
What it means to be a sinner

A dark fantasy begins with an exhilarating adventure to another world, where every character seems destined to be a hero. Unfortunately, everything changes gradually. The connection between Earth and this fantastical realm, including the horrors they face one after another, starts to blur. The characters begin to question the deeper purpose behind their sudden transportation. Are they meant to be heroes of some sort? Or are they mere ants, insignificant and easily crushed in a hostile world that sees them as nothing more than entertainment? This uncertainty adds a chilling layer of intrigue to their predicament.

Jeanniebels · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 29: Blocked Path

The gifted children who survived hid themselves not willing to see any ordinary humans as they know they couldn't hurt them. They couldn't bear the thought of hurting, defying, or denying them. Meanwhile, the humans aimed higher, exploiting the gifted to enslave beasts and other creatures, proclaiming themselves once again as the apex predators.

Many hoped for an end to these atrocities, but unfortunately, it had reached a point of no return. The remaining humans with good hearts and pure souls, soon had also manifested their abilities and were tragically enslaved, further highlighting the distinction between them and the rest of humanity who had not gained any abilities. This event served as a clear marker, revealing which humans had hearts tainted by darkness.

During those tumultuous times, the distinction between good and evil became blurred, leaving everyone uncertain. In the eyes of the humans, their actions were driven by the belief that they were doing what was necessary for the greater good. Their primary objective was to eradicate any potential threats and ensure the survival of their own kind, the human race. These threats included not only the beasts but also the gifted individuals.

"Yes," confirmed Calliope, her gaze fixed upon the twelve individuals who wore expressions of mixed emotions. "In their eyes, the gifted children were no longer regarded as human."

Once someone manifested an ability, they would be considered a beast in need of detention and shackles. They would be deprived of basic human needs such as proper food, shelter, and clothing.

Even if they chose to hide, they couldn't escape the mark on their chest that set them apart from others. This mark resembled the noblesse oblige they had agreed to with the heavens, a promise to protect their loved ones and never harm them. During peaceful times, they took pride in having these marks as a symbol of their desire to love, cherish, and protect their fellow humans.

Lucy and Ethan couldn't help but clutch their chests where the circular marks lay. Everyone else also noticed their reaction, as they had witnessed Ethan's chest emitting a bright light when he initially controlled the water to help them escape from the simurg, as well as when he saved them from the impact of a great fall. On the other hand, Lucy's awakening went unnoticed by them, as they were preoccupied with fighting the simurg. Additionally, she wore a chest plate that concealed any signs of light that could have given them a clue. They only suspected that she might have played a role in Ethan's wound which had miraculously healed without any traces if not for his torn clothes, as she was the only one by his side during the chaos. Furthermore, she had lost consciousness for reasons still unknown to them at that time.

However, a powerful gifted individual emerged, known as Aetherius. No one knew if it's his true name or where he came from, so everyone simply referred to him as Aetherius.

His ability allowed him to create anything from nothingness. He was so powerful that he was qualified enough to make a deal with the heavens.

"They say he was raised among the last remaining gifted individuals who were in hiding. So, when he manifested his abilities, the people he wished to protect were the gifted ones," Calliope explained, her gaze fixed on them as she continued. "Some also claim that he actually grew up among us beasts, and it was us that he swore to protect."

Nevertheless, it was Aetherius who ventured into the void alone, traveling through parallel worlds in search of an uninhabited planet for both the beasts and the gifted to live.

"There are also texts that suggest Aetherius refused to claim a planet already occupied by an existing civilization. Instead, he sought out planets in different universes and created a link to Earth, allowing us to pass through the void safely. Others believe that he didn't find any unoccupied planet, so he created this world instead." Calliope chuckled. "Aetherius was known to be a bit rebellious, that's why we are all more inclined to believe the latter one, humans and beasts alike."

At that time, the inhabitants of Earth, including beasts, humans, and other species, had already reached a critical point of mutual destruction. Therefore, Aetherius' solution was seen as the best option. The heavens agreed, and the great migration took place.

Calliope then turned her gaze towards Ethan and Lucy and asked, "What did you feel when you accepted your abilities?"

Lucy hesitated for a moment before answering. "I felt a force that seemed to communicate directly with my soul. It was as if I received a question that couldn't be comprehended through language, yet I understood it and accepted it. That's when I was able to heal Ethan."

Ethan chimed in, a bit embarrassed. "At that time, I thought I was on the verge of dying and that heaven was taking me. So, I accepted it fully and let it guide me, although I must admit, it was a halfhearted acceptance."

"That seems highly unlikely," Calliope responded, her tone filled with conviction. "The impact of such a statement goes beyond mere acceptance or accidental acknowledgment. It strikes at the very core of one's soul, leaving no room for partial acceptance. In truth, you have fully embraced it, wholeheartedly."

As the information sank in, a sense of something tugging at their hearts was felt by everyone present. Will, Jack, Oliver, Max, Sam, and Luke, being adults, maintained a solemn demeanor as they absorbed the weight of the information presented to them. Their expressions reflected a deep sense of seriousness and contemplation.

Likewise, Rayana and Amelia remained silent, their thoughts kept private and known only to themselves. Meanwhile, Jake and Noah displayed a range of intense emotions, ranging from excitement to fear, shock, and much more. Their vivid reactions elicited a collective sigh of helplessness from the others, who could only observe and empathize with their tumultuous journey of emotios.

"That's exactly what we all felt too," Calliope added. "Everyone who had the potential to gain abilities was approached by the heavens. It didn't matter if they were gifted, beasts, plants, animals, or any other living beings capable of harnessing Prana of the world to manifest abilities. Those who accepted the offer are now here with us, while those who declined, or those who weren't qualified for that opportunity, were left behind to continue living on Earth without the ability to harness the Prana of the world."

