
What if Gohan landed in DC 2

Gohan, having ascended to the rank of God of Destruction, faces new challenges in the DC Universe. While the first story depicted his struggles and triumphs on this journey, the focus now shifts to his actions after his revival. Gohan almost fully embraces his role as a destroyer god, he becomes aware of a rising menace that threatens to unravel the fabric of existence itself. Two intense Ki signatures sends shockwaves through the divine hierarchy.

Percival_Black · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

A week in the Time Chamber (Part 6)

Trigon was seated on his throne, contemplating the words of the Angel. Suddenly, he felt a speck touch and try to establish a connection with him from another plane.

'Interesting,' he thought. He could already feel desperation from the summoner, but this individual was at least a great deal more powerful than most. "Not a deity...wait, I know who this is..." A devious smirk formed on his face. This was an opportunity he could use.

Circe was silent as they traversed through a white void at speeds she couldn't fathom. When they appeared on a planet, Circe immediately felt the gravity press down on her.

"If you don't mind me asking, where are we?" she asked, glancing around. In the sky was a massive planet. "I can tell that planet is enormous. The gravity here is ridiculous, too," she observed. Vermont nodded.

"Indeed, this is the Other World. What you see up there is Heaven," he explained, stunning her.

"T-that's Heaven?" she asked, shocked. "I have only read about it, but to actually see it..."

"Isn't Heaven supposed to be incredibly large? From here, it looks small," she stated.

"Yes, Heaven is an infinite expanse. It has a near-infinite number of souls to house, but from here it is merely just a part of a greater structure. We are currently on our way to the check-in station where souls of the dead are judged and purified," he explained. This was surprising. Why were they here?

"I've read about it, but I've never died, so this is my first time seeing the land of the dead. It's more bustling than I expected," she remarked as the Angel chuckled. She saw a long line of little clouds standing in line with Oni standing guard.

"There is a great number of deaths each second in the living realm," he explained as they made their way toward the palace in the distance.

Once they arrived, the Oni guarding the palace turned and bowed to the Angel as he approached.

As they entered, a large table could be seen with a large deity scanning some documents. She noticed the Angel and his companion immediately.

"Angel Vermont, to what do I owe the pleasure?" she asked.

"Queen Rama, it is great seeing you again," Vermont started before gesturing towards Circe.

"Is her soul redeemable?" the Angel asked. He knew many things, but he wasn't all-knowing.

Rama turned and looked at Circe, who immediately felt as if she had been stripped naked in front of this deity. She could feel all her deepest and greatest sins being seen somehow.

Rama was silent for a few seconds before nodding. "She is. However, the time required to change her darker disposition would take many centuries. She has grave sins weighing her soul down. The only reason she hasn't betrayed you already or tried anything is because she knows better."

Circe's jaw clenched slightly before she relaxed. At least she wasn't wrong, but did privacy mean nothing to these two? 'Then again, she isn't wrong...' If she had even the slightest opportunity to escape, she would have done so already.

Vermont smiled and nodded. "I greatly appreciate your assistance, Queen Rama," Vermont thanked. The queen of the afterlife nodded.

"Think nothing of it, Angel Vermont. Is there anything else you require assistance with? Judging from your visit and her soul, the mortal realm is becoming quite unpredictable. A great tribulation is on the rise," Rama predicted as Vermont nodded.

"Your assistance with judging her soul has helped me tremendously," Vermont explained as he turned to leave. "We shall take our leave," Vermont stated.

"Circe," Rama called out. Circe, who was turning to leave with the Angel, stopped.

"Your scheme has an incredibly low chance of success against the odds. However, should you do well in assisting the gods, you may well be in a position to punish the Olympian gods who punished and showed prejudice to you for having a nymph as a mother. Your rage and strayed path are not solely a product of the evil in your heart but created by the gods of Olympus. This path will inevitably lead you to a fate worse than death. That is all," Rama finished before turning back to the soul waiting to be judged.

"Down below," she stamped, as an Oni grabbed the soul before dragging it to a dark room. Circe could feel the incredible heat and dread emanating from the door.

Vermont just smiled at Rama before turning and walking away. Circe tore her gaze away from what she knew was the last place any living or dead being would want to be in.

If her fate could be worse than that, then, 'I need to be careful going forward.' She hated that this god dug into her past but was also grateful for the ominous warning.

Merno sat in front of the Source Wall on the opposite end, floating in the Abyss. 'This is the closest I can get to the Omniverse without being detected.'

His staff materialized in his hand and glowed. 'Alright, so who is the next god of destruction that will be added to my collection? What about that upstart? I need to figure out how to lure...' Suddenly, his staff glowed a little brighter, catching his attention immediately.

'Interesting...a connection from the 21st universe in the 2nd multiverse...reaching out to...Trigon? Impeccable timing.' He peered deeper into the connection.

Immediately entering the connection, Trigon felt the divine power rip a hole in the connection. "Merno, are you truly monitoring every connection capable of piercing the Source Wall?" Trigon asked. He could feel the staff's influence.

"That rod is a capable tool. Perhaps I shall take it eventually," Trigon threatened as Merno chuckled.

"You are always welcome to try," Merno answered with a smile before sensing Enchantress.

"What is this? A sorceress? Ancient magic? Hold on...is that Kai magic I am sensing?" he asked, intrigued, as Trigon growled.

"She is my connection. Don't you dare poach what is mine!" Trigon roared, his patience running low.

Merno chuckled. "Do calm down. It is unbecoming of a demon god of your stature," he scanned Enchantress.

"Seems you encountered the Monitor. His flames burn like nothing you've ever felt, correct?" he asked. Enchantress was silent, who and what was this thing? 'That staff...blue skin...'

A few moments before, Enchantress had established the connection and set up barriers to protect herself from Trigon and his influence. "Enchantress...have you finally decided to submit?"

She clenched her jaw as Trigon's aura approached her. "Never, I have a proposition. I can get you what you want as long as you deal with a problem of mine." She immediately got down to business. "You want access to my reality. I can force open the gate inside your vessel," she explained. "I know where she is."