
What is Love (Bwwm)

Patience is what people would call a cold heartless bitch. She is well known in the business world for her smarts and witty skills earning her tons of fame. But she wasn't just known for her cold personality but also for her ways of sleeping around constantly. Logan Davids: 26 year old Janitor Logan is also well known but not in the same way as Patience. Because of his caring and friendly personality he is loved by everyone around him. He's a good role model for kids and what parent's would want their daughter's to marry. But even with tons of attention from women he only has eyes for his girlfriend. But everyone is surprised that someone as friendly as logan could work under someone as cold as Ms. Miller. So how can two people with two different personalities and life styles get interlocked in each other? And how can one night affect both of their future's? ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ My body was pressed firmly against the woman's in front of me. I couldn't take my eyes off of the ones staring back at me. I held her thin waist securely in my arms in an attempt to keep her from falling exposing me to all the curves that marbled her beautiful body. Even under the tight fitting dress every dimple and curve could be felt perfectly aligning the dress, filling it up in just the right places. Her smell also engulfed me in a warm embrace leaving me feeling intoxicated. For a minute my eyes tore from the piercing gaze of hers and settled on her lips that were coated in bright red lipstick that popped against her dark skin. Her lips were both plump and inviting forming the perfect shape of a heart, it left my mind wondering if they were just as soft as they looked. Seeing her from afar on that day, I knew she was beautiful but now holding her so close to me she was almost breathtaking.

SuperNova2l3 · Urban
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11 Chs

Chp 2: Total Control

Patience P.O.V.

"So what do you say Ms.Miller" Mr. Burnet whispered his eye's continuously raking down my face onto my breast that were press tightly against the front of my shirt. He slowly licked his lips never taking his off of my cleavage.

Disgust raked my mind making me inwardly cringe at the look he was giving me like he wanted to bend me over and fuck me over my desk.

See this is why Im cold towards anybody that works near me, because of stuff like this. If I show just the littlest bit of weakness they feel like they can run all over me especially the men that work under me.

They already don't have respect for women even more for a black woman. Were purposely disrespected and ran all over like we're suppose to take it. Until once we finally speak out against their bullshit.

That's when were just mad black woman.

I interlocked my fingers into a fist in front of my mouth and Close my eyes taking a deep before exhaling to control my temper that was slowly but surely rising.

I continued doing this for a good minute calming myself. I didn't want my anger clouding my words giving satisfactory to the stereotype about us.

I heard a deep chuckle from Mr.Burnet i could tell he was close to me by the heat radiating off of him.

"Come on you better make your choice now this is a limited time offer you don't wanna miss out right Patience"

At the sound of my first name my eyes shot open. My eyes narrowed into slits as my mind started brewing with all sorts of ways i could make this man regret what he's done, and yet i took the most mature choice out of all the hurtful choices running through my mind. I sat up straight in my chair my eyes focused on him. His smile grew bigger like a kid on Christmas. I placed both of my hands on my desk and in my calmest voice I could muster up spoke.

"I love dealing with men like you, lots of confidence, good looking, smooth," i sighed my eyes directed down onto my desk.

I could practically feel the pleased smile on his face with the words i was using to describe him. But that smile will disappear after i was done with him.

" your handsome, cocky,wittty, manipulative, conniving, ignorant, incompetent, and overall just plain disgraceful to be in my business," Mr.Burnet smile slowly dropped as i continued on describing him. My eyes now were steady trained on his shocked face from my turn of words.

"You are a pitiful man Mr. Burnet you think that you can come into my office come up with excuses on why your late then try to convince me to let you stay by disrespecting me.

lingering sex over my head like that's the key to me giving everything up for you. well then let me tell you something." I paused my voice wrapped in the coldness of my demeanor and the coolness of my tone even with the amount of rage i was feeling.

"Fucking your way to the top ain't never lasted long for nobody you rise but then you fall harder on your ass what you do with this information is none of my business but you better take it or leave it I don't care im serving it the way it is.

Pulling your penis out and waving it around Probably worked for your other bosses and employee's but i promise you it won't work on me"

i finished with my words sharp and clear. My eye's trained intensely on him only the slightest bit of disgust and anger played on my facial features.

By the time i was done saying what I needed to say his face was fire red with a mix of rage and a hint of fear behind his eyes. Getting sick of his presence in front of me

i stood up and leaned over my desk getting directly in his face.

"Now like i said your dismissed" I hissed.

Mr.burnet face twisted into one of anger. He grabbed his stuff before stumping out of my office making sure to slam the door right behind him like a child on a temper tantrum cause he couldn't get what he what.

So childish.

I sat back down in my chair and rubbed the side of my temple trying to ease the stress related headache that arosed out of thin air. I sat massaging my head for a good minute waiting for it to die down a little bit.

