
What Doesn't Kill You, Eats You

All she wanted to do was die and what better way than to give herself over as a buffet to a rumored inhuman-children killing-clown. It can't be that bad, can it?

LightDarkGemini · Movies
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: Malicious Runaway

A girl wanted to end her life because it isn't going the desired path. It's not a story you haven't heard before, cliché and washed up.

She thought of all the ways that would achieve her cowardly exit just because things are rough. Jumping off a bridge or cliff? No, she can't stomach heights. Hanging? Tried that, it took much longer than movies and dramatic re-enactments portray. Pills? Doesn't work.

Every night, she hopes that some mysterious power would come and take her during sleep. Yes, it was so much easier that way. Fast, easy and most importantly, painless. She knew, as a human, with a fragile and mortal life, death will calm her one day.

If only that day would come with urgency, she is impatient and loathes waiting. How much longer will she put up with the endless and mundane routine before her wish finally comes true.

Maybe, she must take matters into her own hands. Perhaps, she has this all wrong.

Then it happened but not to her, Death claimed someone else, someone equivalent to her own lifespan—her father. Left with a dependent younger brother and venturous mother who drank and partied days and nights away, she decided for the sake of Jaison her brother, to try life once again.

One day, she reached the enlightenment so much needed to release the bounds. It came to her, like a tiny, little, whisper, in her ear, so faintly, like the wind. Then did she realize, it might actually be her making destiny wait.

News spread nationwide how the government finished secretive reconstruction of an old not-so-forgotten Town of Derry to aid over-population in certain major cities.

She left that same day with Jaison, not caring of her mother's hungover complaints, instead followed the voice and clues that were so ignorantly bypassed. How silly to be so blind when her answer was right there all along. This internal suffering could have ended long ago if only she were brighter. Consumed by self-doubt, stupidity and despair.

Quickly, she packed their bags with any favourite items, essentials or keepsakes. Of course, the feeling of beginning anew and sole responsibility of her brother carried on for a few months. She attempted to live normal and with ease. Making sure Jaison remained as her number one and source to carry on.

However, the ever-growing hole in her, unable to be filled or mended by possessions or emotions, overruled and outweighed the desire to carry on if life was going to be miserable like this. She can't bear it no longer.

What perfect timing did Jaison and her mother pick to reconcile and have him stay the summer. She crumbled unbelievably fast in the few days he wasn't around to make her quant little home noisy.

She slipped on a short little skirt, a tight sweater with a neckline that left her shoulders completely exposed and favourite ankle boots. Calling up a guy that had been annoying her into a little date to pick her up and it was all set.

As the saying goes—off to meet her maker—she was. For once, that bombarding anxiety remained at bay and she enjoyed breaths in the absence of a heavy chest.

All the guilt and senseless emotions she felt disappeared with each distance she gained closer to a notorious destination and away from that hell-hole called home. It all faded, into nothing, like a balloon floating up to the blue abyss.

It's perfect, she thought, round eyes unable to break from their awestruck stare at the old, popular, haunt house that sparked hundreds of stories and terrifying encounters. Rationality clouded by immense adore in finally accomplishing her long obsessive goal to be in the rumoured Neibolt house.

However, the fickle male partner conned into accompanying her felt emotions that opposed her gleeful ones. "Had your fill yet Junia?" he asked in a hurried voice, obvious to express his own discomfort.

She snorted at the cowardly man, it's so hard to find good bait these days. "Don't be such a little bitch John all that bullshit happened so many years ago." Junia informed, secretly hoping it to be untrue.

To a human, yes. It had been a long time before the deserted town was destroyed, then rebuilt in order to create more space for a growing population that seek homes and jobs. Who would have thought roughly thirty years later Derry once again became habitable. Strangely, the only property that was left untouched and placed under legal protection was a house on Neibolt street. Apparently the government felt conserving history to be imperative.

"You're one sick chick." He snapped in irritation at the jab to his manly pride.

Brown eyes rolled in their sockets at his childish retort, she shot a glance over her exposed shoulders. "Which speak volumes about you since you're the one following behind."

Stories and rumours of events that circulated around town since he was a child surfaced to mind. Although he believed all those stories to be nothing more than ridiculous tales to afraid kids away, fears he thought unknown began to form.

