
What it means to be a sinner

A dark fantasy begins with an exhilarating adventure to another world, where every character seems destined to be a hero. Unfortunately, everything changes gradually. The connection between Earth and this fantastical realm, including the horrors they face one after another, starts to blur. The characters begin to question the deeper purpose behind their sudden transportation. Are they meant to be heroes of some sort? Or are they mere ants, insignificant and easily crushed in a hostile world that sees them as nothing more than entertainment? This uncertainty adds a chilling layer of intrigue to their predicament.

Jeanniebels · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 25: Unending

After a strenuous journey, they finally arrived at the majestic door, their hearts filled with a mix of relief and anticipation. However, their hopes were quickly dampened as they realized there was no obvious way to open it. Panic began to creep up their spines, intensifying the sense of urgency that already hung heavy in the air.

The looming presence of the Simurg, still pursuing them relentlessly, added an extra layer of fear and desperation. With each passing moment, the threat of its imminent arrival grew more palpable. They knew they had to find a way to open the door and seek refuge before it was too late.

"The water should be the key," Jake voiced out, looking at the bizarre situation around them.

As they pressed on with their arduous journey towards the door, the water that had been steadily accumulating along the hallway continued to rise, now reaching up to their waist. The once calm and serene flow had transformed into a powerful rush, surging through the translucent stone door as if it were an insignificant obstacle. They stood in awe and trepidation, witnessing the water effortlessly pass through the door, creating an eerie and mesmerizing spectacle.

"The question now is how exactly are we going to use the water to pass through," Luke said, still carrying Lucy on his back while Max had Ethan on his.

"Rayana, Oliver, and Jack, you three are the smartest here when it comes to patterns and deductions. If you see any clue, then say it now," Will said urgently.

"I didn't notice any patterns yet," Rayana answered, her face darkened as she looked at the door, unwilling to admit defeat and continued to inspect it.

Jack also had solemn eyes as he continued to see how the water passed through without a problem. He had a gut feeling about the answer on how they could pass through but knew full well it was impossible for them.

"Should we just pass through to test it out?" Oliver's tired voice trailed off as blood continued to trickle down his face, remembering how the projectile almost hit Rayana before he rushed to push her out of the way. This made Rayana even more unwilling to give up looking for an answer to open the door.

Motivated by desperation and the fear of being left behind, they mustered the courage to follow suit and attempt to pass through the door. However, their hopes were quickly dashed as they encountered an invisible barrier that hindered their progress. It was as if the stone door, crafted from naturally formed blue chalcedony quartz, possessed an inherent power to block their path, denying them access to what lay beyond. The disappointment and frustration they felt were palpable as they realized that their journey had hit yet another obstacle.

Their hearts sank as they realized they were trapped, caught between the relentless pursuit of the Simurg and the impenetrable barrier of the door. Time seemed to slow down, the weight of their predicament pressing upon them with an almost suffocating intensity.

In that moment, they were faced with a difficult choice: to continue searching for a way to open the door or to confront the Simurg head-on. The stakes were high, and the consequences of their decision could determine their fate.

As if sensing their desperate predicament, fate played its hand and the Simurg, with its relentless pursuit, finally caught up to them. A wave of dread washed over them, engulfing their senses, as they realized that they had seemingly reached the end of their arduous journey.

"Dammit, not again!" Sam exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice as he allowed the blood to flow from the wound on his left waist. With determination in his eyes, he released his grip on the wound, retrieving his dagger and gun with each hand. Steadying himself, he prepared to face yet another round of battle.

With unresolved eyes, filled with a mix of fear, despair, and resignation, they watched helplessly as the Simurg conjured yet another ice projectile. This icy creation was of such immense size that it threatened to cover the entire hall, leaving nothing but devastation in its wake.

The magnitude of the situation became painfully clear to them. There seemed to be no way of escape, no path to safety. Their options dwindled, and hope flickered like a dying flame. The weight of their impending doom pressed upon them, leaving them with a profound sense of helplessness.

In that moment, they were confronted with the harsh reality that their journey may have come to an end. The Simurg's power and destructive force seemed insurmountable, leaving them with little room for hope or possibility.

Yet, in a twist of fate, just as the ice projectile loomed overhead, a surge of water erupted, engulfing them in its embrace. It was a moment of both astonishment and relief as they found themselves carried through the tumultuous currents, their bodies and minds still reeling in confusion.

The rush of water seemed to wash away their fears and doubts, replacing them with a newfound sense of hope. As they were carried along, their surroundings blurred into a chaotic blur of motion and sound. The water seemed to guide them, propelling them forward with an unseen force.

Through the haze of confusion, they caught a glimpse of a door ahead, beckoning them with its promise of escape and sanctuary. It was as if the very elements conspired to offer them a chance at survival, defying the odds stacked against them.

With a surge of determination, they pushed forward, propelled by the current and driven by an instinctual desire to survive. Their minds may have still been clouded with confusion, but their bodies moved with an unwavering resolve.

Finally, they reached the door, their bodies dripping with water and their hearts pounding with a mixture of exhaustion and anticipation. As they crossed the threshold, leaving the chaos behind, they couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the unexpected turn of events.

In this moment of both triumph and confusion, Ethan, who had been unconscious throughout the ordeal, suddenly stirred. Despite Lucy's tireless efforts to heal his wounds, the uncertainty of his survival lingered. However, to everyone's astonishment, Ethan's eyes had opened, revealing a glimmer of light within them. Moreover, a faint glow emanated from his chest, captivating the attention of those around him. It was a remarkable sight, one that filled the air with a mixture of hope and bewilderment. As Ethan regained consciousness, the significance of this newfound light and energy remained a mystery, leaving everyone in a state of anticipation and curiosity as they travelled to what behide the door.

Soon, a sense of unease washed over them as they felt their bodies descend, plummeting from a height so great that the mere thought of surviving the impending fall seemed unfathomable.

"Oh come on, when is this going to end!" Noah's voice rang out amidst the chaos, filled with frustration and indignation at the relentless hardships they had endured. The journey seemed never-ending, testing their limits at every turn. Finally, they reached the bottom, their descent coming to a sudden halt. In a remarkable display of strength, Ethan summoned his last ounce of energy, commanding the water below to soften their landing. The details of how he accomplished this feat remained a mystery, even to himself. With his task complete, Ethan succumbed to unconsciousness once again, his body depleted from the exertion.