
What if I was reborn in Naruto| Metal Gear:New world and Old rules

When one man knows Death is inevitable they always pursue to die their way however not many are granted that privilege as often they are forced to die the deaths they don't want along with the paths they do not wish to have. Join one of these victims as they reincarnate into another person on the same path he went as well as the same end. (Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto and Metal gear or anything that is not mine belongs to their original creators)

Chill_Dude2008 · Video Games
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Well, this is some bullshit way to die. On one hand, I expect to die getting shot but not like this! Oh, who am I kidding one of the teams bombed their leader to escape America years ago what do I expect? Wait a damn... how am I still thinking?

Because you are alive...

As I heard these words I was then face to face with the grim fucking reaper it's eyeless stare and sudden appearance made me fall onto my ass.

You scared me! And what the hell are you doing here?!! You said I'm alive!

A man that is already dead can never die. Your soul has now passed on from the land of the living and into the dead. Death said as I looked silently understanding their words.

Come now it's time for your reincarnation. Death said as suddenly we were teleported to a boat in the middle of a black river.

Wait, reincarnation?

Yes, there are many theories of the living on what happens when their time comes all different wrong yet right at the same time but one thing about them stays the same... Death. The Grim Reaper responded as the boat sailed through the river there I saw multiple boats filled with other people and one Death each.

The hell....?

Of course, there is more than just one way to die as there are many ways to do so as there are many ways to move on. And yours is by reincarnation. Death said as we came to an end on an island there we stepped out of the boat and it disappeared.


You can choose to reincarnate back to your world or... in other ones. Death responded as my eyes widened at the words

so any world? Even fictional ones? I asked which death nodded

I'm not going back to that hellhole I want to- Wait... how does the reincarnation work? I asked as I'm not about to get screwed over by some rule bullshit.

A clever one? Very well. You shall reincarnate into other worlds with a twist that you become a host to the body of the one that passed in that realm which I call the dead man's list along with a few boons. The reaper said in a gruff voice which I nooded

This brought a lot of new things to my mind I get to reincarnate into dead characters and come back to live like a zombie

However, you must relive that person's life from the start, the end is up to you.

Seems that mind-reading exists here but that does not change my decision though

Okay, I wish to be reborn into the Naruto world. I said as death nodded

So you die in a war yet you wish to be reborn in another how ironic. Very well. Death said as the list appeared in front of me. Choose wisely the reaper said as I searched the list.

Obito... no... Nagato... Nah...Oh! And there I find myself a name that leads to the most perilous paths in Naruto: Zaku Abumi

Him and the sound team were used as sacrifices for Orochimaru's Edo Tensei for the three former Hokages if I can survive his childhood at best I can follow my own destiny at worst I get recruited by Orochimaru. It's a gamble but I think I can take it.

*Sigh* I never get humans they sometimes die living their life and now they want to be reborn and live the same as the last. Very well. As if reading my mind the contract disappeared and three tokens appeared in my hand.

Those are death tokens for many to wish for boons however they must stick to one theme and one only, choose wisely. Death said as I pondered the choices I had till I got a good idea

Okay, I want it to be around the Metal Gear series I said as death nodded. Very well now choose your boons and they will transform to fit this world.

Okay, the first token I want is Gray Fox's blade I said it looked like a sword that fits Naruto.

Very well and to fit your reincarnation it shall be a chakra blade that conducts sound and shall respond to you and you alone. A token then disappeared from my hand

For my second token, I want something a dōjutsu akin to the solid eye.

It shall be done along with it affecting both your eyes... with a perk akin to something you humans call a system only visual, however. Death said which I nooded as another token disappeared

Now for my last wish, I want to know CQC I said as death nodded.

Very well it shall be a Taijutsu beginner knowledge you shall have, however the rest of the knowledge along with the blade you shall find on your own. And then the final token disappeared as I looked in confusion

How will I find it then?

You will know in due time now as for your new appearance ordinarily we would use a canvas but since you are in a hurry I have already checked your mind about the ideal looks and they shall appear when you awake. Goodbye old soul may we see each other again in the next afterlife

As he says those words everything went white.