
What Went Wrong With Him?

A young boy was born into a tragedy, his parents are nowhere in sight for any help, he is on his own at hardly hours old from birth, he doesn’t know what’s ahead for him. But someone else does. And they’re willing to do anything for the boy. The world is a harsh place for him. But maybe with this person, it can be just a bit less harsh. What do you think?

UnknowinglyFluffy · Urban
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5 Chs

Unfortunate And Fortunate Events

The boy Tanaha was born from two female parents, Haru Tokito and Haru Mahsa, the greatest medical shinobi's in the Haru Clan, But, because they were both the same gender, and it was prohibited as well as the clan heads, the Clan Head had demanded them to get rid of the infant after Mahsa had given birth to him so they could do a trial. To test their fate.

Tanaha had unluckily been that kid and at hardly a daylight old, the individuals of the Haru Clan didn't bother at all to assemble and desire the baby the worst of luck for being a humiliation to the Clan, rather, they limited themselves from accomplishing that.

But, before they sent the baby off, Mahsa managed to sneak two forbidden scrolls from the Clan Heads headquarters had been holding onto for years and hid them for her kid so that he would have a better chance of survival for wishing to witness him again. Even though that would be assumably incomprehensible.

The Haru Clan had a very somewhat basic history that has been around for 156 years. The Haru Clan was a remarkably tight cousin to the Uzumaki Clan, having each supported each other in history with jutsu, scrolls and other sorts of things, although they were cousins, they had distinguishable beliefs and opposed same-sex marriages.

They would have arguments but it always ended in a huge apology from both sides, but that's until the fall of the Uzumaki Clan had begun to take place, the Haru Clan attempted desperately to help them, but they were already battling to protect their clan. They couldn't do two things at once. The Uzumaki empire plunged which was a drastic and excruciating period for the individuals to reconstruct their empire.

The Haru Clan has kept scrolls and beneficial blueprints and all sorts from the Uzumaki Clan and sadly became a target for those who sought more control, not only that, but because the Clans were cousins, they had small resemblances, such as a tremendous dose of Chakra and progressive understanding to make unique jutsu's and scrolls.

And they were given refined potency and their signature look was constantly, brown skin, brown hair and melancholic blue or naïve, green eyes, as they also had a signature and prized jutsu, the; Lava Release: Rasen-shuriken and the Byakugou.

The inferior baby was being swept by the tempestuous drafts of the water, fish encircled the wailing newborn, and animals were startled and agitated for such an aggravating and yet begging cry for someone.

The animals could feel sorrow for the baby, sadness, but it wasn't one of its kind, it was a human, so, they didn't interfere.

The crying and silence of the newborn continued for only a couple of more hours before it went into a complete day.

Night approached, and the currents were favourable and mild. Smooth with fineness and such acceptable respect. The sounds of the baby cooing and saying nonsense as his eyes were shut and he couldn't see anything, he was hopeless in this situation. The newborn gurgled and snored when the chilly atmosphere of darkness wrapped him like a heartwarming cloak. He felt protected, being in a cold place, rocked and narrowly damp.

The snores of a baby were alleviating to someone entrapped in a document, he was outdated, beyond the moment his clan was constructed. He has safeguarded his creator's Clan since his demise, but he was conveyed over to an offspring, to safeguard him. Like he did with his Clan. The ancient being sighed in empathy, the poor mothers didn't care to think just what would transpire to them. They should've known that such measurements would be taken seriously.

Same-sex marriages are outlawed in times like these. Especially in their Clan. What were they thinking?

And being able to define laws of biology and human nature just like what Mahsa had done. It was very remarkable, but they could have considered it better.

The being—Although not perceptible to the newborn, had a clear view of the newborn sleeping so calmly despite the unforgiving circumstances the baby was in.

The being looked upwards at the night sky and slowly counted the stars to pass the time. They would be here for a while until the kid could manage to set him free.