I focused my attention from my banging headache onto the piles of work that was stacked into two neat piles on top of my desk. I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

Great thanks to him I have tons of work to do.

i sighed my stress already starting to build up. I adjusted my self in my seat before opening one of the files and getting to work.

----------- Time skip -----------

It had hit 10:30 when i finally finished atleast half of my work. The morning sun was quickly replace with a layer of darkness followed by the bright spotlight of the moon.

All of my worker's had already went home. And i stood outside the building with two night guards as they watched over me until my driver remmy arrived.

He was extremely late i called him a hour ago and he still hasn't arrived.

'Once i see him im gonna kill him the hell is taking him so long'

i sat pissed with a raging headache and my phone battery on 10% . I was just about to pull out my phone and call remmy again.

When the sound of a revving engine caused me to snap my head up in the direction it was coming from. A black suv pulled up into the parking lot swerving alittle before it pulled in front of me and came to a complete halt.

Both of my guards stood on the side of me in a protective manner intense looks on there faces. Both of their hands on their holster ready to pull their guns if needed. I watched waiting for someone to jump out of the car to attack me.

But instead of someone crazy jumping out someone even crazier popped out


Out of the driver's side a big smile on his brown face remmy popped out a lit cigarette in hand. He wore a black suit collar was up and his tie was messed up half of the buttons on his shirt were either unbutton or buttoned wrong.

He had a low cut and mustache he was about the same age as me but 2 years older. He's the only person that i actually take bullshit from since he won't leave even if i do try to fire him.

" aye Ms. Miller how you doing tonight girl " i looked at remmy one good time before breathing in then out and walking past remmy heading straight for the car

my heels hit hard against the concrete as i sped walked. my guards followed quickly behind me trying to keep up.

One of my guards reached his hand out to open the door for me, i held my hand up to stop him in his tracks. I handed my work bag to the nearest guard next to me and pulled the door open myself.

I stepped up on the step on the side of the car to level my self with the entrance before easing my self in.

Once i was settled in he handed me my bag back. I whispered a quick thank you before he nodded his head and shut the door after me. I placed my bag on the ground and reached into my pocket to pull out my phone. I scrolled down my planner examining all the meetings i had coming up this week.

I sat in a peaceful silence waiting on remmy as he talked with both of my guards i could hear all there laughter from inside. Mostly remmy.

Not soon afterwards remmy opened the driver's door and flopped down in the driver's seat with a huff.

From the corner of my eye i could see him adjust the mirror to where it was on me. Before it went completely silent. Even when I wasn't looking at remmy I could feel his piercing gaze burning through the side of my face. I choose to ignore it and went on looking at my phone like i didn't notice. It stayed like this for a good minute with me staring down at my phone and remmy eyes focused on me. His eyes was staring intensely at me like he was trying to dive inside of my mind trying to discover what i was thinking.

After a minute my phone finally blinked off leaving nothing but a black screen staring back at me. at this point I was aggravated with him. I turned my gaze away from my phone and faced forward towards remmy.

I tilted my head a little to the side with my lips pursed waiting For him to say what i know is on his mind. But he still didn't say anything just sat with that same annoying look on his face.

"What remmy" I sighed loudly letting him know I was annoyed.

Remmy scoffed and turned around in his seat facing me. His hand still gripping the steering wheel.

"First of all who are youuu talking to and second you know dame well you heard me talking to you back there woman and you still ignored me"

he dramatically placed his hand on his chest like he was deeply hurt at that I just rolled my eyes.

"Remmy don't start"

"Ms.' Ma'am don't nothing you heard me I could have left you bossy self here, I had a date tonight and i had to put it to a stop because you were blowing up my phone" he went off pointing at his phone dramatically.

"First of all that has nothing to do with me when I told you what time to be here, second your my driver I have the right to text you when your driving around my car,and last of all I'm your boss last time I checked. remember I can fire you at any given time" at that he got quiet and turned around in his seat i put one leg over the other proudly winning this argument.

But my threats never stopped his ass it never does after a second he spoke up again making me groan in annoyance.

"You know you can't fire me you love me to much".

"Remmy don't make me say it again next time your late I really am gonna fire you"

"But i showed up though didn't I" he pursed his lips together and both of his eyebrows rose as he looked at me from the rear view mirror.

"Remmy i swear if you don't drive" i grumbled out between clenched teeth .

"I'll drive when i feel like it hell" at his words i glared at him with my most menacing look i could muster up my stress was building up, and he wasn't making it any better.

He simply glared back before turning around giving in and starting the car up. "Where you want to go anyway" i had to much pent up stress to just go straight home it would bother me the rest of the night. i though about it for a moment before replying

"The Golden Diamond".