

LOVE DID NOT HURT YOU YOUR CHOICE DID The story love life of a successful bachelor name Fred, he has his idea girlfriend well sketch on his imagination and soon he finds her but it all turned out to be his worse nightmares as he was faced with difficulty and challenges in his life... Please take out time to find out by reading and also vote for me. Note: English is not my native language, so you will find some errors, feel free to correct me by commenting, the more you read the better I become. I really appreciate your efforts for reading this far. Please continue to support me...

Austin_Fidelis · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 17

As I got to my office I picked up my phone to call my boss and immediately I noticed I had lots of missed calls from last night, she did call me but I can't remember, I was probably drinking..." wait...I thank I have seen her face before (bosses daughter) she looks like Isabel's friend who accompanied her last night, I can still remember I saw isa last night but can't recall what we discussed about, I will find out later " I said to myself, I don't even know her name yet. I hope I can get along well with her, let me call her father and give him the morning report, I called his private line and it seems he is busy, he usually picks up my call no matter how busy he is.

I dropped my phone to pick up one of the files on my desk when he called back, I quickly picked,

Hello sir!

"Good Morning Fred, I thought you were not going to call, how's work going?" Mr. Kenneth Wood asks. He is a fine gentleman who likes looking modest and dresses very simple, he happens to be one of the billionaires in this state. He is also a generous man, he was talking about joining politics, I guess that's the reason why he traveled.

"Good Morning sir"

"I guess you must have spoken with my daughter? I would like you to put her through, show her all that she needs to know about the company, when I get back I will be holding a meeting with you so I could give you a briefing. En... I will have to call you later, I have a meeting to attend" He hanged up immediately without allowing me to say anything

Knock! Knock!!

"Come in"

"Ms. Fred, I think I will have to create a good relationship with you so we can get to know each other better, well am not used to big stuff like this [being a boss]... You know what I mean"

"I do, please sit down," I asked her, for a moment we stayed quiet without saying anything, I was busy going through the files on my desk but then I broke the silence with "my name is Fred, " I said bring my hands forward for a handshake

"Ah...am Nova, and it's my pleasure to meet you" she replied, we spent more than half of the time chatting, getting to know each other, and also I was able to explain some of her daily duties to her.

"You won't be able to meet with the other staff today, today is Saturday we normally have our meetings on Monday, I think that will be better and by then you must have studied all the files I gave you," I said to her trying my best to compose myself, I still have enough work to do. she has no idea about being a boss

"If you don't mind, I will like to go for lunch now," I said trying to get her to leave.

She had a bouncy personality and a sugary voice, which I adored. She seems nice and I think we can all work with her when she finally becomes the boss

Office Phone Ringing!


"Fred should I order lunch for you, " Ray asked, he always makes orders for me and also pay for it. He is very generous

"Sure thanks" I replied

Picked up my phone: I need to call my mom, but I don't know how she will react, I don't what her to have high blood pressure, how do I handle this now, it has been troubling my mind but I just have to act normal. Maybe I should call my eldest sister...

[Dialing her number]

"Hello, little brother"

"Good afternoon big sister," I said to Elizabeth

"How are you?" She asked

"Am not fine, not at all "

"What is troubling you, is it work?"

"Ok first what am about to tell you should be between the both of us, I don't what you to say to mom or Josephine"

"Ok you can count on me, what is it?" She replied

"Someone is after my life, I don't know who, I don't know why, I don't have any clue, he just dropped a death treat note on my doorstep this morning, on my birthday I was attacked by robbers in a grocery store and one of the robbers called my name. How he knew my name is still a mystery to me, yesterday I discovered a secret camera in my library, I gave it to an officer but they said they found nothing inside it. Now I don't know who to trust"

"Ok, dear... Just calm down..." She ordered

"I am calm, just confused"

"Ok, are you sure you don't have any issue's at work or with anyone lately?"

"No sist, none I can think of right now"

"Ok...don't worry, I will call some security agencies to keep an eye on you and your apartment, meanwhile I will send a lady friend of mine to you, she is an intelligent officer, I will mail you her details, I am going to ask her to equip your house with ammunition and also give you a bulletproof vest to wear before wearing your sleeve, you won't have to worry. You are going to have 24/7 surveillance. When she comes I will need you to explain everything to her and make sure you don't leave anything out so she can assist, is that ok by you"

"Yes I knew I could count on you, and I will call you from time to time to give you any information," I said in relief before ending the call...

Today has been a stressful day, I had so much work to do, but finally, it's closing hour.

"Are you not leaving now?" Ray asked

"Sure dude am just getting my stuff ready, and thanks for the lunch. You are indeed a lifesaver"

He chuckles and replied "no problem see you on Monday and please don't forget we are having a meeting with our Chinese clients on Monday" as he shut the door behind him, after picking up some of the files I need to work on before Monday, I can finally call it a day.

stepping out of my office I discovered Nova was still in her office but I could not go and ask her if she is not closing. She can be here for all she cares about.

Getting to my car it refused to start, I did all I could but in vain, I called the mechanic to come pick it up with a tow truck, I will have to call a cab...

"Is everything alright Ms.Fred?" Nove asked looking at my care engine"looks like you need a ride home, I can drop you if you don't mind" she said.

"No don't worry, I already called for a cab. Thank you and see you on Monday"

"make sure you are not late for the second time," Nova said as she drives out of the garage