
The Investigation (6)

Mits open her eyes and felt Shane is not next to her anymore, slowly she got up and went to the bathroom, getting ready for the day.

Walking downstairs, she heard everyone talking in the dinning room.

"Good morning everyone."

Everyone greeted, "You must eat something, we need to go." Mits father told her.

After breakfast, they all got ready to go.

Shane told the security that they will be back a bit later in the afternoon, and he made sure that everyone knows that they are only going out for the day.

Once in the car David set off to their new destination, no one knows where they are going, as scared as they was they were still excited to see where Shane would be taking them.

They stopped at the beach and everyone got out, they went to a small restaurant on the beach to have some lunch, after lunch Shane paid for it with his card, everyone was looking at him, but did not want to say anything.

They walked around in town and Shane withdraw some money from the ATM, they went to the next shop and again he paid with the card.

After the 7th time Shane used his card Mits could not stop wondering what he is doing.

"Shane why are you paying with your card I thought we must go unnoticed?"

"That is what we are doing, I am using the card so that if she is monitoring the card she will know that we are still in town, and will not question why I withdraw money every hour."

"We will not be here for dinner, but I have arranged with the one restaurant to give us take aways and then debit the card only at 8:00 tonight, then I arranged with the guest house to debit my card at 8:30 so that she can think we are going to stay in town tonight, they all know me here sins I have been small and I explained to them what is going on, they are all willing to help us. And I do trust them."

"By the time she figured out that we are not in town anymore we will be on a flight far away already,

I also gave David a clone of my card to go and buy random things in other towns close to this one and then drive on to lead them away from us for now."

"You know that we can not hide for ever?"

"I know that Mits I am just trying my best to get you out of harms way, I have the best people working on this and they will catch her."

Mits felt a little better and enjoyed the time with her parents.

By 4:00 they left town and whet towards the airport.

Everyone got out and took their bags that David packed for them the night before, walking into the airport they got the first flight out to Paris, and Shane paid for this all in cash.

Mits was so excited she always wanted to go to Paris and now she is going and the best part of this all is her parents and best friend is with her.

It is a very long flight. Mits just hopes that Janine will not be able to figure out where they are going.