John hissed under his cigarette breathe. "I'm still on parole you idiot! If a cop catches me here I'm fucked!"

She forgot about that, how could that happen? For as long as her mind could remember, guys like Johnny Boy here are all her silly little heart fell to. To simply explain; the more fucked up, the better.

Junia made it very clear she wasn't leaving until having a little playtime and took her first step onto the property. Heart raced but not in nerves. The next moment,she finds herself strutting towards the porch with intentions to enter the notorious house.

John groaned, loud and frustrated. The second brain carried in his jeans overtook fear as he frantically trailed behind her. "Are you fucking crazy?!You really want to do it here?" exclaimed John one final time with extreme disbelief and skeptics. Eyes wandering around their surroundings to only see a creepy, eerie setting radiating from the old abandoned home they trespassed. The deeper they adventured inside did his feelings of uneasiness increase.

Who wouldn't be scared of an old, creaky, dark home that seemed as if a legion of demons will rise from the basement?

The girl, not woman yet although she was age enough for that title, blankly investigated. Strangely enough, she felt disappointed of the underwhelming anxiety boiling in her stomach. "Yeah, why not?" she answered in a voice that could be concerned nonchalant pushing the oddly unlocked front door wide open.

Her companion showed signs of nervousness and jitters. Glancing around at every little noise like a scared little boy with hands deep in denim pockets to hide trembles. "This place is creepy as fuck."

Dark brown eyes glanced upward at the other's obvious lack of composure. "Quit being such a baby, besides." she turned to face him in a seductive spin, her short red cotton skirt twirled, hiking its hem and gave a little glimpse of the promised virgin flesh underneath. Delicate slender fingers, newly painted and pampered, ran along the piece of fabric covering the zipper to his jeans. The corner of her scarlet painted lips pulled in a playful smirk as her actions earned a groan out of him. "A little fear goes a long way."

The girls' alluring display was enough to overpower his own anxiety and replaced with promiscuous intentions. Taking one more look around, bit his bottom lip and gave in. "Fuck it."

Mouth crashed into hers in a rush, no longer timid as fickle urges took control. Tongues twirled and mangled. Clumsily taking awkward steps before having her back knock against what she believed to be an old table. Manly hands easily invaded and groped her body all over. It was so accessible that she wished to have chosen attire with more cloth.

John groaned, his hardness grind against a thin layer of fabric that remained the solo obstacle to her most valuable treasure.

The plan was working so well, almost too well.

As he got fed up of minor foreplay –if you could even all it that—decided to get right into his own main objective. John paused his assault on Junia's innocently conniving neck to unbuckle the tight jeans he wore.

That's when she saw, looming from behind what seemed to be Nightmare on Elm Street, razor-sharp claws and all. Not wanting to get mangled in the crossfire, she leapt from off the rickety table and braced against a decaying wall. Very well could have escaped; John's car still awaited their return across the street.

Silly girl, be careful what you wish for.

Junia couldn't do anything but watch in her own sick and twisted satisfaction at the Hollywood monster dream serial killer struck John right in the chest, in the heart, an instant kill.

She didn't even pay any mind to his wide, frightened eyes that stared questions at her. No way would sleep ever find her if she hadn't kept attention on Nightmare on Elm Street.

The killer tossed John's now lifeless sack carelessly towards the direction of the notorious well as if the body didn't matter, not one little bit. He snickered. "My oh my did he hate you."

An intense rush of emotions hit Junia like a train; satisfaction definitely, a bit of guilt, some adrenaline but no fear. Well fear but that's not the right word for it. More like... acceptance.

Nightmare on Elm Street shook violently, appearance transformed to the favourite and most preferred identity; Pennywise, the Dancing Clown. Dressed in an old, dingy looking clown costume that she guessed to be of the Victorian Era by the ruffles for days, an enlarged skull partly covered by dull red hair that left the dome of its head uncovered, pale white face and red lips that connected lines to the eyes.

For a female, she hated being 5'8 as it mostly meant her odds to find romance were trimmed, as if it weren't slim enough. However, this monstrous entity stood much, much, so much taller that intimidation kicked in and so did survival instincts. She remained silent and in the hallway they came crashing through like teenagers and John not too long ago stood alive with his tongue in her mouth.

