
What it means to be a sinner

A dark fantasy begins with an exhilarating adventure to another world, where every character seems destined to be a hero. Unfortunately, everything changes gradually. The connection between Earth and this fantastical realm, including the horrors they face one after another, starts to blur. The characters begin to question the deeper purpose behind their sudden transportation. Are they meant to be heroes of some sort? Or are they mere ants, insignificant and easily crushed in a hostile world that sees them as nothing more than entertainment? This uncertainty adds a chilling layer of intrigue to their predicament.

Jeanniebels · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 2: Unbelievable

As the scene unfolded from a distance outside the tea house, it became apparent that the children involved came from affluent families and were engaged in some sort of illicit exchange with individuals whom Rayana deemed dangerous. Whatever was happening, it was definitely a situation she wanted no part of.

Rayana couldn't help but feel disdain for the impulsiveness of her peers, while secretly hoping for their safety. Despite her apparent indifference to her surroundings, she couldn't shake off the concern that such incidents could occur near her.

Letting out a deep sigh, Rayana muttered a curse under her breath. It was certainly not her intention to be burdened with a guilty conscience, as her goal in life was to avoid getting involved in such matters.

One of the groups involved seemed to be a typical popular clique found in any school. In Rayana's eyes, these groups were like "fancy gangs" led by wealthy kids. Regardless of the type of group, Rayana couldn't help but notice the school uniform they were wearing, which only further dampened her expression.

"I would have thought they were dedicated to their studies, proudly wearing their school uniforms even on weekends, if only they weren't engaging in illicit activities behind the school area," Rayana complained in a low voice as she knew she can't ignore it any longer. Her indifference to her schoolmates situation could cause her conscience and morals suffer a significant damage. Her muttering shouldn't have attracted any attention, but unfortunately, she was the only customer in the teahouse, and the elderly couple overheard her, feeling pity for both sides.

The old man wanted to invite her to play chess to distract her and call the authorities if the situation escalated. However, Rayana was only on her break and had limited time, so she couldn't play at the moment.

As Rayana prepared to return to work, she realized that she would have to pass by the location where the trouble was brewing. With no other choice, she decided to take a quick look and planned to call the authorities if necessary. However, she had no intention of directly involving herself. After all, what difference could a vulnerable woman make against six men?

She couldn't help but hope that the situation had already resolved itself. A clear path was always preferable to even the slightest possibility of trouble. Rayana tried to lessen the heaviness she felt on her conscience.

"Child, you shouldn't involve yourself in dangerous situations. The authorities are there to handle such matters," the old man kindly advised, concerned for Rayana's well-being. Touched by his worries, Rayana responded with a helpless tone.

"Gramps, believe me, I'm more unwilling than you are. Unfortunately, that direction is on my way to work." The old man couldn't help but pity Rayana.

"Both of you are being too suspicious. It might not be as serious as you think," the old lady reassured her husband and Rayana. "Don't worry, we can call for help if things escalate. Just be careful on your way back." The old woman assured her and sent her off with a kind smile. True to her words, they had their communication device ready to call for assistance if needed.

Rayana lived in the suburbs near Roosevelt, but her office and school were within Roosevelt. After turning the second block, Rayana almost cursed aloud.

To her dismay, the troublesome group was still there, and a conflict seemed to have escalated, but not in the way she had anticipated. She admired her schoolmates for continuously provoking and bantering with the men surrounding them. Fortunately for Rayana, it turned out that these men had good intentions, despite their rough appearance, and they seemed to be happily exchanging provocative words with the teenagers.

Rayana subtly signaled to the old couple, and they quickly understood that everything was fine, returning to their usual activities.

After confirming that the old couple understood her message, Rayana continued walking back to her office. As for the blonde woman, surrounded by a short-haired brown-haired girl and three men, arguing with a man in his mid-twenties, flanked by four bodyguards and another gloomy-looking man, Rayana no longer cared about their discussion. Whether they were schoolmates or not, Rayana was not a meddlesome person and had no plans to be one, especially not today when she was about to be late.

However, Rayana couldn't help but notice one of the gloomy, weak-looking men standing beside the leader of the burly men. She couldn't help but think that his aura of gloominess was the result of working tirelessly like a corporate slave. 'He looks anemic,' Rayana thought. They may look similar, but for her, it was a result of her lifestyle choices and genes, while that man's appearance was definitely a result of being a corporate slave.

Rayana snickered at that thought.

In a few more steps, Rayana would be clear of the commotion. She planned to bolt immediately to their office building once she was out of sight.

But fate had other plans for her this time. Rayana had never been the luckiest girl alive, as she would have been an affluent youngster instead of dealing with these fools who energetically provoked problems.

Despite that thought, Rayana didn't feel unlucky. Despite her humble origins, she was fortunate to have good people around her and had never been pushed into a desperate situation.

Rayana continued walking, passing the commotion, unaware of what fate had in store for her. If she knew what was about to happen next, she would definitely long for her mundane life that felt like heaven. The times when she felt troubled, but not in a serious or life-threatening way. She would remember how nervous she was playing chess for the first time with the old man, thinking of those custom-made, high-quality chess pieces that fell into her hands, not to mention the old furniture, silverware, and even the chair and table she often sat at, which were considered antiques.

Rayana wasn't the smartest person alive, but she was definitely not naive or an idiot. Her observation skills had saved her more than any law enforcement ever had.

Unfortunately for Rayana, as she approached the group, she gained a clearer view of the box they were arguing about. The moment she caught sight of the box held by the blonde girl, she couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. It seemed like a harbinger of bad luck, especially with whatever was inside it.

The mere thought sent a shiver down Rayana's spine. She couldn't help but fixate on the peculiar symbols adorning the box. Little did she know that the box and what's inside it would suddenly come hurtling towards her when the lid opened.

Caught off guard, Rayana couldn't contain her frustration and let out a curse, much to her own surprise.

"To hell with these idiots!" she exclaimed in exasperation.

And then, something truly unbelievable occurred. The very heavens seemed to tremble, and Rayana's consciousness slipped away from her grasp.

I won't lie. It was somewhat challenging for me to decide which expressive words to use to convey her frustration.

Jeanniebelscreators' thoughts