
What Did They Get Themselves Into?!

Hitoshi Shinsou has always been the class insomniac. Katsuki Bakugou has always been the class hothead. Izuku Midoriya has always been the class cinnamon roll. None of them are friends. That's the way it's always been! Right?! Only a handful of people know what really goes on when they're not in the dorms. What will Aizawa do when he finds out the truth behind those 'innocent' acts?

Legally_Stupid · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


🚧Gore/Throwing Up/Panic Attack🚧

3rd POV:

The three boys instantly were communicating with each other, following Bakugou's lead.

"Formation 3.5 number 5!" a robotic voice yelled out.

Midoriya got out a few shuriken and a dagger. Bakugou pulled out throwing knives and metal staff. And, lastly, Shinsou had a scythe and a gun. The weapons all had a matte black base with corresponding green, orange, and purple highlights.

As they did this, they all got into fighting stances while shifting to protect Aizawa, who was confused as to where they got those from. He didn't know what to do since this wasn't his fight. Help? Stand back? Just as he goes to help, he's pushed back into the middle. "Stay back 0, this is our shit to deal with. Take these though!" Bakugou says to him while handing him a set of pure black daggers.

Shinsou POV:

Shit shit shit shit!!!! Juuust our luck! We have MY DAD with us and someone comes to try and fucking kill us?!?!?! THE ONE TIME WE'RE NOT ALONE! Goddamnit! Ok. Calm down. Listen to Kat, he knows what to do here. He even gave Dad something already.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? It seems like Skull has a 0 right now! What would you do if we decided to snatch them away from you? Cry? I bet you'd cry!!" One of the dumbasses started. Is that seriously all they could come up with? I just rolled my eyes, waiting for Kat's directions.

Just as I thought that, he yelled out in a middle level voice, while moving his staff to a spear-like position, and his knives to his chest, dropping lower "FIVE NINE" There it is!

"FOUR EIGHT" Izu yells back slightly higher pitched, while putting his dagger by his head, and the stars to his side, standing up slightly.

"THREE SEVEN" I finish off with a deep voice, while standing straight with the scythe standing upright with the blade above my head, and the gun pointing straight at them.

The weapons and voices must've made them realize which one was which, since they stared at me, and backed away from Kat.


"Hey now, 3. What did I say about teasing the prey you haven't caught yet?" I laughed. The group of men just stared at us as we started our 'childish bickering' with each other, even tossing a few things at each other. There's about 10 of them. Three of us. Protecting one. If we follow the number 5 call, then we should have them right where we want them in a minute. God I LOVE this number!!!

"GUYS!! Aren't we supposed to be on the same team here? I thought we all talked about this after last time." Midoriya started trying to calm us down.

Kat and I let out exaggerated sighs before saying "Yes mom!"

"10, 3, 1, 3.5, 5" I finally said as we turned to the group who were too stunned by watching the scariest group around argue like little kids, then the leader got in trouble.

"YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR FACES RIGHT NOW!!! AAHAHAHHA!" Kat started laughing again. Shortly followed by Zuku and then finally me.

"Hey, we tried giving you an out ya know? You totally could've at least tried to run away. Save yourself some dignity. Go down with a fight? You know we return bodies to their groups, and even deliver last words to someone you needed to say goodbye to, that is if you tried fighting. If you die like cowards, we leave you in the street, for all to see. Or we can sell your organs. They're a pretty good price nowadays." I finally told them while we all deadpanned. "There's no shame in wanting to live."

"But now you're MINE to play with, don't forget that!" Suki said with a crazed look in his eyes.

Aizawa POV:

What. The. Fuck? I always heard they played games with their 'prey' but didn't know the extent that they went to. First, shouting out numbers. Then, showing their weapons (where did they even get those from??). Letting themselves be talked down to. Then more numbers, while moving, all while showing off their voices and keeping eye contact. Then taunting them and calling them prey?? Then acting like children. Letting the 'leader' get in trouble? Taunting them again. Explaining to them what they just did. Then '3' starts CLAIMING them.

We knew that they'd carry out a few last wishes if you earned their respect while dying. The rest... well... I usually found what remained of them during my patrols.

I heard them talking more. They're still doing stuff to them?!?! They're not even using their quirks!!

3rd POV:

As the three boys sat there taunting the larger group, they started to 'let down their guards' a bit, relaxing their stances and grips. Still aware of where Aizawa was the whole time. They went through the group and named all of their codenames. Staring each one of them in the eyes as they did.

After he got bored, Bakugou finally rolled his eyes. "I thought they were miiiine!" He whined out. He looked at them, "I'll give you 30 seconds to run. Anywhere you want! Away, to us, to attack us. Whatever you wish to do!! I'll even let you get a few hits in during that time!!! But! Once that time's up, your asses are MINE! Got that?" He said the end part with a cute head tilt. Once again, Aizawa was terrified.

The men looked at each other and agreed. Bakugou started counting out loud, like a small child would. "One one thousand... Two one thousand..."

Some of the men ran away to get help. Some ran for fear of what would happen to them if they stayed. A few ran forward to take him up on his offer.

"Ten one thousand... Eleven one thousand..." He continued while the three were being relentlessly attacked from all sides, still standing strong. This went on for a while.

"Twenty-nine one thousand... Thirty one thousand!!!! My turn!!" He giggled while hitting a few with his staff, breaking their legs both ways. The men screamed out in agony, now unable to move.

