
What If The Villain Always Wins | RE:MONSTER

It all begins with a simple goblin. Within a cave amongst many others, a man, a foreigner is reborn. "Yup, that's me. A lovely heart-throbbing goblin......!" But one that promises a tale of ruin. Merely a single step, yet depravity follows. Tumultuous flames that threaten mankind itself, burning entire continents till it reaches the next world. Just what kind of catastrophe had been unleashed? "Oh, c'mon~ we're all friends here, aren't we...?" However, greed fills his soul, a gluttonous hunger like no one had ever seen. This sickening darkness, relentless in its approach, only hopes to devour all things or trample it underfoot. "But...if it's my destiny, then I'm afraid I have no choice. My fellow brethren, it is time." He calls upon the many demons who kneeled alongside his throne, the ones who prosper and thrive within disaster. Merciless in their pursuit, blood pooled into rivers, seas, and oceans. Ghastly. What existences hadn't yet gone extinct? "Aw~ it's so sad, I just might cry~" To continue treading down this never-ending path...with each and every step, they shall poison the world. ***** Multiverse/World Traveling: RE:MONSTER How Not To Summon A Demon Lord Arifureta Zero/Arifureta I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World, Too A Wise Man’s Grandchild The Legendary Mechanic More included later or upon request.... Authors Notes: To begin, I must warn you beforehand, this is a Depraved story about an Evil Protagonist. Not some cook-cutter villain, but someone who is legitimately Cancerous. It is no exaggeration to say that he is a plague that indiscriminately encompasses all who contracts it. And as such, I warn you again, DO NOT come here with the expectation of this being something easy to stomach. If you are a moral person who cannot distinguish between reality and fiction, it'd be best if you skipped over this one. I will not condone any reviews or comments condemning him on how evil or immoral the mc’s acts are, as I refuse to entertain them after giving this warning and will remove such things immediately. There is no fixed updating schedule for this story, this is strictly for entertainment purposes. Now, if you understand the code of conduct, please click [Accept] *I own nothing other than my Original Characters in this story. Neither the series nor franchises included belong to me*

Depraved_Chap · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3: Post-Nut Clarity

[]—[ Day 3 ]—[]

I wonder what fucking a goblin feels like.

I'm not really into the thought of doing the naked dance with these comrades of mine, but I just can't help but wonder.

The innate instinct to mate with the opposite sex isn't helping either.

Well, regardless of this and that, I can't do a damn thing at the moment.

I can't feel my limbs.

My whole body is sore. It hurts. It fucking hurts, mommy.

See, this is why I don't exercise.

I have to first build up enough strength through repetition in order to 'not hurt'.

To me, it's simple. Why do it in the first place, right?

Bla—Bla—Bla, Healthy lifestyle, Bla—Bla.

I get it. I really do. I understand clearly.

But I literally can't move right now.

It's still midday, but all I can do is stare at my fellow brethren, who also stare back at me like I'm some kind of alien.

I'm legit the only male goblin with hair in this bitch. Yes, how insane. How marvelous. Cool…..!

….Stop looking at me before I break your neck~

"U-uh, um, are you okay?"

A familiar high-pitched voice came from my left.



"Yes, beloved…?"

"B-b-beloved….?! Wha-what does that mean…!?"

Oh, Kanami-tan. Your bashful face is turning me off right now.

I wish girls back on earth were like this. Not appearance wise, but persona—you get what I mean, fuck.

"I pushed myself too hard, Kanami. Do you feel bad for me?"

"Yes? Yea, I-I mean, I guess…"

"That's good. It's normal to feel bad. Now could you massage my shoulders for a bit?"

"Oh, uh, um…s-sure, okay….?"

Her eyes were a swirl of confusion. She seemed to have barely kept up with the conversation. 

It's fine though.

One should always be open to help a friend out.

"Is…is this how I should do it?"

Her tiny fingers sunk into my shoulders. She rotated them slightly, kneading them like dough.

"Mmm, you're a great cook."

"H-huh? What do you—"

"Just as I expected, Kanami. I feel better already."

"Oh, I-I see, that's good…"

The positioning was awkward since I was still lying on my back. I didn't want to close my eyes so I met her gaze. 

From above, she looked down at me with no small amount of embarrassment. Her cheeks reddened to the tips of her ears.

"Could you go a little lower?"

"Lower? O-okay, like this?"

"Mhm, now a bit lower."

"W-what about here?"

"You gotta keep going, it's not low enough…"

By now her hands were touching just below my belly button.

This level of progression is unheard of.

She's a star player.

"Just a bit lower, it's…it's still sore."

"I-I got it…"

Her hands slid down into my loincloth.

Shit. I almost flinched. The tingling sensation in my lower body made my spine shiver.

Y'know, I just realized something. It's like a moment of clarity.

—I'm about to do something really distasteful right now.

"It's a little stiff, do you feel it?"


"It's just sore. I need you to rub it slowly."

Her breathing slowly grew ragged, and a familiar scent entered my nose. Primal and organic. It was the scent of a horny female.

"Wrap your hands around it…"


"Wrap it. Yup, you're doing well."

