

LOVE DID NOT HURT YOU YOUR CHOICE DID The story love life of a successful bachelor name Fred, he has his idea girlfriend well sketch on his imagination and soon he finds her but it all turned out to be his worse nightmares as he was faced with difficulty and challenges in his life... Please take out time to find out by reading and also vote for me. Note: English is not my native language, so you will find some errors, feel free to correct me by commenting, the more you read the better I become. I really appreciate your efforts for reading this far. Please continue to support me...

Austin_Fidelis · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 18

Fred was able to get home, but still scared. All he could think of was the threat, he has not offended anyone so he saw no reason why he should be hunted by an unknown man. But if he could get himself equipped with a gun he won't have to worry over it, he could not think of any person Annie could not be after his life, she had not done anything to her, she is the only one who he had given access to his apartment when he was not around 'should I call her to tell her what's going on or just continue to pretend everything is fine' he thought as he walked to his fridge to look for something he could eat, was he hungry?

He looked confused, after eating he went straight up to his room, took off his clothes and sat in front of the mirror looking at his image wondering where he must have gone wrong who he must have hurt, his phone rang, it was Annie on the line she is probably calling to check on him or maybe wanting to tell him about her ex-husband who just resurfaces from nowhere. He picks up the call and said "Hello"

"Hi, how are you doing?" Annie aked

"Am fine, I am just a bit confused with how my life is going"

"Do you want to talk about it?" Annie asked

"No it's just something personal and I think I can figure it out myself, you are not home yet? Cause I did not see your car when I was driving in "

"Ya...i...went to my mom's place, and also there is something I would like to tell you but I don't know if you have time to listen," she said sounding serious

"Ok go-ahead am listening"

"Ok! Yesterday, I saw my ex-husband at the restaurant. And it seems he has been following me around. The reason I was calling you last night was to inform you about it, he made some treats to me, he made mention about us having sex, I don't know if you had told anyone we had sex cause I still don't know how he knew about us together" while she was talking Fred quickly stood up in shock, now he has the clue to why he was being threatened by an unknown man, maybe he was the one that knocked him down this morning. As soon as she dropped the call Fred called Elizabeth to give her the information but then how did he get access into his apartment.

"Freddy! I will not want to draw conclusions here, when my friend comes tomorrow give her all the information, I don't see any reason why he will want to kill you, claiming you are the reason for his failure in life. I still think something is not adding up, for now, I would advise you to stop going for morning runs till all of this is over, make sure you get enough information from her, get his pictures before tomorrow." Elizabeth trying to give him advice on how to be safe

Fred decided to call Isabella if he could get to hang out with her, so he could make his feelings known to her, he called her on the phone, they had a little nice conversation but she seems to be busy today but then she gave him the hope of Sunday that's when she is going to be free.

"Ok dear, I will call you tomorrow bye for now"

After dropping the call, he became bored and all he could do was wander around the house, from one room to another, to the sitting room, turned the tv stations but nothing was interesting him. He went to the kitchen and then he thought of annie, how they both kissed and had sex. It's like a dream, he never had such plans of sleeping with her but still, he had smiles on his face for the first time since he got back from work.

"What a day," he said as he makes his way up to his room and jumped on the bed, he was thinking of Nova, Isabella, and his mom when he hears a knock on the door

Who could that be!

He finds his way through the stairs, checked who is at the door before opening

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a surprised face

"Don't you miss me" Annie said as she makes her way inside, she quickly hugged me and planted kisses on my lips " I have been worried about you"

"Why are you worried about me?"

She did not say anything else, she constantly kissed him and then he kissed back, they made their way into the room, and again they had sex but this time it was very passionate after which they both fell asleep.

Fred woke up to find himself in a room full of blood, he turned round to search for Annie but could not find her suddenly a woman walked into the room.

"How long can you hide from the truth you murderer," the woman said with a displeased face

"Do I know you, and why are you calling me a murder, I did not kill anyone. We slept together and I woke up only to see blood everywhere, she is nowhere to be found " fred began to cry, but the strange looking woman did not show any sign of care

"You killed a relationship between a father and his son, and now you will have to pay with your life" the strange woman brought out a gun and point in his direction

"Please don't kill me, am innocent. I have not hurt one, I have no idea of what you are talking about" Fred fell on his knees to ask for her mercy but the strange woman had one mission, she did not waste any more time before pulling the trigger.

She shot him twice on his head, she confirmed he was dead before closing the door behind her...


A big thank you to everyone who has taken out time to read my book

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