
Don’t You Mess Around

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

'I just have to work!

'Earning more money quicker than you could.'

Without further ado, Qi Zixiao recalled Heaven and Earth Divination.

Over the last few days, she had completely thrown away the cultivation of her tier and the Celestial Lightning Blade, focusing entirely on Heaven and Earth Divination.

That was why she had gained a great understanding of the Heaven and Earth Divination technique.

It was a divining technique that was considered 'horrific', and it was alleged that there was nothing that could not be foreseen after developing it to profound heights.

However, developing it to profound heights was not so simple. Aside from the support of outstanding cultivation, one would also have to possess enough talent.

Still, according to Qi Zixiao's understanding of herself, she was not too bound to that field, which was why there was no way she could develop it to profound levels.

On the other hand, using it to foresee certain matters concerning ordinary people would not be a problem, even as a novice.

"Perhaps Fang Wu knows that my divination was nothing outstanding, which was why he was not worried about giving out the Heaven and Earth Divination?"

In truth, even Qi Zixiao was puzzled that she would so easily obtain the Heaven and Earth Divination. She had assumed that she would have to visit him personally, even using both favor and coercion to get it, which left her confused that things were surprisingly smooth and easy.

"Forget it. Who cares about him? Right now, I have to train in the Heaven and Earth Divination to novice level, although three days are still too short."

She did not even hesitate further, and promptly crossed her legs on the sofa, entering a state of meditation.

The Heaven and Earth Divination was no cultivation, and training to become a novice did not require Spirit Qi. As long as one knew the method and tried to 'match' it a little, one would count as a novice.

To put it simply, it could be regarded as a mnemonic chant for divination.

Memorizing the 'mnemonic chant' and then feeling it out, learning the general idea of how to use it—would she not become a novice with that?

As for the later phases… she could not train in it without Spirit Qi. She would not master it either since did not have the talent for it.


Early the next morning, after Qi Zixiao made herself some cup noodles, the light of someone passing by flashed through her eyes.


"And now…"

Whipping out his phone and turning on the news feed, she searched for the 'wanted order' that Wu Guodong had sent her before, and enlarged the criminal's mugshot.

Then, Qi Zixiao used the divination art of Heaven and Earth Divination, foreseeing and projecting according to the man's appearance.

Soon, her eyes narrowed and she left the house.

"Found him. Going along this direction should be right, yes?"

Getting a general direction was simpler than what she imagined. Now that she had also learnt Fluid Body, it was enough for this world even if she was still miserably weak.

Be that as it may, Qi Zixiao certainly would not hesitate to rush towards the direction she foresaw.

Her journey took most of the day, and that was after she had dashed away at full speed!

And then…


Qi Zixiao was rather taken aback.

After all… it was Swan Lake right before her!

"If my senses were right, it was lakeside?"

So, was she absolutely wrong before?

Whatever happens, she has to find that person and capture him, and contact Wu Guodong to receive her reward directly!

Qi Zixiao continued ahead according to the direction she divined, and found that Swan Lake was much bleaker than before.

However, the location where she previously jumped into the lake and the surface was much livelier. Several boats were sailing back and forth as well, and there was no telling what they were fishing for.

After slightly extending her senses, her gaze… fell upon the surface of the lake.

Where she foresaw was right there!

Of course, her quarry definitely had dressed themselves up, and it was difficult to tell from appearances alone.

Still, Qi Zixiao had reached novice mastery of the Heaven and Earth Divination, although her qi-gazing technique was very basic.

So-called 'qi-gazing' was to view a person's essence, qi, and spirit.

To put it more abstractly, she could see a person's conditions, as well as a general past and future…

For example, if a person was lacking qi and essence, they clearly were advanced in years.

And now, the spirit, qi, and essence of most of the people over the lake were within normal boundaries, but only a single person's head was scarlet with sinister and grievance auras.

The person was a man sporting facial hair.

His upper arms were bare and his muscles were pronounced, and he was working with someone to fish something out with a net…

"That's him!"

Hair could be trim, faces could be changed, but qi could not be altered. In Qi Zixiao's perspective, he must have murdered several people!

Even as she kept looking closely, Qi Zixiao unwittingly approached the fences.

In turn, the police who were chatting and the people on the recovery boat noticed her…

And then…

"What the hell!!!"

One of the workers suddenly exclaimed in shock, his face dropping as he broke out in cold sweat. "You guys… could see him too?"

Confused, the other people nearby looked in the direction where he was pointing his finger, and became petrified when they saw what he did.

"Is it him?"

"No, you mean it..."

"What the hell, showing up in broad daylight… it's a seriously bad omen! A bad omen!!!"

"This job… I can't do it anymore. I have to go."

What did they see?!

It's the exact same figure they had seen jumping into the lake!!!

Everything from his hairstyle, his clothing, his shoes to his socks was all identical!

"Oh my gosh!"

Their faces went pale, and they were shivering despite being grown men. All they could feel was cold winds whooshing over their napes and creeping under their clothes!

"Oh my… he climbed up the fence again!"

"Is he going to jump? Again?"

"I knew it! I heard from some old folks that water spirits—especially ones that died with grievances cannot reincarnate. They would relive their deaths again and again, until they get a replacement…"

"What the hell? You guys, stop talking. I don't want to hear a goddamn word."

All of them were bristling and afraid to approach at all. Even their exchanges were very, very hushed.

Naturally, the police noticed Qi Zixiao, and were very frightened too.

"What is going on?!"


"Is he human or… a spooky thing?"

"Bleh. We're the cops—we shall be scientific and be grounded in reality. Hurry up, stop him…"

"That's right. Even if it's real, it's still the middle of the afternoon… there's no way it's possible, right?"

They were all very frightened.

But unable to retreat where duty calls, all of them rushed forward.

One of them even found that figure rather familiar…

Even so, there was no need to think about that now, and he darted towards the figure at once.

After all, it did not matter whether it was human or something else. This matter needed solving, and anything else could wait after this was settled.


But as they got close, one of them directly whipped out his gun out of fear, "Don't you mess around…"

Everyone: "…"