
What Went Wrong With Him?

A young boy was born into a tragedy, his parents are nowhere in sight for any help, he is on his own at hardly hours old from birth, he doesn’t know what’s ahead for him. But someone else does. And they’re willing to do anything for the boy. The world is a harsh place for him. But maybe with this person, it can be just a bit less harsh. What do you think?

UnknowinglyFluffy · Urban
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5 Chs

A Rough Start

Two women were yelled at, her fiancé was thrown beside her. Her body went limp before a heavy gasp was heard. The woman was horrified to see their own family do such a thing to them, the area was filled with silence and suspense.

"What the fuck is wrong with you two?!" That voice belonged to her brother, he is a very well-known person, known to be a perfectionist and strict about the laws.

"Oh, God! What have I done wrong?! Oh, Kaguya! What have I done wrong in raising her?!" That voice belonged to her fiancé's mother, desperate for an answer from the one God they look up to.

"Fuckin' lunatics. What did our family do to deserve your fuckin' disgraces." And that voice belonged to her father, an actual judge who studies law, he is of course more than horrified to know that his daughter chooses to break the law and then proceed to marry a woman. She brought shame to the family.

"Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting." A commoner's voice was heard, a large crowd had gathered around them. A mob. They were angry, furious. Words couldn't describe as to what the mob was feeling. They could change their feeling in just a split second.

Sudden voices of wrath began to spew out insults, threats, and opinions as to what they thought about the disgraces right in front of them.

She heard a small grumbled and turned around, she could see her fiancé bleeding profusely from her head. The beautiful purple rhombus on her forehead was now ripped off, although her power was there, the symbol wasn't. A large gash was visible, skin tissues were peeled off. Blocking her vision with her own skin.

Her head had been stomped on vigorously by their family before the mob joined in and worsened things, and she had multiple broken fingers. Her beautiful blonde and neat hair was now cut short and ugly as the two fathers and the mob had intended, they have scarred and blinded her bright, green right eye.

She couldn't believe that the man ratted them out. They trusted him with their souls, everything. How could he do this to them?

He would surely pay for it, if and when she sees him. He's a dead man.

The black-haired woman rushed over to her partner who had small tears dwelling in her grey eyes, she was covered in dirt, and her clothes were practically stripped from her body, the doing was from their fathers. She had multiple bruises, dangerously around her eyes and chest. She looked horrible.

The woman crouched down and placed a hand on her forehead, she needed to do what she was great at, healing the injured.

She and her fiancé were the best medical doctors in their Clan. Why would they do this to them? After everything they've put themselves through and have done.

A beautiful green aura, otherwise known as Chakra, surrounded every inch of her fiancé's wounds, quickly healing them. That was the only way to heal her.

She clutched her stomach tightly; she was in distress at seeing her fiancé in such a mess and handling one of the greatest gifts they could ever make, a baby.

Being 7 months pregnant was not a simple task to take. She heard her father screech nonsense to her. Asking and begging her to explain for him to understand why she chose this path.

This path was meant for people who feared the pure, sinisters they were called.

They chose this path because they knew they would go through this hell together. For love they say. All of this was for love.

She heard the Clan head stomp towards them, she was a beautiful woman, with black hair, and sharp green eyes and she had admired the two, thinking they were good friends, obviously, she was wrong with that part. Her name was Haru Haneta.

She was the strongest Haru in the Clan, she had done incredible things, assisted in wars, won battles that no one else could, had insane regeneration, and unlocked the Byakugou when she was just 14 years old. She had the smarts of a Nara and was good with every single element that existed. She was in a league of her own.

"Just what were you two thinking!? Marriage!? Did you expect that Fuhane would keep it a secret!?" Haneta almost screamed at them, Haneta feels betrayed. How could they do this to themselves? They had a life better than even a regular medical shinobi. How could they throw it away in the name of love?

"Explain to me. Please for the love of Kaguya." She yelled in a pleading way as she was beyond furious, they were extremely good friends. She thought that the two were just better friends with one another than her.

The two women were quiet. The one that was healing her fiancé was weeping quietly while the one receiving the healing was silent.

"Haru Tokito and Haru Mahsa." She seethed, to the two women.

Mahsa wept silently, refusing to look at Haneta, not that she wasn't ashamed, but she couldn't face her. Not like this.

Tokito was silent. She couldn't say anything. Nothing they could say would get them out of this situation.

Both of them wanted this, they planned for this and had to keep it a secret. Except that Fuhane found out and told everyone. And the plan was foiled, their lives were going to be miserable. For them to back out now and say that it was an accident is worse than death.

Mahsa looked at Tokito, eyes pleading on what to do, Mahsa was bearing their child, close to birth and didn't want to have the child removed from her womb in such an old fashion and brutal way that it would scar her.

Tokito understood her, she got up—With struggle—And took in a deep breath, even though the Haru Clan is filled and known for its medical shinobi's, they really know how to inflict pain on one another that sometimes can't even be healed.

She first struggled to come up with words, what could she do that could protect Mahsa? Protect their child? What could?