The smooth rocking of this allegedly unpredictable river and its canal was calm, the movements were like a hot knife cutting through butter, with no flaw in sight. It soothed the creatures' nerves for what was ahead of him and the boy. This wouldn't be a walk in the park. This was proceeding to be Hell.

Hours have gone by, and the night was cool to the contact, but there was still life subsisting in the pitch twilight. The baby's chest heaved up and down, shivering at the slimmest temperature decline from the cold darkness. Still fighting for life.

The creature respected the baby, even at 37 hours old, the baby was tolerating the hellish existence of this world extremely well. Well, a baby usually doesn't know anything that's happening around them.

It felt like years have proceeded by before the creature saw the dawning slowly coming in the distance. A captivating purple, red, orange and yellow ombré coming nicely together and painting the sky as if it was painting a poem right in front of you. The creature smiled fondly, despite being hundreds of years old, seeing things like a sunrise always made him look at the happy thing in life. He has seen a lot to know a lot. He knows what to do and what not to do.

He would do what he must do, to protect the child that was placed upon his custody by Haru Mahsa and Haru Tokito. Two of the best medical shinobi's.

Throughout a couple of more hours into the bright daylight, all Airavata could hear was the baby gurgling, cooing and making noises that a baby would usually make when they're in distress or an unfortunate situation. The baby knew it shouldn't belong here. Instinct. Already off to a useful conception.

This kept going until he felt a gigantic overflow of Chakra flee the baby and cover itself around the entire basket, including his summoning scroll. Airavata was astonished at the baby, barely two days old and had managed to somehow scour out with his Chakra and activated the hidden scroll which activated the summoning scroll without using anything else other than Tanaha's new Chakra.

Not a minute later, a massive animal with large ears, seven large trunks, three bulky heads and four large and powerful tusks on each head, rounding up at twelve tusks, that in myth and legend about 500 years ago carried Indra on his back when they were travelling.

Tanaha summoned Airavata, Indra's elephant.

Airavata was handed over to the Haru Clan after a conflict between the Uchiha and Haru Clan, it had occurred a couple of decades ago and ended with the opposing team winning. Which made Airavata ashamed that he had to be handed over to the opposing team. Making the Uchiha's give him up for losing. Something he would never be able to get over so kindly.

(A better description for Airavata is an elephant that has two forms when summoned, the first one is with three heads, which is seven long trunks and twelve tusks, and height is over 300 feet tall. And the second form is a human type of form, one head with two tusks where the mouth is, no trunks and is pristine grey. The Elephant's special traits are wind, earth and wood release as they can make anyone freeze on the spot by using something like Haki.)

The ground and river began to shake, startling the baby for it to shout cries as the basket rocked violently from the sheer weight of the giant three-headed elephant. Because Airavata has three heads, that means three minds with each of them having different thoughts.

"Mindful! The infant is merely breakable!" The left head screamed worriedly in their ancient tongue, the three of them knew that a newborn baby was fragile. That was basic common sense. Nothing like rocket science.

"He lives. We simply didn't comprehend how great of damage we'll provoke. It has been decades since we have been previously summoned into a dispute or for any explanation." The right head corrected and alleviated the left head who began to ease himself. The central head sighed, of course, they each had their natures.

The left head is known to be cowardly, fearful yet precise and timid. The right head was brash, harsh, scrupulous, rigorous, and stringent. Always wanted authority. And the middle head is known to be equal, wise, tolerant, and the one who has all authority.

"Settle down. We have yielded a slight uproar, but we can correct this. We solely need to watch the one we have been appointed to. Allow us not to get apprehensive over senseless things shall we." The central head spoke, and the other two heads nodded in sync and began to move their trunks.

After a couple of minutes, they had shrunken down to not be seen above the trees that could easily expose them and were carrying the basket containing the offspring. The left head and its trunks were holding the baby with fragile care, the right head would've surely done something irresponsible holding the infant. That was his nature. Being thoughtless and foolhardy.

"What should we name the fellow?" The left head asked.

