
What I become A God?

After Joe Cameron dies, he wakes up in a place he can't understand. He's given a Divine System and sent on a big adventure to make a new world. With these powers, Joe crafts humanity, molds the earth, and forges the heavens above. But while he's making everything, there are problems that threaten his god-like status. Follow Joe on a huge journey of making life, facing death, and trying to figure out why he's here in "What I become A God?."

THE_V1S1ON · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter 10: The Adventure of Roe (4)  

As the disbelief and skepticism lingered in the air, I took a deep breath, preparing to unveil the next phase of my plan. With the creation system at my disposal, I knew I had the tools to make my roleplay convincing.


"So all of you won't believe in me, huh?" I said, my voice tinged with a mix of frustration and determination. Their eyes met mine, some with defiance, others with curiosity. well these frustration are just an act of mine tehee.


Feeling like I needed to spice things up a bit, I looked up at the sky dramatically. "Dear Lord Jesus," I said loudly, " please guide us. I, your humble vassal, needs help."

With a sense of satisfaction, I knelt on the ground, fully aware of the effect my actions were having on the villagers. This was all part of the illusion, all part of my grand performance.


As I waited, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. The villagers were quiet now, all eyes on me as I glanced upward. I kept up the act, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal Jesus, my other avatar.


At that moment, a soft breeze swept over us, bringing a feeling of calm and peace of mine. I glanced up, pretending to be amazed by what seemed like a divine sign.


[Meanwhile outside the universe]

 I turned to the creation system, eager to hear its assessment of my performance. "How was it, my performance? The kneeling part and the dramatic scene?" I said grinning, unable to conceal the excitement in my voice.


The creation system responded promptly, its digital voice echoing in the air. "Host, your performance is 8/10," 


Satisfied with the rating, I nodded in approval. "Not bad," I murmured to myself, taking note of areas for improvement as I continued to refine my act.


Anyway, I continued, my attention shifting back to the unfolding narrative, "let's continue. I'm excited to see how the story unfolds."


With renewed anticipation, I directed my focus back to the scene before me, eager to see how the villagers would react to the next phase of my carefully crafted scene.


[Inside the World of Eldan]

As I followed my script, a gentle breeze passed by, bringing a soothing sense of calm. I looked up at the sky, letting a hint of wonder show on my face, as if I too were surprised by the supposed divine intervention.

Then As I knelt on the ground, a quiet settled over the group. I could feel their eyes on me, their uncertainty palpable in the air. Some regarded me with doubt, while others appeared genuinely touched by my demonstration of humility and belief.



Then, from the midst of the gathered crowd, a voice rang out, filled with awe and reverence. "Look!" someone exclaimed, pointing towards the horizon.


As everyone's attention shifted towards the sky, a form emerged on the distant horizon, glowing with a brilliant light. It resembled a human-shaped totem pole, adorned with symbols representing the elements—fire, water, air, and earth.


Then fake Tears filled my eyes as I rose to my feet, my voice trembling with emotion. "Behold," I declared, "Lord Jesus has answered our prayers."


Jesus (me) walked towards us with a smooth, confident pace, demanding everyone's focus and admiration. As it got closer, you could see the detailed designs carved into its surface, each one seeming alive with power and vitality.


"What sorcery is this?" someone whispered, their voice tinged with awe and fear.


"Is he truly the apostle of God?" another murmured, their eyes wide with wonder.


As everyone murmured in awe and uncertainty, I took a moment to compose myself, controlling the movement of both Roe and Jesus as I prepared to address the villagers.


"Dear children of the land," I began, my voice resonating with authority and compassion, "fear not, for I am here to guide and protect you in these troubled times."


"What? A totem speak?" another villager questioned, their voice tinged with disbelief.


"Indeed, this seems impossible," echoed another, their gaze fixed on the glowing figure. "And this totem, it emanates a light it felt like a divine being," they added, their words heavy with awe.


"Could he truly be a god?" whispered yet another, their voice barely audible above the murmurs of the crowd.

With each word, I could feel the weight of their attention, their gazes fixed upon me as if I were truly the embodiment of divinity.


