
What if I was reborn in Naruto| Metal Gear:New world and Old rules

When one man knows Death is inevitable they always pursue to die their way however not many are granted that privilege as often they are forced to die the deaths they don't want along with the paths they do not wish to have. Join one of these victims as they reincarnate into another person on the same path he went as well as the same end. (Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto and Metal gear or anything that is not mine belongs to their original creators)

Chill_Dude2008 · Video Games
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Keep going, men! We're almost there! Said a man with a gruff voice as he and multiple men dressed in uniforms ran through the muddy swamp our boots hitting the wet dirt, footprints left in their wake as we continued to run.

Some people say that WW1 was a war that ends all wars but as Haruki Murakami once said there is no such thing as a war to end all wars and that's why I'm working my ass off in missions since WW3 broke out Russia just had to send nukes to Ukraine and the rest went to shit as countries began to panic, then panic turned to war flags, then war flags... well you already know the rest.

I and my squad were given a mission to raid an important enemy base in Vietnam we were to be used as Trojan horses saying that we defected from our country to join theirs and then attacking the camp at night. Bad idea but hey orders are orders and don't follow then you get shot but hey I'm always up for excitement.

And now here I am running to the camp when I saw the silhouette of it where multiple Vietnamese were hosted there armed to the teeth as they placed themselves in battle stances as we raised our hands in the air.


Những người Mỹ chết tiệt của bạn đang làm gì ở đây?!!(What are you damn Americans doing here?!!) One of the guards shouted as he pointed his rifle at us multiple Vietnamese with rifles were fast approaching.

Chúng tôi đã đào thoát khỏi đất nước của chúng tôi để tham gia tất cả các bạn (We have defected from our country to join you all) Our leader said fluent in the Vietnamese language.

Yea ever since the "incident" Vietnam hated us Americans siding now with Japan giving them their equipment.

(This was a bad idea) I thought as my leader conversed with the guard and surprisingly, we were let in and none of them suspected anything... I can't believe I just said that. We then got our new uniforms and weapons as we conversed with the other Vietnamese using our leader as a translator until finally, night had set and before bed, there was a strip of paper with the message "Tomorrow we attack be ready" written on it. Predictable as they said that there will be a trial tomorrow to test our loyalty and there I destroyed the message and slept for tomorrow.


The next day

At the crack of dawn, we got up and ate our breakfast we then proceeded to the field where our leader began to talk to us. Alright, men remember the plan and if most of us don't get out of this alive it was an honor to serve.

"It is an honor to serve," we said at the same time as we were then led by the Vietnamese into a forest all the while our eyes are covered and our arms cuffed at least as far as I know.

Then our leader told us to stop we were then bounded into trees to remove the blindfolds and there we saw our leader standing beside the Vietnamese leader and a Japanese general as multiple soldiers then lined up aiming their guns at us.

Uh, sir what's going on? One of the soldiers said as we saw their grins widen.

Silly private don't you know what situation you are in right now?

An unnecessary trust fall? I asked and our leader went near me and then decked me in the face.

No private you are indeed trojan horses... except to yourselves! He said as I began to ponder what he meant then it hit me. We were sacrifices we were used as peace offerings so that our leader can join the Vietnamese and Japanese fully.

Why?!! And why sacrifices?!! I asked and then the Vietnamese leader whispered into my " leader"'s ear.

It's their tradition and besides, it is compensation for us killing a valuable general of Japan!

Then why aren't you included?!!

Because I am valuable to them I held plans for the many battles ahead! Along with me being a double agent! He said as he laughed in retrospect he acts like a clique supervillain I pushed the thought out of my head as I faced him.

But why betray your own country?!! I asked. Because I'm choosing the winning side, my friend! America was dead long ago! Even you know that the land of the free is nothing more than a false promise!

Go fuck yourself I said which he snorted.

I got tired of you anyway FIRE!

And there I felt immense pain in my chest before my vision wained and there everything went black