
What If They Are Girls!

There is a reason everyone calls her the "Iron Lady."  Call her a fashion designer, interior designer, a genius hacker, or even a talented healer. She is all that in a day and a ruthless assassin at night. Did I say she's a triplet? Oh yes! She has two other sisters who are geniuses in their own right.  Can you imagine Gerald Flynch abandoned them all onto Emily Fynn the day they were born, just because they are girls? Follow Adriana Hastings on a mission to acquire the same hard drive that could bring the Rockerfeller family to its knees.  With Aiden Rockerfeller on her tails, how will she shake him off from discovering her or even from getting too close to her heart? The most tormenting factor about the whole situation is that the Rockerfeller family may be responsible for her mother's murder. *** Follow me on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freda.lotsu Tik tok: call_me_mirror Instagram: call_me_mirror Discord: call_me_mirror

call_me_mirror · Urban
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257 Chs

Chapter 17! Hello, mom!

Dorothy's silence further irked her husband. He thought she had promised to never do such childish things anymore. 

Even though it had been many years ago, Gerald still remembers the severe warning he gave the woman standing before him, to which she responded with a promise to never pull such stunts ever again. 

He never knew he could witness such a scene on his return home today. There goes his peace of mind.

What could have caused the scene before him? Gerald nearly blamed the staff unjustly, only for Dorothy to respond with the silence he never asked for

Dorothy thought long and hard before coming up with a ridiculous excuse, "hubby, Dylan won the bid for the island. He did it on his own, without anyone assisting him. I tell you his business sense is so..." 

With a look from Gerald, Dorothy clamped up and looked on timidly at her husband. Gerald looked at the woman before him and couldn't help sighing loudly! 

He couldn't understand how he ended up with a woman of this caliber as a wife in the first place. 

Dorothy thought she had succeeded in diverting her husband's attention when she suddenly heard him say "I'm, deducting ten percent of your allowance for replacement." 

He then walked away from her and says mockingly along the way, "no one else is around here, so quit the act, would you! You look like a clown"

Dorothy could not even find a retort before Gerald walked out on her. She felt so insulted that, she swore to make Gerald pay for humiliating her time and again.

It just so happens that she knew exactly where to vent her anger. Reaching for her phone, she dialed a contact in her phone book and says "do it now! I have no room for any stupid errors"

She then hung up and continued to the kitchen where she was cooking before the maids' movements attracted her to the room. 

Dorothy had her heart in her mouth when she saw Gerald in the bedroom. She couldn't help chastising herself internally for her stupidity. How could she break the expensive vases in the house just to express her joy of Dylan's success? "Such a lame excuse"

Gerald thought he could have some peace and quiet at home, but there was no peace with Dorothy around. Gerald always regrets his actions briefly, when he sees the woman he gave his beloved Emily up for. 

He felt nothing for Dorothy. The woman might have rescued him from a supposed set upp when he was wasted from all the liquor he had on a fateful night many years ago, but she hasn't done anything noteworthy after the incident. 

However, he bears with her in patience because of their twin sons. He couldn't divorce her just like that. After all, he married her after she took seed from their intimacy on that fateful night. 

Gerald was hoping for a male child and for that matter, he didn't let go of Dorothy when he realized later on that she was pregnant for him. 

After all, it was clear from that night that he had taken her first time, judging from the blood-stained bed sheet that greeted him the next day upon waking up. 

From then on, Gerald Flynch kept the identity of Dorothy hidden as the mother of his unborn babies until a scan revealed later that she was expecting two boys. 

Even though the result contradicted what he was told when he visited the hospital for antenatal visits with her, Gerald couldn't be any happier than he felt on that day.

The thought about having twins made him so happy that he had nowhere else to express his extreme joy but to cluelessly take Dorothy to register their marriage.

After everything he's been through, he didn't want his children to be born out of wedlock.

However, after marrying Dorothy and bringing her home, Gerald realized that she was too vain. She had nothing to offer but kept taking from him as though his money would never get exhausted.  

Such was the reason why Dorothy had to be placed on a fixed monthly allowance, instead of living freely like most wives of rich men.

Unknown to Gerald, Dorothy had been planning to milk him dry, even before becoming his legal wife.

As a singer at a bar, Dorothy had seen her fair share of this dark world and therefore swore to not end up in poverty. 

She had to hook one of those rich men and end up living her desired life without a care for anything in this world. 


Country T: Hastings Residence

It's been three days since Adriana left home but she did her best to send periodic updates to her dad while checking on her mom every morning and evening.  

However, Sabrina did not make things easy for her husband till now. After understanding that Vicker was not the culprit of spilling the beans, Sabrina felt so stupid that she pushed every single blame to her husband, Vicker.

She wouldn't be able to feel good about herself if Vicker doesn't take part in the blame. 

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Hello! Katrina, how are you doing?" says Sabrina excitedly. She hears from Katrina once in a blue moon because her workstation does not permit her to make phone calls at will. 

Sometimes she even tends to use a secure network for her calls and Sabrina just has to wait for Katrina's calls without taking the initiative to reach out first. 

Sabrina is therefore always overly excited to hear from her. "Hello, mom! I'm doing well." After exchanging pleasantries, Katrina responded once again to affirm her earlier statement, "I promise mom! I'm eating well"

Sabrina being in a good mood wouldn't want her daughter finding out about her childish acts and therefore chose to give her phone to Vicker upon the request of her daughter. 

With Katrina promising to return the following week, Sabrina forgot everything at that moment and dragged her husband to the kitchen for a hearty meal after they both spent the afternoon cooking for two. 

Peace finally returned home and Vicker had his children to thank for that.