Then Momoa's voice cut through the air like a blade of skepticism. " "This is impossible. Grandpa Adam and Grandma Eva said that God is light, for we cannot see His face. But all I see in this figure..." His gaze lingered on the glowing form in the distance. "...is a brilliance light that fails to conceal its figure. This being is crafted of totem, adorned with what appears to be ancient text."


[In this world, They already have writing system. But Instead of paper, they still used stone tablets. The letters carved into them looked like the ancient writings from Earth, called cuneiform. You know like, it filled with symbol that carried a lot of history, like a story waiting to be uncovered. But I put aside these thoughts for now and went back to the big story I was telling. I was excited to dive back into this amazing adventure.]


With skillful control, I moved my two avatars, each one following my commands perfectly. Even though it was tough, I welcomed the challenge eagerly. I stayed focused and confident as I worked through the complicated parts of using the system.


Then I looked directly at Momoa, his face a blend of disbelief and wonder as I spoke. my words hung in the air like a sacred decree. "I am what you'd call a god," I declared, my voice carrying the weight of my words "What Adam and Eve saw was my father, the Heavenly Father, The Ruler Of All Gods, The Ruler Of All Universe, Omniscient and Omnipotent beyond mortal comprehension. No one can dare to challenge His sovereignty."


As the weight of my proclamation settled upon them, shock rippled through the gathered crowd like a wave, their murmurs echoing the uncertainty that clouded their minds.


"Is this for real?" someone dared to ask, their voice a blend of doubt and amazement. "If it is, then there's really something beyond the sky."


Jono turned to his grandfather Cain, seeking reassurance in the midst of uncertainty. "Grandpa, is this truly real, what he said?"


Cain's old face showed a trace of deep thought as he wrestled with the meaning of my words."I don't know, child, but it feels real," he admitted, his voice carrying a careful hopefulness.



As I observed their reactions, I felt both amused and guilty. They believed so deeply, influenced by the glowing light and mysterious symbols on my totemic figure. Perhaps, in their eyes, I must have looked like a divine being, a messenger from distant realms they couldn't comprehend.

And also a totem talking? yep If it was me I also think its a divine being.


 Then Belz's voice cut through the murmurs of awe and uncertainty, her tone laced with doubt and confusion. "How can we trust your word?" Her question hung in the air, heavy with skepticism, as everyone waited for an answer.


I saw that coming! Maybe I should throw in a few fireballs or summon a little rain to solidify their belief in my fabrication? Well, it's not entirely lying if I'm actually a god, right?


With a calm attitude, I turned to face Belz, looking at her directly with a steady determination. "I get why you're unsure, Belz," I said, speaking slowly and honestly. "Trust isn't something that comes easy, especially when things are uncertain."


Belz's voice carried a mixture of surprise and suspicion as she questioned, "How do you know my name?" Her eyes searched mine, seeking answers in the depths of my gaze.


With a confident smile, I looked directly at Belz, my eyes shining with an otherworldly light. "Belz," I declared, my voice carrying a gentle authority, "I know your name because I am more than what meets the eye. I am the embodiment of divine knowledge, the vessel through which the wisdom of the ages flows."

Then with a calm wave of my hand, I use my Air Elements to the rustling leaves of the trees nearby, making them tremble as if responding to an invisible force within me.


Then, with a dramatic scene, I raised my arms to the sky, allowing the wind to lift me off the ground and carry me into the air. As I floated above them, shining in my totemic form, I knew that my next words would leave a lasting impression on all who witnessed them.


"For I am Jesus, the son of God," I declared, my voice echoing through the village with a power that reached deep into their hearts. "Sent by the Almighty to guide and protect you all in these difficult times."


As my words drifted away, everyone got quiet, staring at me with big eyes, amazed and maybe a bit confused. Some seemed really impressed, while others seemed unsure what to think.


With the wind still swirling around us, carrying my words with it, I came back down to the ground, my feet touching lightly on the earth. Standing there again with everyone, I knew I'd made them think like i was really the Son of God. It was like planting seeds in their hearts and minds.


Now, we just had to wait and see what they'd do next. Would they believe, or would they doubt? But for now, I stood before them as a beacon of hope and guidance, ready to lead them on the path to enlightenment.


To be continued