
What Did They Get Themselves Into?!

Hitoshi Shinsou has always been the class insomniac. Katsuki Bakugou has always been the class hothead. Izuku Midoriya has always been the class cinnamon roll. None of them are friends. That's the way it's always been! Right?! Only a handful of people know what really goes on when they're not in the dorms. What will Aizawa do when he finds out the truth behind those 'innocent' acts?

Legally_Stupid · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs



Shinsou POV:

While waking up, I feel someone in my arms. Thinking back, it hits me. Dad saw us last night... He saw us at work. He had a panic attack, got sick, and wouldn't let me touch him. He hasn't showered yet. Probably feels gross. There's no way we coulda convinced him to shower last night. I'll wait for him to wake up. He needs the sleep. During that time, I quietly talk to Zuzu and Suki about our plans for the day, and what to do with Dad.

Around an hour-ish later, he wakes up. It takes a second for him to realize where he is, and when it sinks in, he starts shaking again.

"Hey, hey. It's ok, we promise. Do you want me to let go, or stay?" I ask cautiously. His head whips around when he hears me.

"You can let go... Can I have some water please? And a shower? I feel gross..." It breaks my heart to see my own dad scared of me. Slowly letting go, I sit up and get some clothes for him to change into. He's bigger than the other two, so their clothes are out. Thinking for a second, I realized that he's smaller than me! He'll fit my stuff and be comfy!! Grabbing the softest stuff I can find, I usher him into the small bathroom.

"Let's get him some food and water. He cried a lot last night while getting sick. He's probably dehydrated and hungry."

"What should we do today? We figured out what, but we need to know details. It's the middle of the day, and we have to wear some sort of facial covering in order to find the house. Then we have to let the poor woman know what we did..." We continued talking out the logistics about the day while making food.

Aizawa POV:

After I took a long shower, I sat there staring at my reflection. How did I not realize my own son was the leader of Skull? And that TWO OTHER STUDENTS were with him? He's been suffering through this his whole life. Why didn't he tell me? Oh... 'Hey Dad! You know that notoriously ruthless gang? Well, I'm the head of it. Have been since I was sold as a 7th grader, cause I had to repay my parent's debt! I know you're a PRO HERO, as well as Papa, but please don't arrest me! You should also know, two of your other students are in it as well. It was either join me, or die. RG is in on it as well! She's known as Medicinal. Ya know, the person who helps heal us when shot, OR WORSE! Haha!' That's why he couldn't tell me... it would be the end of everything he worked so hard to make. He didn't have a choice in all this. Neither did Bakugou or Midoriya... I don't know what to do in this situation... I WATCHED, with my own eyes, the three boys slaughter people while laughing. After a few minutes, I realized that they were talking about something.

Leaning closer, it was about what to do with the day, and me. They weren't saying anything about hurting me, just how to help me feel better. The fact that they still had some loose ends from last night to tie up. Thinking it was better to just leave the bathroom, I put my hand on the doorknob.

"We need to tell the others in the area to back up. They're getting a little too close to our playground. They know the rules. We don't go in their space, they don't go in ours. It's time we pay them a visit as well. Make a show about it. Heads on spikes, guts in streets, blood as paint. They know the consequences of their actions."

Well shit! That just makes everything worse. It's one thing seeing the leftovers of their jobs on my shifts. It's another to know what their actions are going to be. Better just act like I didn't hear that. Opening the door, they quiet down. Going over to the table, there's my favorite food. They're trying to make up for last night.

"Looks good boys. Good job." with that, we silently eat.

"Hey Dad? We have to leave for a few...errands...we'll be back later today to answer any questions you might have. We promise that it'll be to the best of our ability, or knowledge. Are you ok with us leaving? Do you need anything? There's a few games and stuff on the TV stand. We play them sometimes when bored. There's more food and drinks in the fridge. Feel free to do whatever you want. Just don't leave. Until we get home, it's best not to contact us unless it's an emergency. Please don't text anyone else today either. We haven't updated the jammer, so it won't work on your phone yet. There's a burner in the stand as well, use that when you absolutely have to." Toshi says while washing dishes and looking over his shoulder.

I just nod in acknowledgement.

Shinsou POV:

After we finished cleaning up, Zuzu checked on Dad one last time.

"Come on guys, masks on, hoods up." After saying that, we put on our 'day masks', just simple black ones with a small skull in the corner, and optional voice changers. Sparring Dad on last look, we walked out the door and locked it behind us.

Suki speaks up, while counting his fingers "Ok, first, find RedEye's house. Second, explain everything. Third, go back for 'sorting'. Fourth, answer questions. Fifth, go back to 'M' and get refills. Any questions and/or objections?" he finishes while looking at us. We both shake our heads.