"The offspring already has a name." The central head replied calmly.

"Aw..." The left head brooded, he wanted to name the newborn after their Master, Indra, but guess not.

"The fellow's name is Tanaha. Haru Tanaha." The right head decided to hum upon hearing that name. It wasn't flawed, but it surely wouldn't be the first name that would've come to mind.

"How extended do we have to look after the offspring?" The right head requested, already failing to control its temper. The central head chortled softly.

"We will have to take consideration of him until he doesn't want us anymore. That is what Mahsa propelled us in our scroll when she gave us to their offspring." The right head grumbled, great, they could be looking after the offspring for centuries. Who knows, he doesn't know how ancient a human can get.

"Though, allow us to make the best of it. This is our first time being confined in something as profound as an offspring." He began.

"The offspring we hold is desired dead by the Clan. So, our responsibility will be to raise and protect the child. That is what we were designated to do." The other two heads were muted, one didn't want to do it and one didn't know what to say. They truly couldn't communicate anything else, so they had to go along with it.

For only a day, The Great Airavata took care of the newborn and watched it. After all, Mahsa was his one-time summoner and disrespecting her last longing, he would take a stake through his core if it meant disregarding her.

The other heads disagree with him, but they don't know the relationship that the middle head has with Mahsa.

"Are you sure you want this to happen?" Airavata was deeply concerned; it was only a couple of hours after Mahsa had given birth that she is saying that she'll need Airavata to protect her offspring from the Clan.

"Yes. There isn't anyone else I'll trust with my baby. You need to protect him Vata." Airavata was concerned, being handed over to a baby who isn't even fully developed is a major risk. And he couldn't help but disagree and plead for her not to do this. "I want you to watch him. Make him a proud man, Vata."

Airavata didn't know what to say, for once in his many centuries of living, he had never once been in this situation. "Mahsa...." He mumbled out, after they were handed over to the Haru Clan, not one single shinobi in the Clan wanted to become his summoner, because he gave them a very hard time and was deemed, 'Untrainable.' So, no one wanted to train with him.

But that all changed when Haru Mahsa found his scroll at the age of 11 and then decided and took the ambition upon herself to be Airavata's first summoner. For the next ten years, Airavata warmed up to her and then he became her first summon.

They developed a very strong bond, stronger than the one she has with Tokito, Airavata was able to understand her within seconds of seeing her and she was able to understand him within seconds of seeing him. They were a perfect match for someone who is misunderstood and for someone who wants to make this world a better place.

"Mahsa, please do not do this." He begged for Mahsa, he couldn't live a life without her, he knows it sounds corny, but there will never be another person or thing that would understand him like Haru Mahsa. He couldn't lose her.

"Summon me, I can protect you, protect Mahsa, protect your offspring." Mahsa didn't mutter a word, she was rushing around, her wife preparing the basket to say their final goodbye to their child before they send him off to death. She rushed down a flight of stairs and mumbled.

"It's too late for that now, Vata." Airavata couldn't believe it, he didn't want to, he couldn't, he needed to get out and protect his summoner. But she didn't want to, she wanted him to protect her child rather than her.

"Mahsa, please, do not do this." Airavata wanted to fight back, to plead or even beg for Mahsa not to do this, but for once in his life, he doesn't know what she was planning on doing. "Vata." Her voice startled him, he had tears in his eyes as he was able to see and hear her.

"Promise me one thing. That's all I'm asking." Her voice was full of sadness, anger and yet, peace with the choice. Airavata knew the other two wouldn't be able to hear or know what he was doing with Mahsa, so he nodded, which allowed Mahsa to talk.

"My son deserves a chance at life like anyone else. Protect him until he can do so himself."

Airavata sighed heavily, the others would never understand the loss they took, Mahsa stood as the only one out of anyone willing to take years out of her life to comprehend and attain his trust. No one else would be able to do what she can do.

Of course, the other two heads don't know the relationship the central head had with Mahsa, they exclusively lost someone immensely meaningful to them all because she desired for her offspring to maintain a more promising life than her.