This creature before her completely out matched any human comparison that came to mind. It was then she realized just how weak and powerless humans truly are. Beings, who are made of delicate flesh and brittle bones. Junia knew and sensed, she stood no chance against something like this, something that can manipulate and present itself as what she fears the most. Use that and end her life.

Isn't that what she wanted all along? To end it all like this? By that? Why the sudden hesitation? It's called fear dummy.

Pennywise observed her through glowing yellow orbs that seem to see right into her very core, brought up hands to smack them together in a lowly clap.

"I must say what a brave pretty little thing you are. Of all my years, this is the first I've witnessed such a treat to have someone else perform." The clown took notice and pleasure in the highly subjective choice of clothing that hugged every inch and exposed more. He suspected it was purposeful and appreciated the gesture. Luckily she was a very, very, very eye pleasing female. "I am Pennywise, the Dancing Clown." he greeted with an unnerving joyous voice and a gracious bow. "And you are?"

By the deep tone, Junia thought the creature to be male. His playful smile that puffed up cheeks left her unsettled and alarmed. She knew what lied in the depth of her mind and could guess what terror he would cause. "Junia."

The small doses of fear radiated from her were absolutely exhilarating to him but not quite tangible as he would desire. Not that it should come as a surprise, there is a reason to why he remains picky and loyal to a specific and favourable type of delicacy. A brief, subtle inhale informed quite a load; how she believed in his existence, his abilities but not all. Another inhale revealed pieces of her life, hardships, terrors and more. How she longed for an end but also to feel. As well, to feel frightened her immensely.

Oh this could work.

Pennywise grinned, deciding on a slightly different approach, sensing something about the girl, something he will enjoy greatly.

"Tell me, pretty little Junia~ what could possess that wonderful brain of yours to wander in here like you owe the place?" sang the demonic clown, a gloved finger tabbed his head, expression darkening with each passing second.

Her chest rose and fell deeply, which served as a delightful distraction. Those painted scarlet lips, a shade darker than his, parted to speak. "Curiosity."

The grin turned into a frown, Pennywise arched a brow at her bewildering words. "That's it?"

"That's it." she quickly answered, calmly and honest.

This only left more questions to the monstrous being. "Nothing more?"

Junia hummed, exposed shoulders with a skin colour more exotic than teeth had ever pierced through in a very, very long time simply shrugged. "Mostly boredom."

"Boredom you say? And can you enlighten me with more detail?" he asked strangely polite and a wide smile. A finger ever so softly brushed along her jawbone and stopped under her chin.

Junia couldn't help but breathe in his scent, unable to give a firm answer to what she it might be labelled as. Lashes fluttered, like a butterfly, he would compare the action to. It was cute.

Lips trembled, she must give a response and fast. "I'm human. It gets boring. Living through the same old mundane routine and all that bullshit makes me insane."

The dark clown cracked with childish laugher accompanied by applause that caused her body to tremble in a delicious shiver. He pranced around in heighted jolly skips. "Oh that is rich! You are a peculiar one!"

She contemplated whether to make a quick dash to the door, open it and just bolt the fuck out of here. Then again, she always came dead last in track and field.

Junia decided to take her chances with the sadistic clown and swallowed heavily. "...That's a good thing?" Anxiety caused the heart to pump more rapidly, brown eyes couldn't rip off Pennywise. Unsure if the reason was because of the immense alpha predator aura or her actual fear –probably both.

"Absolutely!" head shook along with bells in excitement, droplets of saliva sprung from his open mouth. In reflexive disgust, Junia held in an exhale and unconsciously pushed back against the wall like it had the ability to move as well.

Pennywise cleared his throat and settled down, slightly. A wicked grin stretched his lips, cheeks uplifted and eyes seemed to produce a glow. "You see, as much as I adore the scrumptious screams and cries, I also..." With each word, he crept closer until his body pressed shamelessly against hers that her lashes could touch the dull coloured ruffles of his aged clown attire with each blink. Their eyes remained in an invisible pit-bull lock, her neck stretched to its limit to keep unwilling contact. He unusually fought against the desire to inhale her mouth-watering fear. Pennywise tapped a finger on her chin, slid subjectively it down her neck, passed her collarbone, to stop at the neckline of her sweater and hook his finger inside. "I also enjoy the occasional taste for a different thirst quenching satisfaction when given the opportunity."