Bakugou POV:

As I was having fun taking down everyone around me, I turned to see how my friends and teacher were holding up. Aizawa was frozen in the spot between us. Toshi was making heads roll with his scythe. Deku was having fun with throwing stars at throats. I was probably doing the most damage out of us three. My laughs just sounded scarier because of the mask, and I'm sure it was making my face scarier as well. I could only IMAGINE what we looked like right now!!! Three people killing those around them, with a frozen person in the middle. Heads and other limbs were severed. Screams and cries filled the air. THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!!!!

Eventually, we made it to the leader of the little group. I had broken his legs, but left his arms alone. As we walked closer, Toshi put a hand up to stop me and Zuzu.

RedEye's POV:

These people are MONSTERS! They're just laughing and having fun?? I TOLD Boss it was a bad idea to do this!! Why didn't he listen to me for once? Now we were all dying in this sick, twisted way. By far, 3 was the scariest one. The way their laughs echoed off the walls of the street, and their eyes behind the mask... Enough to give me nightmares if I end up living. Doubt it.

 I jump out of my thoughts when 1 walks up to me. I would back up if my legs moved. I did try to put up a fight. But it barely did anything to them. They looked me straight in the eyes. Then spoke.

"You're the leader of this mission, right? You put up a good fight. Even tried to talk everyone else into going back to base. You're a good man for that. Putting their lives above orders, no matter the consequences that surely would meet you there. I respect you. Even 3 does! So, what are your last words or wishes? You've heard the rumors. We carry out the last will of those who fought well. We will even return the bodies of those who also fought hard. The rest... well you don't need to know that part."

I sat there in thought for a minute. Wait! I got it!

"My wife and children. Only my wife knows what I do...it was all to pay for their schooling...even she has a...less than...favorable job. We both leave after the kids are asleep, and come back just in time to wake them up..." I could feel the tears running down my cheeks at the thought of never seeing them again, "All I ask is that you give all the money in my room at the base to her. And break the news yourselves...I would ask you to pay for everything...to watch over them...but not everyone has that kind of time or money...I would also like to see the faces, and hear the stories of those who kill me. Since I'm going to my grave, it's also an opportunity to get something off your chest as well." After I finished, I looked up to see all but 0's face uncovered. What I saw before me was three children... what did they do to deserve this life??

"Is that all you wish? You can ask for more if you'd like." 2 urged me.

"Yes, that's all I ask for..."

Then, the three sat and talked with me for a while on the details of my wishes. Where the base was, where my room and house were. My name. They even told me they would find a good school to send them to through highschool. That they would even find my wife a good job, so she wouldn't have to do that anymore. That they would watch from the shadows to make sure they were all safe. I'm so happy!! I can feel the smile on my face. Even when I watched them pile together the bodies of my fallen friends. We would be returned to where we came from.

They told me a few things from their lives that lead them to this.

They then asked how I would like to die. I asked to be beheaded by the scythe, as I thought it would be the quickest and least painful way. The last thing I saw was the blade coming closer.

Shinsou POV:

After I beheaded the man before me, we put our masks back on, and had a moment of silence for those who lost their lives tonight.

Once that was finished, we started to sort the bodies into piles. Those who fought were still intact, so we could return them. Those who didn't were in a heap of limbs and organs. Moving that pile into an alleyway, we put our weapons away, and pulled out body bags to place those to return in. I turned to find Dad as white as a sheet and shaking like a leaf. I went over to him, making sure to keep slow movements and stay in his line of sight. When I got to him, he looked so scared. Scared to let me touch him. I picked up on that and coaxed him to sit against a wall. I made sure to shield his eyes from the cleanup behind me.

He was having a panic attack.

"Hey... I need you to tell me some stuff you can hear, ok?

As soon as he tried to talk, he bent over, throwing up. I could hear his strangled sobs as he kept vomiting. I couldn't try to touch him cause it might make it worse.

After a while he calmed down enough to talk. When he looked around, everything was cleaned up. After talking to the other two, we decided it was best to bring him back to our place since it was closest. Opening the door, we put him on the pullout that he made us buy, and got some pillows and blankets that he also made us buy. Once we gave him a glass of water and he fell asleep, we left again. We had bodies to return, and a family to find, afterall.

After about 30 minutes of us walking, we found the base. I went up and knocked on the door. Waiting for it to open up, we had a light conversation. When the door opened, they tried slamming it closed again. Wrong move. Suki's staff was already blocking it from closing. Waltzing in, we stated why we were there.

"We have a delivery for you kind people. We had a lot of fun with the gifts you sent us! Unfortunately, we broke them." Kat started off.

"Yes, but we need to find the room of one 'RedEye'. He's the one that got our respect, so we have to do a few things for him. We suggest you cooperate with us, or we will just do to you what we did to your friends. We don't want trouble! Just in and out. There's no reason anyone should lose their life here." Izu finished.

The man looked at me and I just stared at him. That was my job during this stuff. Silent intimidation. Most people don't like the fact that I'm taller than them, have dead eyes, and the Skull mask (usually my scythe out as well, just for fun~). I only speak if needed. Then, I will bid them goodbye. After a small staredown, with me winning, he complied. When we got into the room he led us to, we put down his fallen men. After that he had us follow him to the room. Looking around, we picked up everything we thought would be valuable/sentimental, and put it in a duffle bag that was on the bed.

We decided that it would be better to find his wife during the daytime. So, we went back to the apartment. When we walked in, we could hear Dad crying to himself. Walking with heavy steps so he knew we were there, we got him some more water. Setting it on the table by the couch, Izu and Suki got him to sit up and drink it while I showered to get the blood off. Once I was done, they went to clean up. Sitting on the bed, I offered my arms out to him. Hesitantly, he took the hug. We ended up laying down with him passed out in my arms. The other two would just have to sleep on the floor.