

The last thing he remembered before waking up in bed with a waiting maid was Cyril throwing down his cell phone and calling the story he was reading trash. He couldn't believe he was trapped in a story he called trash as a character who would be beheaded after trying to kill the Crown Prince on his wedding day. I am doomed to die? Is that true?

ArgaNov01 · Fantasy
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293 Chs

Cyril's Region (7)

"The decree says that the three current and former village leaders are guilty! Therefore, they will be arrested for embezzlement. During the investigation of where the funds were spent, they will be detained under the Palace Investigation Agency!" Ferron read out the results of the decision regarding the report on the fiefdom's residence, which allegedly did not receive any administrative funds for almost 50 years. 

"It's good that the decision came out!" Cyril said as he changed his clothes. 

Johan, who was helping him put on some clothes, seemed to have no idea what they were talking about. The boy also did not ask about the discussion he did not understand. 

"Will you participate in the arrest?" asked Ferron. 

"What do you think?" Cyril asked Ferron back.