be much easier to meet them...

"Alya! Matthias!"

My parents and her parents comes out of the front door and then hug us both... Of course, it's been a while since I visited... So, I hug them back. Ran has come back home when she was injured... But mom and dad didn't pay me a visit because I was in school. It's regretful, but, can't be avoided.

"I'm back, Dad. Mom."

"Welcome back. Matt."

It's a very warm welcome... All of us enter the house and then immediately talked about stuff in the living room.