
What I become A God?

After Joe Cameron dies, he wakes up in a place he can't understand. He's given a Divine System and sent on a big adventure to make a new world. With these powers, Joe crafts humanity, molds the earth, and forges the heavens above. But while he's making everything, there are problems that threaten his god-like status. Follow Joe on a huge journey of making life, facing death, and trying to figure out why he's here in "What I become A God?."

THE_V1S1ON · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
65 Chs

Chapter 9: The Adventure of Roe (3)

 As Momoa and his comrades discussed their next course of action amidst the chaos, I felt a surge of determination welling up inside me. With the newfound knowledge of elemental magic at my disposal, I knew I had to step in and offer my assistance.


Gathering my courage, I raised my voice above the din of the conversation. "Hello, everyone!" I called out, drawing the attention of Momoa and his companions.


Momoa, his brow furrowed in confusion, turned to me and asked, "Who are you?"


Straightening up with a cool posture, I assumed a confident stance and replied, "Well, ahem, I am The Adventurer Roe, hailing from a faraway land. I've come to explore the World, to experience its wonders and embark on thrilling adventures!"


There was a moment of silence as my declaration hung in the air, the weight of my words sinking in. I couldn't help but feel embarrassment at my gimmicks.


As I stood there, amidst the curious gazes of Momoa, Jono, and the others, a reassuring message echoed in my mind from the system: "Host, your introduction rates at 8/10 for coolness. Minor adjustments suggested." 


I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at the system's commentary. "Well, I'll take that as a compliment," I thought to myself, grateful for the feedback. With a renewed sense of confidence, I returned my focus to the task at hand, ready to contribute to the group's efforts in any way I could.


As the silence stretched on, Jono stepped forward, clearing his throat to address the group. "Grandpa Momoa," he began, his tone respectful, "this is Roe, an adventurer. I was the one who brought him here."


As Jono introduced me to Momoa and the rest of the group, I noticed their skeptical expressions. Understandable, considering I just popped up out of nowhere claiming to be an adventurer from a distant land. But I had to convince them that I could help, especially now that they were facing such a dire situation.


Then Cain's voice cut through the murmurs like a beacon in the darkness, commanding attention with its quiet authority. His words were measured, carrying an air of certainty that demanded respect.


"Everyone, don't worry about this kid," he began, his voice steady and unwavering. "I can sense that he is not bad."


His words hung in the air, and for a moment, there was silence as everyone thought about what he said. Then, people started nodding and whispering to each other.


"If Leader Cain says he's fine, then he must be," someone whispered.


"Yeah, Head chief Cain's a good judge of character," another person added.


"Then we have to believe it, right?" Another one chimed in


Cain's intervention had changed the mood in an instant, transforming skepticism into acceptance, doubt into a little bit trust. And as I looked at him, I couldn't help but feel grateful for his support.



As Jono nodded, his expression earnest as he addressed Momoa. "Grandpa Momoa, Roe also defeat the Kweler using only his hand."


Momoa's brows furrowed in skepticism. "Are you sure he defeated the Kweler?" he questioned, his tone laced with doubt.


Jono nodded again, his confidence unwavering. "Yes, Grandpa Momoa. I saw it with my own eyes."


I couldn't help but interject, my memory of the encounter flooding back with sudden clarity. Kweler? Is that the one I fought? An orangutan with claws on his hands?


As the realization dawned on me, a wave of amusement washed over me. "To think that I who created a creature like an Orangutan with sharp claws, was already given a name," I thought to myself, shaking my head in bemusement at the unexpected turn of events.


The room fell into stunned silence as Jono's confirmation of my victory sank in, disbelief etched on the faces of those around me.

"It's impossible, it can't be defeated by bare hands alone," one exclaimed, his voice carrying the weight of skepticism.


Another voice joined in, filled with uncertainty. "If Jono's vouching for him, then it must be true."


Yet, doubt lingered in the air. "Hmm, a mere youth beating a Kweler with nothing but bare hands? That's unheard of, unless you're a god or our late King Adam," someone remarked, their tone tinged with a mix of disbelief and awe.


Amidst the murmurs of disbelief, the girl's sudden question about my strategy to combat the squids cut through the tension


"Do you really have a plan to defeat those squid?" Her question hung there, full of both curiosity and worry. She looked right at me, like she was trying to figure out if I had a real answer.

Her sudden question, making me turn to the system and ask, seeking clarity. "Who is she? Can you check her status?"

As the system worked to answer my question, Suddenly, a transparent window popped up in front of me. It was like a secret peek into information that no one else could see, a special perk of having the system on my side.



Name: Belz


Age: 400 years old


Race: Eldoan (similar to humans)


Characteristics: Wise Girl and quick to adapt in a difficult environment


Health: 100%


Mana: 100%




Strength: 20

Agility: 20

Intelligence: 20

Endurance: 20

Magic Affinity: 80%

Elemental affinity: Fire, Water, Earth (locked)


Warrior Affinity: 20%




Meditation, Sneaking, Quick Learning, Cooking, Cleaning, Herbalism.


Note: Belz is an Eldoan, similar to what you called humans on earth. Despite her age of 400 years, she looks young. Belz has magical abilities connected to fire, water, and earth, which she hasn't fully unlocked yet. She's also skilled at hiding and adapting to different situations. With her magical potential, she has the capacity to achieve great heights in her abilities.


As I watch her status, I can't help but be amazed by her potential. There's something about her in the system that she's going to have 3 affinity, just waiting to be discovered.

With a strong resolve, I've made up my mind to be her mentor, to introduce her to the basics of elemental magic and help her unlock her talents.


Who knows what she might achieve? Maybe she'll learn the basics and then go beyond, creating spells unlike any seen before. The possibilities are endless, and I can't help but feel excited thinking about how far she could go.


As I finished reviewing Belz's status, I turned my attention back to her, ready to respond to her question about defeating the mind-controlling squids.


"Your name?" I inquired, my voice carrying a hint of curiosity.


Belz responded promptly, her tone firm and unwavering. "I'm Belz," she declared, her eyes fixed on mine.


With her introduction acknowledged, I raised my voice to capture the attention of all present "Everyone, I have a revelation to share with all of you," I declared, my words carrying the weight of certainty and conviction. "I am not merely an adventurer. I am one of the apostles of God."


"What?" she blurted out, her tone dripping with disbelief. "You're saying you're an apostle of God? That's just ridiculous!"


Momoa, always one to speak his mind, echoed her sentiments with equal passion. "Yeah, right! You expect us to buy into that nonsense?" he scoffed, his words oozing with disbelief.

The chorus of doubt swelled as others chimed in, their voices filled with skepticism and scorn. "Don't pretend to be something you're not," one person interjected, their tone dripping with disdain.


Well, that's to be expected. After all, who would believe someone claiming to be one of God's apostles? That would sound like complete bullshit. But I know they don't buy my lie.


With a confident grin, I faced the creation system, poised to add another dimension to my story. "System," I instructed, "make me a new character. Picture a figure like a human-shaped totem pole, wrapped in some bright shit and Name him Jesus. And give him control over all elemental affinities.


As the system acknowledged my request with a simple "Roger, host," I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. The stage was set for my next move, a roleplay that would blur the lines between reality and fiction.


Turning inward, I addressed my thoughts with a sense of anticipation. "It's time for a roleplay," I whispered to myself, a mischievous glint shining in my eyes. With the pieces in place and the stage set, I was ready to delve deeper into the elaborate act of deception and storytelling.


To be continued