
What is Love (Bwwm)

Patience is what people would call a cold heartless bitch. She is well known in the business world for her smarts and witty skills earning her tons of fame. But she wasn't just known for her cold personality but also for her ways of sleeping around constantly. Logan Davids: 26 year old Janitor Logan is also well known but not in the same way as Patience. Because of his caring and friendly personality he is loved by everyone around him. He's a good role model for kids and what parent's would want their daughter's to marry. But even with tons of attention from women he only has eyes for his girlfriend. But everyone is surprised that someone as friendly as logan could work under someone as cold as Ms. Miller. So how can two people with two different personalities and life styles get interlocked in each other? And how can one night affect both of their future's? ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ My body was pressed firmly against the woman's in front of me. I couldn't take my eyes off of the ones staring back at me. I held her thin waist securely in my arms in an attempt to keep her from falling exposing me to all the curves that marbled her beautiful body. Even under the tight fitting dress every dimple and curve could be felt perfectly aligning the dress, filling it up in just the right places. Her smell also engulfed me in a warm embrace leaving me feeling intoxicated. For a minute my eyes tore from the piercing gaze of hers and settled on her lips that were coated in bright red lipstick that popped against her dark skin. Her lips were both plump and inviting forming the perfect shape of a heart, it left my mind wondering if they were just as soft as they looked. Seeing her from afar on that day, I knew she was beautiful but now holding her so close to me she was almost breathtaking.

SuperNova2l3 · Urban
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11 Chs

Chp 4: Logan

Logan P.O.V

I frantically ran around the kitchen trying to put out the smoke that rose from the burning pot. I grabbed a cup on the side of the sink and filled it with water before throwing it on top of the smoke emerging from the pot.

I continued doing this for the last few minutes before the smoke finally disappeared. I let out a sigh of relief and wiped my hand across my brow wiping away the sweat that had traveled down the side of my face.

I leaned back over to look inside the pot to see the damage I had done. I cringed at seeing the Black figure floating around in the pot of now black murky water.

"Aww it was almost done" I groaned and lean back against the cabinet.

Welp my morning was already off to a great start.

It was a monday morning, and unlike other people I actually enjoyed mondays to me it felt like a refreshing start of a great week or bad week.

I let out another groan and ran my hand through my hair, before letting my arms drop to my sides. My head turned to the sound of footsteps coming up the hallway in a fast like pace, I already knew I was in for a chewing out. So I mentally prepared as a bundle of brown hair rounded the corner looking both ways frantically before her eyes connected to mines stomping her way over me.

"LOGAN what the hell are you doing it's 7 in the morning and your already trying to burn the house down" she screamed looking around the smoking kitchen like a bomb had just went off.

"Um making breakfast" I smiled sheepishly holding up the pot of black bacon floating in water.

She looked at the pot then back at me with a look of deadpan. Just as she was about to reply Malik came flying around the corner with a bat in his hand looking around frantically.

"Camila I knew it I knew the neighbors were trying to burn down our house. all because our house look better than theirs, but you didn't believe me (he pointed a finger at her making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion) but don't worry I'll handle it" he nodded with determination and was heading towards the door with the bat in his hands before he was halted by a hand against his chest.

"It's not the neighbors Malik It's logan, and didn't we go over this their not trying to burn the house down" Camila looked at Malik strangely and took the bat from his hands forcefully.

"Their not b-but I smelled smoke"

"That was me sorry no neighbors trying to destroy your beautiful house" I said slowly eyeing Camila only for her to roll her eyes at Malik

"Oh well but just incase we shoul-"

Camila sighed loudly and interrupted Malik "Okay since your already up the kids have to be at daycare by 8:30 and Owen needs to get to school wake them up"

"Aww but I was only woken up because of logan" he pouted sticking out his lip and pointing at me.

"Thats a good thing you always sleep in anyway now you can get the kids up bye love you" she kissed him on the cheek and waved him off he hesitated before looking at me at flipping me off.

A large smile made its way onto my face as I flipped him back off causing Camila to slap my arm.

"Oww what did I do" I whined rubbing the spot where she hit.

"Why are you trying so hard logan"

"What do you mean im chilling" I shrugged looking around the kitchen

She crossed her arms and arched a brow with her lips pursed.

"Last week you cut the yard when I told Malik to, you ran and brought groceries for the house without even using the EBT card at that and you've been trying to cook keyword trying when you can't what's really going on logan" she said with worry laced in her tone.

I sighed and lean back against the counter looking down at the floor then at the ceiling.

"I guess I just want to be of help you know. It's thanks to you for taking me in after leaving mom and dad's house and giving me a place to stay until I get on my feet so I guess I just don't wanna feel like a burden"

It was quiet for a minute as I steadily stared at the ceiling before I felt a warm hand place itself on my face and my face was tilted down to look at Camila.

"Logan you know I have no problem with having you here your my younger brother it's my job to look after you" she rubbed my cheek with her thumb before dropping her hand.

"Not really I'm 26 years old that just went from living with his parents to living with his older sister and her, husband and 3 kids. heck Johnny's doing better than me and I'm older than him" I grumbled crossing my arms.

"Logan you have a reason to be in this spot and in due time you will get out of it promise" she said bumping against me in a loving manner.

I chuckeld and smiled at her and mouth a thanks just as she was going in for a hug Malik yelled from upstairs.

"Honey does bows come before or after you comb your hair"

We both looked at the stairs and both back at each other with a knowing look and smirk.

"Let me go help him before he sends molly to school looking like Cynthia from rugrats." She scoffed and made her way up the stairs while I just shook my head and laughed.

"Oh and you need to get to work to your an hour late" she yelled back down the stairs, causing me to stop in my tracks and look at the time.

I could literally feel my soul leaving my body when the time read 8:10 I was supposed to have been there by 7:40.

I am so dead.