Airavata could feel the other two heads' concern for his well-being, after being transported to the infant, the central head was losing hope of the offspring's survival each passing day.

But he had to remand optimistic, he had to be open-minded, and he had to for the sake of his old, summoner, Haru Mahsa.

For the next couple of days, Airavata took care of the kid, there were times where Airavata went into states of depression, but he had to pull himself together, although it did feel impossible at times to do that.

"Please, pull yourself concurrently, this is not what we have been preparing for us to accomplish." The left head spoke out, he was very nervous about his companion, he doesn't know why the central head is like this.

"You need some comfort it seems, obviously I won't be of good use for that." The right head commented blandly, he honestly wasn't trying to make things worse for them or the central head, he just wasn't good at being validating, it was in his nature to be inhumane and pretentious.

Airavata didn't know what to do, he felt like he lost a part of himself when they were separated from Mahsa, he doesn't know what to think, what to do, or how to even breathe. Without Mahsa, he's lost. He didn't know he would've developed such an intense relationship with a human after their master's passing.

The central head was holding the baby within its large trunks, and the left and right heads were scouting for anything since they didn't know how to make milk, they were male elephants, and they wouldn't be able to keep the baby feed.

So, their first assignment was to find a trustworthy and resourceful nourishment source for the baby. They can go at least seven days without requiring food, a mere human can go for as long as three days.

The central head heard a light gurgle coming from the offspring, making him look down and see just how happy the offspring seemed to be in their embrace as if he was worshipping or praising them for saving him.

The central head could see the similarities it had with the two women, the offspring already was growing hair, but it didn't open its eyes yet. The baby let out a sweet and happy giggle as it grabbed onto the central head's trunk and gave the central head a humongous smile.

The central didn't realize just how much he sees Mahsa in her baby. He let out a small whimper before he raised the trunk holding the offspring and curled the baby in his trunk and brought him close to its face. Small tears began to form before the central head began to break down.

The left and right heads were shocked, but they stayed hushed, for the central head's sake.

"I'll protect you..."

After then, the central head picked himself up and searched for a food course, only wasting roughly an hour before they came across a herd of horses. They then had to depend on a herd of horses they encountered that were mainly mares with calves, which was ideal.

Airavata vowed to the herd that they would shield the calf and some of the mares from certain predators if they gave Tanaha a supply of milk, and it ended with the herd agreeing to it.

"The boy will finally be fed. This is great news." The central head said with pride in its tone, the right and left heads agreed silently, they were content that the baby would be fed now.

This promise was going on until the baby was roughly three months old, now needing to keep moving on, Airavata wished them farewell before moving on and the right head holding tons of milk to carry with them.

While they were walking around, deeper and deeper into the never-ending forest, they encountered multiple troops consisting of shinobi's, the moment they saw Airavata holding the infant, they attacked immediately, trying to get the offspring away from him, of course misunderstanding the information.

Airavata shielded the boy while the left head annihilated the troops, crushing their bones under its massive hoof and beheading them with his tusk. It was a bloodbath, but the offspring was free from the bloodshed.

They continued moving on, they had to change directions as it seemed that they were close to populations than intended.

The boy, Tanaha, had Airavata's attention when he made a cooing, high-pitched sound.

Airavata looked down to see Tanaha, he had his eyes opened, the beautiful colour of green was the first thing they saw when he opened his eyes late in life.

"His eyes are just like hers..." The central head muttered out, already getting overwhelmed by seeing just how many similarities he sees in his old summoner. The baby let out a loud giggle that was mixed with a gurgle and held out both of his hands out, wanting to touch or grab him.

The central head obliged for the baby and poked it with one of its trunks, the baby letting out curious yet entertained cries of joy. Fuelling Airavata that he has to do what he must for him.

The boy was slowly being taught by Airavata how to walk, which cost time and patience for the being for another 2 months.

