
What if Zoro joined Baroque Works?

What if crocodile’s plans for Baroque works were different. And what if rather than sending mr.7 to Zoro they sent mr.1? Would Zoro join them? if this made you interested then read to know more. (The cover is not mine if the original artist want me to take it down contact me)

RayDKing · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Have you gathered the things we asked for?

Hello Everyone, the author is here.

This Chapter is Edited. If you see any grammar or spelling mistakes, please comment below.

That's all. I hope you enjoy the story :)


"Now, why would I accept such a rigged bet?" Zoro said as he thought, 'if I accept this bet, it wouldn't matter if I win or lose because either way, I will still join baroque works,'

"Because isn't this what you've been wanting? To be the Boss of Baroque Works? Or is it that you don't have the confidence to win against me? " Mr.1 said with a mysterious smile still on his face.

'...he is right,' Zoro thought. The greenhead didn't say anything at the beginning. He just looked at the mysterious smile on Mr.1 face.' I can't just back down now. If I do, wouldn't that make his words true... And besides, if I could learn how to cut through iron, I would win"

After the swordsmen finished thinking, he ran toward Mr.1 while swinging his blades.

"Does this mean you agree to the bet?" Mr.1 smugly said as he dodged Zoro's slashes and stabs.

"Wipe that smug look on your face because today will be the day that I cut through iron and become your Boss," Zoro said with a sharp glint in his eyes as he slashed at mr.1 while thinking ' A sword that can't cut anything, yet can cut through iron!? I don't understand it at all.'

"I hate to rain on your parade, but since the day I've obtained the Dice Dice fruit (Supa Supa no mi), not a single swordsman has been able to leave a scratch on me." mr.1 said. He then transformed his leg and slash-kick toward Zoro.

"Then you might need to pack all those fond memories of yours in a pretty little album because while I don't know what kind of swordsmen you've fought in the past..." Zoro stopped speaking as he dodged the slash-kick and simultaneously slashed diagonally up from left and right with his swords.

"It's a fact. You've never gone up against me before," Zoro said with an intense look. The slashes pushed mr.1 toward a building.

"Rankyaku!!(Tempest kick)" But before he crashed into the building, he used his already transformed leg to slash-kick at the building. The air compressed around his leg and sent a giant blade of the wind speeding toward the building and using the force from the kick to propel himself toward Zoro.

Mr.1 arrives in front of Zoro when the building gets cut in half. He then transforms his entire arm and starts to attack Zoro, saying, "Hmph, you better hope your swords can cut half as well as your insults."

"I'll take that as a compliment, baldy," Zoro said as he sent his own attacks to use as a defense.

"I wonder how many minutes this fight'll last for.." said Mr.1 as he disappeared (using soru/shave) and reappearing behind Zoro and slashed at his back.


"Oh. I'll finish you off quickly, don't you worry," Zoro said as he was blocking Mr. 1's attack and counterattacking with a stabbing toward Mr. 1's eye.

"Hmm... then show me" mr.1 spread his arms and disappeared and reappeared behind Zoro and again disappeared and reappeared in front of Zoro.

Mr.1 repeatedly disappeared and reappeared around Zoro. Because of how fast he was going, he started to make clones of himself, it started with 1, and then 2... 5... 10.. And more and more clones started to surround Zoro.

"Atomic Dicer!/Atomic Dicer!" Mr. 1 and his clones yelled at the same time. He used his already spread arms to unleash many slashes toward Zoro from all directions.

'Shit! looks like I will need to try that move...' Zoro thought, his eyes widening, but it quickly changed to an intense look.

Zoro quickly took his battle stance. He bent one knee and had one arm behind his head and the other pointing toward Mr.1 as he was thinking. 'but will it work...'


One minute before the battle.

93rd Marine Base, in front of the Captain's room, there were two men and one teenage girl with orange hair.

"Welcome! Welcome, Miss..." The Captain of this marine base said with a large smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"TinyNose," the Orange-haired girl said with a fake smile. As she walked into the room and sat on a chair in front of the Captain's office table, she placed two briefcases on the floor next to her.

"Welcome Miss. TinyNose, Isaac, go and bring some drink for me and Miss. TinyNose" The Captain looked at the only other person in the room, who nodded his head.