The walk to the house is longer than we thought it would be. We were getting into the area between nice and scary. The 'Middle' zone, as it's called in the underground. Eventually, we walked up the front steps of the house. It's a nice one floor, soft brown, and light green house. Looks very comfy. Telling the other two to turn on the masks, I knocked on the door. The duffle bag I'm carrying is getting heavier every moment, but it's disrespectful to put it on the floor in our line of work. The one Zuku is carrying looks a lot lighter. After a few seconds, the door opens.

"Hello, sorry to inconvenience you, we have something important to tell you. Would you prefer we do it out here?" I asked in my most polite voice I could muster. This part always hurts the most.

"You young boys can come in. I'll go get some tea started." the young woman started to walk to the kitchen.

"No, that won't be necessary! You probably won't want us in here much longer. It's both bad, and good, news." I replied.

"...oh...it has something to do with Jekab, right? I'm assuming something bad happened by the way you're acting. Let's go sit..."

Following her into what looked like a living room, we all sat where she pointed, heads down.

"We both knew what he was getting into when he started. You can tell me whatever it is. I'm already assuming the worst has happened. You can tell me, I won't do anything until the whole story is out." She said with a sad smile.

"Are you aware of the Skull group?" she nodded. "That's us... his group was sent to try and attack the 'guest' we had last night. He tried to talk them out of it, but they didn't listen to his pleas. He was the only one to gain our respect during the fight... as our protocol, we are returning him, and his belongings, to you. We also carry his last wish." I looked at her tear soaked face. She nodded telling me to continue. "I'm thinking you now know what's in the bags... the one 2 is carrying is his belongings. The one I'm holding is him. We will pay for whatever you want to be done with his body. Cremation, burial, donation, etc."

"He wanted to be donated. Please do that. I don't want to look at what remains of him, but I'll take the bag with his stuff." She started cooly. "I'm taking a wild guess here. He was also given a last wish? If so, may I know what it was?"

She's taking this a lot better than some have. Probably since she was prepared for this. He did say they were back to wake up the kids. He never came back last night. "Yes ma'am. His last wish was for us to find you a better job, pay for your children's schooling, and watch you from the shadows. This will only happen if you're willing. This wasn't part of the deal, but we'll also set up an 'allowance' of sorts. It can go to whatever you want it to go to. Car, food, makeup, clothes, vacations, etc. We will be paying for your house as well." I finished and she looked me square in the eyes. She had tears in her eyes, and a soft smile on her face.

"You don't have to do the extra stuff. The others are enough. Thank you so much for giving me closure. We already had a story made up in case one of us didn't make it due to our jobs. They'll miss him a bit, but won't know what happened until they grow up." she finished sadly.

"Would you like us to stay a while? Or would you rather we leave you alone?" Izuku asked patiently. Either way, when we leave we have to give her the button.

"I'll put some tea and snacks on! We can watch a movie together. Unless you have somewhere you have to be that can't wait? Either way, I don't want you boys to leave with an empty stomach! You're all growing still!" she cheerily stood up to go to the kitchen. We all looked at each other.

"We can't eat without taking our masks off, but we can't be rude! What do we do?!?!" Izu whispered to me and Kat. I just shrugged. "I don't know." We followed her into the kitchen, just for her to surprise us.

"I just realized, you can't eat with your masks on. Silly me! I'll just make some bags for you to take with you after the movie! Can you drink through them, or no? I could always get you a straw to put up the bottom? I'll do that!" Before we could get a word in, she was already looking through drawers to get straws. Putting one in each drink, she gave them to us. Then, she turned back around to finish the food. When we tried to help, she smacked our hands away with the spoon.

We looked at each other. Doesn't she remember who we are? The question hung silently between us. We all shrugged again. When was the last time we were fussed over like this? It's kinda nice!

Midoriya POV:

After a while, we were finally able to leave the nice lady's house, while by the door, we showed her a small button with a skull on it. If she ever needs us there, she just needs to push it. We explained all the ways it worked and answered a few questions for her. She insisted we call her Lizzie instead of ma'am, and that we come by once every other month for a movie night. Laughing, we all agreed, and to plan it, gave her a burner.

 "Ok! Now we go to the 'sorting' sight. Let's go! It's almost noon! We promised 0 we'd answer stuff, and still have a lot to do after that." I started playfully pushing them back to the 'dark' area. It took a little while, but we managed to find the pile to sort through. Working quickly, we split them into the main groups: organs, limbs, and others. After about half an hour, we're done. Grabbing the bags with the organs and limbs, we set off for the apartment.

"Should we really leave the 'others' for him to find at work this time? That seems cruel..." Toshi speaks up.

"Yeah... I agree with mind fucker here. That's just mean. Let's go put them in a dumpster or something real quick." Kacchan replies.

Going back, we found a trashcan in the same alley, and shoved everything in there. Then, start walking to the apartment again. Going up the stairs quietly, we make sure to keep the bags behind us when we open the door.

"I was wondering how long you boys were going to take. Need help putting those bags away?" Mr. Aizawa asked without looking away from his game.

