
What It Cost For Bewitching Him

This story is about a beautiful and charming girl; Aleina Kallis who is fun, smart, bold, studious and very determined in making a name for herself. She belonged to a rich family that was famous for running a well-known Real estate company - The Kallis Estate. Everybody envied Aleina for having it all; ethereal beauty, loving parents and perfect siblings but what you see is not always true. Her father was very abusive, always venting out his frustration on Aleina for reason; nobody could even fathom. Her elder brother was the adored son of the family. Her elder sister was always jealous of Aleina for her beauty and intelligence which is why she kept degrading her in front of their parents. Distressed and filled with bruises hidden underneath her clothes, the 16 year old Aleina decided to accept the invitation of her cousin to go with her to her husband's company celebration. Aleina didn't know that by going to that celebration party her fate would be sealed. The Underworld King of Country D, Alex Rodriguez, famous for being the devil incarnate himself and being devilishly handsome, was mesmerized by Aleina's beauty and decided then and there to hunt his prey slowly by breaking her down completely and making her surrender to him. Aleina's life turned for the worse after the party and she felt like her beauty was curse. She soon realized, in a painstaking way - What It Cost for Bewitching Him. ------------------- Hello my beautiful creatures! This is my first novel so please go easy on me. There lots of twists and turns and it will take you on an emotional roller coaster ride. Please give this novel a chance and i promise you won't regret it. Please vote for me as well. Thank you!

Ur_girl_next_door · Urban
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58 Chs

Chapter 18- The Beginning (Part- 5)

Have you ever wondered that what if you could have avoided the most painful and tormenting moment in your life?

Would you still have ended up where you are right now?

Or life would have been totally different if only you could have avoided it?

And then you ultimately come to this conclusion.

Was it fate?


That is exactly what Aleina used to do whenever she pondered about how she ended up running around the world, with no place to call Home. It was that unfortunate night of the celebration where she tried to save a girl but instead ,she herself ended up falling into the devil's lair.


"Haa....ha...ha....A-are they s-still behind...u-us?"

The young waitress who was extremely silent up until now finally asked Aleina while panting because of the tiring run. They were both catching their breath after continously running to escape the sleazy old men who were still chasing unbeknownst to them.

"Ha..ah..ha.. I-i don't t-think so" 

Aleina said while panting heavily. Her dainty snow white face was a little sweaty but that still wasn't enough to overshadow her enchanting beauty. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she was contemplating the strange behaviour of those group of perverts.

'Why would they still chase me even after knowing that I came with Brother Edward who will kill them if he got to know?! I think it is better that I call them incase something more dangerous happens.'


With this thought, Aleina opened her clutch purse to take out her mobile and call Sister Maria but she forgot one thing.

"Shit! I dropped my phone when i was pretending to call Brother Edward."

She started banging her head with her hands, totally ignoring the admiring eyes of the person who was watching her like an inquisitive little girl.

The young waitress was just as beautiful as a flower that was yet to be bloomed. With her cute little hands she grabbed Aleina's hand and said in a meek voice while blushing profusely. 

"Um.. T-thank you for saving me." 

Her voice was as soft as a whisper, her fair face was red as she was shy while thanking Aleina. 

Aleina felt lime her heart was struck with the cuteness of the cute little girl. She rubbed her head just like her Sister Maria used to do and said

"Oh! No worries. It's okay. But what are you doing waiting tables at such a young age when you should be studying. And why are you all alone? Remember to be very careful and don't go out alone. Us girls have to be very careful as there are sleazy guys like those, everywhere." 

Aleina was lecturing the little girl like a big sister and when she finally finished her speech she looked down towards the young girl only to find her blinking her wide and intrigued eyes on her awestruck face.

'Um, maybe i said too much. Oops!' 

"Hey, I'm  so-.."

Before Aleina could finish saying sorry, she heard a gasp followed by a tight hug from the same cute little  girl who was too shy and meek to speak loudly.

"Wow! You are amazing Big Sis! I want to be just like you when I grow up. You were so cool when you tricked those disgusting men. Wah!"

Aleina : O_O

Aleina was dumbfounded by this abrupt show of adoration by the pretty little waitress. Her mouth was wide open, her hands were stiffly by her side as she was being tightly  hugged by the small girl.

For the first time she was out of words and was not able to comprehend what was happening. She just stood still and waited for the girl to finish answering her questions.

The small girl then looked up towards Aleina and started speaking, all the while she didn't break the hug.

"I understand  your concern and normally I don't go anywhere without my bodyguards but there was an emergency and I had to find my big brother. I got to know that he was attending this party so I sneaked in without alerting any of my guards." 

" Ah! And I'm not a waitress but thank you for the concern big sis. I'm Chloe by the way, nice to meet you." 

After speaking in one single breath, she finally broke the tibht hug while creating some distance between them and placed her right hand forward to shake hands with her saviour.

All this while, Aleina was dumbstruck by the behaviour of the little girl who called herself Chloe. She was in deep thought as she kept staring at Chloe silky soft small hands.

'Is it just me or this girl seemed to have hit her head somewhere. What is up with her?! We are running from those sleazy men who not to forget, were molesting  her and after all this she's  least bothered about it and is hopping like buny while saying nice to meet me??!! I guess she's just an innocent liitle child who doesn't realises what exactly would have happened if I had not saved her.'

After processing Chloe's words, Aleina was finally able to have a grasp of things. She looked at Chloe with her gaze full of pity towards the innocent little child who had to go through that torment. 

After a minute, something struck Aleina.

"Wait a second! Did you just say that you are not a waitress and that you sneaked in to find your brother? And that you have bodyguards with you usually?"

Cute little Chloe blinked her wide doe yes and said,

"Um, yeah. Oh! Big sis on a second thought, you could definitely help me finding my brother. Don't worry he will definitely save us and kill those dogs who dared to bite us. Oo...oo let's  go find him now!"

Without being given a single second to reject or stop the  cute child, Aleina found herself being dragged, just like that, by the excited child, who seemed  to be walking aimlessly.

Meanwhile, Aleina had a bored expression on her face as she was being dragged while she thought,

' Haish! Why am i always being dragged to places which i never agreed to in the first place. Tsk!'

Hello my beautiful readers.Thank you soo soo much for all the support and love that you guys have showed me.It's all because of your love that I went to the service centre (in lockdown) and copied some chapters.So here you go,a super long and amazing chapter, just for you beautiful people!

Shoutout to Mtg_14 for all the power stones that you gave everyday. Thank you so much and I love you!<3 Please send me some gifts as I'm really broke and my laptop is gonna cost a lot of money.*﹏*

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