"What would you like to drink, Miss.TinyFinger?" Isaac looked at the oranger-haired girl and said.

"Orange juice, and also, just call me TinyNose." The teenage girl said.

"on it," Isaac said. He then left the room to bring the drinks.

"TinyNose.. where is your leader Mr.1? isn't he supposed to be here?" After Isaac left, the Captain stopped smiling and looked at TinyNose with an angry look on his face while thinking. 'And not only didn't he come here himself, he sent a little girl in his place instead! a little girl!'

"Sir Augustin, I apologize on behalf of Mr. 1. Originally, he planned to meet you first, but then one of our agents got information on a person who sank one of our ships and killed 5 of our elite agents is on this island," TinyNose said with her same smile on her face as she bowed a little toward The Marine Captain.

"I see. Then do you need any help?" Captain Augustin said.

"Don't worry, Mr. 1 will take care of it. Anyway, have you gathered the things we asked for?" TinyNose said.

"We have almost finished gathering all the names and last-seen locations of the pirates in this area," Augustin said while walking toward the bookshelf he had in his office.

"Almost?" TinyNose said as Augustin took out some books and gave them to TinyNose. Those books contained all the information they asked for.

"Some of the pirates went into hiding after your organization defeated Arlong and almost wiped out all the pirates near Loguetown, "Augustin looked at the orange-haired girl, who paused what she was doing when he said the name of a certain pirate.

And then resumed acting like nothing had happened as she opened one of the books and started to read the information on some pirates.

"... then what about the land?" TinyNose said with her eyes still on the book.

"Unfortunately, we were not able to find you a land that is for sale near the port in the size you are asking for," Augustin said with him lighting his cigar.

"but we have found a land that fits your needs outside of the city, it is just a 4-minute walk from here, and the owner is willing to negotiate about the price," Augustin said.

"I see... But Captain Augustin, we asked you the name of all the landowners near the port. We didn't tell you to ask them if they are willing or not... have we now?" TinyNose said with a fake smile still on her face. She didn't even stop reading the book.

"..." which angered Augustin a little bit.

'F*_k it!' Augustin thought. He had enough of their attitude. He throws another book at TinyNose, who quickly raises her hand to grab it.

"Take this. It has the name of all the owners and the location of the land near the port, now give me what you promised and get out!" Augustin yelled loudly with his arms shaking from holding back his anger as he thought, 'don't be reckless, don't be reckless. I still need the money for...'.

"Calm dow-"


As TinyNose was talking, the room door was slammed open by Isaac cried out as he walked in with a panicked look.

"What is it!" Augustin yelled with a stern look in his eyes.

"Captain, it's an emergency! a group of unknown men attacked The Bravehearts, and they are currently fighting in Brook Row!" Isaac said as he was taking deep breaths.

"What is the number of casualties? And what is their goal? Are they pirates? No, what is important is to immediately evacuate the civilians and then surround the area" Augustin stood up and walked quickly toward the door.

"There is only one civilian casualty, and One of the civilians at the site said that those unknown men's goal is Roronao Zoro," Iscca said quickly.

"What, only one casualty? how? and what do they what from the Pirate Hunter Roronao?" Augustin had stopped walking and looked at Iscca with a confused look.

"They evacuated the streets before they started the fight sir, and currently, we don't know what they want from Roronao Zo-" as Iscca spoke, he got interrupted by the Orange-haired girl.

"Roronao Zoro! Evacuated streets? Captain Augustin, that's Mr.1 and the agents," TinyNose said while she placed two briefcases on the table and started to open them.

"What, it's the Baroque work?!.."Augustin said, with his confusion increasing.

"Roronao Zoro is the man who Mr.1 went after!" Augustin said when he quickly remembered what she said and connected the dots as he thought, 'that explains everything,'

"Yes, he is the man. Now, Issac, can you go out of the room, pretty please." TinyNose said as she looked at the two marines after she finished opening the bag.

Issac looked at his Captain, who was looking intensely at the smiling girl. His Captain then nodded his head, signaling to him to get out.

After Issac left, TinyNose turned around the briefcases and showed Augustin what was inside them. " This is the 5 million we promised you, and this is 15 million for the death and destruction that we caused in Brook row."