
What it means to be a sinner

A dark fantasy begins with an exhilarating adventure to another world, where every character seems destined to be a hero. Unfortunately, everything changes gradually. The connection between Earth and this fantastical realm, including the horrors they face one after another, starts to blur. The characters begin to question the deeper purpose behind their sudden transportation. Are they meant to be heroes of some sort? Or are they mere ants, insignificant and easily crushed in a hostile world that sees them as nothing more than entertainment? This uncertainty adds a chilling layer of intrigue to their predicament.

Jeanniebels · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Chapter 3: Odd

Silence enveloped the group, with everyone understanding its weight.

The situation they found themselves in... No, scratch that. They had dragged me into this mess, she thought.

A sudden chill seemed to creep down everyone's spine. They knew they were in a dire situation, and the displeasure on Rayana's somber face only amplified the tension.

In reality, Rayana's face remained expressionless, almost serene. However, it had been four long days since they had become entangled in this hopeless predicament. While they may have appeared carefree and privileged before, they were not fools.

Four days had been enough to gauge Rayana's foul mood. This seemingly unassuming and fragile girl was not someone to be trifled with.

If asked why, they would simply reply, "She has a temper." Not to mention, she was the true victim here.

While the others could be seen as victims of circumstance, Rayana was a victim of their own actions.

Despite their privileged upbringing, they were not unreasonable. They were not foolish enough to believe that their wealth could save them this time.


Two weeks ago

Amelia Bennett, the radiant blonde woman, and her close-knit group of friends gathered in the vibrant student council room, a space filled with youthful energy and camaraderie.

As the esteemed scions of their affluent families, the responsibility of leading the student council was not merely a casual endeavor for Amelia Bennett and her friends. It served as a grooming ground, meticulously orchestrated by their influential families, and the school had tacitly agreed to this arrangement. The families, being the principal investors in the esteemed Roosevelt Advanced Learning Institute, held significant sway over its operations. Consequently, any opposition to their involvement was effectively quashed.

Furthermore, it was undeniable that these young individuals possessed remarkable academic prowess, consistently maintaining exceptional grades. As long as their academic achievements remained impeccable and no moral boundaries were transgressed, the school board was content to turn a blind eye, prioritizing results over any potential ethical concerns.

These teenagers, despite having some mischievousness in them, undeniably had potential. They were also generous to those who had the brains to be in the student council and were willing to let them join. The act was as simple as acquiring talent. It made people think that they were indeed taking things seriously and already doing what capitalists do, poaching talents.

While Amelia's group may have appeared to be engaged in lighthearted banter, their conversation centered around a topic of significant intrigue - the school's old main building. This building used to be the original structure of their esteemed institute, a testament to its rich heritage. As the school flourished and expanded, newer and more modern facilities were constructed, causing the old building to gradually fade into obscurity. Situated in a slightly secluded area, it became detached from the bustling main buildings, adding an air of mystery to its existence.

Over time, the old building accumulated a collection of peculiar rumors and tales, further enhancing its enigmatic allure. Despite being overshadowed by the newer additions, it retained an aura of nostalgia and whispered secrets, captivating the imaginations of those who dared to venture into its forgotten corridors.

The student council reached a final decision to inspect the old building and consider utilizing it for future development.

"Should we inform the school board first?" suggested the free-spirited Noah Griffin.

He came from a family of real estate tycoons. Being the youngest son, he naturally had more freedom of choice and had been spoiled by his family, which resulted in his carefree personality with eyes overwhelming with innocence.

"Let's inspect it first, then write a proposal that they can't turn down," Amelia answered Noah. Her voice held a tingue of mischievousness and determination which everyone seems to know the reason why. Regardless of Amelia's intention, none of them gave any objections due to their own personal agendas as well.

"With your real estate expertise, we should be able to give them enough reason to agree. I'll handle the legal matters," Ethan Parker added while adjusting his pair of glasses. Ethan being the tallest among the three boys, with a lanky build paired with a mop of unruly dark hair and a pair of glasses perched on his nose. His confidence, being the son of influential lawyers, gave him a strict and scholarly vibe and making people who listen to him put their trust in him.

"We're here," Amelia announced, looking at the old building in front of her.

Amelia had long blonde hair that fell in soft waves down her back. Her eyes were a striking blue, and she had a kind smile. She was tall and had an athletic build, suggesting she led an active lifestyle. Amelia came from a long line of successful entrepreneurs. Her family owned a chain of high-end hotels around the world. She was raised with every luxury, but her parents also instilled in her the importance of hard work and humility. Leading the council was proof of her competency with business matters. But despite having a good background, Amelia also struggles to prove herself as the only child of her parents and heir to their long line of history. Though Amelia's parents are supportive of her choices, she knew very well that some of her relatives are eyeing for her position. Thus, making Amelia have more reason to do well and shutting the mouths of those who question her ability and legitimacy.

The group of five students ventured into the building, beginning their inspection to determine what should be preserved and what should be slated for demolition.

Even after all these years, the building had managed to maintain its sturdy walls, giving the impression that it could endure for several more years. However, the group was left bewildered by the sudden unexplained shaking of the walls, raising further questions and perplexity.

They all speculated that the trembling was caused by an earthquake and hastily sought shelter in search of safety. However, what unfolded next evoked an indescribable emotion within them, one that they had never experienced before.