"Uuuh... No thanks Dad, you can keep playing your game. We can either answer stuff while doing this, or if you want, we can do it facing each other. However you want is fine. We got some food from the... guys wife... she thought that we needed stuff to eat since we're 'growing young men'. How she found out we're teens is beyond me..." Hitoshi replies.

"We can do it facing each other. It'll be easier to tell if you're lying. I know you said you wouldn't, but there's still a small chance you will." He states while putting down the game, and coming over to us. We try to move the bags away from him, but he just gets annoyed and grabs one anyway. "You also hold yourselves like teens when you're not paying attention. Last night, you held with power, right now, like scared kids. She's, I'm assuming from the story, a mother. Parents can pick up on that stuff. It's like we can automatically tell what's going on in your heads. Well... minus you guys. I was wrong. Now, what do I do with this?" 

Aizawa POV:

After they tell me what to do, I start to help. It was fairly simple. Just put everything in the fridge after making sure the bags were sealed. Then, we sat down while my son took out the food and put it on the table.

Shinsou POV:

"Ok, now that that's all done, we can get on with the questions. Do you mind if we ask a few as well? Or do you want this to be just you asking things? Either way is fine, this is totally up to you and what you can handle at the moment."

"We can all ask questions. I'll let you know if I can't take stuff anymore. I assume we can both skip some? Also, this lady is a very good cook. Do you know what she used for the sauce?" Dad said after a few seconds. "First, I know you said how you guys ended up like this, but you seemed to be very interested in killing those people. Do you enjoy what you do?"

We all seemed to be a little tense at that question. The three of us looked at each other, then down to the floor. Do I enjoy it? I've been doing this for a while now...I guess I just got used to it...But...I did have fun last night... We looked at each other again, and they nodded at me to confirm it. "Yes. We got used to it, so might as well try to have some fun in this, right? When I killed my first person, it was out of self-defense. I was in a ring, and wanted food, and to live. If I lost, even just by a little bit, I was starved, and beaten, until I won another one. When Zuzu did, he had a worse reaction than you did. Went completely mute and wouldn't look at anyone for a month. Kat went into a slight panic after the adrenalin wore off, but then later said it would be part of hero work, and he needed to get used to it either way. I did take it the best though. Why were you so ok with all the stuff that happened in the market?"

"It was definitely the worst one I've ever been in, that's for sure. Being underground means you see a lot of things that light heroes don't ever see. For instance - I've seen the remains of your 'jobs', it's just something I have to live with. The ones that I usually go to don't have human butchers, well ranked villains, slaves, specially made orders, or organized groups. Just low-level thugs, drugs, and poorly made weapons. Just threw me for a loop for a sec, ya know? Why is RG Medicinal?" He asked before taking another bite.

"She was actually a last-minute, about to die thing. People know which one of us is which because of the colors and voices. 

Since Izu makes plans, they wanted to get them out of him. He had a few stab wounds through to the bone, along with some broken things. Never did get that info.

Since I'm the one who fights, they had to get me out of the game as fast as possible. Ended up with broken arms and legs. Some came through the skin in a few spots. I also had a concussion. They ended up dumping the two of us in the middle of the street not far from the center of town a few days later. When we walked back to the school, she caught us on the way to the dorms.

They spent weeks torturing him. Chunks of his muscles missing, broken bones, concussion, stab wounds, electrocuted, waterboarded, and some more that he won't tell us about. They dumped him in the same place after. We found him cause he borrowed a phone to call us. She came with to help. She never asked questions until a month after we were fully healed. Then, she just kinda forced us to let her help. That's part of why no one sees us shirtless, even in the locker room, or super hot days when everyone else has taken their shirts off." Suki explained. I looked down trying to not remember everything that happened in those weeks. That's a story for another time. "Why have you been helping us so far?" Katsuki asked.

"I have absolutely no idea. If they find out, RGs hero license is on the line. So is mine. I don't know..."

The questions went on for a bit longer, occasionally skipping some. After we finished eating, we did the dishes, grabbed the bags, and set off for school. Once we got there, we headed straight for Chiyo's office. She was a little upset at us for letting Dad see and hear everything he did, but understood why we had to do it. After giving everyone a quick check-up, she took our bags from us to store for while we were in the room, and refilled our supplies. Thanking her, we took our bags and left for my house. Since we didn't want to put Dad through anything more, I sent Kat to the market to get rid of everything we had, and told him to meet us. Once we got there, I sent Izuku to my room to grab supplies to bring to the living room. Taking Dad to his room, I had him get into the shower and comfy clothes. Afterwards, bringing him out to help us make the fort. After giving Izu and Kat some clothes, we all settled into the fort with blankets, snacks, and movies. Pops came up from the basement halfway through the second one, and joined in with us. Eventually they all fell asleep, and I made sure our alarm for school was turned on. Laying down, sleep took over me quickly.