

Emi is the Princess of Valleguard and she lives a life just like all the other princesses out there. Except for the fact that she will be the first one to marry a Morath. Moraths are enhanced humans, with super strength, speed, agility, and many have other special powers individual to them. Not only do they special features, but they have animalistic characteristics for physical creatures. Some with cat ears, or tails, or maybe the skin of a lizard. Different from humans, they were discriminated and treated as less than what they are. They colonized and became an empire greater than any other. Consumed by hate and fear they started a war with the humans that has been going on for decades. The humans have grown tired in recourses and soldiers to continue giving their lives for such a cause. They have no choice but to create an alliance with the Morath, to hopefully bring peace and end the years of fighting and strife. Emi, just happens to be the only way to achieve it.