Junia turned deliciously cold, leading to her asking a stupid question. "Which means?"

Well over twenty-seven years since he last tasted it or swallowed warm flesh, this appetizing little number with round eyes, would make an excellent plaything. Pennywise grin widened, eyes blazed all the more. "When a butterfly is trapped in the spider's web, what happens to it?" prompted the clown in that chilling cheery voice.

She didn't want to answer this one but the deathly situation called for it. "The spider eats it."

"Yes, the spider eats it. So, little Junia, are you the spider or the butterfly?"

The corner of her mouth tugged in an ever so tiny smirk and didn't go unnoticed by the clown. In fact, Pennywise couldn't decide on if the cocky gesture impressed him or ignited annoyance.

"The spider."

Oh, didn't see that coming. He tilted his massive head. "Not the butterfly?"

She bit down on those scarlet lips he itched to taste, a string of drool just barely missed her cheek to land on exposed lush collarbone. Junia shivered. "They're too fickle."

This conservation turned down a path that intrigued Pennywise enough to prolong energy and entertain her words as he definitely was. His head nodded in a gesture to allow Junia to continue with her explanation.

She felt so drained from the immense pressure of superior power but the girl soldiered on. "Butterflies go place to place, to each their own. Spiders, although don't have an annual birthing place like butterflies, will create a new home and never abandon it. Even when its web is destroyed, again and again, it keeps rebuilding. And when they have young, house them on their backs until ready to take on the world."

With not the slightest warning Pennywise, in speed and force she has never experienced, took hold of her neck in one hand firmly and comfortably, feeling his gloved fingers around the entire circumference. Panic of being limited to air caused more scrumptious licks to radiate from her. Unable to resist, loomed dangerously close to Junia's shoulder and buried his nose into tender flesh. She flinched against him as sounds of deep sniffs and inhales haunted her ear. "Such a thoughtful sentiment but you must remember little Junia that spiders will not reject devouring their own species, without remorse."

Trembling, with shallow breaths, she asked something the clown never believed he to hear. "Are you going to eat me now?"

Usually easy prey, such as this, he wouldn't mind. It makes his life simple and requires extremely less effort and conserves needed energy that can be used for more entertaining and desired flesh. However, situations where someone willingly came and practically begged to be his main course... Well, wouldn't that be such a waste to just devour?

Perplexed at her obsessive death wish, adding the display she momentarily performed sparked an unusual train of thought he never considers. "In time, Little Junia, I will."

"Why not now?" she asked in extreme naivety that she'll regret later.

"Aside from your wonderful fear." his gloved fingers combed through wavy midnight locks and continued to tug when knots were encountered, it pained incredibly than she'd like to admit. Once he neared the ends, harshly grasped a healthy fist of hair in a tight ball and yanked it to his lips. The clown took more deliciousness in, trembled at the rush of strength he was violently denied. "hints of innocence are deeply laced along with it."

Junia's doe eyes widened and that confirmed his hunch. She is a living, breathing, virgin. One his sadistic morality approves for defilement. He began to laugh, not like before, no this time it was one of victory and it only increased her insides to quiver. It smelt absolutely divine.

In her short mortal life, she has been through all kinds and levels of terror and agony. Here in this moment, before this creature that can manifest from anything tangible in her little mind to not only end her but strip the flesh from bones, was she actually filled with pure, potent fear.

"I don't take pride in having my way with the youth I lure, which is why I am going to savor you, ravage your body until there is nothing more to break and enjoy every blissful moment." Pennywise declared, golden eyes blazed in both anticipation of that scrumptious day and her frightful essence.

Junia felt temperature raise throughout her entire body like never before, swore she could fall into unconsciousness right there and then. And she did, right in the arms of monstrous and rejuvenated Pennywise.

If there was anything that made sparked anxiety in her, it is the mere thought of having the one thing, the one piece of her that she believed couldn't be taken.

The clown laughed childish at the fainted girl. Oh, was he about to prove her terribly gone.

Hi Everyone, thank you for reading!

If this isn't your vibe, check out my other stories that are less crazy!! It only goes more down hill from here! :)

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