From below the obvious tent of my loincloth, two green hands enveloped my cock.

Like a sleeve.

It covered the base all the way up to the tip, leaving it poking out.


I'm currently a virgin in this body. One that hadn't even had the chance to jack off yet.

I felt my eyes roll back from the pleasure.

"T-that's good, Kanami…"


"Just like that, keep going."

She clumsily stroked with her hands, caressing me gently.

A pulsing, sweet sensation arose in my lower abdomen up to my chest, affecting my breathing.

My cock throbbed as I watched a bead of clear liquid slide down her thigh.

I'm going insane...…!

I couldn't get any harder.

It was to the point where I no longer cared about how Kanami looked. My brain naturally found reasons for me to be aroused.

She leaned over me from above, allowing me to catch a glimpse of her small mounds. Even the way her loincloth crinkled to display the upper half of her thighs seemed sexy.

Green skin?

Who gives a shit about that anymore.

The only thing occupying my mind at the moment is the sound of her soft whimpers and short gasps.

A goblin is naturally horny. That much is undeniable.

"Haaa~ The knots, they're loosening up…"

"Haa~ Haa~ Ah~"

"Uh-huh, right there. Speed up a little. Yup."

I could feel it building up. 

Her slender fingers danced up and down my cock. Sweaty and sticky, such vulgar sounds.

I'm about to cum…!

Nearing my climax, I somehow found the strength in my arms to pull down my loincloth. 



A long, thick line of cum spurted from my dick. It trailed into the air before splattering onto Kanami's face. A perfect shot if I do say so myself.

She flinched at the sensation. Her wide-open mouth and heavy breathing made it look even worse.

I felt as though I were drifting through clouds, the intense pleasure overtaking my mind.

The other goblins nearby stared at us with dumb expressions. After a few seconds, they eventually turned away, not in the least bit interested.

It's not a very human-like reaction for obvious reasons. The fact that most of them are as dumb as a box of rocks also didn't help.

I just had a goblin jerk my dick.

Post-nut clarity.

This is exactly what it is.

It honestly feels like I shouldn't let anyone know what just happened. I completely agree.

What happens in this cave stays in this cave.


Kanami looked at me with obvious longing.

I…I don't want to do this.

There's no disgust or anything. It's just that something in my mind is telling me not to do this.

Is it going too far…?

Nope. There's no such thing.






Alright, I didn't fuck a goblin in the end.

I didn't fuck Kanami. No.

But I also didn't disregard the rules.

There's always rules when it comes to dealing with horny women. Number one is 'Don't ever leave them hanging'.

I…I followed the instructions. I couldn't leave a woman behind. So, just as she did me, I, uh…I caressed her vaginal cavity till she came.

Damn, I feel like a science teacher.

I didn't use my tongue. I wouldn't tongue down a goblin, bro—or would I? 

Regardless, my fingers were enough. 

On my third day of living, I got rough and intimate with a goblin.

It's not so surprising though, is it?

I don't see the problem.

Since that's the case, let's move on…quickly.

In order to buy that random Job-class, I finally finished enough exercises.

There was also a surprise I hadn't expected.

[You have received your first Hand-job

Reward: +50 DP]

[You have charmed a very important Side Character

Reward: +200 DP]

A bonus.

Wow. I didn't know that certain actions could be rewarded. Not just ones involving lust.

Though It's more of an accomplishment than anything.

Good shit.

Now, I currently have 400 DP in total. More than enough for what I need and then some.

My stats have also gone up from completing quests. With my increased endurance, my recovery speed was naturally faster. According to its description, endurance corresponds to how much the body can withstand damage and fatigue.

It's worth putting points into, but the same could be said for all of them. Maybe except luck. 

Anyways, as it's now afternoon, I still have time to go out and hunt for a bit. 

I don't know how to feel about it. It sounds dangerous as fuck. Doesn't mean it'll drive me away though.

Before that, I'll get my job-class for added protection. If it's Rare or Unique, no matter what it is, it has to be of some use, right?

Let's think positive thoughts.

[Choose A Job-Class]

*Fighter - A versatile, weapons-oriented warrior who fights using skill, strategy and tactics

*Mage - A general practitioner of magic

*Expert - Individuals who specialize in non-combat related fields

*Rogue - A versatile individual, capable of sneaky combat and nimble tricks

*Random - A special option with a guaranteed chance of receiving a Rare or Unique Job-class. (Cost: 150 DP)


This is where the magic happens.

If there were no random option, I would've probably chosen Rogue. Mainly because it's more useful at this stage in life.

Rather than flashy attacks, I need to survive first. That's always been the top priority.

Now then...

At my mental command, the screen suddenly zeroed in on the option, something like an in-game animation.

[You have chosen 'Random' Job-class]

With a slight shake, the 'Card' exited the system panel and floated in front of me.

My heart's pounding right now.

I can only hope that it's not dogshit.

I leave it to you once again, Nee-sama. You haven't done me wrong yet.

The 'Card' moved, slowly turning around to reveal itself.


I've never heard of this one, but…I think…Nee-sama hasn't failed me.