
The Investigation (7)

It was late in the evening when the airplane landed in Paris, they were all tired after the long flight and went straight to the hotel and booked in.

They went to the rooms and got themselves ready for dinner, they met down at the lobby as agreed before they went up to the rooms.

They went to the restaurant inside the hotel and got dinner, after dinner they were waiting for the bill.

Mits father was the first one to speak. "Shane we have been talking and we do not think it is entirely fair that you are paying for everything, so before we came here we withdraw money and we would like to give it to you."

Shocked Shane looked at them all and replied "That is not necessary but I do appreciate it. I would like you guys to keep the money and spend it on yourself while we are here."

Mel could not help it but started to laugh "And how long will we be here before that crazy ex wife of yours find us here?"

Before Shane could even say anything Mits said "That is not fair Mel, Shane did not ask for this to happen."

"This would not have happened if you where not sleeping with a married man."

Mits mother was the next one that said, "Mel do not be like that if you found someone that you loved dearly and that you would do anything for Mits would stand by you, no one asked for this to happen, it is just one of things that we all have to live with until it get sorted out."

Red faced Mel looked at Mits mother, "I am sorry, I did not mean it I just want you to be happy and save, I don't want to see anything happening to you that's all."

"Nothing will happen to me Mel, I promise. I have all of you here to protect me." She smiled at them all.

They all started laughing, when the waiter came with the bill.

That's it for us children me and your mother are going to bed, we are old and need some sleep.

They all said good night and went to there rooms.

Ones in the room Mits was standing by the window looking out, Shane came to stand next to her with a smile she looked up at him, "This is so beautiful, thanks for bringing us all here." She gave him a kiss and he held her in his arms.

"You are welcome my love."