
What it means to be a sinner

A dark fantasy begins with an exhilarating adventure to another world, where every character seems destined to be a hero. Unfortunately, everything changes gradually. The connection between Earth and this fantastical realm, including the horrors they face one after another, starts to blur. The characters begin to question the deeper purpose behind their sudden transportation. Are they meant to be heroes of some sort? Or are they mere ants, insignificant and easily crushed in a hostile world that sees them as nothing more than entertainment? This uncertainty adds a chilling layer of intrigue to their predicament.

Jeanniebels · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 20: Resilience

After half a day had passed, the simurg, fixated on the pillars, shifted its attention towards Will and the others' previous campsite, radiating hostility in its eyes.

Despite its diminished size compared to its initial descent, it continued to soar through the air, meticulously surveying the dome's surroundings. It sought out any intruders who had sought refuge in the place it had called home for countless millennia, a sanctuary known only to itself.

Meanwhile, Luke and Max immediately returned to their hiding place, informing everyone that the Simurg had started to move and appeared to be searching for them in the sky. The news filled them with dread, as they knew it was inevitable. They had left traces of their presence everywhere they had been in the past few days, including their campsite at the center.

Jack suddenly slammed his fist against the wall behind him, still facing his comrades. "Go prepare yourselves. If we can reason with it, then we're lucky, but let's always expect the worst," he said. Jack couldn't help but curse his lack of planning. He had always prided himself as the best tactician in his field, yet his careful planning had gone down the drain when the Simurg had infiltrated their dome.

They had surveyed the area for several days, but they had not found any signs of large animals living inside, causing them to let their guard down. However, Jack's expression remained dark, with anger and frustration surging within him. He promised himself that if a fight broke out as they predicted, he would drag that Simurg to hell with him.

He then looked at the six teenagers with them and spoke, "I know our circumstances have been unfair to all six of you from the beginning, and this wasn't the future you had prepared yourselves for from a young age. But there's no time to coddle you like babies. You know what to do," he said solemnly. This earned him a chorus of consecutive "yes, sir" answers, despite the quivering voices of some.

He looked at their faces once again before heading out. Some had tears already, some tried to hide them, and others had downcast faces that he couldn't quite decipher. However, he knew they were brave young individuals. He was well aware, along with the others, of how these six teenagers excelled beyond their peers in terms of intelligence and talent. "Such a pity, they could have reached even greater heights," he thought to himself as he prepared for what lay ahead.

Ethan furrowed his brows and clenched his teeth tightly, struggling to contain his overwhelming emotions. The realization that he wouldn't live past twenty weighed heavily on him, filling him with regret for not cherishing his time with his beloved family.

In his mind, he could picture his two older brothers wearing expressions of sorrow and disbelief. His mother, tears staining her cheeks, finding comfort in his father's embrace as they both grappled with the gravity of the situation. And his little sister, inconsolable and crying for the loss they were about to face.

Standing there, on the brink of his new reality, Ethan reflected on the words of Mr. Jack, whose wisdom had struck a chord within him. This was not the future he had planned or hoped for, but it was the hand he had been dealt. The metallic taste in his mouth mirrored the bitter truth he now had to confront.

With a heavy heart, Ethan took a deep breath and stepped outside, preparing himself for the uncertain path ahead. Despite the weight of his impending fate threatening to crush his spirit, he made a solemn vow to face it with courage and determination.

And so, with a mix of sadness and resilience, Ethan embraced his reality, determined to make his family proud, even though he knew his actions wouldn't reach them anymore.

On the other hand, Amelia's tears flowed freely down her cheeks, her efforts to hold them back proving futile. She lifted her gaze, determined to prevent any more tears from welling up in her eyes. Similar to Jake, she also had loving parents, but unlike him, she was an only child. The weight of their shared circumstances bore heavily on her heart.

Despite the ongoing battles for inheritance with their power-hungry relatives, Amelia's parents had never placed undue pressure on her. They had respected her decisions and assured her that they would accept whatever path she chose. Little did they know that their relatives' insatiable hunger for power would ultimately prevail.

But now, none of that mattered. Amelia could only cling to a glimmer of hope that her parents would find the strength within themselves to consider adoption. They deserved someone to care for them in their old age, someone who would provide the love and support they had always shown her.

As she wiped away her tears, Amelia yearned for a future where her parents would find solace and companionship, even in the face of their heart-wrenching loss. It was a faint hope, but one that she held onto tightly, willing it to manifest into reality.

