
What it means to be a sinner

A dark fantasy begins with an exhilarating adventure to another world, where every character seems destined to be a hero. Unfortunately, everything changes gradually. The connection between Earth and this fantastical realm, including the horrors they face one after another, starts to blur. The characters begin to question the deeper purpose behind their sudden transportation. Are they meant to be heroes of some sort? Or are they mere ants, insignificant and easily crushed in a hostile world that sees them as nothing more than entertainment? This uncertainty adds a chilling layer of intrigue to their predicament.

Jeanniebels · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 16: Progress

Morning arrived once again, casting its gentle light upon the group as they gathered for breakfast, ready to embark on their daily tasks. The atmosphere was tinged with an unusual air of silence and awkwardness, as if the events of the previous night still lingered in their minds. Rayana, however, seemed unperturbed by the tension that hung in the air, calmly enjoying her breakfast and savoring each bite. Amelia and the others couldn't help but steal glances at her, their curiosity piqued, while Max wore a mischievous smile, as if he held a secret that he was itching to share. Will and the rest of the group noticed the peculiar behavior but respected the unspoken boundaries, refraining from prying into their thoughts. Outside, the monsters' deafening roars seemed to have grown louder, a constant reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond the safety of their sanctuary. Yet, strangely, no one paid much attention to the cacophony anymore, their focus consumed by the mysteries that awaited them within the dome's confines.

Meanwhile, Rayana's mind was preoccupied with her own thoughts and discoveries. She had spent hours exploring the intricate murals that adorned the walls and studying the enigmatic symbols carved into the two towering obelisks. Her keen memory served her well as she meticulously pieced together the patterns and deciphered the cryptic words, gradually unraveling the secrets that lay hidden within, gaining a deeper understanding of the ancient civilization that once thrived in this enigmatic world.

Breaking the silence, Ethan spoke up, his voice filled with determination as he adjusted his eyeglasses. "Later today, I'll be heading south to join Noah on an exploration. He's discovered some interesting patterns that could potentially reveal a hidden door. Our main objective is to carefully inspect it, making sure we don't unknowingly unleash any unexpected problems or dangers."

Luke, upon hearing about Noah's discovery and Ethan's plan to inspect the hidden door, expressed his eagerness to join them. Recognizing the potential risks involved, Luke emphasized the importance of having multiple sets of eyes to ensure their safety. "Count me in, Ethan," he asserted. "We can't afford to take any risks when it comes to these doors. Two pairs of eyes are better than one."

Rayana then spoke up, her focus clear and her tone calm. "I'll be heading east," she said straightforwardly. "I've found some promising clues that suggest a way for us to disguise ourselves as natives of this world. It's crucial that I investigate further to confirm if they're feasible."

Her words hung in the air, hinting at a vital piece of information she had stumbled upon during her exploration. For now, she chose to keep it to herself, knowing that here deductions still lacks facts and still needs further investigation before she could reveal her findings and contribute to the group's collective knowledge.

"Um, Rayana?" Jake cautiously called out, still hesitant after her previous outburst. Despite his hesitation, Jake's curiosity was high, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Are you confident that we can get past the monsters outside and have a chance to interact with the natives?" The others also had their own plans but were curious about Rayana's observations and deductions, so they remained silent, ready to listen.

"After days of fighting, the monsters should have injuries. Hopefully, one of them has been defeated, killed, or escaped to a distant place to recuperate and heal. If nothing unexpected happens, we could sneak past them," Rayana explained.

"What unexpected situations do you think could occur?" Amelia asked.

"There are many possibilities. One of them is that they could be recuperating right here where we are," Rayana replied. As she spoke, Lucy accidentally dropped the chalice she was holding, spilling water on the floor. The room fell silent as everyone processed Rayana's information.

Surprisingly, Rayana wasn't as afraid of death as others. While she did fear it, her acceptance of the inevitability of death made her more open-minded about it. She believed that unless one is immortal, no one should be exempt from death. Death has no specific time and can happen at any moment. This perspective made Rayana more open-minded about the concept of dying.

"But if given a chance, I would prefer to live a bit longer and have a painless death," Rayana thought to herself. "Thanks to these idiots, both of those choices seem uncertain now. I can't even be buried with my family." Her anger started to build up, and her thoughts became chaotic, evident to everyone in the room.

"So this is how she expresses her feelings of being wronged," Will thought, observing Rayana's reaction.

"Although her reasoning is normal, it doesn't quite fit our current situation. She's peculiar," Will concluded, glancing at Jack, who seemed oblivious, and then at Oliver, who seemed to agree with Rayana without displaying any changes on his face.

Will wanted to say something but decided to remain silent, pretending not to notice anything.

Clearing her throat, Amelia decided to break the silence and engage Rayana in conversation. "Well, if you don't mind, Rayana, I'd like to come along with you and see what you've found."

"I don't mind," Rayana calmly replied, and the group breathed a sigh of relief, noticing her calmness.

The area was littered with debris. They had initially deduced that the damage wasn't caused by any supernatural abilities, but rather by an earthquake. However, as they observed the walls trembling intermittently whenever the monsters outside approached the dome, they began to question their initial assumption. The only silver lining they could find in their current predicament was that whatever battle had occurred in the past hadn't penetrated the dome's defenses. They clung to the hope that history would repeat itself, and they would remain safe within the dome's protective barrier. Despite the uncertainty and fear, they remained steadfast, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"By the way, Rayana, about last night..." Amelia's attempt to initiate a conversation was abruptly interrupted.

"It's alright, just keep it brief or exclude me from your discussions," Rayana responded calmly.

Amelia was taken aback by Rayana's unexpected reply. She had anticipated a prolonged silence, but Rayana's second suggestion proved impossible. Despite Rayana's reserved nature, the group had grown fond of her and were relieved they hadn't accidentally brought someone more problematic.

"Okay, we'll keep it short. Rest is crucial anyway. We were a bit careless," Amelia said, her grin stretching from ear to ear, as she began to ramble on about various topics. Rayana couldn't help but think, 'How did she become such a chatterbox? I expected to be with someone serious who only spoke when necessary.' Rayana already felt drained, even before the conversation had fully begun. On the other hand, Amelia was determined to extract more words from Rayana after her initial unexpected response. Unfortunately, this time, Rayana remained silent, her demeanor mirroring that of the previous night.

"She's getting annoyed. That's endearing, but I should stop," Amelia mused to herself, realizing they had arrived at their destination.

Rayana came to a sudden stop as they reached a wall adorned with sprawling murals that extended all the way up to the ceiling. The murals reached to the artificial sun, radiating its warm glow, being embraced by a figure whose identity remained a mystery to them.

As Amelia laid her eyes on the murals, a realization dawned upon her. She now understood why Rayana had been hesitant to disclose certain information and how they could blend in with the native population. In front of them, there was a mural depicting a family of three, where both parents possessed abilities, but their child appeared to be ordinary.

"I see now why you were cautious about revealing this information and the idea of disguising ourselves," Amelia remarked, her voice filled with understanding. "Could it be that the child's lack of abilities is due to an age limit? Or is there another factor at play?" she inquired, seeking further clarification.

Rayana shook their head in response. "That possibility seems unlikely. Look closely at the upper right section of the mural," Rayana directed. Intrigued, Amelia followed Rayana's guidance and shifted her gaze to the specified area. To her surprise, she discovered another mural depicting a child who gained an ability, despite having one parent with abilities and the other parent being ordinary. This revelation challenged the assumption that age or parental abilities were the sole determining factors in the manifestation of abilities in children.