
Chapter 1. The Letter

Her eyes slowly flutter open as she shields herself from the blinding rays of light attacking her from the window. Slowly, she brings herself up and sits on the edge of the bed, listening cheerfully to the playful songs of the birds just outside the room. A smile blooms across her face as she recalls last night's events.

"Adam..." She whisper his name while twirling her hair with her finger. A long sigh and plump of her body smacking the bed follows.

A sudden pounding on the door grabs her from her this dazed state awakening her to reality. "Emi dear!! Get up now, you have a meeting with your father at noon and it is time to start the day". One of Emi's maids addresses that of which must be done today.

"Of course Ginger!" Emi calls back, and begins to assess the lovely daytime attire that had been set out for her. Today she had training so the dress was less elegant than her normal outfit.

She carefully slips out of her night gown and begins to step into her clothes for the day. The vanilla colored silky chemise matched perfectly with the dark brown and almost black front lace up. The ruffles on her shoulder and chest placed perfectly and she smiled as her outfit came together.

She walks over to the door and opens it to find Ginger waiting patiently just to the side of her room, with a brush and some kind of bottled spray in hand. Ginger smiles as Emi nods in understanding and they both walk back into the room.

Emi sits on a glossy and very expensive stool as Ginger places the spray down and begins to brush Emi's hair.

Moments later, Ginger sparks a conversation.

"You haven't been seeing that boy again, have you?" Ginger sternly questions the princess.

Stuttering she finally brings herself to reply, "I-Uh-What... Of course not?! Why does it matter anyways..." Emi trails off.

A quick jerk of her head almost sends her flying off the stool, as Ginger and not been so gentle with brushing. "You are a princess, Emi. You will marry a Prince! You must not get tangled up in such peasant deeds." Ginger snaps.

"What?! Must I marry thou which I do not love? Adam is kind, caring, he makes me happ-"

"Enough! Your father would be disappointed to hear you speak such nonsense. You must do as the King commands you to, and to disobey would be treason". Ginger places the brush down and walks towards the door. "Come, it is time for breakfast" She walks out leaving Emi in despair.

"Me?! Marry a prince...!? They are all pigs, pigs who love no one but them selves" Emi sneers to herself, stepping up from her stool. As she stomps to the door to go to breakfast a white flash catches her eye by her bed. Glancing up she sees a folded rag paper peeking out from under her pillow.

She walks over to her bed and takes a seat next to the golden laces luxurious pillow to her right. Lifting it up she finds a letter, with words written on top: "To my beloved Emi"

Unfolding the note, she opens it to see a page filled with words written to her. She smiles widely as she reads it to her self;

"Emi, It is I!! Your amazing Adam! You may be wondering why I have written to you so, and that is such a simple reason my Love. Yesterday, I had such a wonderful time. I have not smiled so much in a life time as I did with you. And I write to you in hope that we may do it again"... Emi's heart sank. She was never supposed to see Adam in the first place... "Now I understand the lengths you must go to sneak away from your castles imprisonments, but love is always worth the trouble. I will come to you Emi, and hopefully we will be able to spend even more time together. I know I am just but a humble peasant, but the love I feel for you is nothing such! When we meet again, I have a proposal, one that if you say yes will leave us leading different lives... together. So wait for me Emi, for on the full moon I will come to your window and we shall run away together... Wait for me my love. Love, Adam"

Emi sat there in awe at the letter. A proposal? Run away? A new life... together. Oh, how wonderful that sounds.

Suddenly a sharp call beckons her from her star struck state, "Emi! Now; come get your meal!"

Emi quickly stuffs the letter into her boot and makes her way down for breakfast.