
What if Zoro joined Baroque Works?

What if crocodile’s plans for Baroque works were different. And what if rather than sending mr.7 to Zoro they sent mr.1? Would Zoro join them? if this made you interested then read to know more. (The cover is not mine if the original artist want me to take it down contact me)

RayDKing · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Spiral Tempest

Hello Everyone, the author is here.

This Chapter is Edited. If you see any grammar or spelling mistakes, please comment below.

That's all. I hope you enjoy the story :)


"Breath... The Breath... of rock... the trees has its own Breath, as does the soil... could this be it?" he then started to remember his master's words ' listen well, Zoro. There are swordsmen in this world who can't cut anything,'

'To be able to cut nothing... Does that mean to know the "breath" of things..!!?'

'Is that... the ability to cut through iron!?' Zoro thought with some disbelief and confusion.

'He looks like he realized something... is it the ability to cut through iron?' Mr. 1 thought as he looked at Zoro.

"Did you realize how to cut iron? Roronao Zoro..." Mr. 1 said, attracting Zoro's attention,

'I can hear it... the breath of his iron to...' Zoro thought when he looked at Mr. 1.

Afterward, Zoro suddenly slashed at a tree leaf next to him, but it didn't get cut. He then sliced at a rock which easily got cut in half.

'Now all that's left is to see if I truly can cut through iron or not.' Zoro then looked at Mr.1 intensely.

"I will take that as a yes then... but do you think I will just stand still and let you cut me in half?" Mr.1 said after he saw what Zoro did, The B.W agent still didn't believe that Zoro could cut iron, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

"!!?" Zoro was shocked by what he saw.

"By the way, you shouldn't mistakenly think of me as a swordsmen... I've got plenty of other weapons to cut your body to shreds," Mr.1 said. What Zoro saw was Mr.1 transforming his hands into a sharp drill that was curving all around his forearms and only leaving his finger out of the transformation.

"Spiral Hollow!" When the B.W agent said that, the transforming arms started to spin like a drill.

Vzzz! Vzzz!

"So you aren't a swordsmen are you... then what exactly are you, a miner?" Zoro said as he ran toward Mr. 1 and then slashed with his chipped swords.

"An Assassin," Mr. 1 replied with a serious look. He then raised his transformed arms to block the incoming attack.

When their blades meet, they release a blinding light from the sparks generated by the spinning force of Mr.1 Blades clashing Against Zoro's swords.

'Look like I can finally cut through iron,' thought Zoro as he was able to make Mr.1 bleed, but because of the spinning force behind the attack, he wasn't able to cut any deeper,

'Ahh, he really learned how to cut through iron, but unfortunately...' Mr.1 gasped in pain when they clashed, but he didn't plan to stop his attack.


With each spinning, Zoro's swords were getting more and more cracks on them.

'My Swords wouldn't hold any longer-' Zoro thought as his swords couldn't hold it anymore and broke.

"look like you will lose even though you can cut iron," Mr.1 said, making Zoro raise his head only to see Mr. 1 arm drill land on his chest.

Mincing through it and making blood fly everywhere.

"..." The pain of his chest getting shredded made Zoro fall to his knee, but he didn't scream even once from the pain.

"Gahh" But Mr.1 didn't finish his attack and punched Zoro once again with those Terrifying arms of his at the bleeding swordsmen's already injured chest while saying, "Do you want to know why?"

"Because it's a fact that you and I never fought before, Spiral Tempest," Mr.1 said as he combed his strongest attack Spiral Hollow and the new ability he learned, Rankyaku(Tempest Kick), making the air around his drill-like arms to compress and make a tiny tornado enveloping his arms.

Zzz! Zzz!

"Gahh!!" He then punched Zoro's chest once again with his new attack. Zoro felt like he wasn't hit by a human's hand but by a tornado wreaking havoc on his chest.

After Zoro was hit by Mr.1, for a millisecond, he was still standing in the same spot, but then he suddenly disappeared as the attack sent him flying with so much speed that the human eyes couldn't see it.


But only heard where he went. Zoro broke through 3 buildings as he was flying, and wherever he passed through was pulled behind him and made it look like a horizontal tornado tore through here.

Until he crashed into the bar where it all started with a loud explosion that alarmed all the agents and BraveHearts near it and made them stop fighting.