And Jake, with his vibrant and energetic personality, always kept his family on their toes. His mischievous behavior, though often causing headaches, was a part of who he was. However, he never expected that his actions would catch up with him in such unexpected ways.

One particular aspect of Jake's life had spiraled out of control: his online battles. Using an alternate account, he engaged in heated arguments with unreasonable netizens, scolding them for their ignorance and insensitivity. While he believed he was standing up for what was right, he questioned whether this alone justified the punishment he faced today.

Jake also pondered the consequences of his legendary pranks on peers and cousins. From hiding frogs and insects in their belongings to pulling off elaborate practical jokes, he always found a way to keep everyone on their toes. Did these harmless pranks factor into the situation he found himself in? Or was it his extravagant spending and love for extreme sports that caused his parents to worry and the media to exploit their family's scandalous behavior? The combination of reckless spending and daring stunts had created a perfect storm of controversy.

Sitting there, filled with frustration and rebellion, Jake couldn't help but curse his luck. "But I haven't crossed any moral boundaries," he thought defiantly. With a last sigh and a sense of acceptance, he stood up, ready to face the consequences that awaited him. He knew for himself no matter what he thought right now would not change the predicament they're currently in.

Noah followed suit, wearing an expression of mockery that danced across his face. However, it was not directed towards his friends or the situation they found themselves in. Instead, his gaze turned inward, towards the thoughts and emotions swirling within him.

As he thought about his power-hungry relatives back home, a mix of curiosity and apprehension filled Noah's mind. Would they rejoice at his absence, seeing it as an opportunity to further their own ambitions? Would his siblings, who had always viewd him as rivals, finally find relief in being rid of a competitor? And what about his parents, who had been absent for most of his life? Would they grieve alongside his grandparents, who had showered him with love and affection?

These questions tugged at Noah's heart, causing him to briefly lament the complicated dynamics of his family. He wondered if his grandparents' indulgence and spoiling had truly been an act of love or if it had inadvertently fueled his relatives' hunger for power. He knew in his heart, in their eyes, he had become a threat, a potential obstacle to their own rise to prominence.

But even as these thoughts weighed heavily on his mind, Noah knew that dwelling on them would serve no purpose. The die had been cast, and he had made his decision. He no longer had to mask himself as harmless and innocent at this moment and chosen to embark on this battle with his friends, leaving behind the familial complexities that had troubled him his entire life.

With a deep breath, Noah let go of his regrets and embraced the uncertainty of the path ahead. He knew that dwelling on the past would only hinder his concentration. Instead, he focused on the present moment, determined to give his all for their survival.

And so, as Noah's expression of mockery faded, replaced by a determined resolve, he set forth going outside to face the danger ahead, leaving behind the thoughts of his power-hungry relatives and the unanswered questions that lingered in his mind.

Lucy, much to Rayana's surprise, was expressionless, just like her. Rayana had anticipated this outcome from the moment she realized they were no longer on Earth and had accepted it. She only hoped to feel less pain, as she didn't want her last thoughts before dying to be consumed by the thought of how agonizing it would be.

"You okay?" Lucy asked Rayana, earning a perplexed expression on her face that Lucy had never seen before.

Rayana's brow arched, and she responded with a voice tinged with curiosity. "I'd like to ask the same question to you," she replied, eliciting a chuckle from Lucy as well.

Amelia, who had undergone a journey of emotional acceptance, took on the role of responding to Rayana on behalf of Lucy. With a sigh, she expressed her understanding of Lucy's perspective, saying, "Don't pay attention to her. She has expressed her frustrations and grievances enough times to last for two lifetimes." Amelia then reached out and touched Rayana's shoulder, leaning in with a hint of a gossipy posture. "But let me tell you a secret," she whispered in a hushed tone that was still audible to all three of them, causing Lucy to burst into laughter once again. "She's already immune," Amelia revealed, implying that Lucy had developed a resilience to curses or negative influences.

Lucy, sensing Rayana's curiosity, reassured her, affirming, "Don't listen to her, Rayana. The people who truly care for me are right here with me. This is where I belong." Her words carried a sense of conviction and determination, emphasizing her deep connection to her companions and their shared purpose.

Understanding the significance of Lucy's response, Rayana joined Lucy and Amelia outside, facing the Simurg. The majestic creature had been circling their location, aware that they had been discovered long before its descent.