"May we know what the Prana of the world is?" Amelia asked, voicing her concern.

Calliope looked at Jake and Noah for a while before answering, "It's imilar to mana that most of you are familiar back in earth. Without it we would not be able to tap into the life force energy that allows for the manifestation of our abilities."

Calliope's answer made Jake and Noah break into a cold sweat. They couldn't help but wonder why Calliope had specifically looked at them. However, they soon noticed that some of their friends, including Jack and the others, also had confused expressions on their faces. Feeling a bit embarrassed, Jake and Noah decided to explain what mana was. They admitted that their knowledge of mana came from playing games and watching animations, while also emphasizing that their understanding might also be limited.

"I only did it for a brief time, really. I had too many things to study, so it was only a small amount," Jake said seriously, defending himself.

"I only watched a bit because my brother Jake told me to try it," Noah said innocently. "Other than that, I'm more focused on my studies," he added.

Everyone didn't mind their antics but instead had solemn expressions, which made Noah and Jake misunderstand and explain themselves passionately. They were taken aback by the sudden realization that their friends had discovered they had been playing games behind their backs. They failed to notice how Calliope had obtained that information about them.

On the contrary, Jack and the rest of the group had a clear understanding of the situation. They comprehended that when Calliope briefly glanced at Jake and Ethan, she was delving into their memories, seeking relevant information for her purpose. This realization left them pondering the extent of Calliope's abilities and how much she had witnessed from their memories thus far. It also raised questions about how she acquired their language. The mention of the past by Calliope made them wonder about its authenticity and how truthful her claims were. These thoughts swirled in their minds.

Calliope, seemingly unaffected by their inner turmoil, proceeded with her explanation without skipping a beat.

"Aetherius, on the other hand, was said to have made the decision to remain in the old world," Calliope added.

Amelia, intrigued by this revelation, posed a question, asking why Aetherius had chosen to stay behind.

"That's a good question," Calliope acknowledged. "Despite his immense power, Aetherius is still a gifted individual. His sense of noblesse oblige, or moral responsibility, lies with humanity, including ordinary humans."

"We also believe that Aetherius's decision to stay in the old world is influenced by the fact that the terms he agreed upon with the heavens have not yet been fulfilled," Calliope added.

She continued, explaining that in order to prevent humanity from experiencing the same consequences they faced with the gifted individuals, the heavens imposed restrictions on the old world. These restrictions ensured that no life forms in the old world could possess the ability to utilize Prana, the life force energy.

Following the implementation of the new agreement, the next step involves the erasure of any remnants or traces of the previous inhabitants who migrated to the new world, NeoGaia. As per the will of the heavens, all living beings are destined to enter a state of slumber in the void, while the earth undergoes a complete transformation, rendering it barren and devoid of any remnants of the past. In this process, their memories are also erased, causing them to revert back to a primitive state, akin to the beginning of an era. They must then gradually rebuild their knowledge and understanding, starting from scratch, much like the discovery of fire in the earliest stages of human civilization.

However, despite the efforts to sever the connection completely, it appears that some individuals in Earth have caught glimpses or indications of the previous inhabitants from the NeoGaia. This incomplete severance of the connection has caused significant displeasure among the residents of NeoGaia.

"If you all wish to ensure your survival, it would be wise to conceal the fact that you were once Earthlings and hide the mark on your chest," Calliope advised. "The humans here in NeoGaia are no longer bound by noblesse oblige, and there are no ordinary humans among them. Each individual possesses the ability to use Prana and manifest their unique talents and abilities."

"Is that why you kept us alive while testing us through hardships to see if we could manifest abilities as well?" Rayana asked.

"You're quite clever. You noticed that I wasn't really attempting to kill all of you back then," Calliope replied.

Everyone was shocked that Rayana had noticed, but they wondered why she hadn't said anything before.

"If I had mentioned it, our chances of passing her test would have been diminished," Rayana's response clarified their doubts.

"That's correct. And I wouldn't have any further reason to keep you alive, as you wouldn't survive out there regardless," Calliope confirmed.

Some of their ancestors chose to stay on Earth, so it's possible that some of them may have inherited their qualifications. They all thought.

"The relic that brought you here is a navigational tool that Aetherius used during his journey to locate NeoGaia. It is believed to have gained sentience and continues to search for its owner."

"Then how can it use power and drag us here in NeoGaia as well when it returned if the usage of Prana is locked by the heavens." Amelia once again asked.

Calliope looked at her and replied, "I don't know that either. All we know is that it was created by Aetherius himself. We don't know how it gained sentience and why it's exempted from the new rulesbset by the heavens. Whether it utilizes Prana or some other energy, and whether its materials originated from Earth or elsewhere, remains unknown." Everyone listened to Calliope's words, but they couldn't help but maintain a sense of caution. They understood the need to be wary and not trust her too much, as there was a possibility that she might be withholding information or that everything they had been told so far could be a fabrication.

"Can we use it to return to Earth?" Amelia once again probe for answers. Amelia's question hung in the air, filled with hope and longing for a way back to Earth.

Calliope's response, however, tempered their expectations. "If you can find it, you can try asking it."

"However, it would be impossible within your lifespan. The relic only appears every few hundred years, as if checking if its owner has finally returned. If not, it will venture out again to continue the search. My deduction is that you were unlucky enough to have been caught up in its return. The relic is solely focused on finding Aetherius and doesn't care about anything else." Calliope explained further.

One again she smiled at them but without any amusement in her eyes "And if you don't want to incur the wrath of the humans here, then don't question the relic. For all of us here, its purpose is the noblest thing in the world. I was simply unlucky enough to have received the burden it brought back from Earth, while all of you are fortunate enough to have been sent to me, someone benevolent enough to help you."