"What was that!" Damien shouted.

Nathen and Abigail stopped fighting SharpEyes and SharpTongue When they heard the explosion.

"Was that the captain's doing?" Abigail said, as she knew that her Captain loved to make large-scale attacks.

'This isn't one of his attacks...' Nathen silently looked at the wrecked bar. He then looked back at the SharpTongue.

"No, it wasn't me," A person said behind Abigail, who turned around while raising her spear only to see her Captain and cry out happily, "Captain! your back!"

Which drew the eyes of everyone there.


"How is he still alive?!"

"How did he survive when they shot cannonballs at him!"

"he has fought 40 million agents and then 15 Billion agents!"


"he's.. a monster!"

"How can there be a monster like him in the east blue!"

"Can... Mr.1 defeat this man..."

The agents couldn't believe what they saw. How was it possible to live against those odds? And their morale began to sink.

Meanwhile, the reaction of the BraveHearts was the opposite. Their morale rose when they saw their Captain come back in one piece after fighting an entire army alone.




"I knew that wouldn't kill him," Nathen said with a smile.

"Yeah" Abigail was also smiling when she saw him.

"Captain!" Damien quickly ran toward Bryan to tell him about their situation and how many they lost in this battle, but when he saw the injuries on his body, he quickly exclaimed, "medics, come here!".

While the medics were running toward them, Bryan asked with a serious look, "I'm fine. Damien, tell me how is the situation is here."

"It is bad... we have lost Six members, and Three are in critical condition, reducing our number to Nine if we don't count the Seven that we left on the ship," Damien said without showing any emotion on his face.

"I see... good job," Bryan said as they patted Damien's back while taking a quick glimpse at Damian's shaking hand.

He then looked at the battlefield and the destruction caused by the flying greenhead, then said to Damien, "send some men to check if Roronao Zoro is still alive and then Lead my men and Zoro back to the Ship."

"But what about you?" Damien said with a confused look on his face.

"I have some unfinished business with him," Bryan said, looking at the silhouette of the man that came out of the smoke clouds.



"Look like he finished taking care of the Pirate Hunter."

"Of course, what did you expect? He is Mr.1!"

The B.W agents became excited, and their morale rose when they saw their pillar of support and confidence.

"Yeah, seen the day he joined Baroque work, I have never seen him inju-" one of the agents wanted to brag about Mr.1, but before he finished what he was saying, he got interpreted by another agent.

"Look at his arms!"


"His arms are injured!"


"Isn't his body made of iron!"

"Jajaja! That kid is a special one, alright, Jajajaj!" Bryan raised his head too shy and laughed loudly while thinking, 'looks like he learned how to cut iron in the middle of the battle Jajaja's.'

"Sir, your back! MiniToes, come here!" LittleFinger shouted as she approached Mr.1 with a shocked look.

"I'm fine... but I don't think our new member will be if he doesn't get medical attention," Mr.1 said with his eyes on the bar.

"On it," MiniToes said as he gave mr.1 a bandage to wrap his arms in. He then walked toward the bar. He looked like he was in his fifties and had white hair and a muscular body. He was wearing a white shirt and brown pants with a brown belt with two guns, one sword, and one dagger on it.

"How is the situation here," Mr.1 said as he looked at the battlefield while MiniToes was wrapping his injured arms.

"... We have lost 140 million agents and 21 billion mainly because of him," LittleFinger said as she pointed at Bryan. Initially, she was a little afraid, but when she saw that Mr.1 didn't say anything, she started to talk.

Hello everyone, at last, we have at last finished this fight :)

do you know that original Bryan and the Braveheart were just a character that were supposed to be killed by Mr.1 after the 3 minutes finished to show you guys and Zoro Mr.1 strength.

But in the process of writing the chapters, I just couldn't imagine Zoro just standing there without doing anything as Mr.1 was killing the Bravehearts.

and so I scraped it and rewrote the story, the fight between Zoro and mr.1 that was supposed to be just 2 or 3 parts but it became fun writing the braveheart scenes, especially Bryan's fight against the billion agents.

Lol, that's why it took 5 parts anyway from now on we will finish this arc and start the real adventure :)

Ps: if you want to hear more about the process of making the story, then just tell me.

OK that was all, peace out :)

RayDKingcreators' thoughts