Tokito stood in between her fiancé and the mob that was her Clan. She held just one of her arms, a sign of protection for her fiancé. She will not risk anything for her. She would die before she lets anything happen to her. And her child.

"Please…." Tokito suddenly spoke with such plead and sadness that it shocked the Clan. Tokito was a trusted medical shinobi, hard-will, mind, and soul. She never backed down, ever sounded pleading, or begged for anything. She was what some would call, 'Hardcore.'

Mahsa wasn't surprised, with the situation they were in. Their best tactic would be to beg for their child's life, maybe even theirs.

Because what they're committing is even worse than a sin or taboo. Haneta looked at Tokito with disgust, anger, and surprise. She couldn't believe she had seen Tokito fall apart in front of her.

"What." She quickly recovered from the tone of Tokito and narrowed her eyes, what did Tokito possibly want?

Tokito took in a deep breath. Haneta waited, Fuhane watched with amusement and yet, sorrow as he hated to see these two women to go down this path. Love can make one do unspeakable things to the people around them, or to themselves.

"What we have done, was because we wanted to. Not because we were manipulated, brainwashed, or utterly confused. We choose this path because we love each other."

The mob gasped loudly, out of disgust and rage fueling them. They picked up stones and other hard materials and were about to throw them at them before Haneta raised her hand and stopped them.

"I'm willing to hear what she has to say." Her tone was odd, calm, and fierce. The mob gasped loudly and started asking her questions.

"Give them a chance?" One was shocked that she would do such a thing.

"Haneta, what they've done was wrong! We shoul-" A villager was talking but was interrupted by Haneta yelling at them.

"Shut it! I didn't ask for you to tell me what I'm doing is wrong. Unless you want to say it." She tested the villager, speaking bad openly right in front of the Clan Head is probably the dumbest thing anyone can do. So, the villagers shut their mouths and kept quiet.

"Put your stones down. Let them speak for themselves." Tokito was surprised, usually, Haneta was just like her, stubborn and ruthless. For being a medical shinobi, she spared no one's life if she knew they would be a threat to her or others. That was her specialty.

The villagers hesitated but they all put or dropped their stones on the ground, Haneta didn't break eye contact with the two and watched Tokito's mouth gape slightly before shutting it and making eye contact with her.

She then mustered up energy to speak to her. "Haneta. Look, we are sorry for what we have done to you and what you're feeling." Tokito started, "But, we cannot always deny one's feelings for another. That is what you said when you got married to your husband, Uzumaki Toru." The crowd didn't gasp but mumbled, in every Clan, and especially the Haru Clan; it was like a law to marry another Haru.

Haneta broke this upon seeing the redhead with beautiful blue eyes. The man had the kindest yet most energetic eyes, a person who is determined and willing for anything, that was what caught Haneta's attention. And so, she pursued him. They got married after only 3 months, and they already have three kids. So, love can make one do odd things. Like breaking a tradition considered to be a law.

Haneta grumbled as she heard the mob around her mumble about that, seems like that stirred up the crowd.

Nevertheless, she had to continue sentencing these two.

"This isn't about my life, and who I choose to be with, Tokito. It is time for you to speak for yourself and Mahsa and see if you'll be granted anything." She stated firmly, not once did she waver like a leaf. Tokito took in a small gulp, she thought that that would somewhat make Haneta realize that love is not always perfect unless you have said person with you.

She looked down at the dusty floor she stood on, her mind racing with too many thoughts on what to say, Mahsa is close to giving birth, maybe she could sacrifice herself in order to save Mahsa and their child. Christ, what can she do?

Tokito inhaled through her nose, she didn't know how to start.

"We chose this path because we knew we could do it together, we have done everything together. We fought beside each other, we were there when we needed someone, we protected each other with our life, we did everything together. And we will love together, forever… till the end of times…."

Haneta was silent, the crowd was silent, the only sound being the wind slowly and quietly moving through the town of the Haru Clan.

"Until the offspring is born." Haneta suddenly spoke, startling and confusing everyone. Tokito and Mahsa were confused, until the child is born. What does she mean by that?

"You guys will be trialed by me and the other Clan heads after your offspring is born. After the birth of your offspring, you MUST get rid of it. End of story."

Tokito gasped loudly, Mahsa's eyesight broadened in repulsiveness, and the crowd seemed relatively satisfied with this proclamation. This wasn't the outcome they wanted.

Mahsa stood up, shaking to her core at hearing the news.

"Get rid of the offspring? Have you gone mad!?" She shrieked, tears already falling down her sharp chin and smooth face, Haneta wasn't disturbed by this. It was a suitable punishment for such a crime. Haneta blinked once before uttering again.

"Affirmative. What you two have done is considered a major offense in our Clan. It is only appropriate that you will be penalized. But of course, we cannot punish an infant, so you'll have to get rid of the offspring or else I'll do it for you." She was serious, she was threatening them, friends, or not, you should know what you're doing is wrong. She's the authority of this Clan. She can't be shown as this vulnerable in front of commoners.

Tokito was especially wordless, she didn't know what to say, what would their punishment be? How can they get rid of their offspring? Why? Why didn't she just extinguish her instead? Why has this transpired?


