
Who Are You Belittling?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"B-B-B… Brother, calm down, calm down. I'll fix it, I'll definitely fix it for you, alright?"

The shop owner was shivering.

That's a malicious spirit, damn it!

The super-duper type at that!

How else could it manifest in broad daylight, and come out in the open to have him fix his phones?

Who wouldn't be scared?

He shuddered, and quickly returned to repair the phones.

Mustering all his concentration, he swiftly fixed whatever could be fixed and changed whatever parts that needed changing. Profits were of no concern now—that good sir's request was of utmost importance!

And with that, both phones were repaired and rebooted without data loss in less than half an hour.

"Not bad…"

Lin Fan took the phones, whipped out some cash and put it on the counter. "There."

He was not bothered to explain himself under these circumstances. Indeed, he was about to leave after paying when the shop owner, seemingly finding things not as frightening now, actually called out to Lin Fan.

"Excuse me… Brother, can I just ask, do you guys use these gimmicks down at the underworld too?"

The owner regretted it as soon as those words left his mouth, and could not help wanting to slap himself twice.

"Should I take you to a visit to the underworld? To my home?"

Lin Fan replied coolly.

"There's no need, oh, you're too kind, you're too kind…"

The owner felt goosebumps all over his body, and would have wetted himself if he had not gone to the toilet just before. Even so, as if having yet another stroke, he asked, "By the way, brother, where is your body? Where is it beneath the lake?"

"Why don't you tell me now? I'll then tell the cops, and we could share the money we get after they scoop you up…"

The owner shivered when he saw the weird look on Lin Fan's face then. "Oh, no, I mean, sixty-forty, you take the sixty…"

"Hmmm… seventy-thirty? Eighty-twenty! You take the eight, I take the twenty… I can't go any lower…"

"After that, I would use the money to burn joss paper for you. Wouldn't you be a millionaire down there with that? Eight thousand dollars. How much paper money is that?"

The shop owner seemed to be less scared the more he spoke. After all, what was there to be afraid of a win-win situation?

"Think about it, eh, brother?"

Lin Fan: "…"

'What the hell? Even if you burn me eight thousand bucks, I would never receive it!'

Hence, keeping up his act, he spoke sinisterly, "No way."

"There would be inflation down in the underworld with that much money…"

With those words, Lin Fan turned and left, leaving the shop owner utterly baffled.

"Inflation applies in the underworld too?"

"Uh, hold on, brother. Let's talk about this… how about I take the eighty and you take the twenty?"

"Screw your twenty!"

Even as he shook off the mobile phone shop owner, Lin Fan felt an utter pain in the head.

What the heck is going on?!

After his first transmigration, he became a wanted criminal and was held at the police station.

In comparison, his second transmigration was quite peaceful.

But how did he end up a water spirit on his third?

The cops were still busy trying to fish out his corpse!

They even put out a reward for it?

Well… how about fishing out himself?


Returning home, Lin Fan gave Wang Dong a call and learned that the lecturer was not really asking about him, and thought that it was basically the only good news.

Hence, deliberately picking a period when the old lecturer was present, he went to the laboratory to show his face and farm some presence points. In what time he had aside from that, he would run off to move bricks.

After all, he was penniless!

And since he was penniless, he had to work!

Otherwise, he wouldn't get to eat…

It was fortunate that though Lin Fan had lost his inner strength, his physical strength, endurance and whatnot were now all better than when he had inner strength. That was why his brick-moving efficiency increased, enabling him to move beyond a thousand bricks in a single day…

That, to Lin Fan, was very much a huge pile of cash.

"Looks like that wastrel wasn't entirely wasting…"

If he earns a thousand bucks per day, wouldn't he earn thirty thousand in a month? Of course, he would have to cut that down by half since the wastrel definitely would not work, just as he would need to do other things instead of moving bricks every day.

Still, even if he only earned ten thousand a month… that was more than enough, since his monthly living expenses were less than a thousand.

But considering the wastrel's existence… Lin Fan estimated that ten thousand was not much.

Who knows what else she would destroy?


Come nightfall, Lin Fan would always read some novels about immortals.

Though those were just novels, they were filled with imagination. Lin Fan had the feeling that the more he read, the more he would broaden his ideas and opinions—with that, he would have an easier time when he was in Qi Zixiao's body?

As for cultivation…

Cultivate what?!

All the internal strength he developed was crippled by that wastrel in disdain.


All he could do was tamely wait as she cultivated in his stead…

Of course, he would also have to remember to leave a message for that tigress.


On the third day, Lin Fan woke up and watched the news… when there was a new development about the lake jumper!

While 'his' corpse was not fished out yet, a steel box was recovered, inside of which was a skeleton!

Clearly, someone had been put in the box and dumped under Swan Lake a long time ago.

The police were highly concerned about the incident, just as the citizens of C City were commentating away about it. It was even alleged that if Lin Fan's 'corpse' was not found in another several days, they would have to come up with a solution to drain the lake.

As a matter of fact, the mobile phone shop owner was on the news too.

The reason was because he claimed that he encountered 'the man who drowned himself in the lake', and was now suffering from a high fever…

Having watched the news, Lin Fan's reaction was: _(¦3」∠)_

"It's getting messier."

He rubbed his head, unsure of what to do just then.

"I could only hope that the wastrel would listen in the future and don't cause so much trouble. Otherwise…"

"I have no idea how I'm supposed to fix those stuff up."

How long has it been? Less than a month and there were already so many troubles, each messier than the next.

Like a bundle of tangled threads, it could neither be cut, and fixing it would only make things messier.

There really was no telling what could happen if this continued…

Even if he had encountered enough wonders recently, Lin Fan still felt flustered.

After combing through the 'letters' he left Qi Zixiao to ensure he missed nothing, Lin Fan leaned on his sofa, quietly waiting until the time arrived…

As for the phones… where could he put them other than other holding them?

The tea table?

Its corpse had gone cold!


Another transmigration.

Feeling the phones between her fingers, Qi Zixiao gently tapped on the power button, nodding in satisfaction when she saw the mobile phone screen brighten.

"It's fixed? Not bad…"

Familiarly opening the phone album, she found a video Lin Fan left as she expected, and opened it indifferently.


In the video, Lin Fan spoke sincerely and heartfeltly to the mirror, "Could you be a little inconspicuous?"

"I won't ask you to work, but I'm begging you, don't be such a show-off. And another thing, phones are not waterproof. Not waterproof. Not waterproof…"

"You could move around as you like and eat the good stuff, but don't be such a show-off."

'Not waterproof?


'You don't want me earning money?'

Qi Zixiao snorted coldly.

'Who are you belittling?

'Who doesn't know how to earn money?

'Do I, Qi Zixiao, look like the type of person who owes others favors?'