"Are you sure the boy needs to be pushed this far? He is only 6 months old; it isn't safe for a baby to be pushed like this." The left head worried again for the baby, and the middle head sighed a bit tiredly and nodded.

"I'm not sure, but right now, we are in a world filled with danger and events can change in just a split second. We need to be prepared for anything that is awaiting us, we have to make sure that Tanaha would be able to move around without us being there." The left head eyed the middle head, the reasoning does seem...fair enough.

The three heads were sitting down on the soft grass, laying down on their side, watching and assisting Tanaha in standing up, the baby gurgled loudly and grabbed Airavata's tail and was lifted slightly above the ground, feet dangling in the air. The left head let out a worried mumble before the middle head put the baby down on the ground. Such a fascinating boy he was.

With Tanaha being able to stand and walk slightly at the age of 5 months, Airavata tried to teach Tanaha how to run, which didn't quite work out and cost Tanaha an injured leg which needed time to heal especially because he was a baby.

"Oh no! Tanaha!" The left head screamed out as they had just witnessed the baby fall straight on its face and slowly look at them with teary and such sadden eyes.

The massive 60ft elephants did their best and ran to the boy, although they did shake the ground—causing him to hop slightly in the air and fall again. Injuring his fragile body further.

"Oh God, you're stupid Mi!" The right head yelled out as they rushed to the baby at a somewhat safe distance to not stomp the baby on accident.

The three-headed elephant reached out using their trunks and wrapped them around the baby. This wasn't good, this would take a long time for the injuries to heal.

By some miracle, 3 months passed by, and with his injuries healed, Tanaha was able to run, and walk but not fully speak a word yet, but they were teaching him when they know he'll be ready.

Tanaha was now 9 months old and was running around, with Airavata's watch—of course—And they even created a small little elephant clone following him around, so that they don't lose him.

It is shameful for Airavata to say, but they have assassinated huge portions of shinobi's from around the village for getting too close to Tanaha, this caused a wide search and a small harmony between a few well-known villages and their heads to find out just who was doing this.

"What can we do?" The right head asked this time, now worried for their safety and the kids. They shouldn't have done this in the first place. Why didn't they just let the kid get killed and called it a day?

"It isn't our fault." The central head seethed at the right head, not only do they have three heads, but they know each other's intentions, so, he knew just what the right head was thinking about and is enraged.

"And it also is scandalous to think of that. We have a responsibility. We did nothing immoral. We did what we had to do. And that is to protect the boy." The central head ominously said. The right head didn't say anything else and oversaw the boy playing with the smaller version of themselves.

"He has a destiny that will obtain not solely peace but a brand-new period."

Momentarily after that, without wanting to cause the bigger and more considerable villages to catch on and find them, Airavata had sadly come to terms that he will need to exterminate and fight back all the miniature villages until nothing remains of them, he couldn't risk his only reason to keep going and risk having nothing, he must do something.

In one week, all the small villages were destroyed, thousands of people were dead, their blood on his tusk and covering his hooves as if he was wearing some red paint. The buildings were in ruins, and nothing remained left. Nothing.

Airavata was claimed victorious from the only one-sided battle, not one shinobi managed to get a hit on him. It was sad that that was his only option, he didn't want to, but he had to protect the boy. He had to.

Airavata had managed to get into a humanism form, which allowed him to possess only one head—Although he still has the other two voices—Four arms, a muscular build and nice tan skin with messy and short gray hair.

With the new form he had designed overnight, he was able to rebuild and redesign everything about the villages into one large compound just for Tanaha and him since he managed to get a human form.

'I have to say, being like this is considerably more acceptable than our additional form. And it's beneficial for us, I don't have to do much-excluding converse.' The voice of the right head talked internally.

'I have to agree, wonderful job.' The voice of the left head spoke in appreciation. This form was more promising than they could ever visualize.

Ultimately, a full year has passed. Time goes by so fast when you're not thinking of it.

Tanaha is close to being two years old, he had long hair that grew at an insane speed, a toothy smile and the energy of a God.