The holler of an infant was heard, the infant was wailing and screaming as he finally entered the world, and the sound of panting from Mahsa was heard, she was crying in pain and joy as she heard her baby scream for life. Tokito was helping with the birthing of her child since no one else wanted to do it.

Because why would they? if they do, that means they were supporting same-sex marriages. And they didn't want to do that. God forbid they lift a finger to help out.

Haneta sighed a breath of relief, Mahsa had been having complications and it wouldn't be fair to try Tokito twice if Mahsa happened to die because of maternal death. She was in the room with them and had witnessed the whole thing, before leaving them to have a private moment before they got rid of the child.

Tokito cried tears of delight, seeing her baby boy come out and scream was a dream come true. The baby was as big as her forearm and felt like he weighed 13 pounds. Which is not bad. The baby was so chubby and cute, it was remarkable how the baby had already begun to grow small hair strands. Blonde and black.

She turns her glossy eyes to her wife and in a voice, that's almost broken, she tells her they have a beautiful baby boy. Through her exhaustion she beams, and she lets her eyes leave her face to take in the baby that is being brought to life on her bare skin.

At that moment she begins to cry the most lovable tears she's ever known, all the pain of moments before melting away. He's only minutes old and her tiny boy begins to root, mouth wide, his intuitions strong just like her.

She can't believe that Mahsa did it so well, she would want to try this again, but there might never be another again. They were going to perish infallibly.

Tokito held her baby, she wrapped him in a clean towel as she grabbed an extra cloth and began to wipe off the excess water and tissues covering parts of the baby's body. She had to be delicate. She had to.

Mahsa unfurled her eyes and looked to see Tokito holding their offspring, she weakly chortle as she was depleted, and she glimpsed up at Tokito to see such ecstasy composed on her face. Mahsa felt supremely accomplished.

She did it. They did it. They had their offspring.

Tokito slowly strode over to Mahsa, being as gentle as ever as she passed their boy to her. Mahsa didn't hesitate to take in the baby she brought into this world. She still thinks this is a fabrication. If this is a dream, she and Toktio have a kid. She doesn't ever want to wake up.

Toktio didn't waver to put away her medical supplies and accompaniments before she scurried to Mahsa's side and began to praise and congratulate them. Since no one else would ever present them with that.

After minutes have gone by, Mahsa is the first to ask an inquiry.

"What should we name him?" Tokito almost didn't hear her due to the strain in her tone. She registered the question, then she thought. They were committing an offense; they should name their baby someone honourable.

"Do you think we should name him Tohsa?" Mahsa shooked her head, "No....Let's not combine our representation, Tokito." She responded tiredly, but Tokito chuckled, she found it humorous because that was her first guess.

"How about..." Mahsa started, she wanted to figure out a good name, what good name could she think about?

"Tanaha." Tokito blinked, that name was.... rather suitable. "Tanaha?" She recited the name, seeing how well it rolls off her tongue. And she was relatively impressed. That name is stated pleasingly.

"I want to name him after my grandfather..."

Ah...That's respectable. Haru Tanaha. One of the most powerful medical shinobi's alive, administering with Tobirama, Hashirama and so many other Clans in warfare, fighting on numerous sides and always picking the right side. He was neutral unless bombarded. Able to do whatever he can, a specialist in the Clans specialty, the Lava Release: Rasen-shuriken and of course, the Byakugou.

His Chakra was insane and he was able to fend himself from thousands of opponents at once and not once requiring backup. He even Competed with the Uchiha and Nara Clan.

The man was even Clan head before he withdrew and had 7 kids with the most stunning woman, Haru Asami. Haru Asami is a woman who has tan skin, dark freckles, perfect black, and long hair that reached the floor, sometimes collecting dirt and leaves. And she had a perfect frame, nothing too curvy but nothing too straight, perfect for The Great Haru Tanaha to pursue.

She has the warmest eyes, the warmest and kindest smile, but she was already in an arranged marriage set up by her parents. When he asked for her hand in marriage, it turned out that the man had already defrauded her, and he decided to take matters into his own hands. Beating up the guy and married Asami a day later. Such odd things happen sometimes.

"Haru Tanaha...Welcome to the world...." Toktio said sadly as she would presumably never see her son again.

Mahsa couldn't contain herself as she beseeched to Kaguya to help them.

They needed all the support they can get. They couldn't leave their offspring.

What type of parent does that?

. . .

Mahsa let out small and strained cries as she and Tokito watched their offspring float down a river. Tanaha was in a basket, surrounded by other blankets and a couple of small gifts in case if he does outlive. But.... this river was known for its untrustworthy currents, Mahsa loathes thinking that her baby would drown.

Haneta was behind them, supervising everything...

She remembers when this happened to her...

But she can't spare no one, she can't be shown as inefficient.

She is the first female Clan head in the Haru Clan. She has to keep her reputation as strong-minded and willed.

She can't pardon herself for being the reason for a newborn's cessation.

But she has hopes that the baby would survive.

After all, the kid is A Haru, a very strong Clan still expanding territories. And, he is the son of Haru Mahsa and Haru Tokito. The most powerful medical shinobi's of all time.