He and Airavata have been living in a huge compound for nearly a year, the huge place was not only guarded by dangerous animals and fauna, but it was near invisible even for a few clans when their specialty was their eyes.

"Vata!" Tanaha said happily as he jumped into the large man's arms, he has now been able to say sentences and a few hard words like, 'instructions' or 'Colonel.' All because of Airavata. Airavata caught him with ease as he squeezed the boy, he was equally as glad to see him since he was now his new father figure.

"Good morning, Tanaha. I've been making some healthy options for you and for me to try since I don't usually eat unusual foods such as this." Airavata expressed, his voice was benevolent, and such gentleness like cotton that Tanaha always treasured it when he communicated with him, Airavata had turned around to grab a hold of a huge pan with eggs, meat, crispy vegetables and potatoes.

Tanaha always valued it when Airavata cooked, and although there were times when the food tasted a bit off, Tanaha still ate it as he didn't want to upset Airavata for being ungrateful after he has been looking after him for years. (Practically 2)

"It smells great!" Tanaha said, only barely 2 years old, Tanaha's range of vocabulary is better than anyone should expect for a two-year-old child, mainly because he was taught by a very mature and professional person whom he admired. Airavata signalled Tanaha to take a seat, so he did, the kitchen they were in was large, mainly because they were in a huge compound.

The compound had over 70 rooms, and 35 bathrooms, a huge training ground for when he was older, a kitchen the size of a regular compound, cabinets full of food and experimental spices, there was a huge pool and sauna, a large cozy room and a room that had scrolls and paintings, the compound that Tanaha grew up was royalty for anyone who visited him if he was ever spotted on accident.

"Here you go, Tanaha." Airavata said as he served Tanaha a huge piece of each food, Tanaha gave Airavata a huge grin and stuffed down the soft food, his teeth were almost done fully growing his baby teeth so he tried to eat meat when he can't Airavata gladly takes his portion of meat and hands him more sort eggs and even a glass of milk for him.

But this time, Tanaha was able to eat more than he thought when he was served, Airavata didn't seem to mind as he got up and grabbed a glass of milk and handed him it, with a pat on his head of course for trying.

As mentioned, the huge mansion they're in has over 70 rooms, 35 bathrooms, a cozy room, a huge scroll room, a large kitchen, a large training ground, and cheese and meat production (handmade of course by Airavata.) and lastly, a huge farm with cows, chicken and a huge green farm for Airavata since most of his diet as an elephant was fruits and plants.

Tanaha has luckily whenever he explored, never been caught by any spies, shinobi's or any uncertain people wandering around. Two years have passed and Tanaha is being trained, already learning chakra control and quickly learning some medical skills so that he can heal himself when Airavata can't.

Airavata watched intently as he saw Tanaha slowly climbing the large tree trunk in one of their many backyards. He wasn't worried for Tanaha, climbing up meant, he is very much worried if he falls.

"One step, two step, three step, four." Tanaha's voice was heard as he focused very hard on walking up vertically on a trunk, balancing using his Chakra and concentration.

"Five-step, six-step, seven-step, more." He ended before repeating himself and walking up further than the last time up the tree.

'He's doing good for just being 3 years old.' The right head's voice ranged out, of course, Ri had to say that, he had to. He was proud of the kid; they were raising him better than they all thought.

'I'm glad we are doing what we can. He will grow up to be even better than us one day.' The left head's voice ranged out, Le was very proud of Tanaha. Already learning Chakra control, maybe when he's older they can teach him to learn to control the Rasengan or even a Chidori. Those things were made for destruction.

'We did good boys.... We did well...' Mi spoke up, they were all proud of the kid, for being not even human, they were raising the kid better than a single parent could. Yes, the kid is living the life of a spoiled brat, but of course, he has discipline.

Airavata was exceptionally proud, for not being the biological parent, looking after the kid has always been fun for him. There are new things when parenting.

Everything is a mystery.